Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты
Информация - Разное
Другие материалы по предмету Разное
с есть загородный дом около озера; Я не выношу людей, которые любят командовать.
Would you feel embarrassed if you … your mothers birthday?
If I find a job, I (not to look for) another one.
Yesterday he (to get up) at 8 o'clock.
Kate spended her last holiday in Rome.
How long does Ali study English?
When I was at school, I have been studying Spanish for seven years.
The children like playing … the beach.
The country is governed … Parliament.
Have you ever done anything … the law?
Hospital, beach, woods, river.
I cannot sing, Elsie explained.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 8
- Translate into Russian: Wed like a table for two; After graduating from college, he immediately started working in the theatre; Jo and Phil dont see eye to eye with each other.
- Translate into English: Белый; в прошлом месяце; Светило солнце, и мы пошли на пляж; По работе мне приходится консультировать клиентов.
- Give a synonym to the word: To study; Fond of something; Significant.
- Give an antonym to the word: Wet; Ordinary level (“o” level); Important.
- Fill in a suitable word: There arent … flowers in the living room.
I can't … you any money. I don't have much. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
Jane (to fall) in love with Paul when she was sixteen.
Usually I (to travel) on foot. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
Do you can type?
I like my job that its interesting.
I wouldnt have married her unless I didnt love her. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
We go out … Fridays.
What sort of information are you interested …?
John has applied … the post of a sales representative. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
Beef, lamb, pork, potatoes. - Fill in the necessary form of the auxiliary verb:
I was busy and … go to the party.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 9
- Translate into Russian: We like playing tennis; There is no smoke without fire; They adopted a policy of neutrality.
- Translate into English: Путешествовать автостопом; Кто-то хочет поговорить с тобой; Сидней пользуется своим двуязычным словарем каждый день и всегда носит его в своей сумке; Она не знала, что он приходит домой поздно.
- Give a synonym to the word: Skinny; Accurately; Expensive.
- Give an antonym to the word: Safe; To marry; Distant future.
- Fill in a suitable word: … New Year!
My father will pull … to get me a good job. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
Who the telephone (to invent) by?
It (to rain) the whole evening. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
We stayed on a four stars hotel.
I have met Alf when I was walking home.
The teacher made us to do a lot of homework. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
There is a lamp … the table.
You should go … passport control.
Ill speak to Mr. Byrd … is an estate agent. - Write down the word that suits the description.
your mother and father - Write down the sentence in the indirect speech.
Dont go there after dark, Ronald advised me.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 10
- Translate into Russian: An hour later a taxi arrived to take her to the station; At the age of sixteen, British boys and girls can go to a college for vocational training; This dress is too expensive for me.
- Translate into English: Апельсиновый сок; Какие овощи вы хотите? Идет сильный снег; Компьютер выключился, и я потерял весь документ.
- Give a synonym to the word: To tour; Principal (прилагат.); Indulgent.
- Give an antonym to the word: Expensive; At work; Peaceful.
- Fill in a suitable word: Can I … these shoes on?
Kate goes to same class as I do. She is my … . - Fill in the right form of the verb:
What you (to have) for breakfast yesterday?
He (to read) He newspaper, when I came in. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
Whos coat is this?
Neither Tim nor Dawn doesnt like tennis.
My brother was fined of illegal parking. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
My mother works … home.
Welcome … England!
In the town … I was born there were no theatres and museums. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
To chat, to talk, to see, to speak. - Fill in the necessary form of the auxiliary verb: When … this castle built?
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 11
- Translate into Russian: What was the hotel like? The post you have applied for involves a lot of travelling; The best thing about her is that she is so sensitive and considerate.
- Translate into English: Дайте мне, пожалуйста, кусок торта; Пройди мимо магазина и иди по второй улице справа; В котором часу твой брат приходит домой? Я не думаю, что это достойное дело.
- Give a synonym to the word: To clean ones teeth; To focus on something; To say (a word).
- Give an antonym to the word: Tall; Residentia; To pass (an exam).
- Fill in a suitable word: Here is your ticket and … card.
? What time is … ?
? It is 3 o'clock. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
I could (to read) when I was five.
What … you (to look for)? - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
Ive got a headpain.
He asked me dont mention it.
Yesterday they goes to the theartre. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
I have eggs and coffee … breakfast.
I met John yesterday … lunchtime.
Alice was promoted … the post of the computer Manager. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
Chemists, flower shop, bakers, dining room. - Paraphrase the sentence using a phrasal verb:
Take a seat!
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 12