Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты

Информация - Разное

Другие материалы по предмету Разное

he (to pass) his driving exam.
Yesterday I (to see) him off.

  • Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
    There isnt any Chinese students in our group.
    I have never been in Africa.
    They are working for two hours.
  • Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
    When did you go … holiday?
    Some snakes are fed … rabbits and small birds.
    Which party is now … power?
  • Write down the word that suits the description.
    your sons and daughters
  • Paraphrase the sentence using a phrasal verb:
    The butcher made the prices higher.



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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 33


    1. Translate into Russian: When do you have tea? Can I make an appointment with the dentist? If the accused is found guilty of murder, the sentence may be at least ten years in prison.
    2. Translate into English: Сейчас половина пятого; Лондон больше Мадрида? Я заплатил двести двадцать долларов за этот пиджак; В своем докладе я собираюсь сосредоточить свое внимание на проблемах благотворительных организаций.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: To book a room; To be in charge; Delicious (about food).
    4. Give an antonym to the word: To find; To dislike; Harm.
    5. Fill in a suitable word: When do you … dinner?
      I cant … jealous people.
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb:
      I (to fly) to Morocco by Pan-am last summer.
      My job involves (to write).
    7. Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
      We saw Peter in Monday.
      How long have you knowed Mary?
      How many French books have you been reading?
    8. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
      She is holding some flowers … her left hand.
      The man … car I was mending was very rich.
      The bicycle is … guarantee, so you can have a free repair.
    9. Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
      mother, aunt, nephew, doctor
    10. Fill in the necessary form of the auxiliary verb:
      The final match … be played next Sunday.





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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 34


    1. Translate into Russian: Jane is Simon and Marys daughter; Chinese markets have a large variety of vegetables; Policemen who leave the force often become private detectives.
    2. Translate into English: Мои братья студенты; медовый месяц; Мне хотелось бы устроить пикник; Тони не очень общительный. Он избегает вечеринок.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: To rain heavily; To accuse somebody of a crime; Important.
    4. Give an antonym to the word: To get up; To get on the train; Success.
    5. Fill in a suitable word: Are you … tall as Mark?
      I cant … jealous and mean people.
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb:
      Felix (not to have) to do the ironing.
      Look! It (to rain).
    7. Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
      Jeremy never used drink whisky.
      Has he ever ate oysters?
      I came here for to speak to you.
    8. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
      Sandy likes listening … music.
      British men dont show enough appreciation … the women.
      One of the disadvantages … being a teacher is a low salary.
    9. Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
      hairdresser, teacher, travel agent, wife
    10. Write down the sentence in the indirect speech.
      I have studied French for 5 years, Rosie said.





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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 35


    1. Translate into Russian: Have a nice flight! We didnt have to study Economics it was an optional subject; Is this book the one he told you about?
    2. Translate into English: Зонт; Сколько в банке кофе? Я ищу черный шерстяной джемпер; В этот раз я не забыл сохранить документ и сделать запасную копию на дискете.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: Illness; To expire; A table at school.
    4. Give an antonym to the word: Always; Careless; Dangerous.
    5. Fill in a suitable word: I am a vegetarian. I dont eat ….
      A: What are you … for?
      B: My sunglasses.
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb:
      I wasnt at work yesterday because I didnt (to feel) well.
      Why … he (to cry)?
    7. Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
      What are you look at?
      I stayed with my aunt which is married to an American.
      I find it difficult cooking every day.
    8. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
      There are four chairs … the living room.
      Id like a ticket … Manchester.
      Alice, … face was very pleasant, danced and sang beautifully.
    9. Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
      Along, alone, across, over.
    10. Write down the word that suits the description.
      An institution of pre-school education.




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