Особенности методики физического воспитания детей дошкольного возраста юга Кыргызской Республики

Реферат - Педагогика

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»и болаларнипг мактабга тайёрлиги ўрганилди;

катта ёшдаги мактабгача таълим муассасалари болаларининг жисмоний тайёрлигини ўрганиш методикаси ишлаб чи?илди ва амалиётга тадби? этилди.

Амалий а?амияти: ?ир?из Республикасининг жанубий регионидаги табиий шароитни ?исобга олган ?олда мактабгача бўлган таълим муассасаларининг катта ёшдаги болаларни ?аракатчанлик фаоллигининг ва алохида ?олатларини ?исобга олиб, жисмоний тарбия методикасини таълим жараёнига тадби? этиш, болаларнинг жисмоний тайёргарлигини оширади, ривожланишга олиб келади ва со?лигини муста?камлайди.

Татби? этиш даражаси ва и?тисодий самарадорлиги: тад?и?от натижаларини мактабгача таълим муассасаларининг ўкув жараёнига тадби? этиш ?ўлосалари шуни кўрсатадики, мактабгача таълим муассасаларининг катта ёшдаги болаларнинг жисмоний тайёргарлигини сезиларли даражада оширади.

?ўлланиш (фойдаланиш) со?аси: ?ир?из Республикаси ?алк маорифи системасининг мактабгача таълим муассасаларидаги ўкув жараёнлари.



of M.M. Borkoshev on the scientific degree competition of the candidate of the pedagogical sciences on a specialty 13.00.04.- "Theory and methods of the education, athletic drill adaptive and sanitary physical culture". "The peculiarities of physical training methods of pre-school children in the south Kyrgyz Republic"words: physical development, moving background school mature, moving activity, national moving games.

Subject of research: educational process of physical training of children 5-7 years senior pre-school age

Purpose of work: to ground the methods of physical training of children 5-7 years pre-school institutes taking into consideration of climate conditions of South Kyrgyz Republic

Methods of research: the analysis of literary research, questioning, pedagogical observation antropometric measure, testing physical background actometria, pedagogical experience, methods of mathematical statistics.

The results obtained and their novelty: -analyzed data of interrogatory methodologists, trainers and children relatives about the conditions of physical training of pre-school institutes permitting to expose drawbacks defined the significance of physical development and moving background 5-7years; - to expose peculiarities of moving activity of children of pre-school age taking into consideration of climate condition of South Kyrgyz Republic;-researched school mature of children 5-6 years; worked out and took root in practice of physical training of children senior years of pre-school institutes.

Practical value; inculcation in educational process of the children based on the method of physical training of children senior pre school age taking into consideration moving activity and peculiarities of climate conditions of South Kyrgyz Republic allows essentially to improve an exponent of physical developments and moving backgrounds children health in whole.

Degree of embed and economic effectivity: The results of research embedded in teaching process of pre-school institutes, that mostly increased the level of physical background of pre-school and the condition of children 5-7 years on physical training.

Field of application; educational process at the pre-school institutes of peoples education system in Kyrgyz Republic.