Литература Востока в новое время. М., 1975
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- Рабочая программа по дисциплине История международных отношений на Востоке в новое, 285.05kb.
- История стран азии и африки в новое время, 212.6kb.
- Публичный доклад моу сош с. Спешнево-Ивановское, 715.09kb.
- Таджикско армянские литературные связи в новое время 10. 01. 03 Литература народов, 825.05kb.
- Положение о межрегиональной олимпиаде по регионоведению среди вузов Сибири и Дальнего, 109.81kb.
- 1. Что такое Новое время? Что отличает новое время от всех предшествующих эпох?, 604.43kb.
- Программа элективного синхронизированного курса по истории «История мировых цивилизаций, 545.7kb.
- Аннотация программы учебной дисциплины «История Китая (новое время)» Направление 032000., 117.75kb.
- Учебная программа (Syllabus) Дисциплина: История международных отношений в новое время, 224.92kb.
- Программа курса «россия и мир. Древность. Средневековье. Новое время» 10 класс (68, 153.93kb.
*Inalcik, Halil, "Military and Fiscal Transformation in the Ottoman Empire," Archivum Ottomanicum, VI (1980), 283-337
*Fleischer, Cornell, "From Sehzade Korkud to Mustafa Ali: Cultural Origins of the Ottoman Nasihatname," unpublished [still?] paper presented at the Third International Congress on the Economic and Social History of Turkey, Princeton, 1983
*Howard, Douglas, "Ottoman Historiography and the Literature of 'Decline' of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," Journal of Asian History, XXII (1988), 52-77
------- "The Ottoman Timar System and its Transformation, 1563-1656," Ph.D. diss., Indiana U., 1987
*Finkel, Caroline, The Administration of Warfare: The Ottoman Campaigns in Hungary, 1593-1606, Vienna, 1988
*Darling, Linda, "The Ottoman Finance Department in a Century of Crisis," Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1990
*Inalcik, Halil, "The Origins of the Ottoman-Russian Rivalry and the Don-Volga Canal," Annals of the University of Ankara (=Ankara Üniversitesi Dil- Tarih-Cografya Fakültesi Dergisi), 1 (1946-47), 47-106
*Kurat, Akdes Nimet, "The Turkish Expedition to Astrakhan in 1569 and the Problem of the Don-Volga Canal," Slavonic and East European Review, XL (1961), 7-23
*Bennigsen, Alexandre, "L'expedition turque contre Astrakhan en 1569 d'aprés les registres des 'affaires importantes' des archives ottomanes," Cahiers du monde russe et sovietique, XIII (1967), 427-46
*Jelavich, Barbara, History of' the Balkans: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, New York, 1983
*Rycaut, Sir Paul, The History of the Turkish Empire, 1623-1677, London, 1680 -,
-------The Present State of the Ottoman Empire, London, 1668; reprinted 1971 Anderson, Sonia P. , An English Consul in Turkey: Paul Rycaut at Smyrna, 1667- 1678, Oxford, 1989
*Barker, Thomas M., Double Eagle and Crescent: Vienna's Second Siege and its Historical Setting, Albany, NY, 1967
*Düriegl, G. , Wien 1683: Die zweite Türkenbelagerung, Vienna, 1981
*Broucek, Peter, et al., Der Sieg bei Wien 1683, Vienna-Warsaw, 1983
*Nouzille, Jean, Histoire de frontiéres, I'Autriche et 1'Empire ottoman, Paris, 1991
*Abou-el-Haj. R.A., The 1703 Rebellion and the Structure of Ottoman Politics, Istanbul, 1984 (?)
*Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, edited by Edward Halsband, vol. 1, Oxford, 1967, letters on Turkey, pp. 296-427
*De Groot, Alexander, The Ottoman Empire and the Dutch Republic: A History of the Earliest Diplomatic Relations, Leiden, 1978
*Erdbrink, G. R. Bosscha, At the Threshold of Felicity: Ottoman-Dutch Relations during the Embassy of Cornelis Calkoen at the Sublime Porte, 1726- 1744, Ankara, 1975
*Sumner, B. H., Peter the Great and the Ottoman Empire, Oxford, 1949
*Itzkowitz, Norman, and Max Mote, ed. and trans., Mubadele--An Ottoman-Russian
Exchange of Ambassadors, Chicago, 1967; exchange of ratifications of Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca, 1774
*Fisher, Alan W., The Russian Annexation of the Crimea, 1772-1783, Cambridge, 1970
*Davison, Roderic H., "'Russian Skill and Turkish Imbecility': The Treaty of Kuchuk Kainardji Reconsidered," Slavic Review, XXV (1976), 463-83
*Naff, Thomas, and Roger Owen, ed., Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History, Carbondale, 1977
*Crecelius, Daniel, The Roots of Modern Egypt: A Study of the Regimes of 'Ali Bey al-Kabir and Muhammad Bey Abu al-Dhahab, 1760-1775, Minneapolis and Chicago, 1981
*Röhrborn, Klaus, Untersuchungen zur osmanischen Verwaltungsgeschichte, Berlin, 1973
*Darling, Linda T., Revenue-Raising and Legitimacy: Tax Collection and Finance Administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560-1660, Leiden, 1996
*Majer, Hans Georg, ed. , Das Osmanische "Registerbuch der Beschwerden" (Sikayet Defteri) vom Jahre 1675, 2 vols., Vienna, 1984-
*Inalcik, Halil, "Adaletnameler," Belgeler, 11 (1965), 49-145 ("Justice Letters," issued to prohibit administrative abuses)
------, "Military and Fiscal Transformation in the Ottoman Empire," Archivum Ottomanicum, VI (1980), 283-337
*Sahillioglu, Halil, "The Income and Expenditures of the Ottoman Treasury between 1683 and 1740," Revue d'histoire maghrebine, XXV-XXVI (1982), 65- 84
*Suceska, Avdo, "Die örtlichen Verwaltungsorgane des Osmanischen Reiches bis Ende des 17. Jh. " Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, 1 (1962), 153-81; A. S. is one of Yugoslavia's best Ottoman historians. His publications are important for this period in general, not just for Yugoslavia. See also:
------"Bedeutung und Entwicklung des Begriffes A'yan im Osmanischen Reich," SF, XXV (1966), 3-26
----- "Die Entwicklung der Besteuerung durch die Avariz-i divaniye and die Tekalif-i örfiye im Osmanischen Reich wahrend des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts," SF, XXVII (1968), 89-130
*d'Ohsson, Ignatius Mouradgea, Tableau général de I'Empire ottoman, 7 vols., Paris, 1788-1824.
*Hammer, Joseph von, Des osmanischen Reichs Staatsverfassung und Stastsverwaltung, 2 vols., Vienna, 1815; reprinted 1967
*Mutafcieva, Vera P., and Str. A. Dimitrov, Sur 1'e'tat des timars des XVIle- XVIlle siécles, Sofia, 1968
*Aksan, Virginia H., An Ottoman Statesman in War and Peace: Ahmed Resmi Efendi, 1700-1783, Brill, 1995
*Rothenberg, Gunther E., and Bela K. Kiraly, ed., East Central European Society and War in the
*Pre-Revolutionary Eighteenth Century, New York, 1982
*Murphey, Rhoads, "The Functioning of the Ottoman Army under Murad IV (1623- 1639/1032-1049): Key to the Understanding of the Relationship between Center and Periphery in Seventeenth-Century Turkey," Ph.D. diss., U. of Chicago, 1979
*Levy, Avigdor, "Military Reform and the Problem of Centralization in the Ottoman Empire," Middle Eastern Studies, XVIII (1982), 227-49
*Anderson, R. C. , Naval Wars in the Levant, 1559-1853, Princeton, 1952
*Majer, Hans Georg, Vorstudien zur Geschichte der Ilmiye im Osmanischen Reich 1: Zu Usakizade, seiner Familie und seinem Zeyl-i Sakayik, Munich, 1978
*Heyd, Uriel, "The Ottoman Ulema and Westernization in the Age of Selim III and Mahmud II," Scripta
*Hierosalymitana, IX: Studies in Islamic Hlstory and Civilization (1961), 63-96
*Zilfi, Madeline, The Politics of Piety: The Ottoman Ulema in the Postclassical Age (1600-1800), Minneapolis, 1988
*Krüger, Hilmar, Fetwa und Siyar: Zur internationalrechtlichen Gutachtenpraxis der osmanischen Seyh ül-Isla'm vom 17. bis 19. Jahrhundert unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des "Behcet ül-Fetava," Wiesbaden, 1978 (on the role of the Seyh ül-Islam
*Griswold, William J., The Great Anatolian Rebellion, 1000-1020/ 1591-1611, Berlin, 1983
Kunt, I. Metin, Bir Osmanli Valisinin Ylllik Gelir-Gideri: Diyarbakir, 1670- 71, Istanbul, 1981 (a governor's income and expenditure)
*Evliya Çelebi, Diyarbakir in the Mid-Seventeenth Century: Evliya Çelebi's Description of Diyarbakir, ed. and trans. Martin van Bruinessen and Hendrik Boeschoten, Leiden, 1988
------Evliya Celebi in Bitlis: The Relevant Section of the Seyahatname, ed. and trans. Robert Dankoff, Leiden, 1990
------The Intimate Life of an Ottoman Statesman, Melek Ahmed Pasha (1588- 1662), as Portrayed in Evliya Çelebi's Book of Travels (Seyahatname), ed. and trans. Robert Dankoff, Albany 1991
*Faroqhi, Suraiya, Men of Modest Substance: House Owners and House Property in Seventeenth-Century Ankara and Kayseri, Cambridge, 1987
*Jennings, Ronald C., "Loans and Credit in Early 17th Century Ottoman Judicial Records: The Sharia Court of Anatolian Kayseri," JESHO, XVI (1973), 168- 216
------ "Women in Early 17th Century Ottoman Judicial Records: The Sharia Court of Anatolian Kayseri," JESHO, XVIII (1975), 53-114
------- "The Office of Vekil (Wakil) in 17th Century Ottoman Sharia Courts," ST, XLII (1975), 147-69
------- "Kadi, Court, and Legal Procedure in 17th Century Ottoman Kayseri," SI, XLVIII (1978), 133-72
------- "Zimmis (Non-Muslims) in Early 17th Century Ottoman Judicial Records: The Sharia Court of Anatolian Kayseri," JESHO, XXI (1978), 225-93
------- "Limitations of the Judicial Powers of the Kadi in 17th Century Ottoman Kayseri," SI, L (1979), 151-84
------- "Firearms, Bandits, and Gun-Control: Some Evidence on Ottoman Policy toward Firearms in the *Possession of Reaya, from Judicial Records of Kayseri, 1600-1627," Archivum Ottomanicum, VI (1980), 39-58
-------- "The Legal Position of Women in Kayseri, a Large Ottoman City, 1590- 1630," International Journal of Women's Studies, III (1980), 559-82
*Gerber, Haim, Economy and Society in an Ottoman City" Bursa: 1600-1700, Jerusalem, 1988
--------"The Muslim Law of Partnerships in Ottoman Court Records," SI, Llll (1981), 109-19
-------- "Social and Economic Position of Women in an Ottoman City, Bursa, 1600- 1700," IJMES, XII (1980), 231-44
-------- "Sharia, Kanun and Custom in the Ottoman Law: The Court Records of 17th-Century Bursa," IJMES, 11 (1981), 131-47
*El-Nahal, Galal H. , The Judicial Administration of Ottoman Egypt in the Seventeenth Century, Minneapolis and Chicago, 1979
*Davis, Fanny, The Ottoman Lady: A Social History from 1718 to 1918, New York, 1986
*McGowan, Bruce, Economic Life in Ottoman Europe: Taxation, Trade and the Struggle for Land, 1600-1800, Cambridge, 1981
*Cezar, Yavuz, Osmanli Maliyesinde Bunalim ve Degisim Dönemi (XVIII. yy'dan Tanzimat'a Mali Tarih), Istanbul *(?), 1986 ("Crisis and Change in Fin. Admin., 18th C. to Tanzimat)
*Wood, Alfred, A History of the Levant Company, 1935
*Svoronos, Nicolas, Le commerce de Salonique au XVIIIe siécle, Paris, 1956
*Stoianovich, Traian, "The Conquering Balkan Orthodox Merchant," Journal of Economic History, XX (1960), 234-313
*Kütükoglu, Mübahat S. , Osmanlilarda Narh Müessesesi ve 1640 Tarihli Narh Defteri, Istanbul, 1983 (Ott. Price Control System)
*Bagis, Ali Ihsan, Osmanli Ticaretinde Gayrimüslimler: Kapitulasyonlar-- Beratli Tüccarlar--Avrupa ve Hayriye Tüccarlari (1750-1839), Ankara, 1983 (Non-Muslims in Ottoman Trade)
*Fisher, Alan, "Chattel Slavery in the Ottoman Empire," Slavery and Abolition, 1 (1980), 25-45
------ "Studies in Ottoman Slavery and the Slave Trade, IT: Manumission," Journal of Turkish Studies, IV (1980), 49-56
*Jahn, Karl Türkische Freilassungserklarungen des 18. Jahrhunderts (1702-1776), Naples, 1963 (documents on manumission of slaves; HT1238. T87)
*Willis, John Ralph, ed., Slaves and Slavery in Muslim Africa: 1: Islam and the Ideology of Slavery; 11: The Servile Estate, London, 1985
*Mantran, Robert, Istanbul dans la seconde moitié du XVIle siécle: Essai d'histoire institutionelle, économique, et sociale, Paris, 1962
*Halaçoglu, Yusuf, XVIII. Yüzyilda Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun Iskan Siyaseti ve Asiretlerin Yerlestirilmesi (Ankara, 1988; "Sedentarization Policy and Tribal Settlement in the Eighteenth Century:)
*Suceska, Avdo, "The Position of the Raya in Bosnia in the 18th Century," Pregled (Sarayevo), LXVIII (1978), 208-25
*Inalcik, Halil, "The Ottoman Decline and its Effects upon the Reaya," in IIe Congrés international des études du Sud-Est européen, 111, 73-90 (Athens, 1978)
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a (1986), 135-42
*Hourani, Albert, "The Changing Face of the Fertile Crescent in the XVIIIth Century," SI, VIII (1957), 89-122
*Marcus, Abraham, The Middle East on the Eve of Modernity: Aleppo in the Eighteenth Century, New York, 1989
*Schatkowski Schilcher, Linda, Families in Politics: Damascene Factions and Estates of the 18th and 19th Centuries, Wiesbaden-Stuttgart, 1985
*Barbir, Karl K. , Ottoman Rule in Damascus, 1708-1758, Princeton, 1980
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*Cohen, Amnon, Palestine in the 18th Century: Patterns of' Government and Administration, Jerusalem, 1973
*Sanjian, Avedis, The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman Dominion, Cambridge, MA, 1975
*Kemp, Percy, Territories d’Islam: Le monde du Mosoul au XVIIIe siécle, Paris 1982
*Raymond, André, Artisans et commerçants au Caire au XVIIIe siécle, 2 vols., Damascus, 1974, one of the most ambitious recent works in Islamic studies
al-Jabarti, ‘Abd al-Rahman, Al-Jabarti’s Chronicle of the Seven Months of the Frenxh Occupation of Egypt, translated by S. Moreh, Lediden 197-
----- Journal d’un notable du Caire durant l’expedition française, 1789-1801, trans. Joseph Cuog, Paris, 1979 (reprint of an old translation).
*Phillip, Thomas, The Syrians in Egypt, 1725-1975, Berlin, 1984
*Moztki, Harald, Dimma und Egalite: Die nichtmuslimischen Minderheiten Agyptens in der Zweiten Halfte des 18 Jahrhunderts und die Expedition Bonapartes, 1798-1801, Bonn 1979
*Valensi, Lucette, Tunisian Peasants in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Cambridge, 1985
*Panzac, Daniel, La peste dans l’Empire ottoman (1700-1850), Paris-Louvain, 1985
----- Quarantaines et lazarets: L’Europe et la peste d’Orient, Aix-en-Provence, 1987 (?)
*Kafadar, Cemal, "Self and Others: The Diary of a Dervish in Seventeenth Century Istanbul and First-Person Narratives in Ottoman Literature, Studia Islamica, LXIX (1989), 121-50
*Yücel, Yasar, Osmanli Devlet Teskilatina dair Kaynaklar: Kitab-i Müstetab; Kitabu Mesalihi’l Müslimin ve Menafi'i 'l-Mii'minin;Hirzü’l Müluk, Ankara,1988
*Hochhut, Pia, Die Moschee Nuruosma'niye in Istanbul: Beitrage zur Bauges chichte nach osmanischen Quellen, Berlin, 1986
*Thomas, Lewis, A Study of Naima, ed. Norman Itzkowitz, New York, 1972
*Wurm, Heidrun, Der osmanische Historiker Hüseyn b. Gafer, genannt Hezarfenn, und die Istanbuler Gesellschaft in der zweiten Halfte des 17. Jahrhunderte, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1971
*Göcek, Fatma Müge, East Encounters West: France and the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century, New York, 1987
*Mehmed Efendi, Le paradis des infidéles: Relation de Yirmisekiz Çelebi Mehmed Efendi, ambassadeur Ottoman en France sous la Régence, trans. J.-C. Galland, ed. Gilles Veinstein, Paris, 1981
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-------Jön Türkler ve Ittihat ve Terakki, Istanbul, 1987
*Childs, Timothy W. , Italo-Turkish Diplomacy and the War over Libya, 1911-1912, Leiden, 1990
*Davison, Roderic H., Reform in the Ottoman Empire, 1856-1876, Princeton, 1963
---- Essays in Ottoman and Turkish History, 1774-1923: The Impact of the West, Austin, 1990
*Devereux, Robert, The First Ottoman Constitutional Period: A Studv of the Midhat Constitution and Parliament, Baltimore, 1963
*Gerber, Haim, Ottoman Rule in Jerusalem, 1890-1914, Berlin, 1985
*Ghazzal, Zouhair, L'Economie politique de Damas durant le XlXe siécle: structures traditionnelles et capitalisme, Damascus, 1993
*Goldberg, Jacob, The Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia: The Formative Years, 1902-1918, Cambridge, MA,1986
*Hanioglu, Sükrü, The Young Turks in Opposition, New York, 1995
------Bir Siyasal Düsüniir olarak Doktor Abdullah Cevdet ve Dönemi, Ankara, 198?
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*Khoury, Philip S. , Urban Notables and Arab Nationalism: The Politics of Damascus, 1869-1920, Cambridge, 1983
*Lewis, Bernard, The Emergence of Modern Turkey, second edition, Oxford, 1968
*Mahmud Raif, Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nda Yeni Nizamlarin Cedveli, ed. and trans. Arslan Terzioglu and Hüsrev Hatemi, Istanbul, 1988, includes facsimile ed. of M.R. , Tableau des nouveaux reglements de 1 'Empire ottoman, Constantinople, 1798
*Ma'oz, Moshe, Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine, 1840-1861: The Impact of the Tanzimat on Politics and Society, Oxford, 1968
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*Ramsaur, Ernest, The Young Turks: Prelude to the Revolution of 1908, Princeton, 1957
*Shaw, Stanford J., Between Old and New: The Ottoman Empire under Sultan Selim III, 1789-1807, Cambridge, MA, 1971
*Simon, Rachel, Libya between Ottomanism and Nationalism: The Ottoman Involvement in Libya during the War with Italy, 1911-1919, Berlin, 1987
*Tunaya, Tarik Zafer, Türkiye'de Siyasal Partiler: I: Ikinci Mesrutiyet Devri; II: Mütareke Dönemi, Istanbul, 1984, 1986 (history of political parties)
*Tunçay, Mete, Eski Sol dzerine Yeni Bilgiler, 198 ("new info. on the old Left")
*Zürcher, Erik Jan, The Unionist Factor: The Role of the Committee of Union and Progress in the Turkish National Movement, 1905-1926, Leiden, 1984
*Birken, Andreas, Die Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches, Wiesbaden, 1976 Kornrumpf, Hans-Jürgen, Die Territorialverwaltung im östlichen Teil der europaischen Türkei vom Erlass der Vilayetsordnung (1864) bis zum Berliner Kongress (1878) nach amtlichen osmanischen Veröffentlichungen, Freiburg-im-Breisgau,1976 (local administration)
*Çadirci, Musa, Tanzimat Döneminde Anadolu Kentleri 'nin Sosyal ve Ekonomik Yapilari, Ankara, 1991
*Findley, Carter Vaughn, Bureaucratic Reform in the Ottoman Empire: The Sublime Porte, 1789-1922, Princeton, 1980
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*Ortayli, Ilber, Türkiye Idare Tarihi, Ankara, 1979 (administration)
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*Fawaz, Leila Tarazi, Merchants and Migrants in Nineteenth-Century Beirut, Beirut, 1983
*Findley, Carter Vaughn, Ottoman Civil Officialdom: A Social History, Princeton, 1989
*Gerber, Haim, Ottoman Rule in Jerusalem, 1890-1914, Berlin, 1985
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*McGrew, William W., Land and Revolution in Modern Greece, 1800-1871: The Transition in the Tenure and Exploitation of the Land from Ottoman Rule to Independence, Kent, 1985
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