Методические рекомендации для I и II этапов Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

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Participant’s ID number
7. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the number of British students who did Russian has
9. The Russian vocabulary is not easy to learn because
18. Nowadays in England pubs are
Transfer all your answers to your answer sheet
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

4.2.3. Конкурс письменной речи (Writing)

^ Participant’s ID number

Present your personal view on one of the issues below, using relevant reasons and/or examples to support your point of view. Write 280 - 300 words.

Time: 45 minutes

1. Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age.

2. The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

4.2.4. Конкурс понимания устного текста (Listening)


(Внимание! Время выполнения задания по аудированию ограничивается временем звучания пленки)

Items 1 - 10 are based on episode 1. You will hear three people talking about the Russian studies in Britain. For items 1-5 decide whether the statements are TRUE (A), FALSE (B) or the statement is NOT STATED on the tape (C).

1. The Centre for Russian and East European Studies at Birmingham University was founded in 1917.

( )

2. During the 1970s people in England were not interested in the situation in East European countries.

( )

3. Before perestroika due to the lack of communication Russian was taught as Latin or any other dead language. ( )

4. Nowadays the number of British students interested in the Russian language and culture is increasing. ( )

5. Most British students who have chosen to learn Russian are fully aware of why they need it. ( )

You will hear the episode again. This time for items 6 -10 choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

6. Just before the period of ‘glastnost’ and perestroika the Russian language

A. was very popular among general public in the United Kingdom.

B. was admired by the students at Birmingham University.

C. was not as popular as Russian literature and culture.

D. was not an object of intense interest in Britain.

^ 7. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the number of British students who did Russian has

A. dramatically increased.

B. remained the same.

C. declined.

8. Before people start learning Russian they think that the main problem is going to be

A. its case system.

B. its alphabet.

C. its verb aspects.

D. its verbs of motion.

^ 9. The Russian vocabulary is not easy to learn because

A. it bears no resemblance to the English words.

B. learners cannot guess the meaning of Russian verb aspects.

C. Russian has a complicated semantic structure.

10. British students find Russian grammar difficult to master since

A. the case system in Russian is very complex.

B. they did not study Latin, which could have helped.

C. it is different from the grammar of Germanic languages.

D. they do not know the basic principles of the language.

Items 11 - 20 are based on episode 2. You will hear a woman talking about English pubs. For questions 11-17 decide whether the statements are TRUE (A) or FALSE (B).

11. The tradition of a public place where one can buy food and drinks came with the Romans.

( )

12. The first beer houses appeared in England in the 19th century.

( )

13. When people come in a pub they must order a drink.

( )

14. Families are allowed in pubs throughout the day.

( )

15. People today prefer not to take their children to pubs.

( )

16. Most modern pubs have special staff to look after children in the garden, while their parents are drinking beer inside. ( )

17. Special organizations are set up in Britain to protect pub regulars. ( )

You will hear the episode again. This time for items 18 -20 choose the best answer A, B or C.

According to the speaker:

^ 18. Nowadays in England pubs are

A. the focus of social life.

B. very popular.

C. not very popular.

19. In a traditional English pub you can't get

A. roast meat.

B. lager.

C. fried potatoes.

20. British people come to a pub to

A. participate in political debates.

B. understand that life is good.

C. criticise life.