Пособие по общественно-политической и официально-деловой лексике Москва

Вид материалаДокументы


Сенсационный характер
Programme of action against apartheid
Taking note
Topical vocabulary
1. Read the text and translate it sentence by sentence.
3. Translate into Russian the following words and word combinations.
4. Translate into Russian.
6. See how the titles are translated. Follow the examples given.
7. Read and retell the text.
The washington triangle
Topical vocabulary
Fat cat «денежный мешок», капи­талист, финансирующий поли­тическую кампанию Favorite son
Feeler зонд, пробный шар Fellow traveler
Gutter press
Kitchen cabinet
1. Read the text and translate it sentence by sentence.
Crew – unit – group – bunch Trace –
Подобный материал:
1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   ...   22

14. Translate into English paying special attention to the italicized le­xical units.

1, ^ Сенсационный характер буржуазной прессы состав­ляет ее отличительную особенность. 2. "Желтую прессу" часто называют прессой без души. 3. Буржуазные источ­ники информации превращают подлинно драматические события в дешевую мелодраму. 4. В американской печати значительное место (space) отводится' рекламе товаров и услуг. 5. Социалистическая печать подчеркивает, что куль­тура каждого народа является ценностью, которую следует уважать и сохранять. 6. Международное сотрудничество в области культуры должно охватывать все виды умствен­ной и творческой деятельности (intellectual and creative activities) в области образования, науки, культуры и пе­чати. 7. Задача газет и других средств массовой информа­ции — распространять информацию и знания среди чита­телей, содействовать развитию мирных отношений и дружбы между народами.



The General Assembly,

Taking note of the report of the Special Committee against Apartheid and its special reports,

Welcoming the Declaration and the Programme of Action adopted by the International Seminar on the Eradication of Apartheid and in Support of the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa, held at Havana from 24 to 28 May 1976,

^ Taking note of the resolutions adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity at its twenty-seventh ordinary session, held at Port Louis from 24 June to 3 July 1976,

Taking note also of the declarations and resolutions of the Fifth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, held at Colombo from 16 to 19 August 1976,

Considering the need for a programme of action to be imple­mented by Governments, intergovernmental organizations, trade unions, churches, anti-apartheid and solidarity move­ments and other non-governmental organizations in order [88] to assist the people of South Africa in their struggle for the total eradication of apartheid and the exercise of the right 0f self-determination by all the people of South Africa irre­spective of race, colour and creed,

1. Commends to all Governments, organizations and indi­viduals the Programme of Action against Apartheid annexed to the present resolution;

2. Requests all United Nations organs and specialized agencies concerned to participate in the implementation of the Programme of Action, in close co-operation with the Special Committee against Apartheid;

3. Requests the Special Committee, in co-operation with the Organization of African Unity, to promote the implemen­tation of the Programme of Action and report, from time to time, on the progress achieved;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure maximum publicity to the Programme of Action and provide all necessa­ry assistance to the Special Committee in promoting its imple­mentation.

(From newspapers)


1. Текст резолюций имеет весьма строгую структуру: пре­амбулу (общеописательную часть) и текст (постановля­ющую часть). В преамбуле, как правило, делается ссыл­ка или подводится итог деятельности какого-либо органа по тому bли иному вопросу.

В преамбуле широко используются причастные конст­рукции (Participle I и Participle II), которые на русский язык переводятся причастиями и деепричастиями: taking note of принимая к сведению, welcoming приветствуя, concerned будучи обеспокоен.


Apartheid апартеид

The policies of apartheid политика апартеида

Bantustan бантустан (территории, на которые насильственно переселены местные жители Южной Африки — банту)

To pursue the policies of apartheid ­проводить политику апартеида, практиковать апартеид

Arms embargo эмбарго на поставки оружия

To institute an arms embargo ввести эмбарго на поставки оружия

To boycott South African goods подвергнуть бойкоту южноафриканские товары

To lift the embargo отменить эмбарго

To commend рекомендовать; хва­лить, высоко оценивать [89]

Comprehensive sanctions (against) обширные санкции (против)

To apply sanctions применять санкции

To condemn the violations (of) осуж­дать нарушения

Crime преступление

Crime abhorrent to the conscience of mankind преступление против совести человечества

Crime against humanity пре­ступление против человече­ства

Decolonization деколонизация

Eradication искоренение, ликвида­ция

Freedom fighters борцы за свободу, борцы за дело свободы

To implement a resolution (on) осуществлять резолюцию (о)

Intensive campaign of information and action against apartheid ши­рокая кампания по распростра­нению информации и действиям против апартеида

National liberation movement на­ционально-освободительное дви­жение

Oppressed people угнетенный народ

To request предлагать

To take note of принимать к сведе­нию, принимать во внимание; отмечать, что {тот факт...)

Victory of the peoples struggling for победа народов, борющихся (за что-л.)


^ 1. Read the text and translate it sentence by sentence.

2. Read from left to right. Indicate which word or word group is nearest in meaning to those italicized. Translate the italicized lexical units.

1, to request to ask to beg to respond

2. to ensure to assure to provide to insure

3. apartheid racist policies segregation discrimina­tion

4. banner flag blaze streamer

5. newspaper snappy style journalese bookish style

style style

6. attorney counsellor counsel barrister

7. chief leader captain officer in


8. breakaway coalition splinter group federation


9. charismatic strong leader weak leader very power-

leader ful leader

^ 3. Translate into Russian the following words and word combinations.

being aware of the fact (that); bearing further in mind (the principles of...); being advised (that); being deeply concerned (about); believes (that); believes it essential (that); believing in the necessity (of); calls (for the completion of); calls attention (to); calls upon the governments (to do); cate­gorically condemns; commemorating (the anniversary of); commends (to the attention of); commissions (the President); compliments (the Secretary General of); concerned also (at the fact); concluding (that); concurring (with the proposals); [90] confident (in the hope that); confirming (the great importance of); congratulates (the UN Children's Fund); conscious (of the continued need); considering it desirable and necessary (that); conveys (the comprehensive study)

^ 4. Translate into Russian.

1. The world public opinion commends the courageous struggle of the oppressed people of South Africa under the leadership of their national liberation movements. 2. The progressive-minded people know that their struggle for the total eradication of apartheid and the exercise of the right to self-determination by all the inhabitants of South Africa is fully legitimate. 3. In his statement the delegate said: "We condemn the racist regime of South Africa for its repeated and flagrant defiance of United Nations resolutions. We denounce the manoeuvres of that regime to perpetuate its apartheid policies. We denounce, in particular, the creation of bantustans as designed to deprive the African people of their inalienable rights in the country as a whole." 4. The General Assembly declares that the racist regime of South Africa is illegitimate arid has no right to represent the people of South Africa. It recognizes that the national liberation movements are the authentic representatives of the great majority of the people of South Africa. 5. The paper re­ported it was convinced that the collaboration by some Governments and vested interests (привилегированные клас­сы, правящие круги) with the racist regime of South Africa and their total disregard of the legitimate demands of the South African people have impeded efforts for the eradication of apartheid. 6. Some governments and economic interests (экономические круги) have enabled the regime of South Africa to build up a military machine for the suppression of the people. They have made profits, amounting to billions of dollars and bear a grave responsibility for the sufferings of the South African people and for the threat to international peace resulting from the situation. 7. Everybody should con­sider apartheid a matter of universal concern. Governments, organizations and peoples all over the world must increase their support to the righteous struggle of the South African people for justice and for their inalienable right to self-determination. 8. Governments and business corporations should stop the sale and shipment of arms, ammunition and vehicles or equipment for use of the armed forces in South Africa. [91]

5. Translate into English.

Настоящая конференция,

вновь подтверждая (reaffirming) законность борьбы народа Южной Африки за полное искоренение апартеида и осуществление всеми жителями Южной Африки права на самоопределение,

отмечая (noting), что расистский режим Южной Африки постоянно нарушает резолюции Организации Объединенных 1 Наций, в которых содержится призыв к режиму прекратить репрессии против лидеров угнетенного народа и других противников апартеида,

выражая серьезную озабоченность (gravely concerned about) в связи с жестокими убийствами в Соуэто (in Soweto) и других районах Южной Африки и заключением в тюрьмы лиц, участвующих в демонстрациях против апартеида,

высоко оценивая (commending) героизм и жертвы народа! Южной Африки в его борьбе за освобождение,

1. осуждает (condemns) расистский режим Южной Африки за его жестокие репрессии против угнетенного народа Южной Африки;

2. вновь подтверждает (reaffirms) свою солидарность со всеми южноафриканцами, борющимися против апартеида за установление правления большинства (establishment of majority rule), осуществление права на самоопределение и за принципы, воплощенные в Уставе Организации Объединенных Наций;

3. требует (demands) немедленного и безусловного освобождения всех лиц, заключенных в тюрьмы или подверг­шихся ограничениям за их участие в борьбе за освобожде­ние в Южной Африке;

4. провозглашает (proclaims) свою солидарность с поли­тическими заключенными Южной Африки.

^ 6. See how the titles are translated. Follow the examples given.

1. Assistant Director помощник директора; Assistant Director for Research; Assistant Director for Special Assign­ments; Assistant Editor; Assistant Executive Director; Assist­ant Political Affairs Officer; 2. Assistant Programme Co­ordinator помощник координатора программ; Assistant Programme Analysis Officer; Assistant Programme Manage­ment Officer; Assistant Programme Officer; Assistant Project Management Officer; 3. Acting Assistant Director исполня­ющий обязанности помощника директора; Acting Chief of Division; Acting Deputy Chief; Acting Director; 4. Admini- \ strative and Finance Officer сотрудник по административно- [92] финансовым вопросам; Administrative and Personnel Clerk; Administrativeand Personnel Officer; Administrative Research Assistant; Administrative Secretary; 5. Associate Auditor младший ревизор; Associate Budget Officer; Associate Carto­grapher; Associate Conference Affairs Officer; Associate Contracts Officer; Associate Co-ordination Officer; Associate Demographer; 6. Bilingual Clerk служащий со знанием двух языков; Bilingual Secretary; Bilingual Typist; Bilingual Clerk-Typist; 7. Chief Cameraman главный кинооператор; Chief Cashier; Chief Editor; Chief Finance Officer; Chief Interpreter; Chief Military Observer

^ 7. Read and retell the text.

Apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid, a word meaning separateness, is the official name given by the Government of South Africa to its racial policies. In practice, it means a system of institutionalized racial segregation, oppression and exploitation in which the freedom of movement and the political, social and economic rights of non-whites are sharply curtailed.

Segregation is carried out by dividing the country into a white (European) area and African reserves, and by segre­gating people in the white area into so-called "group areas". There are some reserves, or "bantustans", assigned to Africans, one for each of the "national units" of the African population as defined by the Government. The so-called "homelands" are scattered in separate pieces of land. Africans outnumber whites by more than 4 to 1.

The racial policies of the Government of South Africa have been a major concern of the United Nations for more than 30 years. During this time United Nations organs have agreed on a wide range of measures for action by the interna­tional community with the aim of ending apartheid.

Chief among these measures is an arms embargo designed to halt the build-up of arms in South Africa, some of which, the Security Council has noted, have been used to further the Government's racial policies. A voluntary arms embargo, in effect since 1963, was made mandatory by the Security Council in 1977. It marked the first time that action had been taken against a Member State under Chapter VII of the Charter, which provides for enforcement action with respect to threats to the peace.

The General Assembly has condemned apartheid as a crime against humanity; the Security Council has termed it abhorr- [93] ent to the conscience of mankind; and all United Nations bodies concerned with human rights, racial discrimination and decolonization have denounced it. International concern about apartheid found expression in a treaty on the suppression and punishment of the crime of apartheid.

(From newspapers)



By now everyone must know about the Bermuda Triangle, a vast body of water extending from Bermuda in the north to Southern Florida and then east to a point in the Bahamas past Puerto Rico.

Charles Berlitz, who has written a best-seller about it, claims 100 ships and planes have vanished in the area without a trace, and more than 1,000 lives have been lost since 1945.

There are many theories concerning the mystery. Some people believe that UFOs are responsible1. Others feel the disasters may have been tied in with the lost colony of At­lantis. In any case, the Bermuda Triangle has caused quite a stir.

What has not been publicized2 is that there is a similar phenomenon right here in Washington, D.С. It is called the Washington Triangle, and it also has been a great source of mystery and unexplained disappearances.

The triangle area is located between the White House, the Capitol, and the Jefferson Memorial. Most of the accidents have taken place in the Tidal Basin, a rough, treacherous sea, five feet deep, which twists and turns as it empties-into the Potomac River.

Jonathan Stone, who discovered the Washington Triangle, said, "The triangle is a frightening place. In a period of ten years we've lost thirty-four hundred trial balloons 3, two hundred congressional reforms, four hundred and fifty-three executive mandates, two hundred and thirty tax cuts, and one ship of state. They seem to have disappeared without a trace."

"But there must be some explanation," I said.

"The biggest disaster was the sinking of the SS Watergate with all hands aboard \ including the President of the United States. A search of the area produced nothing but an empty lifeboat with the pathetic message 'I am not a crook' scrawled on the side."

"What do you think happened to the crew?" 1 asked Stone. [96]

"They lost their mora! compass. Something happens to people's sense of direction when they enter the triangle. The best political navigators forget which end is up and which end is down."

"What other disasters have taken place in the basin?"

"One day a Judge Carswell sailed out of the White House toward the Capitol to be confirmed as Supreme Court justice. Then a mysterious storm came up, and Carswell disappeared, never to be heard from again," Stone said.

"That's terrible," I said.

"Recently, President Ford sent up an energy message to the Hill and it sunk without a trace.

"At least a half dozen bills that Congress has sent down to the President to sign have drowned in the black, murky waters of the triangle. Budgets have been smashed on the rocks; campaign promises have vanished into thin air5. Even a cargo of prayer breakfasts was lost without a trace or explanation."

"Do you suppose there is some supernatural power at work in the triangle that is responsible for so many disasters?" I asked.

"I'm sure of it," Stone said. "There is one theory that sophisticated beinfs from another planet live on the bottom of the basin and magnetically attract all the traffic between the White House and the Hill."

"I believe it," I said.

"Some say that there is a prehistoric monster in the water that eats nothing but budgets, presidential messages, government servants, and an occasional vice president of the United States."

"That could make sense, too," I agreed.

"There is also the possibility that the bottom of the Tidal Basin could be the lost colony of Atlantis," he said. "There are many people, including respected scientists, who believe

(By A. Buchwald)


1. that UFOs are responsible что в этом виноваты НЛО (неопознанные летающие объекты)

2. What has not been publicized... В печати, однако, не сооб­щалось о том, что...

В переводческом плане особый интерес представляет глагол to publicize. Данный глагол употребляется не только в значении оповещать, предавать гласности, но [95] и в смысле рекламировать, шумно пропагандировать. Например: to publicize a book рекламировать книгу; syn. to advertise a book, to promote a book.

3. trial balloons пробные шары. Однако в данном тексте, представляющем собой политическую сатиру на нравы Вашингтона, под trial balloons имеется в виду политический зондаж. Одна из форм такого зондажа состоит в том, что та или иная идея подлежит обнародованию] не сразу и не путем прямого провозглашения ее автором, а через какого-либо посредника, например, члена той же партии. Если окажется, что идея не получает положительного резонанса в общественных кругах, то ее ини­циатор в дальнейшем просто отмалчивается. В журналистике существуют и другие термины подобного рода;! not for attribution без права указания источника, без права цитирования источника.

4. With all hands aboard со всей командой. Обратите внимание на многозначность слова hand и его контекстуальное значение.

5. Campaign promises have vanished into thin air предвыборные обещания развеялись как дым


Deadline предельный срок

Deadlock тупик

Deadlocked issue вопрос, зашедший в тупик

Diehard твердолобый политик, кон­серватор

Dove сторонник либерального кур­са, «голубь»

Far-sighted policy политика дальнего прицела

^ Fat cat «денежный мешок», капи­талист, финансирующий поли­тическую кампанию

Favorite son любимец штата; лицо, выдвигаемое в президенты деле­гацией своего штата

^ Feeler зонд, пробный шар

Fellow traveler сочувствующий

Fifth column пятая колонна

Flash-point of tension очаг напря­женности

Flight of capital утечка капитала (за границу)

Gold-rush золотая лихорадка

^ Gutter press бульварная пресса

Hireling наймит

Higher-ups высокопоставленные лица [96]

Hot line прямая связь

Influence-peddling использование своего престижа в корыстных целях

Jaw-boning строгое предупрежде­ние с элементами угроз

Jungle law закон джунглей

^ Kitchen cabinet неофициальные советники президента

Logrolling взаимные услуги (в политике); сделка между членами конгресса о взаимной под­держке

Man of straw фиктивный претендент (на пост)

Media event событие, заслуживаю­щее внимания средств массовой информации

Mob rule расправа без суда, суд Линча.

Moss-back крайний консерваторI ретроград

Pork barrel кормушка; «казенный, пирог» (мероприятие, проводи­мое правительством для завоевания популярности и т, п.)


^ 1. Read the text and translate it sentence by sentence.

2. Read from left to right. Indicate which word or word group is nearest in meaning to those italicized. Translate the italicized lexical units

Foreseeable future – forthcoming future – distant future – near future

Game plan – lack of coordinated action – planned coordinated ac­tion – strategy

Impactful film – clever film – impressive film – poor film

Off camera – in the public – in private life – in the open

To publicize – to advertise – to promote – to spread

Message – communication – story – word

^ Crew – unit – group – bunch

Trace – proof – track – evidence