Практикум по когнитивной терапии

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Gendlin, E., Beebe, J., Cassues, J., Klein, M., & Oberlander, M.
Goodwin, D., Schulsinger, E, Hermansen, L, Guse, S., & Winokur, G.
Greenfeld, D., Strauss, J., Bowers. M., & Mandelkern, M.
Greenstone, J., & Leviton, S.
Grinder, J., & Bandler, R.
Guidano, V., & Liotti, G.
Hatcher, С & Himelstein, P. (Ed.)
Havens, R. (Ed.)
Hobson, A., & McCarley, R.
Hoogduin, K., de Haan, E., Schaap, C, & Arts, W.
Hovland, C, & Janis, I.
Ivey, A., Ivey, M., df Simek-Morgan, L.
Jaeger, J., Berns, S., Tigner, A., & Douglas, E.
Kendall, P. (Ed.)
Kingdon, D., & Turkington, D.
Kingdon, D., & Turkington, D.
Koenig, H., & Gates, W.
Koenig, H., & Weaver, A.
Kosslyn, S., & Pomerantz, J.
Krop, H., Calhoon, В., & Verrier, R.
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