WT/acc/rus/70 wt/min(11)/2

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Part ii   schedules
Part iii   final provisions
Schedule clxv – the russian federation
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1   ...   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75

1. Upon entry into force of this Protocol pursuant to paragraph 8, the Russian Federation accedes to the WTO Agreement pursuant to Article XII of that Agreement and thereby becomes a Member of the WTO.

2. The WTO Agreement to which the Russian Federation accedes shall be the WTO Agreement, including the Explanatory Notes to that Agreement, as rectified, amended or otherwise modified by such legal instruments as may have entered into force before the date of entry into force of this Protocol. This Protocol, which shall include the commitments referred to in paragraph of the Working Party Report, shall be an integral part of the WTO Agreement.

3. Except as otherwise provided for in paragraph of the Working Party Report, those obligations in the Multilateral Trade Agreements annexed to the WTO Agreement that are to be implemented over a period of time starting with the entry into force of that Agreement shall be implemented by the Russian Federation as if it had accepted that Agreement on the date of its entry into force.

4. The Russian Federation may maintain a measure inconsistent with paragraph 1 of Article II of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (hereinafter referred to as "GATS") provided that such a measure was recorded in the list of Article II Exemptions annexed to this Protocol and meets the conditions of the Annex to the GATS on Article II Exemptions.


5. The Schedules reproduced in Annex I to this Protocol shall become the Schedule of Concessions and Commitments annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the "GATT 1994") and the Schedule of Specific Commitments annexed to the GATS relating to the Russian Federation. The staging of the concessions and commitments listed in the Schedules shall be implemented as specified in the relevant parts of the respective Schedules.

6. For the purpose of the reference in paragraph 6(a) of Article II of the GATT 1994 to the date of that Agreement, the applicable date in respect of the Schedules of Concessions and Commitments annexed to this Protocol shall be the date of entry into force of this Protocol.


7. This Protocol shall be open for acceptance, by signature or otherwise, by the Russian Federation within a period of 220 days from the approval of the Protocol of Accession of the Russian Federation.

8. This Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the day upon which it shall have been accepted by the Russian Federation.

9. This Protocol shall be deposited with the Director-General of the WTO. The Director-General of the WTO shall promptly furnish a certified copy of this Protocol and a notification of acceptance by the Russian Federation thereto pursuant to paragraph 7 to each Member of the WTO and to the Russian Federation.

10. This Protocol shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Done at Geneva this [sixteenth] day of [December two thousand and eleven], in a single copy in the English, French and Spanish languages, each text being authentic, except that a Schedule annexed hereto may specify that it its authentic in only one of these languages.



Authentic only in the English language.

(Circulated in document WT/ACC/RUS/70/Add.1)




Authentic only in the English language.

(Circulated in document WT/ACC/RUS/70/Add.2)


1 The source of official information was, inter alia, "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" (Russian Gazette) founded by the Government of the Russian Federation. Its right to publish official documents was determined by the Federal Law No. 5-FZ of 14 June 1994 "On the Order of Publishing and Coming into Effect of Federal Constitutional Laws, Federal Laws and Acts of the Chambers of the Federal Assembly" (as amended on 22 October 1999).

2 FFMA was established in accordance with Government Resolution No. 1224 of 26 September 1997 "On the Foundation of the State Unitary Enterprise - the Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation".

3 Mining enterprises were organizations engaging in the mining of natural diamonds in the territory of the Russian Federation under a licence for Subsoil used for the mining of natural diamonds. Issuance of these licenses were regulated by the Russian Subsoil Law (Law of the Russian Federation No. 2395-1 of 21 February 1992 "On the Subsoil" as amended on 27 December 2009).

4 Proceeding from Article 5(1) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the term "subjects" of the Russian Federation includes republics, regions, oblast, and cities of federal importance, autonomous regions and autonomous areas. Article 65 of the Constitution contained the exhaustive list of "subjects" of the Russian Federation.

5 As discussed in detail in paragraph , CU Commission Decisions, including those promulgating CU regulations and other CU measures had the status in the domestic law of the Russian Federation corresponding to the form of Federal normative legal act that the competent authority of the Russian Federation was authorised to issue before the CU Parties transferred competency to regulate the matter to CU Bodies.

6 As of 22 October 2011 the exchange rate was RUB 31.34 per US$1.

7 Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan.

8 Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

9The references to "feed" and "fodder" as used in the sub-section "Regime for Trade in Products Subject to Veterinary Control" of this Report refer only to those products which are subject to veterinary control as provided for in the Common List of Goods Subject to Veterinary Control as set-out in CU Commission Decision No. 317 as amended by CU Commission Decisions No. 810 of 23 September 2011 and No. 830 of 18 October 2011.

10 Available at the following website: u/index.phpl?he_id=900.

11 Capital composed of instalments made by participants of the insurance company or bank.

12 Difference between selling price and par value of securities multiplied by the quantity of securities of present issue.

13 WT/ACC/RUS/58, WT/ACC/RUS/59 and Addendum 1 and WT/ACC/RUS/60 refers (see also WT/ACC/RUS/48 and Addenda 1 to 11).

14 Not including property of federal unitary enterprises, whose privatization was effected by Federal Agency of State Property Management of the Russian Federation.

15 Does not include Federal Unitary Enterprises, privatized by Russian Agency on Management of State Property.

16 The codes provided for in column 1 of the table are intended to illustrate the correlation between the HS/CPC Codes and the description of the scope of regulate good/service in column 2 respectively.

17 The codes provided for in column 1 of the table are intended to illustrate the correlation between the HS/CPC Codes and the description of the scope of regulate good/service in column 2 respectively.

18 The codes provided for in column 1 of the table are intended to illustrate the correlation between the CPC Codes and the description of the scope of regulate good/service in column 2 respectively.

19 Agreements enter into force as established by the Protocol on Entry into Force of the International Treaties Aimed at the Formation of the Legal Basis of the Customs Union, Withdrawal from its Membership and Accession Thereto of 6 October 2007, hereinafter referred to as the Protocol. As provided by this Protocol, all international agreements from Annex 2 (with the exception of the Protocol which came into force after the Parties had ratified it) enter into force after the Board of Heads of States or the Board of Heads of Governments approves entry into force if the Depositary of Parties informs them that the Parties have accomplished all the internal procedures necessary for this international treaty to take effect. The purpose of this system is to ensure that international treaties enter into force throughout the territory of the Customs Union simultaneously.

20 Agreements enter into force after the Parties send notifications of fulfilment of their internal procedures to the Depositary.

21  Not all 10 digit HS codes within 4 digit HS subgroup may be included in the list.

22 The CU GSP Scheme was adopted by the Decision of the Board of Heads of States of EurAsEC No. 18 of 27 November 2009 and by the Decision of the CU Commission No. 130 of 27 November 2009. The CU Commission is currently engaged in revising and updating this Decision.

23 The CU GSP Scheme was adopted by the Decision of the Board of Heads of States of EurAsEC No. 18 of 27 November 2009 and by CU Commission Decision No. 130 of 27 November 2009. The CU Commission is currently engaged in updating this Decision, inter alia, to reflect the current list of Least-Developed Countries established by the United Nations.

24 The list of goods originating and imported from developing and least-developed countries subject to the CU GSP Scheme, was adopted by the Decision of the EurAsEC Board of Heads of States No. 18 of 27 November 2009 and by the CU Commission Decision No. 130 of 27 November 2009.

25 Common External Tariff of the CU Members.

26 Not obligatory for the importation of goods into the Russian Federation.

27 The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology is under the control of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

28 The Federal Health and Social Development Supervision Service is under the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

29 The Federal Communications Agency is under the Ministry for Telecommunications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

30 The Federal Customs Service is under the control of the Government of the Russian Federation.

 Each of the listed investors signed an individual investment agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation but act as a consortium implementing the same investment project.