Proof for the 2012-2013 Duke University Bulletin of Undergraduate Instruction, p
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- Фредрик Джеймисон Постмодернизм или логика культуры позднего капитализма. Из книги, 293.19kb.
- Eastern Michigan University (usa) Chongqing University of Technology (China) Doğuş, 197.08kb.
- Divinity School Bulletin 2011-2012, Norris,, 56.2kb.
- Уоррен У. Ф. Найденный рай на Северном полюсе/У. Ф. Уоррен. Пер с англ. Н. Гусевой, 4880.84kb.
- Уоррен У. Ф. Найденный рай на Северном полюсе/У. Ф. Уоррен. Пер с англ. Н. Гусевой, 4812.52kb.
- International Scientific Conference of Undergraduate, Master and Postgraduate Students, 317.01kb.
- Грантовая программа Года Германии в России 2012/2013 Принимаются заявки на участие, 30.86kb.
- Чешские этюды, 43.21kb.
- Территориальная программа занятости населения города Севастополя на 2012 2013 годы, 598.23kb.
- Правила соревнований на 2012-2013 годы Вступают в действие с 1 ноября 2011 года издание, 3558.98kb.
ICS Advising & ICS Curricular Plan: After a student has formally declared an ICS major, the DUS will assign the student an ICS adviser who will assist in the completion of a required ICS Curricular Plan (blank forms are available on the ICS website). In order to assure the accuracy of each student’s Curricular Plan and that each ICS student is on track for timely completion of major requirements, ICS majors are responsible for meeting with their ICS adviser to update an individualized Curricular Plan every semester before registration. Students who are abroad often communicate with their ICS advisers before registration through e-mail or Skype. This requirement to update a Curricular Plan every term holds true for all declared ICS majors, including second majors and students who plan to study abroad the following semester, unless they have completed all ICS requirements and such completion is reflected on an updated and approved Curricular Plan. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the ICS major, having an accurate and up-to-date Curricular Plan on file with the Program is the single most important administrative aspect for a successful Senior Clearance before commencement.
Study Abroad: ICS students are strongly encouraged to study away, and a large majority of ICS majors complete some part of their coursework in study abroad programs. Students considering or planning to major in ICS are expected to complete the required gateway course, ICS 195, before a study abroad semester. Up to four full credit study away or transfer courses that meet ICS Region, Comparative, or Foreign Language criteria may count toward the major. Students who declare an ICS major are required to complete an ICS Curricular Plan with an adviser before leaving for a study abroad program. The ICS gateway, capstone and thesis courses must be taken at Duke and may not be substituted with study abroad courses. ICS considers any study abroad course determined to meet Region or Comparative criteria to be at the intermediate level, or between 200 and 399 in the university numbering system. Further important information on Study Abroad requirements and policies is available on the ICS website.
Grants and Awards: Duke students who are not graduating seniors are eligible to apply for research funding provided by several units on campus. See the Undergraduate Research Support Office website for more information: ссылка скрыта. In addition, rising seniors accepted into the ICS honors thesis seminar sequence may apply for a summer travel grant to advance language learning and/or field research, funded by the Scott Lee Stephenson Memorial Fund. The author of the best ICS distinction project is recognized with the Annual ICS Distinguished Thesis Award.
Departmental Graduation with Distinction
ICS offers a Graduation with Distinction program for majors whose achievements in university coursework and co-curricular experiences have prepared them to complete an interdisciplinary research-based project on a question of interest relevant to the critical transnationalism focus of the ICS Program.
Structure: A two-semester seminar sequence (ICS 495S and ICS 496S), taken fall and spring of senior year, supports the completion of the distinction project. Each student chooses a Duke faculty member with expertise on the project topic to serve as a research supervisor, and is guided through a multi-stage writing process by the ICS faculty member teaching the seminar sequence. Under most circumstances, the product is a completed thesis of 80 or more pages. Students may work in, with, and through different mediums, but all are required to complete a research-based substantial piece of writing and to submit the project in electronic and paper forms. The completed project is submitted for evaluation to the ICS Distinction Committee by mid-April of the senior year.
Coursework: The honors seminar courses count toward the major. Successful completion of ICS 495S in fall term fulfills the major requirement for ICS 489S, the senior capstone course. Students must complete 11 non-Foreign Language courses to graduate with distinction in the major instead of the standard 10.
Application: To apply for admission to the honors seminar sequence a student must complete, by the end of the junior year, a substantial portion of the major (roughly 11 courses), must have strong academic achievement (at least 3.3 GPA) in the major, and must have an updated ICS curricular plan on file with the program. Applications from interested juniors are due in early March. The application includes a project proposal and initial bibliography (of 2-3 pages), along with a letter of recommendation from a Duke faculty member willing to serve as the research supervisor. Further details on the application process, including specific deadlines, are available on the ICS website.
Levels of Distinction and Evaluation Procedure: Three levels are possible: Distinction, High Distinction, or Highest Distinction. Levels of distinction, based on the quality of the completed work, are determined by the ICS Distinction Committee in consultation with the student’s research supervisor. Students who have done satisfactory work in the honors seminars but whose thesis is denied distinction will receive graded credit for the coursework.
Double Honors: While the ICS Program does not allow students to pursue double honors (i.e., complete a single interdisciplinary thesis for two different departments), each ICS student in the Distinction Program is expected to produce an interdisciplinary thesis project.
Further details on deadlines, schedules, and expectations for Graduation with Distinction in ICS are available on the ICS website.