Proof for the 2012-2013 Duke University Bulletin of Undergraduate Instruction, p

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404S. Discourse of Disease and Infection. ALP, CCI, CZ, STS
406S. Vampire Chronicles: Fantasies of Vampirism in a Cross-Cultural Perspective. ALP, CCI
407. Colonial Cinema and Post-Colonial Reflections. ALP, CCI, CZ
412S. Capstone Seminar: Globalization, Women, and Development. CCI, CZ, R, SS, STS
422. Ethnic Conflict (B). CCI, R, SS
434. Chinese Im/migration: Chinese Migrant labor and immigration to the US. ALP, CCI, EI, SS
458S. Performing Brazil: Issues of Performative Cultures. ALP, CCI
460D. Mayas, Aztecs and Incas: The World According to the Indigenous People of Latin America. CZ, EI, R
460S. Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas: The World According to the Indigenous People of Latin America. CZ, EI, FL, R
461. Dictators and Democrats in Modern Latin America (B). CCI, EI, R, SS
511S. Political Participation: Comparative Perspectives (B). CCI, SS
512S. Current Issues in International and Development Economics. SS, W
521S. International Environmental Regimes (B, D). EI, SS, STS
527S. Music in Literature and Philosophy. ALP, CCI, R
545S. Millennial Capitalisms: Global Perspectives. CCI, CZ, R, SS
601. Comparative Party Politics (B, PI, BI). CCI, R, SS
Introductory courses
Comparative/global issues courses
Area courses: africa
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395T. BorderWork(s): At Home/On the Wall: between Belfast and Durham. CCI, CZ, R, W BorderWork(s)lab course. Working in teams, students research specific questions related to walls, human rights and the ways communities shape the divisions in their lives; we start by looking at walls and partitions around us in Durham and in places like Belfast, Northern Ireland, then at divisions in other contemporary societies like Israel and the Occupied Territories, India/Pakistan, and North Africa. Instructor: Kirk. One course. C-L: Cultural Anthropology 308T

404S. Discourse of Disease and Infection. ALP, CCI, CZ, STS One course. C-L: see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies 409S; also C-L: Visual and Media Studies 238S, Arts of the Moving Image 215S

406S. Vampire Chronicles: Fantasies of Vampirism in a Cross-Cultural Perspective. ALP, CCI One course. C-L: see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies 413S; also C-L: Women's Studies 231S, Study of Sexualities 231S, Arts of the Moving Image 217S

407. Colonial Cinema and Post-Colonial Reflections. ALP, CCI, CZ One course. C-L: see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies 401; also C-L: Literature 210, Arts of the Moving Image 259

412S. Capstone Seminar: Globalization, Women, and Development. CCI, CZ, R, SS, STS One course. C-L: see History 419S; also C-L: African and African American Studies 407S, Women's Studies 412S

422. Ethnic Conflict (B). CCI, R, SS One course. C-L: see Political Science 429

430S. Francophone Literature. ALP, CCI, FL One course. C-L: see French 417S; also C-L: African and African American Studies 410S, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies 202S, History 387S, Canadian Studies, Latin American Studies

434. Chinese Im/migration: Chinese Migrant labor and immigration to the US. ALP, CCI, EI, SS One course. C-L: see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies 409; also C-L: Arts of the Moving Image 268

458S. Performing Brazil: Issues of Performative Cultures. ALP, CCI One course. C-L: see Portuguese 490S

459S. 20th Century Latin American Photography. CCI, CZ, FL One course. C-L: see Spanish 433S; also C-L: Art History 284S, Visual and Media Studies 315S, Latin American Studies

460D. Mayas, Aztecs and Incas: The World According to the Indigenous People of Latin America. CZ, EI, R One course. C-L: see Spanish 412D; also C-L: Cultural Anthropology 367D, Latino/a Studies in the Global South 412D

460S. Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas: The World According to the Indigenous People of Latin America. CZ, EI, FL, R One course. C-L: see Spanish 412S; also C-L: Cultural Anthropology 367S, Latino/a Studies in the Global South 412S

461. Dictators and Democrats in Modern Latin America (B). CCI, EI, R, SS One course. C-L: see Political Science 422

489S. Capstone Seminar in International Comparative Studies. CCI, CZ, EI, SS Interdisciplinary seminar for senior ICS majors; uses scholarship, literature and film to revisit key critical transnationalism concepts and themes from ICS gateway at level appropriate for senior experience; writing-intensive, with assignments to facilitate analytical thinking; individual reflection on classroom-, study away-, and work experiences; library research; and engagement with university intellectual and creative environment. Instructors: Ross, Kirk, Hasso. One course.

490. Advanced Topics in International Comparative Studies. Topics vary from semester to semester. Instructor: Staff. One course.

490S. Advanced Seminar in Topics in International Comparative Studies. Topics vary from semester to semester. Instructor: Staff. One course.

495S. Senior Honors Seminar. CCI, CZ, R, SS, W Thesis design, research, and writing. First semester of a two course sequence. Open to seniors majoring in International Comparative Studies. Consent of instructor required. Instructor: Gheith or Litle. One course.

496S. Senior Honors Seminar. CCI, CZ, R, SS, W Continuation of International Comparative Studies 495S. Open to seniors majoring in International Comparative Studies. Consent of instructor required. Instructor: Gheith or Litle. One course.

511S. Political Participation: Comparative Perspectives (B). CCI, SS One course. C-L: see Political Science 562S

512S. Current Issues in International and Development Economics. SS, W One course. C-L: see Economics 568S; also C-L: Canadian Studies

521S. International Environmental Regimes (B, D). EI, SS, STS One course. C-L: see Political Science 525S; also C-L: Public Policy Studies 581S

527S. Music in Literature and Philosophy. ALP, CCI, R One course. C-L: see German 580S; also C-L: English 580S

545S. Millennial Capitalisms: Global Perspectives. CCI, CZ, R, SS One course. C-L: see Cultural Anthropology 530S

601. Comparative Party Politics (B, PI, BI). CCI, R, SS One course. C-L: see Political Science 528; also C-L: Canadian Studies

602. Comparative Legislative Politics (B). R, SS, W One course. C-L: see Political Science 529


African and African American Studies

131. The Third World and the West I

132. The Third World and the West II

Cultural Anthropology

220. World Music: Aesthetic and Anthropological Approaches


101. Introduction to World History: To 1700

102. Introduction to World History: Since 1700

131. The Third World and the West I

132. The Third World and the West II


481. Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

450. Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise


130. World Music: Aesthetic and Anthropological Approaches

Political Science

155. Democracy, Development and Violence: Introduction to Comparative Politics

155D. Democracy, Development, and Violence: Introduction to Comparative Politics

281. Globalization and Public Policy (D)

Public Policy Studies

212. Globalization and Public Policy (D)


262. Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise

Visual and Media Studies

247. Global Culture


Arts of the Moving Image

230S. Sound, Music, and the Moving Image

Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

105. Introduction to Asian and African Literature

Cultural Anthropology

170. Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4)

203. Marxism and Society

210. Global Culture

301. Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Anthropology


311. History of Economic Thought


239. Marxism and Society


265. Madness and Society in Historical Perspective

279. The Foundations of Modern Terrorism

307. History of Economic Thought


149. Introduction to Asian and African Literature

370. International Popular Culture

470. Marxism and Society


129S. Sound, Music, and the Moving Image

256S. Music History II: From 1650 to 1850

257. Music History III: After 1850

Political Science

260D. Environmental Politics and Policies in the Developing World (B)

373. Political Economy of Development (B)

416S. Post-World War II Europe and East Asia: A Comparative Perspective (D)

507S. Crisis, Choice, and Change in Advanced Democratic States (B, PI, PE)

Public Policy Studies

274. Environmental Politics and Policies in the Developing World (B)

335. Comparative Health Care Systems (B)

598. Economic Growth and Development Policy


490. Special Topics in Russian and American Culture


218. Sex, Gender, and Society

226. The Challenges of Development

342D. Organizations and Global Competitiveness

345. Nations, Regions, and the Global Economy

360. Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4)

360D. Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4)

371. Comparative Health Care Systems (B)

Visual and Media Studies

246. Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4)

269. Documentary Photography and Film of the Nuclear Age

297. International Popular Culture


African and African American Studies

210. History and Modern Africa

211. History of Africa: From Antiquity to Early Modern Times

307. Development and Africa

340. Culture and Politics in Africa

590S-5. Topics in African Art

Art History

590S-5. Topics in African Art

Cultural Anthropology

242. Culture and Politics in Africa

307. Development and Africa