
Вид материалаДокументы


H. Источник информации о проекте
A. Project Opportunity Description
B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project)
D. Required Financial Assistance
E. Demand (users) and revenues
F. Operating and Maintenance Costs
A. Описание возможностей проекта
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G. Чистый доход:

G1. Объем чистой прибыли

G2. Сумма (млн долл. США):

Чистая прибыль


H. Источник информации о проекте:

H1. Форма заполнена (кем, Ф.И.О., должность):

Бузюма Наталья Антоновна – главный экономист, Тивончик Николай Константинович – начальник отдела маркетинга

H2. Организация (наименование и адрес):

ОАО «Ольшевский племптицезавод», 225215, д.Ольшево, Березовского р-на, Брестской области

H3. Тел. / Факс / E-mail:

Тел. +375-1643-59-2-32; факс +375-1643-59-2-34; е-mail: oppz@tut.by

H4. Дата:

Декабрь, 2011

H5. Ведомственная принадлежность проекта:

Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Беларусь

Начало формы

A. Project Opportunity Description:

A1. Project Name:

a. Short name:

Reconstruction of the Poultry Killing Room

b. Full name:

Reconstruction of the Poultry Killing and Processing Room with the Capacity of 2000 Heads per Hour, JSC «Olshevsky Poultry Breeding Plant»

c. Summary description:

The effectiveness of the poultry processing enterprises to a high extend depends on the poultry killing and processing room, where the following operations are held: reception, weighing, hanging the poultry on the conveyor, electrocution, killing and bleeding, defeathering, weakening of the feather holding in the poultry skin (scalding and subscalding with hot water), defeathering poultry carcasses, gutting, washing of poultry carcasses inside and outside, cooling, sorting, marking, weighing, packing and marking of the boxes, sending the poultry carcasses to refrigerator for freezing and storage. Thus, the successful and effective work of the poultry plant is impossible without modern poultry killing room, which would meet all the requirements.

A2. Progress Status:

The project «Reconstruction of the Poultry Killing and Processing Room with the Capacity of 2000 heads per Hour, JSC «Olshevsky Poultry Plant» is worked out on the basis of the project statement, technical conditions of the interested organizations and also on the basis of the analogous projects worked out by the «BELGIPROAGROPISHCHEPROM» Institute. The killing room reconstruction according to the project was started in 2007. Currently the killing room equipment has been assembled (preliminary cooling, refrigerating chambers – to the amount of more than 1,5 million USD). The second part of reconstruction and replacement of the technological equipment of the killing room (replacement of the killing line and building additional rooms for organizing the personnel movement as by the sanitary inspection room) is planned for the period from May till December 2010, in case financing is available (the approximate amount of the investments comprises 2,6 million USD.) The total cost of the reconstruction project makes up 4,1 million USD. The demanded investments amount comprises 2,6 million USD (necessary for finishing the second reconstruction stage).

A3. Organizations involved and their roles:

1. JSC «Olshevsky Poultry Breeding Plant» – project manager. 2.«BELGIPROAGROPISHCHEPROM» Institute – organizer and consultant of the project. 3. IE (Individual Entrepreneur) «Holodinternational Plus» – consultant of the project.

A4. Project Description:

Two stages are foreseen by the project: in the first line - reconstruction of the cold supply of the room, which consists of two starting complexes (1st starting complex – air cooling of the poultry carcasses, conditioning of the dressing and packing sector, 2nd starting complex – reconstruction of the refrigerating chambers). The second stage of the reconstruction and replacement of the technological equipment of the killing room (replacement of the killing line and building additional rooms for organizing the personnel movement as by the sanitary inspection room) is planned for the period from May till December 2010 in case financing is available (the approximate amount of the investments comprises 2,6 million USD.) When fulfilling the reconstruction it is planned to use progressive and advanced domestic and imported equipment for poultry killing and processing: implementation of new progressive energy saving technological decisions and advanced technologies. All these things will make it possible to raise productivity, to better the quality of the production, to reduce production cost price and as a result to raise the competitiveness of the poultry farm on the domestic and foreign market.

a. Project cost (mln USD):


A5. Background / history / overall programme / related or similar projects:

JSC «Olshevsky Poultry Breeding Plant» produces more than 90% of duck meat in the Republic of Belarus, which has made up 940 tons carcass weight in 2009. Duck meat consumption comprises on average 1,5–2% of broiler chicken meat consumption, which has made up approximately 140 000 tons in 2009 in the Republic of Belarus. Thus, the potential market volume of duck meat in the Republic of Belarus comprises round 2,1-2,8 thousand tons. Except Belarusian market, Olshevsky Poultry Breeding Plant realizes up to 40 % of duck meat in the Russian Federation.

A6. Environmental impact summary:

When using the equipment of foreign origin it is possible to provide annual reduction of the expenses as equivalent to 2,2 tons of the conditional fuel. To exclude the environmental pollution it is foreseen by the project to introduce non-waste technological processes of poultry killing and processing.

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:

«Reconstruction of the Killing Room» is an expensive project with a long period of the payout. It requires a thorough considering of all risks, even those unlikely to happen, and working out anti-crisis plans. External risks: 1. market stagnation or reduction of the duck meat consumption level 2. hardening of the competition or supply increase 3. unequal competition conditions. Supply decrease, growth of the population income will promote the development of duck meat production. The Russian market is constantly growing and this tendency is going to be kept for quite a long period of time. The Belarusian market follows the Russian one with lagging behind by 4-5 years. Analytics of the possible project risks, the possibility of their happening, measures of their prevention and minimizing are evaluated by the business plan in the «mid-low» category.

A8. Term of realization / term of recoupment:

10 / 7

A9. Project’s branch:


B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):

B1. Project physical components

B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Pre-investment and preparatory cost


Building and construction cost


Equipment cost


Total: investment cost including VAT


B3. Sub-projects by location

B4. Project cost (mln USD)

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:

C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity / ownership, etc.

C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:

D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:

Direct investments, or credit and loans

D2. Sources of finance

D3. Type of investment

D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investor funds

Direct investments, or credit and loans


D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:

E. Demand (users) and revenues:

E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:

The production will be realized on the domestic market to the amount of 55% and on the external markets (Russia and Ukraine) to the amount of 45% of the total produced volume.

E2. Revenues (Sales)

E3. Amount (mln USD)

Production realization gains for ten years period


F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:

F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:

The calculation of the production expenses is carried out in correspondence with the cost price calculation system, which is foreseen by the normative acts of the Republic of Belarus taking into account the norms in force. The production expenses are calculated according to planned technological norms. The amount of depreciation is included into the amount of total production and realization expenses.

F2. Cost Item

F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw materials


Power inputs






Overhead charges




G. Net Income Value:

G1. Net Income Value

G2. Amount (mln USD):

Net income


H. Источник информации о проекте:

H1. This form was completed by:

Buzuma Natalia Antonovna – Chief Economist, Tivonchik Nikolai Konstantinovich – Chief of the Marketing Department

H2. Organisation (address):

JSC «Olshevsky Poultry Breeding Farm», 225215, v.Olshevo, Bereza District, Brest Region, Belarus

H3. Tel/Fax/E-mail:

Tel.:+375-1643-59232 Fax: +375-1643-59234; е-mail: oppz@tut.by

H4. Date:

December, 2011

H5. H5. Supreme Organization:

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus

Начало формы

A. Описание возможностей проекта:

A1. Название проекта:

a. Краткое название:

Строительство убойного цеха

b. Полное название:

Строительство убойного цеха с производительностью убоя птицы 2 тыс. голов в час на ОАО «Птицефабрика «Медновская»

c. Краткое описание:

Строительство здания с установкой оборудования мощностью 2 тысячи голов в час на ОАО «Птицефабрика «Медновская»

A2. Состояние проекта:

В стадии проектирования, изготовление ПСД

A3. Участвующие организации и их роли:

Открытое акционерное общество «Птицефабрика «Медновская» - инициатор, Министерство сельского хозяйства - координатор

A4. Описание проекта (подходы,задачи, компоненты, результаты, этапы, сроки, общее финансирование, преимущества, влияние на переходные процессы в экономике и т.д.):

В настоящее время в хозяйстве убой птицы производится в убойном цеху, работа в котором в связи с полным физическим износом оборудования и не соответствием здания санитарными нормами с 2009 года санитарно-ветеринарными службами остановлена. Строительство нового здания с установкой современного оборудования по убою и резке тушек птицы мощностью 2 тыс. голов в час позволит осуществлять современный убой птицы согласно технологии выращивания, улучшить качество выпускаемой продукции. Увеличит рентабельность производимой продукции.

a. Общая стоимость проекта (млн долл. США):


A5. Предпосылки/история/общая программа/связанные или похожие проекты:

До 1990 года хозяйство специализировалось на производстве мяса утки. Годовое производство составляло 2400 тонн мяса в живом весе. Убой осуществлялся в убойном цеху Кобринской птицефабрики. Расстояние доставки составляло более 100 км. В связи с убыточностью производства утиного мяса хозяйство начало перепрофилироваться на производство бройлерного мяса. В 1997 году хозяйственным способом был построен пункт убоя птицы, в настоящее время не соответствующий по общепринятым параметрам и подлежащий закрытию. Все птицефабрики мясного направления в Республике Беларусь имеют убойные цеха. Отсутствие современного цеха убоя приведёт к убыточности производства.

A6. Краткое описание влияния на окружающую среду:

Не влияет

A7. Возможные препятствия/проблемы/степень риска:

Финансовая недостаточность

A8. Срок реализации/окупаемости проекта (лет):

3 / 6

A9. Отраслевая принадлежность проекта:

Сельское хозяйство