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- Доклад по дисциплине "История и методология науки", 118.84kb.
- 4. Уроки/выводы/требования на национальном уровне, 69.12kb.
- Методические рекомендации по дипломному проектированию по психологии, 208.15kb.
- Обо мне много всяких хреновин, 107.98kb.
- Выводы и рекомендации международной научно-практической конференции, 324.45kb.
- Выводы и рекомендации Комитета ООН против пыток, Азербайджан, cat/C/CR/30/1, 14 мая, 69.97kb.
- Выводы и рекомендации Комитета ООН против пыток, Республика Молдова, cat/C/CR/30/7,, 51.02kb.
- Молодежь Российской Федерации: положение, выбор пути. Основные выводы и предложения, 2768.51kb.
- «Религиозные партии и демократическое развитие: опыт Западной Европы, выводы для современного, 325.64kb.
- Выводы по работе, 35.32kb.
Как сохранить интерес учащихся к иностранному языку на всем протяжении его изучения? Этот вопрос широко обсуждается в методической литературе последних лет. Большую роль в поддержании мотивов к изучению иностранного языка играет введение на уроках элементов страноведения. Тексты страноведческого характера занимают сегодня все большее место в процессе обучения иностранным языкам. Благодаря таким текстам, учащиеся знакомятся с реалиями страны изучаемого языка, получают дополнительные знания в области географии, образования, культуры и т.д. Содержание страноведческих текстов должно быть значимым для учеников, иметь определенную новизну, будь то общие сведения об образовательных учреждениях, о государственном устройстве, о детских и юношеских организациях страны изучаемого языка или об особенностях речевого поведения и этикета. Уроки страноведения вызывают у учеников потребность в дальнейшем самостоятельном ознакомлении со страноведческими материалами. Поэтому я часто пользуюсь возможностью провести уроки по страноведению
Цели урока: Познавательный аспект – знакомство со столицей США
, ее достопримечательностями. Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к догадке, коммуникабельности, способность осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия. Воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного, толерантного отношения к чужой культуре,дать понятие о безопасности в городе.
Учебный аспект – формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения, развитие умения читать с целью полного понимания информации. Сопутствующие задачи – совершенствование навыка работы с компьютером, с интерактивной доской
Задачи урока:формирование навыков общения с использованием идиом, формирование навыков общения в рамках ситуации» Разговор о городе»
Урок носит комплексный характер и представляет собой промежуточный этап работы по изучаемой теме (этап активизации и закрепления лексического материала). Дети знакомятся с Британией, узнают о географическом расположении Британии, главных исторических и культурных памятников. Использование презентации не только повышает мотивацию, но и усиливает тренировочную функцию предлагаемых упражнений. Слайды используются не просто для оформления урока и наглядности, но и в качестве инструмента деятельности ученика.
Наглядные пособия на уроке: схема Вашингтона, Схема метро, картины с изображением видов города, картинки идиом, интерактивная доска, подключение к интернету
Ход урока
План урока
1. Организационный момент
Приветствие учителя, приглашение в «путешествие в один из самых известных городов США». Объяснение цели урока (знакомство с достопримечательностямиВашингтона).
Hello, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you again. Today I invite you to visit one of the most famous cities of the USA Look at the map Today we shall speak about Washington, Repeat the idioms, Speak about the symbols in the streets, And finally write a test “what do you know about Washington”
2. Речевая разминка.
Let’s begin with idioms . Idioms- What do they mean?- I have butterflies in my stomach. This is where I draw the line The gardener has a green thumb. I’ll have to sleep on it. I am really shorthanded Zip your lip.
Диалоги с идиомами помогут лучше понять их значение
1 Hello! Its -------speaking. I am calling you about our trip to Washington. Can you meet us?
Sure. Is it your first time on a plane?
No, it isn’t. But I didn’t fly over the ocean. I have butterflies in my stomach.
2. Well. Here we are in Washington. I want to see the American capital. Can you show me the city?
Yes . I’d love to.
Can you take me to the National Museum?
Well, I’ll try to do it.
Will you buy the tickets to the musical CATS?
No, I won’t
This is where I draw the line.
3 Where have you been?
Oh I was very busy. A friend of mine came to Washington. I had to show him the capital. We saw all the historical monuments of the city.
You really take the cake.
4 What sights of Washington did you like best of all?
I like the Jefferson Memorial. It is surrounded be cherry trees . They are beautiful The gardener has a green thumb.
5 My parents want to know if you will come to our place in summer.
Thank you for the invitation. But I’ll have to sleep on it.
7 We shall perform the musical CATSat our school.Oh, will you make the costumes and the decoration?
I’ love to , but I am really shorthanded.
8 I like this excursion very much. Look we are coming to the White House.
It isn’t polite to talk during the excursion. Zip your lip.
3 Ответы на вопросы (проверка домашнего задания).
Презентация Белый дом
Развитие навыка устной речи. Учитель предлагает поговорить о самой известной достопримечательности Белый дом (Текст обучающиеся читали дома:
The White House
The White House is an important part of Washington.It is where the president lives and works.George Wahington was the only president who didn’t work and live there. It was built on1800.
John Adams was the first president t o live in it.he and his family moved to the White House in 1800.
The White House has 132rooms. Tourists can see the rooms on the ground floor.
The first floor rooms are for the president and his family. The oval room is the office of the president
Why is it called The White House?
Who was the only president who didn’t live there?
When was it built?
How many rooms are there in it?
4 Презентация Вашингтон и рассказы о его достопримечательностях
Washington is the capital of the USA .It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The District is named in honour of Columbus. Washington was founded in 1791.It was founded by George Washington and was named in his honour. George Washington was from the state of Virginia. He was born in 1732 .During the war of Independence he was the commander of the American army. He was a great hero to many people. He was made the first president of the USA. He was called the father of the Nation. He himself chose the place for the capital of the country.
Washington is a new city. The population of Washington is nearly one million. The buildings in Washington are not very high. The highest building is the Capitol.
There are different names for the metro in different cities of the USA. In Boston for example it is called MTA, in New York- the subway, in Washington – the metro .There are several lines in the metro in Washington- the red line , the blue line, the green line and so on. In the metro in the USA some trains stop at all the stations (local trains) and some trains stop only at big stations. (Express trains).
You can buy the tickets to the metro at every station and you can also get a map of the metro there..
The Capitol
The capitol is the seat of the government of the USA
It is in the centre of Washington.It is located on the Capitol Hill.It is the highest point of the city.There are no buildings in the city higher than The Capitol. The capitol was designed by William Thornton. The building is decorated with marble.The 36 columns which surround the Capitol represent the states at the time the building was made.
There are 540 rooms in the Capitol . there are many pictures and statues in it.
The Washington monument.
Not far from the capitol is the Washington monument, which looks like a long pencil.It is called The pencil. It was made in mrmory of the first president.
It is 555 feet high. A special lift brings visitors to the top of it. From the top of it they can enjoy the view of the capital.The walls of the monument are decorated with 50 stones from 50 countries and organisations. There are 50 banners from 50 states of America. The monument was made by Robert Mills
The Jefferson memorial was built in memory of the third president Thomas Jefferson. He was the author of the Declaration of Independence. The memorial is surrounded by the cherry trees. They look wonderful in spring when they are covered by white and pink blossoms.
The Lincoln memorial is devoted to the memory of 16th American president- Abraham Lincoln .He was the author of Emancipation Proclamation. He gave the freedom to the Negro slaves of America. The memorial looks like a Greek temple.The author of the memorial was Henry Bacon.36 columns represent the number of the states in the times of Lincoln.there are names of the states on them.The memorial was made in 1922.The figure of the President is inside the memorial.He looks at the Washington monument across the water of the pool.
Washington has many libraries, museums and galleries.The Library of Congress is the largest library in the USA and in the world.
There is the famous. Pentagon.it is the building, where the head quarters of American Army, the Navy and the Air force are located.it is the military centre of the USA.
5 Тест « Что ты знаешь о Вашингтоне»
Now I’ll give you a test “What do you know about Washington”
What do you know about Washington?
1 Washington was founded by
A George Washington
B Abraham Lincoln
C Thomas Jefferson
2 Washington is located
A on the East coast
B on the coast of the Pacific Ocean
C on the Mississippi river
3 George Washington was born in
A Virginia
B Georgia
C California
4 The Declaration of Independence was written by
A George Washington
B Abraham Lincoln
C Thomas Jefferson
5 The Emancipation proclamation was written by
A George Washington
B Abraham Lincoln
C Thomas Jefferson
6 The history of the first flights is shown in
A The National Air and Space Museum
B The Smithsonian information Center
C The White House
7 The laws are interpreted in
A The Capitol
B The Supreme Court
C The White House
6».Безопасность в городе»-зачитать правила безопасности по текстам в тетрадях
Today we shall speak about the safety in the city-
Open your copybooks and read the rules of the safety-
1 Never take lifts from strangers.
2. Don’t walk alone when it is late.
3. Avoid empty underground platforms.
4. In emergency phone the police.
5. Follow your parents’ advice
6. Never talk to strangers
7 Чтение и говорение
Let’s be guides! Open your” Readers” page 118ex 16
You will spend three days in Washington-What would you like to visit?
Here is the example,
If I were in Washingtjn I would like to visit The Library of Congress ,
The Jefferson Memorial ,The Lincoln memorial
8Let’s speak about your homework-
Your homework will be to fill in the” Identification card”
Identification card
Person’s name--------------------------------------Age---------------------
Address-------------------------------------Telephone Number-------------
Blood type------------------------------------------------------
Present medical problems-----------------------------------
9 Подведение итогов урока.
Рефлексия (что понравилось в путешествии).
Выставление отметок.
1 Виды города
2 Картинки с идиомами

План –конспект урока по теме
«Должен ли политик быть добрым»
Цель урока: развитие речевых умений учащихся.
Познавательный аспект:
• способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в области кинематографии англоязычных стран и России;
• ознакомить учащихся с результатами творческой деятельности одноклассников (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения);
• стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации, включая ресурсы Интернета.
Учебный аспект:
• cовершенствование речевых навыков школьников:
• высказывание своего мнения в вежливой форме об увиденном и прочитанном;
• понимание речи в фонозаписи c общим охватом содержания и конкретной информации;
• составление синквейна;
Развивающий аспект:
• развивать у школьников способности к наблюдению, анализу, сравнению и обобщению;
• развивать у них психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;
• развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников;
• формировать у них потребность и способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Воспитательный аспект:
• способствовать:
• воспитанию толерантного отношению к чужому мнению, чужой культуре, более глубокому осознанию своей культуры;
• воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, к памятникам культуры и искусства;
Оборудование урока:
1. Мультимедийный проектор.
2. Системный блок компьютера, клавиатура, мышь.
3. Презентация “Кино”
4. Магнитофон.
5. Аудиокассета к учебнику 11-го класса.
6. Листы бумаги для написания(по количеству учеников)
Оформление доски
• карточка со словом “Cinema”
INTRODUCTION. Aims: to summarize the knowledge on the topic about political systems of Great Britain, the U.S.A., Russia; to make the conclusion what personality a real politician should be, what traits of character s/he should have. II. SPEECH DRILL.TRAINING LEXICS. a) How do we call a person:
Key word: politician Solve the crossword and find the key-word. ![]() IIIGroup work. Which traits are positive and which are negative for a politician in your opinion. Use activity books Ex6 p 20 (Group 1 and Group 2 are given cards with adjectives on them: tolerant, risky, consistent, honest, prudent, kind, strong-willed, sympathetic, skillful, gifted, patriotic, reserved, hard-working, cunning, pliable, hypocritical, conservative, eloquent, deceitful, ambitious, ruthless, religious, self-reliant, disciplined, progressive). Group1: Positive traits are… Group2: Negative traits are… IV. DISCUSSION. What traits should a leader of a state have? Pupils comment on the text Must a politician be kind- Ex1 P 54, using grammar for revision-p.55 . (A politician should be power-loving. A politician should be gifted. A politician should be risky. A politician should be ambitious. A politician should be pliable. A politician should be ruthless) 1. Find in the text statements to conform the expert’s ideas. 2. Which ideas of the expert do you agree with/ don’t agree/ agree but partly? VListening and understanding Every country has its own great people: scientists, poets and writers, politicians, musicians, composers and actors. But I would like to tell you about the great British politician Sir Winston Churchill. Winston Leonard Churchill was without doubt the ruling figure in British politics in the 20th century. He was born in 1874. His mother was from America, the daughter of a New York businessman; his father belonged to an English rich family. He was given the typical education of that period for the person of his background. From 1895 until 1899 he combined the jobs of soldier and journalist in Cuba, India and Africa.. In 1899 he retired from the army and began his political career. He was an active and popular member of the Conservative Party, but later he changed his political views and joined the Liberal Party. He won many political victories and had as many failures. In 1910 he became Home Secretary, but he lost some of his popularity when he used the army to help the police put down the miners’ strike. For some years he was out of office and spent his time writing and painting. In the twentieth he returned to Conservative Party. In 1924 he was elected to the Parliament. In 1940 Churchill was appointed the Prime Minister. He formed a coalition government with the war cabinet of five; he was Prime Minister until 1945. He returned once more as the Prime Minister in 1951. Highly regarded as a painter, Churchill also received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his articles about the Second World War. He said that an “Iron Curtain” would divide Europe from north to south and this left his mark on the period of the Cold War. He died in London in 1965 Checking the understanding---- Questions 1When was Winston Leonard Churchill born 2What kind of education did he get 3How did he begin his career as a politician 4What political party did he belong 5When was he elected to the Parliament 6What activity did he receive the Nobel Prize for VI Presentation Queen Elisabeth Text for Presentation Elizabeth II Elizabeth II (born 1926) became queen of Great Britain and Ireland, George VI, in 1952. Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, in London, the oldest child of the Duke of York and his wife, Elizabeth.. Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten in November 1947, and they had four children—Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward. . . She visited France in the spring of 1972, attended the Commonwealth Conference in Ottawa in 1973, took part in the U.S. bicentennial celebrations and then headed north to Montreal to open the 1976 Summer Olympics In March of 1984 she visited Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island, Mexico, California, and British Columbia.. She also went to President Reagan's Santa Barbara ranch, to Yosemite National Park with Prince Philip. On November 20, 1972, the queen and Prince Philip celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a service in Westminster Abbey. One hundred couples from all over Britain who happened to have the same anniversary were invited to share in the occasion. The queen's two older children married with great ceremony and had children of their own . On November 14, 1973, Princess Anne married commoner Mark Philips and later had two children: Peter, born in 1977, and Zara, born in 1981. Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer on July 29, 1981; their two sons, Prince William and Prince Henry, were born in 1982 and 1984 respectively. Another son, Prince Andrew (made Duke of York), married Sarah Ferguson, July 23, 1986; their two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie were born in 1988 and 1990 respectively. Perhaps the happiest event was the queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977, marked by an outpouring of devotion to the queen, her family, and the institution of the British monarchy in the form of innumerable sporting events, festivals, carnivals, races, concerts, commemorative stamps, and other activities in her honor. She demonstrated her interest in the jubilee through the television broadcast of two films, Royal Heritage and The Queen's Garden, the publication of a book about her private art collection, the opening of the Holbein Room at Windsor Castle to the public, and the display of some of her works of art in a special Silver Jubilee train which tracked across Australia. After her accession the queen endeavored in her own way to make the British monarchy more modern, more open, and more accessible. . She showed interest and skill in use of the broadcast media, notably in her annual Christmas television messages, in royally sanctioned documentaries such as The Royal Palaces of Britain (1966) and The Royal Family as well as the two Jubilee presentations, and in television broadcasts of Prince Charles' investiture as Prince of Wales and of the royal weddings.." VI Reading the text from Reader ex.1p.16 Why the Monarchy must go- Why the Monarchy must stay Arguments for and against--------------pupils’opinions VII The medieval Italian politician and writer Nicollo Machiavelli’s opinion on the topic (ex.2 p.55) Look through his statements about a real politician ( he called him Prince in his book) and find appropriate adjectives to the traits from the given list) (Students read the article and do the task in written form. After the discussion the answers are written on the blackboard) Keys: a) risky; b) cunning, eloquent; c) pliable; d) ruthless; e) progressive VI. GROUPWORK. (3 groups) In groups decide what kind of a person should be a politician. MAKING WEBBING. “ A politician should be...” VII. IMAGINATION. Imagine that you are going to be the leader of the state. What traits would you have to rule your country? Say, follow the model: If I were the leader of the state, I would be…. If I were the leader of the state I definitely wouldn’t be…. HOME-TASK At home you are to develop your ideas and write 5 traits you would have, being the leader of the state and 3 traits you definitely wouldn’t have. | Учитель озвучивает вопросы Игровая методика Коммуникативная методика Учитель озвучивает проблемуи предлагает работу с Рабочей тет радью.раздает карточки ученикам Озвучивает вопрос Личностно-ориентировання технология Коммуникативная методика Пишет на Доске Опорные Слова и Зачитывает текст 2 раза Демонстрирует презентацию ИКТ Интенсивная технология Рассказывает о Маккиавелли и предлагает выполнить задания Интенсивная технология Ставит проблему Каким же должен быть политик Напоминает правло условны хредложений- на доске образец Игровая методика | Ученики отвечают на них и записывают в кроссворд на Доске Ученики чи тают упр 6 стр 20 –слова,характ. Личность.Де лятся на груп пы Группа1за Читывает Положи Тельные Черты, группа 2-отриц. Высказывют Своё мнение Зачитывают Потвержде Ния в тексте Слушают и отвечают на вопросы Смотрят и Читают ком ментарии Работают с Текстом дом работы и высказы вают аргу менты за и против монархии подбирают определе ния к лич ности Маккиавелли Высказывают Своё мнение, Используя Активную лексику Уч-ся по очереди высказы ваются | |
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