Replace words or word combinations with a number of items associated with the topic
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- Курс лекций и планы семинарских занятий по лексикологии английского языка (для студентов, 372.25kb.
- Информационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку «Computers will not replace, 140.67kb.
- Словообразование (word formation) Задание Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы к нему., 179.74kb.
- Этимология (etymology of the english word) Исконная лексика (Native words) Задание, 52.83kb.
- Редактор текстів Word, 683.22kb.
- Тест №1Microsoft Word Як запустити програму Microsoft Word?, 100.62kb.
- Лабораторна робота №64: " Текстовий процесор ms word, 232.82kb.
- Текстовий процесор Word, 52.93kb.
- Диагностические тесты ms word Оцените свои навыки работы с текстовым редактором, 52.82kb.
- Смірнова О. Ю, Microsoft Word, 527.4kb.
Fast Food (Через чтение и говорение к написанию сочинения - С2).
Открытый урок
в 10 лингвистическом классе,
гимназия №11, г.Дубна ,
учитель – Буздавина Е.Л.
Fast Food is our topic for today. We will read, speak and make notes. Finally you’ll have to write a composition on the topic: “Fast food is very popular among teenagers. However, many experts consider fast food harmful to our health”.
As you see even the test maker uses the world combination fast food twice, which is not very good.
Please make the 1st note for today:
Note №1
Replace words or word combinations with a number of items associated with the topic.
Fas Food is associated with Coca Cola, hamburgers and so on. Let’s review the fast food items and what
We learned about their origin. (Student’s answers)

Now tell which words you can use instead of Extreme Sports, Holidays, Natural Fury. (Student’s answers)
Your home assignment was task B2 from Stat Grad Test. Let’s check your answers. (Keys : 1E,2D,3H,4A,5G,6C,7F)
Установите соответствие между заголовками A – Н и текстами 1 – 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Serving healthier food E. Attracting customers
B. Revealing the truth F. Giving healthy options
C. Eating in a car G. What does “fast food”mean?
D. Ruining health
H. Eating cheaply
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| | | | | | |
1. Many fast food restaurants are trying to promote healthier fast food alternatives, apples instead of fries, milk or juice instead of soda, in order to keep customers coming in. However, the main contents of most fast food meals, like burgers, are still high in fat and salt. Parents are concerned about the excessive marketing to children, especially when the payoff is a toy.
2. "There's strong evidence now that a fast-food type of diet is high in fat and sugar. The kind of diet many Americans subsist on can cause significant damage to your liver and have extremely serious consequences for your health," says Brent Brown, M.D., professor at the Saint Louis University Liver Center and one of the country's leading experts on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
3. Most people today are usually aware that fast food is not the healthiest or "best" food to eat. Typically, the majority of people eat it several times a week or more. People generally eat fast food for a few main reasons, mostly because it's convenient, cheap and usually tastes pretty good.
4. Some of the UK's leading fast food chains have committed to lowering levels of salt and fat within their meals. McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Subway, Nando's and Wimpy have all promised to lower levels of trans fats as well as lowering salt levels. This is excellent news for all fast food lovers but especially those with high blood pressure and cholesterol.
5. Fast food is the term given to many items that can be prepared and served quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, such as TV dinners, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store which is rapidly prepared and served to the customer in a packaged form for takeaway.
6. Fast-food restaurateurs wanted to take advantage of the rising popularity of cars, so they designed restaurants that let people order and eat without leaving their vehicles. Then they decided to try something new: they simplified the menu so that there was nothing that required a knife, spoon or fork; they replaced all the glassware with disposable cups, plates and bags.
7. It’s hard to eat healthily today when going out. Large portion sizes, trans fat, and high sodium content of foods served in restaurant chains only make it harder for busy customers to make healthy choices. Luckily, there has been a trend among restaurants, such as Amanda’s, to serve fresh, healthy foods. Even large chains like McDonald’s have been offering healthier alternatives to the usual calorie-laden food.
I have some questions:
- What are the main reasons for fast food appealing to people so much?
- What is the main content of fast food mentioned in the text?
- What diseases can fast food cause?
- What do Fast Food restaurants do to keep customers coming in?
- Which paragraph gives us some general information about junk food?
Note №2
To write an introduction, give some general information on the topic in the 1st sentence.
State the problem in the second one.
Finally, give your personal opinion.
Now you have 2-3 minutes to write your introductions…. Please read your opening sentences.
(Student’s answers).
Some of you were to find some information about popcorn, Coca Cola, hamburgers, hotdogs and chips in the Internet on the website of the newspaper “The first of September” and give your personal opinion about eating these stuffs.
The others were to find critical notes about fast food in Wikipedia.
Let’s discuss junk food ,using the information you have found. While discussing, please make some notes and fill the tables.

What kind of liquid was Coca-Cola at first? | |
Was the syrup a success? | |
What an idea came to Jucobs, the druggist? | |
What helped to make Coca-Cola popular outside America? | |
The Hot Dogs
What is the origin of this kind of fast food? | |
Where did frankfurter become especially popular? | |
Why did Americans call it hot dog? | |
Where did they use to sell it? | |
How did they keep hot dogs warm? | |
Who got an idea for a cartoon? | |
Why do we call it so? | |
Does all corn pop? | |
Who introduced corn to Americans? | |
What changed the history of the product? | |
What do people usually like to put in their popcorn? | |
The Hamburger
What town did it get its name from? | |
Is the burger in the hamburger made from ham? | |
Why meat balls weren’t popular at first? | |
What idea did Nagreen come up with to improve the selling? | |
Potato chips
Where do potato chips come from? | |
How did a chief satisfy his customer? | |
Note №3
Writing the main body give your arguments and explain why you think so giving examples.
Note №4
Additional facts on the topic may show that the writer is a smart student and can make a good impression on the reader (examiner).

Your friend and you are planning to go out.
You are discussing which fast food to eat to have a snack. You can have
Hamburgers/ Hotdogs/ Popcorn/Fish and chips
(Student’s answers)
Unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to discuss the conclusion. For example, I write…
In today’s world people have less time for eating. That’s why hamburgers and hotdogs are so popular. However, fast food cannot “save time”. If you eat junk food because you are in a rush, you lose at least double the time you have saved. Nobody can be better at looking after your health but you.
Your home assignment is to write a composition on the topic: “Fast food is very popular among teenagers. However, many experts consider fast food harmful to our health”
Supplementary materials (the website of the newspaper “The first of September”)
Texts |
The hot dog In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt, a German city. The first frankfurter were sold in the United States in the 1860s. Americans called frankfurters "dachshund sausages." A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs. "Dachshund sausage" seemed like a good name for the frankfurter. Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games. At games they were sold by men who kept them warm in hot-water tanks. As the men walked up and down the rows of people, they yelled, "Get your dachshund sausages! Get your hot dachshund sausages!" People got the sausages on buns, a special bread. One day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball game. When he saw the men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon. The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside—not a dachshund sausage, but a dachshund. Dorgan didn't know how to spell dachshund. Under the cartoon, he wrote "Get your hot dogs!" The cartoon was a sensation, and so was the new name. If you go to a baseball game today, you can still see sellers walking around with hot-water tanks. As they walk up and down the rows they yell, "Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs!" |
Popсorn It’s impossible to imagine American take-away food or snacks without popcorn. Clear as a day, it is made from corn. But what about the first part of the word “pop”. Actually, when you put a kernel of corn on a fire, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That is why we call it popcorn. It’s an interesting thing to know that not all corn pops. A seed of corn must contain 14% water in it. Other kinds of corn have less waters and do not pop. The American Indians, who popped corn a long time ago, knew that special sort. They introduced corn to the first settlers. In 1620 when Pilgrims had a Thanksgiving dinner they invited the Indians, who brought popcorn with them. Since that time Americans continued to pop corn at home. But in 1945 a new machine was invented that changed the history of the product. The electric machine enabled to pop corn outside the home. And soon movies started selling popcorn to make more money. The famous American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is well- known. Many people like to put salt or melted butter in their popcorn, some preper to have it without. Either way Americans love their popcorn. |
The hamburger The hamburger has no connection to ham. It got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its ground steak. German immigrants to the United States introduced the "hamburger steak." At the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. Hamburgers on buns were convenient and tasted good. This became the usual way of eating hamburgers. How did the hamburger become the most popular, most typical American food? The introduction of the bun is an important part of the answer. Another important part is McDonald's, the fast-food restaurant. The first McDonald's was opened in San Bernadino, California, in 1949. Hamburgers were the main item on its menu. People liked the restaurant's fast service. By the 1960s there were many McDonald's restaurants. McDonald's was a part of nearly every community in the United States. There were also other fast-food restaurants that sold hamburgers. McDonald's alone sold millions of hamburgers a year. Today, of course, there are McDonald's restaurants around the world. The food they serve is considered typically American. And, although McDonald's has expanded its menu, the main item on that menu is—as always—the hamburger. |
Potato chips Potato chips are America's favorite snack. Where do potato chips come from? A Native American named George Crum makes the first potato chips. It is 1853. Crum is a chef in an expensive restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. One day, a customer does not like his french fries. He says they are too thick. So Crum makes more, this time thinner. The customer still does not like them. Crum gets mad. He decides to make the customer angry. So he cuts the fries very, very thin. The customer loves them. Other people want Crum's potato chips. They are a new food on the menu—Saratoga chips. Soon Crum sells the chips in many northern states. Crum opens his own restaurant with his special chips. Until 1920, people peel potatoes by hand. Then comes the automatic potato peeler. It changes everything. It is faster and easier to make potato chips. Now potato chips are not a specialty. They are a popular snack food— everyone eats them. Potato chips are popular only in the North. Then a salesman named Herman Lay brings potato chips to the South. He sells potato chips in bags. His business grows. In 1961 Lay's potato chips are famous. Today, Americans eat a lot of potato chips. Americans spend $10.5 million on potato chips every day! |
Coca-Cola The world famous fresh drink Coca-Cola first was an all-purpose medicine, made in 1886 by a druggist from Atlanta, who made a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola nuts. The syrup wasn’t a success and then another druggist, Jacobs, had an idea of selling Coca-Cola as a soda fountain drink. He mixed the syrup with soda water. Soon everyone was going to soda fountains and asking for Coca-Cola. An immigrant from Ireland, Asa Candler bought the recipe of the drink and having registered the company, became its father in 1892. In 1899 the first bottling factory was opened. The shaped bottle, as we know it today was invented in 1916 to protect the trademark. And again the World War II helped to make Coca-Cola popular outside America, when the Coca-Cola Company sent bottles of the drink to US soldiers fighting in Europe. It became so popular with the soldiers that the US Army asked the company to start ten factories in Europe. It’s a curious thing but of 1903 coca leaves were no longer used in the drink. The exact ingredients and the quantities are not known – the Coca-Cola Company keeps its recipe a secret. |