Сми о Казахстане (19-26 января 2009 года) оглавление
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- Сми о Казахстане (9– 16 февраля 2009 года) оглавление, 2106.27kb.
- Сми о Казахстане (3-17 ноября 2008 гг.) Оглавление, 1956.87kb.
- Дайджест материалов мировых сми о Казахстане, 3111.91kb.
- Принят Государственной Думой 21 января 2009 года Одобрен Советом Федерации 28 января, 299.33kb.
- Доклады, представляемые государствами-участниками, 1291.67kb.
- Мониторинг сми РФ по пенсионной тематике 19 20 января 2010 года, 1621.23kb.
- Ежедневный мониторинг сми ОАО «рао энергетические системы Востока» 13 января 2010 года, 747.06kb.
- Российские сми об мчс мониторинг за 23 января 2009, 893.42kb.
- Приднестровской Молдавской Республике (текущая редакция по состоянию на 11 декабря, 907.66kb.
- Ежемесячный бюллетень Судебная власть и сми в Казахстане, июнь 2011 года Содержание, 1310kb.
Today Azerbaijani Ambassador to Kazakhstan Latif Gandilov and Rector of the Turan-Astana University Manen Omarov met in Astana.
At the meeting the sides have discussed the opportunity of cooperation between the Universities of two countries. Omarov addressed to Azerbaijani ambassador with a request to assist to set a contact with the Azerbaijani University specialized in training of staff in the oil and gas sector.
“We want to invite tutors from Azerbaijan to Astana, and our branches of institute in Aktau and Atirau. We also want to exchange our students to strengthen friendship between our peoples through young generation. In addition, we also can organize courses on training of Azerbaijani language in our Universities,” Omarov said.
Gandilov supported the idea and promised to render assistance to set contact with Azerbaijani Universities, in particular with the Odlar Yurdu University.
Kazakhstan, the world’s third- largest uranium producer, and India signed an agreement that will enable the South Asian nation to mine and purchase the fuel for its nuclear power plants.
Kazatomprom, Kazakhstan’s state-run uranium miner, and Nuclear Power Corp. of India signed accords covering mining of natural uranium and supply of uranium products to nuclear power plants in India, Mumbai-based Nuclear Power, also owned by the state, said in a faxed statement today.
Сайт «Monsters and Critics.com» (USA), January 24, 2009, INDIA AND KAZAKHSTAN SIGN CIVIL NUCLEAR COOPERATION PACT
India Saturday signed a civil nuclear agreement with Kazakhstan under which the uranium-rich Central Asian country will supply nuclear fuel to Indian atomic plants.
The two countries signed four other agreements including an extradition treaty after delegation-level talks between Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and an Indian delegation led by Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee in New Delhi.
Mukherjee represented India as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh underwent bypass surgery in a Delhi hospital.
This is India's fourth nuclear cooperation pact with another country following agreements with France, the US and Russia last year.
The memorandum of understanding between the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) and KazAtomProm involves export of uranium for India's civil nuclear programme, which operates under International Atomic Energy Agency's safeguards.
Kazakhstan has the world's second largest uranium reserves and is the leading exporter.
Other deals signed Saturday included an agreement for cooperation on space research programmes, while oil majors ONGC Mittal Energy of India and National Co KazmunaiG (KMG) of Kazakhstan signed an agreement for exploration in the Satpayev block in the Caspian Sea.
'These agreements are very important for the stature of our bilateral relations,' Nazarbayev said after talks.
The Kazakh leader arrived Friday on a four-day visit and will be the chief guest at India's Republic Day parade in New Delhi on Monday.
India celebrates January 26 every year as Republic Day to commemorate the day it adopted its constitution in 1950.
Сайт «Stratfor» (USA), January 24, 2009, INDIA, KAZAKHSTAN: SIGN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT
India signed a nuclear agreement on Jan. 24 with Kazakhstan, which allows Kazakhstan to supply Indian nuclear power plants with nuclear fuel, Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported. India’s Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) will receive nuclear fuel from Kazakhstan’s KazAtomProm. India and Kazakhstan signed four additional agreements, including an extradition treaty, cooperative space research programs, and a deal between ONGC Mittal Energy and KazMunaiGaz (KMG) which allows cooperative exploration in the Satpayev block in the Caspian Sea.
India and Kazakhstan on Saturday signed five agreements, including cooperation in the civil nuclear field.
President Pratibha Patil and her Kazakhstan counterpart, Nursultan Nazarbayev signed on the agreements after a delegation level talk between the two countries.
The Kazakh President had arrived in India last night on a four-day visit.
This is Nazarbayev's fourth visit to India, who will also be the chief guest at the Republic Day parade this year.
The other agreements signed by the two countries are- a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in space and an agreement on carbo-hydron sector are the other highlights of the enhanced cooperation between the two countries.
An Extradition Treaty between the two sides and a protocol on accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO were also signed after the decisive talks.
After a ceremonial reception Nazarbayev said that Kazakhstan is a major trade partner of India and agreements on oil exploration, delivery of uranium for nuclear power plants and cooperation in IT industry will further strengthen the bilateral relations.
Vice President Mohammed Hamid Ansari, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and the leader of the Opposition L. K. Advani will call on Nazarbayev in the evening.