Методическое пособие для студентов технических и гуманитарных специальностей высших учебных заведений Омск 2007
Вид материала | Методическое пособие |
- Учебно-методическое пособие изучение конституции республики узбекистан /Рекомендовано, 1404.3kb.
- Учебное пособие для студентов высших медицинских учебных заведений Издание 2-е, дополненное, 955.76kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие минск Белмапо 2006, 314.28kb.
- Предложения в план мероприятий по вовлечению студентов и аспирантов высших учебных, 74.63kb.
- Учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений Махачкала 2008, 6753.55kb.
- Типовая учебная программа для высших учебных заведений по специальности: 1-51, 121.82kb.
- Типовая учебная программа для высших учебных заведений по специальности 1-51, 174.74kb.
- Учебник издательства, 8069.33kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов сельскохозяйственных высших учебных заведений, 1131.96kb.
- Методические рекомендации по выполнению курсовых работ по дисциплине «Экономическая, 649.86kb.
Информация V
Причастие, стоящее вначале предложения перед подлежащим или в конце предложения, выполняет функцию обстоятельства. Оно связано по смыслу со сказуемым и отвечает на вопрос «когда?», «при каком условии?» совершается действие.
После причастия могут стоять относящиеся к нему пояснительные слова, образующие причастный оборот.
Переводится: I) деепричастием несовершенного вида:
using – используя,
working – работая;
2) придаточным предложением:
Когда применяют ….
Когда, работают с ....
- Flowing through a conductor the current heats it.
Проходя по проводнику ....
- The current heats a conductor flowing through it.
Когда ток проходит по проводнику ....
9. Назовите номера предложений, в которых есть причастие I в функции обстоятельства
- Fоr liquid cooling some sort of radiator has to be provided.
- The first step in obtaining oil is to find its field.
- Considering hydrolysis as the first order reaction it is possible to draw some conclusions (сделать выводы).
- Using these scientific principles we can develop this science.
- Dealing with this problem we looked through a great number of articles and materials.
- Original scientific thinking is very important for every researcher.
- Making experiments investigators have to correlate the data of their research.
- Students surrounded the professor asking him questions.
- He likes to spend evening at home listening to classical music over his record player.
10. Переведите на русский язык (устно) причастные обороты в функции обстоятельства в следующих предложениях
- Sitting in the library I saw green mass of trees through windows.
- Working in the laboratory we always use these instruments.
- Scientists have learned to release much energy splitting atoms.
- Teaching mаthematics Tsiolkovsky continued studying astronomy.
- The teacher wrote some formulas on the blackboard explaining the Laws of motion.
- Translating this article the students found the description of this element.
Информация VI
Причастие I, II в функции обстоятельства часто сопровождается when, while, if, которые не переводятся.
When preparing the report you must … – If heated, the body expands … Готовя доклад, вы должны … При нагревании ... Если тело нагреть ....
11. Переведите на русский язык (устно) подчеркнутые причастные обороты в функции обстоятельства
- When comparing (сравнивать) elements scientists noticed the outstanding stability of some electronic structures.
- When working with аnу optical instrument one must know its revolving power.
- While explaining that law the teacher demonstrated some models.
- When splitting the atom we release a great number of energy.
- While waiting for the train at the station I looked through newspapers.
- When reading the article he made some notes.
Информация VII
Страдательные причастия I (being used) в функций обстоятельства можно переводить либо придаточным предложением либо, в некоторых случаях деепричастием «будучи использованным», «еcли ...».
Being heated magnetized steel loses its magnetism.
Будучи нагретой, сталь размагничивается.
Если намагниченную сталь нагреть, она размагничивается.
В функции определения переводится страдательным причастием настоящего времени (типа "используемый") или определительным придаточным предложением.
Instruments being used should be tested.
Используемые приборы следует испытывать.
Приборы, которые используются, следует испытывать.
12. Найдите в данных предложениях Participle I Passive в функции определения. Переведите предложения
- The apparatus being installed in the satellite will give various information.
- The experiment being conducted is of great interest for our research.
- The substance being investigated is supposed to contain much copper.
- The crystals being used in the reaction accelerated chemical changes.
- Water being warmed was poured into a vessel.
- The letter being sent by air mail will be received in a few days.
13. Укажите в каждом предложении причастие I (Passive), причастие II в функции обстоятельства. Переведите предложения
- When placed in a strong magnetic field, iron becomes magnetized.
- Being compared these elements showed great stability under loads.
- If heated, a body usually expands.
- If asked for help he never refuses.
- Being tested in the laboratory the instrument showed good characteristics.
- When first exhibited the telephone attracted very little attention.
14. Определите функцию причастия в предложениях. Переведите предложения
- Parks and gardens laid out in the city formed a green belt around it.
- The experiment being made at our laboratory shows the action of catalysts.
- If made of good material, electrical devices can work for a long time.
- Being installed in the satellite the instruments give necessary information to the scientists.
- Being produced of modern materials devices met all requirements.
- All the equipment being prepared for the experiment was installed in the laboratory.
Информация VIII
Причастие I в составе сказуемого во временах Continuous следует за глаголом to be. Сказуемое переводится личной формой глагола.
Electronics is playing a very important part in industry.
Электроника, играет очень важную роль в промышленности.
Many scientists were working at this problem.
Многие ученые работали над этой проблемой.
15. Укажите номера предложений, в которых причастие I входит в состав сказуемого в Continuous Active
1. Russian science takes a leading position in the world in some fields of knowledge 2. The new walking excavator is to work well in these conditions. 3. The metric system of measurements is finding wider application in many countries now. 4. Russia will be exchanging TV programmes with many European countries. 5. Michurin was growing different kinds of fruit all his life. 6. I am corresponding with my school-mates at present. 7. The Government pays great attention to creating good working conditions for our workers. 8. We were working at the laboratory when the dean came in and informed us about the meeting. 9. When the first motor car was running along the streets a great number of people were following it. 10. During the lessons of mathematics great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice.
16. Переведите предложения, определив по формальным признакам функцию причастия. Если при переводе возникнут затруднения, обратитесь к информациям II-VI
1. Lowering the temperature we slow down (замедлять) the molecular motion. 2. The leading scientists of the world doing research in the field of thermonuclear physics come to Dubna every year. 3. The article published in the scientific magazine will be discussed at the seminar. 4. Delivering a lecture the professor demonstrated a number of diagrams and tables. 5. Technology improving the quality of rubber was worked out by our scientists. 6. This chemical plant is producing synthetic fibres for industry. 7. The device produced was powerful. 8. The translating machines are finding wider application. 9. Using cyclotron the physicists have solved many problems of nuclear physics. 10. The motion of the molecules increases in the substance being heated. 11. When leaving the institutes and universities the graduates are provided with work on their speciality. 12. The number of molecules in each cubic centimeter of the substance being compressed is increased. 13. He stopped before a closed door. 14. When proving his thought the scientist referred to Sechenov’s works. 15. The region being investigated is situated in the North. 16. The TV programmes showing the latest scientific achievements are very popular. 17. Starting an experiment a chemist must first determine if the substance is a compound or simply a mixture. 18. All the questions asked were answered. 19. When exploring the Kursk magnetic anomaly Lasarev, a leading Soviet scientist, discovered the richest iron-ore deposits in the world. 20. The molecules begin moving slower while cooling. 21. This group of engineers is working out a new device being used in different conditions underground. 22. The metals being used in the experiment possessed many important properties. 23. Adding heat we can change the state of a substance. 24. When heated, a magnet loses some or all its magnetism. 25. The material tested showed good properties.
Информация IX
Перфектные формы причастия (having used, having been used) в предложении выполняют роль обстоятельства. На русский язык переводятся либо деепричастием совершенного вида (having come – придя, having used – использовав), либо обстоятельственная придаточным предложением having been asked – когда их (его) спросили.
17. Переведите следующие группы слов, содержащие сложные формы причастия в функции обстоятельства
having taken books – взяв книги ….
having been tested the material – после того как (когда) материал испытали.
1. having used the energy of stream …. 2. having come home …. 3. having been invited to the concert he …. 4. having been ill Peter …. 5. having got letters from his friends he …. 6. having achieved good results scientists …. 7. having been elected a leader Victor …. 8. having examined all defects in metal we .... 9. having finished the work students …. 10. having applied this method engineers ….
18. Выберите причастие, соответствующее по форме и содержанию русским группам слов
a. having tested the device
b. testing a device испытывая прибор
c. a tested device
a. finished work
b. having finished the work
c. having been finished the work закончив работу
a. achieving good results
b. having been achieved good results когда хорошие результаты достигнуты
c. the results achieved
a. changing voltage
b. having changed voltage измененное напряжение
c. changed voltage
a. having lost the book
b. the lost book потеряв книгу
с. the book having been lost
a. having used the device
b. having been used the device использовав прибор
с. using the device
19. Переведите следующие предложения с причастиями в перфектной форме в функции обстоятельства
Образец: a. Having been tested the material showed good properties.
Когда материал испытали, он обнаружил хорошие свойства.
b. Having come home he looked through periodicals.
Придя домой, он просмотрел газеты.
1. Having collected all the necessary data we should analyse them. 2. Having been asked to make a report at the conference he promised to do it. 3. Having entered the institute he began his scientific work in the students’ scientific society. 4. Having been included to a student construction detachment (SCD) he went to the Far East. 5. Having made a report he answered all the questions. 6. Having been used for a long time the device was out of order. 7. Having discussed all the reports the participants pointed out the best ones. 8. Having explained the rules (правила) the teacher gave us a number of problems to be solved.
20. Назовите номера предложений, в которых есть сложная форма причастия в функции обстоятельства. Переведите выбранные вами примеры
1. We have to consider all the factors involved in the construction of rocket engines. 2. Working in the park I met my friend. 3. Having been given an interesting book I began to read it at once. 4. Having come to Moscow I made an attempt to get tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre. 5. Having been offered an extra ticket at the entrance I could not believe it. 6. Having many friends in other towns I often get letters from them. 7. The number of electrons revolving around the nucleus depends on the kind of atom. 8. Having come to the laboratory we began to make experiments. 9. Having entirely different views they hardly ever agreed with each other.
Информация X
В роли обстоятельства времени, причины или условия может выступать конструкция, в которой причастию предшествует существительное (в общем падеже) или местоимение. Это – независимый причастный оборот (НПО). Причастие в этом обороте может быть в любой форме, и вся конструкция всегда отделяется запятой от остальной части предложения. Эта конструкция не имеет аналогии в русском языке.
Способы перевода:
1. Если НПО стоит в начале предложения, его следует переводить придаточным предложением с союзами "когда, если, так как".
All preparations having been made, they started their experiment.
Когда все приготовления были сделаны, они начали эксперимент.
2. В конечном положении этот оборот указывает на сопутствующее действие и при переводе на русский язык присоединяется союзами "и, а, но, причем".
A great deal of attention has been devoted to problems generated by "the information explosion", computers being the reliable means of solving them.
Огромное внимание уделяется проблемам, порождаемым "информационным взрывом", причем и компьютеры являются надежным средством их разрешения.
21. Прочтите следующие предложения с НПО, укажите его признаки (наличие самого причастия, существительное или местоимение перед ним, запятую, отделяющую НПО от остальной части предложения). Переведите, подобрав союз
А. В начале предложения:
1. The weather being good, we can sleep in the open air. 2. The experiment being finished, students can sum up their results. 3. A famous actor giving a concert at this club, tickets were hard to get. 4. A powerful atomic power station having been construct ed in this region, a new industrial centre was developed.
B. В конечном положении:
1. Electrical devices find a wide application in every house, a refrigerator being one of them. 2. The expedition was ready to start, all the necessary instructions having been given to its leaders. 3. In Russia great attention is paid to the peaceful use of atomic energy, its importance growing from year to year. 4. We’ve got a new three-room flat, all the rooms being isolated. 5. In the early seventies of the last century electricity only began to find practical application, first attempts to use it for lighting purposes being made. 6. He was asked a great many questions, some of them requiring a long explanation.
22. Выберите и переведите только те предложения, которые содержат НПО в начале предложения
1. An instrument for measuring temperature is called a thermometer. 2. Being on a business trip my friend could not come to see me on my birthday. 3. The energy sources of the world decreasing, scientists must find a new one. 4. Atom splitting in the reactor, heat is developed. 5. Information being interesting, I made notes. 6. That branch of engineering presented great interest for us. 7. Electricity passing through the cable, it became heated. 8. A wire being used as a conductor must not have high resistance.
23. Выберите и переведите предложения с НПО в конце предложения
1. We saw a number of young people playing tennis on a sport ground. 2. Our workers rationalize production, the scientists giving them full assistance. 3. In Russia great attention is paid to the peaceful use of atomic energy, its importance growing from year to year. 4. Plastics have many advantages over natural products, our building industry making extensive use of them. 5. Decreasing the temperature we slow down the reaction. 6. Molecules are constantly in rapid motion, the motion becoming more and more rapid with the increase in temperature.
24. Переведите предложения, определив обстоятельственный и независимый причастный обороты
1. Getting no aid from the government, Yablochkov had to spend all his money on his invention. 2. His money having come to an end, he had to leave his country. 3. Having come to France, he was given the possibility to carry on his experiments in the laboratory of a well-known scientist. 4. A series of attempts having been made, he came to a successful solution of the problem. 5. Evacuating the bulb, Lodygin created the most reliable condition for the incandescent filament (нить накаливания). 6. The invention of the incandescent filament lamp belongs to Lodygin, he being the first who thought of tungsten as a material suitable for the purpose.
25. Итоговое. Проанализируйте предложения. Выпишите их номера в соответствующую графу таблицы. Переведите некоторые из них по просьбе преподавателя
1. Physics is a science dealing with phenomena connected with the transformation of matter and energy.
2. The English system of weights and measures is used in Great Britain and other English speaking countries.
3. The units used for measuring time are called the second, the minute, the hour.
4. Water becomes ice when cooled.
5. The experiment described attracted great attention.
6. Such difficult exercises should be done especially careful when studying English grammar.
7. A body reversing its motion from time to time and returning at regular intervals to its original position has a motion of vibration.
8. The electrons move with varying velocities, their velocity depending on the temperature and nature of the material.
9. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated.
10. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was very low.
11. The engineers applying new methods of design, good results were achieved.
12. The results of voting having been declared, people found out the names of their deputies.
13. Having informed people on the date of the conference we had to send them invitations.
14. The problems being discussed were listed.
15. Many common types of electronic computers are now being used in our scientific research laboratory.
![]() формы | опред. | обстоят. | часть сказ. | в составе НПО в нач. пр. | в составе НПО в конце пр. |
P. I active | | | | | |
P. I passive | | | | | |
P. II | | | | | |
Perf. P. active | | | | | |
Perf. P. passive | | | | | |
Обзорные упражнения
She watched the children writing the dictation.
Writing the dictation, he made only one mistake.
The dictation written the day before was corrected.
26. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия
1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump woman standing at the window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers. 7. Hearing the sounds of music, we stopped talking. 8. She went into the room, leaving the door open. 9. Working at his desk, he listened to a new CD. 10. Running into the road, the young man stopped a taxi. 11. Looking through the newspaper, she noticed a photograph of her boss. 12. Using chemicals, the firemen soon put out the fire in the forest.
27. Замените придаточные определительные предложения причастными оборотами
1. All the people who live in this house are students. 2. The woman who is speaking now is our secretary. 3. The apparatus that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at an evening course for laboratory workers. 5. People who take books from the library must return them in time. 6. There are many students in our group who take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.
28. Замените придаточные предложения причины причастными оборотами
1. As he now felt more at ease, the man spoke in a louder voice. 2. Since he knew who the man was, Robert was very pleased to have the chance of talking to him. 3. As he thought that it was his brother at the window, Steve decided to open it. 4. As the people were afraid of falling into a ditch in the darkness at any moment, they felt their way about very carefully. 5. Since he needed a shelter for the night, Peter decided to go to the neighbours' house.
29. Замените придаточные предложения времени причастными оборотами (не опускайте союз when)
1. You must have much practice when you are learning to speak a foreign language. 2. When you speak English, pay attention to the order of words. 3. When you are copying English texts, pay attention to the articles. 4. When you begin to work with the dictionary, don't forget my instructions. 5. Be careful when you are crossing a street. 6. When you are leaving the room, don't forget to switch off the light. 7. When they were travelling in Central Africa, the explorers met many wild animals.
30. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Past Participle
1. She put a plate of fried fish in front of me. 2. The coat bought last year is too small for me now. 3. Nobody saw the things kept in that box. 4. My sister likes boiled eggs. 5. We stopped before a shut door. 6. Tied to the tree, the goat could not run away. 7. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of broken glass all over the room. 8. This is a church built many years ago. 9. The books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England.
31. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I и Participle II
1. a) A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.
- He saw some people in the post office sending telegrams.
- When sending the telegram, she forgot to write her name.
2. a) Some of the questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important.
- The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.
- While putting the eggs into the basket, she broke one of them.
3. a) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.
- A person taking a sunbath must be very careful.
- Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.
4. a) A line seen through this crystal looks double.
- A teacher seeing a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.
- Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: "Fire! Fire!"
5. a) The word said by the student>
b) The man standing at the door of the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician.
с) Standing at the window, she was waving her hand.
6. a) A word spoken in time may have very important results.
- The students speaking good English must help their fellow-students.
- The speaking doll interested the child very much.
- While speaking to Nick some days ago, I forgot to ask him about his sister.
32. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия
1. a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Russian folk songs.
b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls.
2. a) The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister.
b) The floor (washing, washed) by Helen looked very clean.
3. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table?
b) The exercises (doing, done) by the students were easy.
4. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful.
b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high.
5. a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best student.
b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.
- Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more.
- Name some places (visiting, visited) by you last year.
- I picked up the pencil (lying, lain) on the floor.
- She was reading the book (buying, bought) the day before.
- Yesterday we were at a conference (organizing, organized) by the students of the economic department.
- (Taking, taken) the girl by the hand, she led her across the street.
- It>
- I shall show you a picture (painting, painted) by Hogarth.
- Here is the letter (receiving, received) by me yesterday.
- Do you know the girl (playing, played) in the garden?
- The book (writing, written) by this scientist is very interesting.
- Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard.
- We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds.
- The (losing, lost) book was found at last.
- (Going, gone) along the street, I met Mary and Ann.
- Look at the beautiful flowers (gathering, gathered) by the children.
- His hat (blowing, blown) off by the wind was lying in the middle of the street.
- "How do you like the film?" he asked, (turning, turned) towards me.
- When we came nearer, we saw two boys (coming, come) towards us.
- I think that the boy (standing, stood) there is his brother.
33. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Participle или Perfect Participle
1. (to live) in the south of our country, he cannot enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg's White Nights in summer. 2. (to talk) to her neighbour in the street, she did not notice how a thief stole her money. 3. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf. 4. (to buy) some juice and cakes, we went home. 5. (to sit) near the fire, he felt very warm. 6. (to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 7. (to do) his homework, he went for a walk. 8. (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends. 9. (to sell) all the fruit, he went to see his friends. 10. (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank a cup of tea. 11. (to drink) tea, she scalded her lips. 12. (to run) in the yard, I fell and hurt my knee. 13. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about UFOs. 14. (to write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily.
Формы причастия
Participle I
Participle II
having written
being written
having been written
34. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия
1. Being very ill, she could not go to the University. 2. The first rays of the rising sun lit up the top of the hill. 3. The tree struck by lightning was all black and leafless. 4. Being busy, he postponed his trip. 5. The door bolted on the inside could not be opened. 6. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travellers soon lost their way. 7. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one. 8. Having descended the mountain, they heard a man calling for help. 9. Flushed and excited, the boy came running to his mother. 10. He stood watching the people who were coming down the street shouting and waving their hands. 11. The boy lay sleeping when the doctor came. 12. The broken arm was examined by the doctor. 13. While being examined, the boy could not help crying. 14. Having prescribed the medicine, the doctor went away. 15. The medicine prescribed by the doctor was bitter. 16. The dress bought at the department store was very beautiful. 17. While using a needle, you should be careful not to prick your finger. 18. While crossing the street, one should first look to the left and then to the right. 19. People watching a performance are called an audience.
35. Переведите следующие русские причастия и деепричастия на английский язык
Приносящий, принесенный, принося, принеся, переводящий, переведенный, переводя, переведя, давая, написав, читающий, берущий, данный, прочитав, сделанный, пьющий, сказанный, будучи потерянным, нарисовав, написавший, делая, взятый, взяв, рисуя, выпитый, сделав, идя, пишущий, прочитанный, дав, рисующий, делающий, нарисованный, выпив, говорящий, беря, написанный, читая, идущий, дающий, сказав, сидевший, посмотрев, будучи забыт, строящий, строящийся, играя, поиграв, рассказанный, рассказавший, видя, принесший, будучи принесенным, построенный, продав.
36. В следующих предложениях употребите, где возможно, причастия вместо глаголов в личной форме. Изменяйте конструкцию предложения, где необходимо
1. When he was running across the yard, he fell. 2. When I was going home yesterday, I kept thinking about my friend. 3. He put on his coat, went out and looked at the cars which were passing by. 4. She closed the book, put it aside and looked at the children who were running about in the yard. 5. As the book was translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody. 6. As we were given dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily. 7. As soon as I have done my homework, I shall go for a walk. 8. As soon as I have bought the book, I shall begin reading it.
37. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия
1. (to phone) the agency, he left (to say) he would be back in two hours. 2. (to write) in very bad handwriting, the letter was difficult to read. 3. (to write) his first book, he could not help worrying about the reaction of the critics. 4. (to spend) twenty years abroad, he was happy to be coming home. 5. (to be) so far away from home, he still felt himself part of the family. 6. She looked at the enormous bunch of roses with a happy smile, never before (to give) such a wonderful present. 7. (not to wish) to discuss that difficult and painful problem, he changed the conversation. 8. (to translate) by a good specialist, the story preserved all the sparkling humour of the original. 9. (to approve) by the critics, the young author's story was accepted by a thick magazine. 10. (to wait) for some time in the hall, he was invited into the drawing room. 11. (to wait) in the hall, he thought over the problem he was planning to discuss with the old lady. 12. They reached the oasis at last, (to walk) across the endless desert the whole day. 13. (to lie) down on the soft couch, the exhausted child fell asleep at once. 14. She went to work, (to leave) the child with the nurse.
38. Замените выделенные части предложений причастными оборотами. Изменяйте конструкцию предложения, где необходимо
1. When he had left the house and was crossing the street, he suddenly stopped as he remembered that he had forgotten to phone his friend. 2. He looked at me and hesitated: he did not know what to say. 3. As he had long lived in those parts and knew the place very well, he easily found his way to the marketplace. 4. He has no language problems, because he has been studying English for a long time. 5. After I had written this exercise, I began to doubt whether it was correct. 6. Take care when you cross the street. 7. Students should always be attentive when they are listening to the lecturer. 8. There are many students who study music. 9. Don't you feel tired after you have walked so much? 10. When he arrived at the railway station, he bought a ticket, walked to the platform and boarded the train. 11. As he was promised help, he felt quieter. 12. After he was shown in, he was told to take off his coat and wait for a while. 13. Robinson started the building of the house at once and finished it before the season of rains set in. 14. He poured out a cup of coffee, sat down in an armchair and looked at the woman who was sitting opposite him.
39. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия
1. Артистка, рассказывающая детям сказки по радио, знаменита на всю страну. 2. Ребенок всегда с интересом слушает сказки, рассказываемые няней. 3. Рассказывая детям сказки, она говорит разными голосами, имитируя героев сказок. 4. Сказка, рассказанная няней, произвела на ребенка большое впечатление. 5. Рассказав ребенку сказку, она пожелала ему спокойной ночи. 6. Моя бабушка, рассказавшая мне эту сказку, живет в маленьком домике на берегу озера.
40. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия
1. Мальчик, бегущий мимо дома, вдруг остановился. 2. Будучи очень занят, он не сразу услышал меня. 3. Услышав шаги, он поднял голову. 4. Выпив чашку чая, она почувствовала себя лучше. 5. Играя в саду, дети не заметили, что стало темно. 6. Подойдя к двери, он открыл ее. 7. Том подошел к смеющейся девочке. 8. Он положил на стол смятое письмо. 9. Плачущая девочка была голодна. 10. Бабушка смотрела на детей, играющих во дворе. 11. Она любит смотреть на играющих детей. 12. Сделав уроки, дети пошли гулять. 13. Лежа на диване, он читал книгу. 14. Принеся свои игрушки в комнату, ребенок начал играть. 15. Прочитав много книг Диккенса, он хорошо знал этого писателя.
41. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот
1. You can set your mind at ease, all being well. 2. There being no chance of escape, the thief was arrested on the spot. 3. Oliver knocked weakly at the door and, all his strength failing him, sank near the door. 4. The bridge having been swept away by the flood, the train was late. 5. There being little time left, they hired a cab to get to the theatre in time. 6. It being cold and damp, a fire was lighted for the weary travellers to warm themselves by. 7. It being pretty late, they decided to postpone their visit. 8. The hour being late, she hastened home. 9. The sun having set an hour before, it was getting darker. 10. The weather being cold, he put on his overcoat. 11. The weather having changed, we decided to stay where we were. 12. The weather being very warm, the closet window was left open. 13. And the wind having dropped, they set out to walk. 14. The vessel being pretty deep in the water and the weather being calm, there was but little motion. 15. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was very low. 16. This material being a dielectric, no current can flow through it. 17. The next morning, it being Sunday, they all went to church. 18. For the moment the shop was empty, the mechanic having disappeared into a room at the back. 19. There being nothing else on the table, Oliver replied that he wasn't hungry. 20. Mrs. Maylie being tired, they returned more slowly home. 21. Their search revealing nothing, Clyde and she walked to a corner. 22. The wind being favourable, our yacht will reach the island in no time. 23. I had long tasks every day to do with Mr. Mell, but I did them, there being no Mr. and Miss Murdstone here. 24. It being now pretty late, we took our candles and went upstairs. 25. He being no more heard of, it was natural to forget everything. 26. He started about five, Riggs having informed him that the way would take him three hours. 27. Our horses being weary, it was agreed that we should come to a halt. 28. It having been decided that they should not go out on account of the weather, the members of the party were busy writing their notes. 29. The wind stirring among trees and bushes, we could hear nothing.
42. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот
1. The treaty having been signed, trade was at once resumed. 2. About eleven o'clock, the snow having thawed, and the day being finer and a little warmer than the previous one, he went out again. 3. Dinner being over, we assembled in the drawing room. 4. The fifth of June arriving, they departed. 5. His directions to the porter finished, he came up to his niece. 6. This being understood, the conference was over. 7. The constraint caused by the old man's presence having worn off a little, the conversation became more lively. 8. This done, and Sikes having satisfied his appetite, the two men lay down on chairs for a short nap. 9. The concert being over, the lottery came next. 10. Dinner being over, the old lady asked Barbara to come and sit on the sofa near her. 11. Then, the house search proving that she>
43. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот
1. Then they heard the noise of the plane, its shadow passing over the open glade. 2. She remembered him talking, his glasses magnifying his round blue eyes. 3. She sat staring into the fire, the sock forgotten on her knee. 4. He heard the bathers coming up the sandy road, their voices ringing through the quiet. 5. They continued their way, the boy sobbing quietly, the man ashamed. 6. They went down the stairs together, Aileen lingering behind a little. 7. He lifted the lid and kept it in his hand while she was drinking, both standing. 8. She danced light as a feather, eyes shining, feet flying, her body bent a little forward. 9. We walked very slowly home, Agnes and I admiring the moonlight, and Mr. Wickfield scarcely rising his eyes from the ground. 10. They walked quickly through street after street, the Dodger leading and Oliver at his heels. 11. He was standing there silent, a bitter smile curling his lips. 12. The dog sat close to the table, his tail thumping now and again upon the floor, his eyes fixed expectantly on his master. 13. The electrons move with varying velocities, their velocity depending on the temperature and nature of the material. 14. Any moving object can do work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity. 15. Radio was invented in Russia, its inventor being the Russian scientist A. S. Popov.
44. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот
1. She stood listlessly, her head dropping upon her breast. 2. She rose from the bed and removed her coat and stood motionless, her head bent, her hands clasped before her. 3. Pale-lipped, his heart beating fast, Andrew followed the secretary. 4. Jack sat silent, his long legs stretched out. 5. The speaker faced the audience, his hand raised for silence. 6. He sat down quickly, his face buried in his hands. 7. Clyde sat up, his eyes fixed not on anything here but rather on the distant scene at the lake. 8. She hurried along, her heels crunching in the packed snow.
45. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот
1. Little Paul sat, with his chin resting on his hand. 2. He stood, with his arms folded. 3. Lanny stood looking at the lorry rolling away, with his cheek burning and his fists clenched. 4. She stood there, with her brows frowning, her blue eyes looking before her. 5. He leant a little forward over the table, with his wrists resting upon it. 6. And then came the final moment, with the guards coming for him. 7. He slowly and carefully spread the paper on the desk, with Lowell closely watching. 8. She was standing on the rock ready to dive, with the green water below inviting her. 9. Twenty minutes later he came out of number seven, pale, with his lips tightly compressed and an odd expression on his face. 10. Little Oliver Twist was lying on the ground, with his shirt unbuttoned and his head thrown back. 11. The girl wandered away, with tears rolling down her cheeks. 12. The moonlit road was empty, with the cool wind blowing in their faces. 13. She sat on the steps, with her arms crossed upon her knees. 14. Then, with her heart beating fast, she went up and rang the bell.
46. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя независимый причастный оборот
1. As our work was finished, we went home. 2. If the letter is posted today, the news will reach them tomorrow. 3. If mother permits us, we shall go to the theatre. 4. When the working day was over, she went straight home. 5. As a storm was arising, the ship entered the harbour. 6. When the packing had been done, the girls left for the station. 7. As the stop was a long one, the girls got off the train. 8. As the weather was perfect, Lydia played tennis every day. 9. As the last month was a very busy one, she could not answer her friend's letter. 10. If time permits, we shall come a few days earlier. 11. When the third bell had gone, the curtain slowly rose. 12. As the underground station>
47. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя независимый причастный оборот
1. Так как оставалось еще полчаса до отхода поезда, мы решили поужинать на вокзале. 2. Если погода будет благоприятной, спортсмены могут показать хорошие результаты. 3. Мы долго разговаривали: он задавал мне вопросы, а я охотно на них отвечал. 4. Если условия позволят, я приеду к вам на лето. 5. Так как было очень тепло, дети спали на открытом воздухе. 6. Когда все приготовления были закончены, мы отправились в поход. 7. Корабль медленно плыл вдоль берегов Белого моря; сотни птиц кружились над ним. 8. Было очень темно, так как на небе не было ни одной звездочки. 9. Когда солнце село, туристы развели костер. 10. Так как было очень поздно, собрание было закрыто. 11. Если погода позволит, мы пойдем на каток. 12. Так как все было готово, она решила отдохнуть. 13. Так как было уже поздно, они никуда не пошли. 14. Так как погода была холодная, Джек спрятал руки в карманы. 15. Так как быстро темнело, она поспешила домой. 16. Когда солнце зашло, сразу стало темно. 17. Так как наш разговор был закончен, я пошел домой. 18. Когда письмо было написано, она быстро побежала на почту отправить его.
Информация I
Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, выражающая процесс действия и совмещающая в себе свойства глагола и существительного.
Герундий совпадает по форме с причастием. В русском языке герундия нет.
Формы герундия
Active Passive
Indefinite | writing | being written |
Perfect | having written | having been written |
Герундий в форме Indefinite (Active и Passive) выражает действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого или относящееся к будущему.
In describing the experiment he При описании опыта он дает
gives every detail of the process. все подробности процесса.
I think of going to Leningrad Я думаю о поездке в Ленинград
next year. на следующий год.
Герундий в форме Perfect (Active и Passive) выражает действие, предшествовавшее действию сказуемого.
I regret having told her about it.
Я сожалею, что рассказал ей об этом.
Информация II
Формальные признаки герундия
Перед герундием (в отличие от причастия) могут стоять:
1. предлог (by, in, of, without, on, instead of, in addition to, for, after, before и др.);
by measuring
2. притяжательное местоимение (mу, your, her, his, its, our, their);
mу coming, his being sent
3. существительное в притяжательном падеже;
this scientist's studying
Перевод герундия на русский язык
Герундий может переводиться:
1. существительным
2. неопределенной формой глагола
3. деепричастием
4. глаголом-сказуемым придаточного дополнительного предложения.
1. Объясните, меняется ли смысл предложения в зависимости от формы герундия. Переведите предложения
1. I like helping. 2. I like being helped. 3. I like having helped. 4. I like having been helped. 5. He does not like asking questions. 6. He does not like being asked questions. 7. I remember having helped my friend. 8. I rеmеmbеr having been helped then. 9. He is fond of reading. 10. He is fond of being read to.
2. Определите герундий по формальным признакам
- As a schoolboy Newton was fond of making different things.
- There could be no progress in science without experimenting.
- When speaking of atoms we must remember that they consist of different
- Excuse my coming late.
- At present several atomic power plants are оperating in the Russia.
- He was proud of Oleg’s having passed the exams well.
- Having passed all the exams well he went to the sports camp.
- For lifting a heavy load a simple mechanism is sometimes used.
- I heard of our engineer's being sent abroad.
- The proton having a positive charge is one of the important particles.