Fce star
Вид материала | План-конспект |
СодержаниеЗадачи урока Ход урока Before listening |
- Пояснительная записка к дополнительной образовательной программе «Курс английского, 92.47kb.
- Прайс-лист для абонентов, подключенных в Московском регионе действует с XX xx. XXXX, 295.57kb.
- Положение опроведении городского конкурса ди-джеев «Ди-джей star -2012», 27.23kb.
- 29 декабря 4 января, 61.23kb.
- Учебно-тематический план курса повышения квалификации профессорско-преподавательского, 73.73kb.
- Врамках Фестиваля состоится открытый конкурс по восточным танцам среди дебютантов,, 398.56kb.
- Коллекция Secret Story. Лак для ногтей. Новинка Коллекция, 5.46kb.
- Академические программы и экзаменационные курсы в австралии международные центры Embassy, 146.35kb.
- Рога и копыта юмор начала конца прошлого века по материалам «Клуба 12 стульев», 2568.84kb.
- Колмакова Евгения Борисовна, Пашков Вячеслав Константинович написание и оформление, 509.81kb.
План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 11А классе с углубленным изучением английского языка по учебнику FCE STAR (by Luke Prodromou) для XI классов с углубленным изучением английского языка.
Урок представляет собой практикум по говорению и аудированию по теме «Везение и суеверия» (Unit 16 Good luck, bad luck). Место урока в учебном процессе: третий урок в теме после практикумов по чтению и грамматике.
Цели урока:
1. Образовательные
- обобщить ранее изученную лексику и грамматику данного урока в беседе о суевериях в группах и с преподавателем.
2. Развивающие
- познакомится с предубеждениями других людей в рамках практикума по аудированию.
Задачи урока:
1. Практические
- организовать устное обсуждение учащихся, насколько они суеверны с опорой на предложенную анкету (упр. 1 стр.136).
- организовать на основе известного грамматического материала (сослагательное наклонение) обсуждение различных ситуаций:
If somebody praises me too much, …
If a black cat crosses my path, …
- организовать аудирование по теме “People’s superstitions”.
Ход урока
Этап урока | Ход урока | Режим работы |
1.Организационный Момент Beginning 2. Начало урока Warming up 3. Основная часть Brainstorming Pair work Listening Individual work Listening Additional task Summing up the lesson Home assignment Saying good-bye | 1. Good afternoon! You may take your seats! I am very glad to see you today! 2. Introduction. Today we continue to talk about our and other people’s superstitions. We have already read about the most common superstitions in our life. Today we are going to find out how superstitious you are. And we will listen to other people talking about superstitions Let’s begin our lesson with the revision of the most common superstitions nowadays. (Students give the examples that they’ve learnt at the previous lessons: breaking a mirror, black cats, the evil eye, touching wood etc.) Now it is very interesting for me to know how superstitious you are. Is it interesting for you? If it is, will you have a look at Exercise 1 page 136? There are questions that will help you to find out how superstitious you are. I suggest you doing this exercise in pairs Now let us see, how superstitious you are. Lena, can you tell us, if your neighbour is a very superstitious person? How many “yes” has she got? And now let us listen to what other people say about the most common superstitions Before listening to the tape, let us have a look at Exercise 2 page 137. Students study the task and complete listening under the exam conditions. We often discuss the peculiarities of spoken English at our lessons. We know about contractions, filler words and simple conjunctions. Let us once again practice listening to the example of spoken English. Students do Exercise 3 page 137, they listen to the text once again and complete the text. If time permits, there is an interesting extra task for discussion; Using first and second conditional will you continue the situation: 1. If you meet a woman with an empty pail… 2. If a black cat crosses your path… 3. If a mirror breaks… 3. If you have spilt some salt… 4. Is somebody praised you too much. 5. If you drop a spoon or a knife… 6. If you forgot something at home and had to return… 7. If you found some money in the street… 8. If a cup breaks… 9. If you want to pass the exams successfully… Today we have discussed the most common superstitions. We have found out how superstitious you are and what other people think about superstitions. If you have questions you may ask me. Students are usually eager to know how superstitious their teacher is. Hope you have enjoyed it. Will you write the home assignment for the next lesson. WB Ex.1,2 p.87-88 (The teacher gives the home assignment and finishes the lesson). Thank you for you work and attention see you tomorrow, children! | T→Cl T↔Cl T↔Cl St↔Cl T↔Cl St1↔ST2 T↔Cl St1↔CL St ↔Cl T ↔Cl T ↔Cl T ↔Cl Cl→T St1↔T T↔Cl T↔St1 T↔St2 T↔St3 T↔Cl T↔Cl |
- Read and translate the sentences, then decide on the form of the participle in them:
1. Arriving at the station, he found his train gone.
2. Taking off our coats, we entered the room.
3. Seeing Jane, he rushed to greet her. I turned back, not knowing where to go.
4. Having seen the girl only once, I didn’t recognize her.
5. Not having seen her for a long time, I wondered how she had changed.
6. Lizzy left the room, banging the door shut.
7. John fell hurting his knee.
8. We left at dawn, returning late.
9. Translating from English into Russian, she should know well both languages.
10. Being translated into many languages, the novel is known all over the world.
11. Having translated the texts into Russian, we handed them to the teacher.
12. Having been translated long ago, the novel is likely to be re-translated.
13. There are some people waiting for you.
14. He drank the coffee standing.
15. Have you heard of the conference being held at the University?
16. We found him working in the garden.
17. They looked at him curiously, never having seen a Forsyte with a beard.
18. He felt terrible while saying this.
19. Don’t forget articles when speaking English.
20. Living alone, one becomes self-centered.
21. Hoping to catch the train, we took a taxi.
22. Being there, I could see everything. I even could hear somebody whispering.
23. The boy was caught, teasing a cat.
24. As if singing, I opened my mouth thoroughly.
25. I won’t speak with him staring at me like that.
26. I won’t have my friend laughed at.
27. The speaker made himself heard with the help of the microphone.
28. I want the answer sent at once.
29. She was smoking now her eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
30. It’s unhealthy to sleep with the windows shut.
31. Having sent an invitation, I felt a sense of relief.
32. Being an orphan at six, he was brought up by a distant relative..
33. I wrote him a friendly letter, thanking him for help.
34. Though astonished by her interest in the details of the accident, I went on with
my story.
35. Having been taken aback, he swallowed the note.
*** the +participle***
The dead, the dying, the living, the aged, the diseased, the disabled, the injured,
the uneducated, the unemployed, the retired, the widowed.
- Complete the sentences using the proper forms of the participles. Mind that more than one variant may be
possible in some sentences:
- (to translate) the article, he learned many interesting things.
- (to heat) for several hours, the substance began to melt.
- The temperature (to raise), the energy is (to increase).
- While (to construct) his new device, the inventor made many experiments.
- My friend (to finish) his work, his results were (to publish) in that magazine.
- The necessary data (to obtain), we could complete our experiment.
- (to give) the necessary information, the engineer could invent a new device.
- I heard the raindrops (to fall) on the roof.
- When (to leave) to herself, she spent her time at the desk.
- Deeply (to hurt), he rose and left the room.
- He felt her hand (to touch) his shoulder.
- We had our breakfast (to bring) into our room.
- He left the room with his heart (to be) full of strange emotions.
- It was a lovely day, with the trees and the grass (to shine) bright green after the night’s rain.
- She was (to see) (to cry) bitterly.
- Our professor was (to hear) (to speak) over the radio.
- There are many electrical devices at home, the vacuum cleaner (to be) one of them.
- I had my watch (to fix) at the repair shop.
III. Choose the proper forms of the participles:
1. He has had his breakfast …
a) making b) being made c) made d) having been made.
2. … the test, he put down the results.
a) finishing b) being finished c) having finished d) having been finished.
3. … experiments, we carefully put down the results
a) while making b) being made c) having made d) having been made.
4. The methods … increase the production of cars.
a) applying b) being applied c) having applied d) having been applied.
5. … the book, I returned it to the library.
a) reading b) being read c) having read d) having been read.
6. The dictionaries … from the library, the students began to translate the article.
a) bringing b) being brought c) having brought d) having been brought.
7. When …, the article was given to the specialists.
a) translated b) translating c) having been translated d) having translated.
8. The properties … required further investigation.
a) discovering b) discovered c) having discovered d) having been discovered.
9. When …, Ann said that she knew nothing about it.
a) asking b) asked c) having been asked d) having asked.
10. I consider this problem … .
a) having discussed b) being discussed c) discussed d) having been discussed.
11. The fence … the garden is newly painted.
a) surrounding b) being surrounded c) surrounded d) having surrounded.
12. He looked at the name … on the envelope.
a) writing b) being written c) written d) having been written.
13. She heard his name … several times.
a) mentioning b) being mentioned c) mentioned d) having been mentioned.
14. The car was seen … down the hill.
a) being gone b) going c) gone d) having gone.
15. You can have your clothes … in Europe.
a) making b) made c) having made d) having been made.