Становление и развитие государственности древних тюрков. (VI-VIII вв.) 07. 00. 02. Отечественная история (История Республики Казахстан)

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Talgat Smagulovich Zhumaganbetov
The object of research
The subject of research
The methodological and theoretical basis
The chronological period of research
The volume and structure of the work.
In the second section
The forth section
In the end of dissertation
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Talgat Smagulovich Zhumaganbetov

Formation and development of the state system of Old Turks (VI-VIII cc.)

The dissertation work on competition of a Scientific Degree of a Doctor of historical sciences on a speciality – 07.00.02 - the Domestic (Native) history (the History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

The object of research is the carly medieval state of the Old Turks since its formation up to the disintegration of Kaganats, i.e from VI till the middle VIII century, their state institutions and traditions.

Actuality of the theme of research.

State traditions of Kazakhstan, as well as ethnic roots of Kazakh people., undoubtedly have very old history, investigation of which at different historical stages is being actual and fundamental trend for research.

Old Turkic Kaganats and their continuers are the sources of Turkic and Kazakh system of state. The time of its existence is characterized by economic prosperity, great examples of creating the state, law creative work of Turks of the Central - Asian Region. All these facts greatly influenced the whole subsequent course of history of a number of states settled on the territory of present Kazakhstan and bordering regions.

The subject of research is the problem of generating and formation of the state organization from the pre – state structures of nomadic society.

The purpose of research is the study and reconstruction of the processes of origin and formation of the state system in the Turkic socium in VI – VIII centuries.

According to the purpose of this work the following are the main aims of research:

  1. To study in influence of the nomadic way of production of the formation of state institutions and political traditions of the Old Turkic society.
  2. To motivate theoretically the content and the main features of the medieval state of nomadic type on the example of the Old Turkic kaganat, its place in the history among the other states of such type.
  3. To find out the reasons, conditions and factors, conducing the origin of the state organizations in the Old Turkic society in the VI-th century through the complete and systemic study of the pre – state organs of economic coordination and war protection.
  4. To prove objective character of formation of the state management, administrative – territorial system and other structural elements of the system of state of Old Turks.
  5. To examine the system of state management in the Old Turkic kaganat from in the view of the organization of management in the centre and in the regions.
  6. To show the allocation of real power authorities, functions and the role of state figures in the process of ruling the society as well as the character of power and the way of its realization in the Old Turkic socium and checking societies.
  7. To find out specific and essential features of the process of development of the state religious ideology of the Old Turks, the nature of origin of the state ideology and mechanism of maintenance of the state power in the kaganat.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the dissertation research is the common scientific dialectical method of perception of social processes and phenomena as well as subsequent partial – scientific methods such as systemic approach, structural – functional analyses of a great number of specific historical, ethnographic, archaeological written materials and sources, comparative and sociological methods, integrity of studying concrete historical and conceptual phenomena and processes. The main conceptual methodical basis of rearch is founded on the boundary of information and civilization analysis.

The scientific novelty of the reach work is the following:

  1. in research of the most important problems connected with the origin of the state organization in the societies with nomadic economy in the medieval period of time in the Central Asia.
  2. In developing the new theory concerning the causes and conditions for origin of the Old Turkic system of state through the really new decisions of the problems of the national economy, nomadic way of production.
  3. In carrying out of analyses and partial reconstructions of mechanisms, methods and procedure of the state management of the great empire by Turks, in finding out untraditional principles of submission and co – submission in the state apparatus.
  4. In complex research of the earlier unstudied historical, ethnographical and archaeological sources as well as the problem of formation of the state structures of management in combination with the parallel questions in ethnography, history of state and power and partially in archaeology.
  5. In disclosing the new role of religious and state ideology in the process of formation and development of the state institutions and traditions, the reasons of changes of religious dominates and absorbtion of the old myths into new ones.

The chronological period of research is VI – VIII centuries – the period of existence of the state organization of the Old Turks.

Territorial frame of research is the territory of the state of the Old Turks in the period of maximum development stretching from the Altai and Sayan Mountains in the east to the Don steppes and steppes in the Northern part of the Black Sea territory in the west; from Minusinsk hollow in the north to Toharistan (Northern Afganistan) in the south.

The volume and structure of the work.

The dissertation contains the introduction, five sections, conclusion and the list of the used literature.

In the first section “Theoretical – methodological problems of research” the author examines the questions of the source basis of research, historiography of the question and other questions of methodological character.

In the second section “Nomadic way of production of the Old Turks” the dissertation researcher examined the main features of the nomadic way of production.

In the third section “Political traditions and history of Turks” the questions of political history of Turks, formation and development of political traditions are sanctified.

The forth section “State organization of the Old Turkic society” deals with the problems of organization of power from kaganats to local organs, administrative – territorial structure and so on.

In the fifth section “Religious – state ideology of the Old Turks” the questions of formation of the new ideology of the Old Turkic socium, state law, the influence of the new ideology on the material culture of the Old Turks and so on are investigared.

In the end of dissertation the results and main conclusions are given.

The main principles to be touched up on during the dissertation defence are the following:

  1. Formation of the state systems of the Erly (Old) Turkic society occured on the base of nomadic way of production. This way of production determined specific features and structure of the state system of this society.
  2. Genesis of state system of Old Turks is connected with the pre – state organs on national coordination and government, as well as war protection of nomad economy.
  3. Peculiarity of the state system and specific features of co – subordination in the medieval Turkic states is based on the patronymic relations.
  4. Specific features of the state system are the institute of co – rules, multilevel system of local power, specific territorial – administrative structure and so on.
  5. State system of the Old Turks based upon the accounting of the national features of the society conduced to the administrative – territorial division of kaganats. This event enabled the system of Kaganat power to become more effective, stable and portable.
  6. Kagans of the Old Turks could convert runic writing and language of Ashin’s stock (hakanic dialect) both into the instrument of the state power and dissemination of its ideology upon the subjected ethnic groups.
  7. Formation of the official religious state ideology on the base of the cult of Tengry was a very important part of the traditional culture of the Old Turks. The Old Turks variant of tengrianity became the ideological grounds for the power of Ashin’s stock upon the whole society.
  8. Political traditions and new aspects of the state law, based on the ideology of traditional culture allowed Turks to create politically stable state system.
  9. State – political reforms introduced by Kaganats in the Old Turkic society greatly influenced upon the material and spiritual culture of people.

Considerable changes in the way of armament, in funeral rituals, when great commemorative complexes with epitaphs were built, which used runic writing at that time, were being fixes by archaeological methods.

Scientific and practical value of the dissertation research is in revealing of common objective laws in the origin of states and reconstruction of the Turkic system of state; in working out of some fundamental problems of the history of the Native Land, history of the state and law; in use of materials for creation of fundamentally generalized works concerning the history of nomad people and to be used in the teaching process and so on.