Радиостанция река (Израиль), программа «правильные новости», 05. 09. 09, Ведущая: юлия цодыкс, день конституции в казахстане 15
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СодержаниеГазета «Pakistan Observer», 30.08.2009, TOWARDS WORLD FREE FROM NUCLEAR WEAPONS |
- Статья опубликована в газете «Новости недели» (Израиль), 187.53kb.
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- Г. С. Сапаргалиев также отмечает, что единое политическое и правовое пространство нашей, 105.48kb.
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- Первый канал, новости, 31. 10. 2008, Панкратова Юлия, 18:, 5497.46kb.
- «Кому многое дано с того многое спросится» частенько поговаривают учителя, 981.88kb.
- Конкурс уроков «Что моя река приносит Волге», 161.17kb.
- Республика Мордовия, п. Стародевичье, 31.73kb.
- Ведущая Юлия Флоринская: Наше сегодняшнее утро начинается с секции «Проблемы социальной, 543.03kb.
- Первый канал, новости, 01. 10. 2008, Панкратова Юлия, 12:, 4798.59kb.
Газета «Pakistan Observer», 30.08.2009, TOWARDS WORLD FREE FROM NUCLEAR WEAPONS
On 18 June 2009, at the meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the stoppage of nuclear testing at Semipalatinsk, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in his address proposed to declare August 29th as the ‘International Day of Nuclear Weapons Renunciation’ and to prepare new universal treaty of total horizontal and vertical non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
These new Kazakhstan initiatives have been dictated by aspiration towards world free from nuclear weapons and concern over serious difficulties experienced in this regards.
Unfortunately, there has been long lasting stagnation in the global nuclear disarmament process. The international community failed to solve the issues of disarmament and non-proliferation due to the absence of consensus and political will.
First of all, it refers to the key instrument against spread of nuclear weapons – the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
Today, in the framework of the Treaty there are no effective leverages of prevention of nuclear weapon proliferation and appearing of the new de-facto nuclear countries. Inequality, which is set in the core of the Non-Proliferation Treaty feeds destructive attitude, “feeling of unfairness of the NPT” in some regions of the world. Some states which do not belong to the established “nuclear club” aspire to possess nuclear weapons considering them as a guarantee of security and achievement of foreign policy interests.
As a result, the world has become less predictable, and the challenge of nuclear weapon use - more complex and dependant on local players rather that the global ones.
Our country has an absolute moral right to come up with initiatives on such a sensitive subject. Kazakhstan nation has experienced all the consequences of nuclear tests. 456 nuclear of them have been conducted in Semipalatinsk during the period of 1949-91. They caused health degradation and suffering of hundreds of thousands Kazakhstan people as well as radioactive pollution of huge territory.
Kazakhstan had closed down the biggest nuclear test site and dismantled entire military infrastructure there. Thus, has shown example of high responsibility to present and future generations of humankind by persuasively demonstrating with its own example, that real security asset is not a nuclear arsenal, but peaceful foreign policy, internal stability, sustainable economic and political development of state.
Realizing deep-rooted problems which NPT implementation faces, at the 62nd Session of the UN General Assembly Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev called upon nuclear states to move towards a world free from the nuclear weapons, as well as to undertake measures on maintaining the NPT efficiency and strengthening the nuclear weapons non-proliferation regime. It is necessary to develop mechanisms of effective leverage on the possessor-states acting outside of the NPT legal framework and to prevent countries from leaving the Treaty. And also to ensure that NPT participants meet all their engagements - non-proliferation, peaceful use of nuclear technologies and disarmament.
The initiative of preparing new universal treaty of total horizontal and vertical non-proliferation of nuclear weapons means neither renunciation of existing international arrangements nor mechanical substitution of NPT by something entirely new. We are interested in strengthening the Treaty and empowering it with true efficiency. It is not a matter of one month of hard work; it could even take longer than a year. And we are open for committed and fruitful dialogue with all parties interested in consolidation of non-proliferation regime and disarmament.
Unfortunately, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) has not entered into force. The fate of this Treaty rests in hands of its member-states. There is a hope that the example of new US administration which announced that it will send CTBT for ratification by Congress will be followed.
Kazakhstan recognizes the significance of the existence of the global monitoring system under the CTBTO. In order to strengthen and develop the inspection activities under the Treaty Kazakhstan hosted the integrated large-scale on-site experiment in and around the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in September 2008.
One of the practices to combat nuclear threats is creation of nuclear-weapon-free zones. The Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty was signed in Semipalatinsk on September 8, 2006, and, on March 22, 2009, it came into force.
This Treaty is a real and significant contribution of Central Asian countries to implementation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, as well as strengthening regional and international security. The new denuclearized zone in Central Asia has a number of unique features. It is the first zone to be created in the Northern Hemisphere and the only zone with a member-country which once had nuclear arsenal. Besides, for the first time ever, a denuclearized zone has been created in a region that borders two nuclear states (Russia and China) and is located in close proximity to Pakistan and India which possess nuclear weapons.
It is symbolic that Central Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty was signed in Semipalatinsk, the land which experienced all the consequences of nuclear tests and having suffered from numerous tragedies.
Today, Kazakhstan joined all major international instruments with regards to nuclear, biological, radiological and chemical weapons non-proliferation. We strictly comply with all obligations arising from the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1540, which refers to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
In 2005, Kazakhstan joined the Non-Proliferation Security Initiative known as the ‘Krakow Initiative’, actively participates in the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism launched by the Presidents of Russia and the US in 2006.
In 2004, Kazakhstan signed additional protocol. Thus, all nuclear facilities in the country are under full IAEA safeguards and all nuclear activities being carried out in accordance with IAEA regulations and standards.
Precisely from the moment of historical decision to close nuclear test ground in Semipalatinsk the countdown for liquidation of the fourth world’s largest nuclear weapons arsenal had started. 29 August has a historical meaning not only for Kazakhstan, but for all humankind. The test site was closed consciously as a practical contribution to combat nuclear threats. From the point of view of real nuclear disarmament process it is an unprecedented event of a global scale.
On April 24, 2009 UN General Assembly adopted resolution entitled “International cooperation and coordination for the human and ecological rehabilitation and economic development of the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan”. The Assembly invited Member States to observe, in 2011, the 20th anniversary of the test site’s closure.
In this regards, declaration of August 29th as the ‘International Day of Nuclear Weapons Renunciation’ by UN would have considerable importance and contributed to the world peace free from nuclear weapons.
Kazakhstan hopes for the support of this initiative by all friendly countries when it will be proposed during UN General Assembly.