Депортации народов в Казахстан в 1936-1957 гг. (на материалах Северо-Казахстанской и Кокчетавской областей) 07. 00. 02 Отечественная история (История Республики Казахстан)

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In territorial frameworks of research
Scientific novelty
The practical value of the research
The positions that are taken out on defense
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Chronological frameworks of research cover the period since 1936 until 1957th years. The bottom border is allocated in connection with that in 1936 year the North-Kazakhstan area has been formed, and the choice of the top border is caused by that 1957year the regime of special settlements has been cancelled and deported peoples have received freedom.

In territorial frameworks of research, include the North-Kazakhstan and Kokchetav areas in their administrative-territorial changes until 1957th year.

The methodology of research represents the basic principles: scientific objectivity and historicism. In research, such methods of scientific knowledge, as the analysis and synthesis, comparative, aggregate, probably-chronological, statistical were applied.

Scientific novelty consists in the following:

- For the first time history of deported peoples in the North-Kazakhstan and Kokchetav areas is in complex investigated;

- Action of the basic elements of special settlements systems with reference to various contingents of deported peoples, which are taking place in the North-Kazakhstan and Kokchetav areas is opened;

- Character of attitudes of local authorities and deported peoples is in details considered, directions of ideological work of local authorities, features of formation protest’s moods of peoples and forms of their display are opened;

- During research dynamics of changes in the legal status of special settlements is studied, differencation of the repressive policy concerning different deported peoples determined;

- In work evolution and character of interethnic relations of peoples in territory in conditions of special settlements is analyzed;

- In work new declassify archival documents, memoirs of special settlements are used which it allow to expand aspects of research a life of deported peoples and functioning of special settlements systems, and it to rethink earlier lead researches.

The practical value of the research is determined by the fact that its basic statements and conclusions can be used for working out academic courses and study books on the History of Kazakhstan. The results of the given research can be used in the work of national-cultural centers.

The basic statements of the research were incorporated in 12 publications including 6 in the science journals, and 6 articles published in the international and republican scientific and scientific-practical conferences’ digests.

The dissertation consists of an descriptions, abbreviations, designations, introduction, two chapters, seven subsections, a conclusion, a list of used recourses and an appendix

In the first chapter are considered: the reasons of deportation of peoples; character of their moving in region; the problems, which they have faced in Northern Kazakhstan; the stages of deportation in pre-war and military periods are determined; the decisions describing their status and position are analysed.

In the second chapter are considered: changes of number special settlements contingents during post-war time; infringements of the rights of deported peoples are analysed and shown, character of realization of supervision by commandants for special settlements and agitation-and-propaganda work of local authorities is determined; character of attitudes of local population and deported peoples is considered; society-political moods of special settlements and forms of their protests are studied; process of clearing of deported peoples, departure of Chechens and Ingushs to Caucasus is investigated.

The positions that are taken out on defense:

1. Deportations of peoples of the totalitarian regime had the following features: administrative, extrajudicial and mass character. The real reasons of deportations did not correspond to the declared reasons of the state, pursuing besides preventable measures on strengthening security the decision of some social and economical tasks on management of the country.

2. Deportation of peoples in the North-Kazakhstan and Kokchetav areas was a component of mass violent resettlements to Kazakhstan. Deported peoples have felt all completeness of reprisals of the totalitarian regime that it was showed in criticism of the Soviet Constitution and laws in force and it was accompanied by mass infringement of the civil rights.

3. Deported peoples have played the significant role in economical development of territory of Northern Kazakhstan; they promoted creation of settlements and as a whole to development of agriculture. Their self-denying work has been dictated by two polar calls. One part of the deported population continued to show the fidelity to the Soviet state, including the act of deportation by private injustice. Other part worked self-denyingly at a natural instinct of self-preservation, understanding, that it is the unique way to show the loyalty to authorities.

4. Deported peoples have gone through the powerful ideological pressure created by local authorities in the place of study and work of special settlements. As the result of moral and psychological pressure of authority in the environment of deported peoples are formed protest’s moods shown in open and latent forms.

5. Research of the legal status of deported peoples in the North-Kazakhstan and Kokchetav areas has shown its heterogeneity from the beginning of deportation. The inconsistent national policy of the Soviet state and differencation of approaches to destiny of various contingents of special settlements incorporated at deportation was kept and at clearing these peoples from the regime of special settlement.

6. Deportation of peoples to Kazakhstan became the policy directed on eradication of national originality. One of methods of carrying out of this policy was the dispersion of peoples in huge territory. The created system of special settlement was the tool in the statement of the communistic national policy.

7. Research of interethnic relations of deported peoples with local population has shown their evolution from primary vigilance to the subsequent good-neighbourhood relations. The Kazakh people have chosen universal values above the governmental installations.