«алоэ вера – безмолвный природный целитель»

Вид материалаДокументы


2: список
Living Food
The Health and Medical Use of Aloe Vera
Nature's Miracles – an MD's Experiences.
The Amino Acid Report
Aloe Vera, Jojoba and Yucca
Phytotherapy Research
Clinical Research
Veterinary Medicine/Small Animal Clinician
The Family Guide to Alternative Health Care
Runner's World
Вяжущий –
Эликсир –
Эпителий –
Подобный материал:
1   ...   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30
Приложение 2: список рекомендуемой литературы

D L Urch (1999), Aloe Vera – Nature's Gift. Aloe Vera in Veterinary Practice, Blackdow Publications.

Hazel Courteney (2001), 500 Of The Most Important Health Tips You'll Ever Need, Cico Books.

Hazel Courteney (2003), 500 Of The Most Important Ways To Stay Younger Longer, Cico Books.

Patrick Holford (1996), Living Food, ION Press.

Patrick Holford (1997), The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Piatkus.

Patrick Holford (1999), Say No To Cancer, Piatkus.

Professor Jane Plant (2000), Your Life In Your Hands, Virgin.

Dr Lawrence G Plaskett, The Health and Medical Use of Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera Information Service.

Dr Peter Atherton (1997), The Essential Aloe Vera.

Julia Lawless and Judith Allan (2000), Aloe Vera: Natural Wonder Cure, Thorsons.

Janette Marshall (2000), Eat to Beat Your Age, Hodder and Stoughton.

Dr Gary Fischbach, MD, Nature's Miracles – an MD's Experiences.

Professor M F Kirkman, CBiol, FRIPH, FRSH, Intestinal Microbiology and Functional Probiotics, Bio Pathica Ltd.

I E Danhoff (1999), Remarkable Aloe, Grand Prairie Texas, Omnimedicus Press.

Linda Lazardes (2000), The Amino Acid Report, Waterfall.

Приложение 3: библиография и ссылки

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Atherton, Dr P (1998), 'Aloe vera: magic or medicine?', Nursing Standard, July 1–7, 41, 12.

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Bouthet, С F, Schirf. V R, Winters, W D (1995),'Stimulation of neuron-like cell growth of aloe substances', Phytother, Res 9, 185–88.

Bradshaw, T W (1996), 'Aloe vera: its influence on the physiology of wound healing and inflammation, Journal of British Podiatric Medicine, 51 (2), 25–29, A7.

Brasher, W J, Zimmerman, E R, Collings, С К (1969), 'The effects of prednisolone, indomethacin and aloe vera gel on tissue culture cells', Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology, 27, 122–28.

Bruce, W G G (1987), 'Investigations of the anti-bacterial activity in the aloe', South African Medical Journal, 81, 984.

Buchman, D D (1983), Herbal Medicine: The Natural Way to Get Well and Stay Well, Rider.

Carpenter, R H, Yates, К M, Busbee, D, King, G, Tizard, I, McAnalley, В (1991), 'Clinical applications of a biological response modifier (acemannan) in veterinary clinical medicine', International Congress of Phytotherapy, October, Seoul, Korea, 62.

Chevalier, A (1996), The Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants, Dorling Kindersley.

Collins, С E, Collins, С (1935), 'Roentgen dermatitis treated with fresh whole leaf of aloe vera, American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy, 33, 396–97.

Collins, С (1935), 'Alvagel as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of radiation burns', The Radiological Review, 57, 6.

Courtney, H (1996), What's the Alternative?, second edition, Boxtree.

Danhof, I E, McAnalley, В H (1983), 'Stabilised aloe vera – effect on human skin cells', Drug and Cosmetic Industry, 133, 52, 54, 105–6.

Danhof, I (1996), Remarkable Aloe, video, Pro-Ma.

Danhof, I (1993), 'Potential reversal of chronological and photo-ageing of the skin by topical application of natural substances', Phytotherapy Research, special issue: Proceedings of the International Congress of Phytotherapy, 1991, S53–-56.

Davis, R H, Agnew, P S, Shapiro, E (1986), 'Anti-arthritic activity of anthraquinones found in aloe for podiatric medicine', Journal of American Podiatric Medical Association, 76 (2), 61–66.

Davis, R H, Leitner, M E, Russo, J M (1987), 'Topical anti-inflammatory activity of aloe vera as measured by ear swelling' ,Journal of American Podiatric Medical Association, 77 (11), 610–12.

Davis, R H, Leitner, M G, Russo, J M, Byrne, M E (1989), 'Anti-inflammatory activity of aloe vera against a spectrum of irritants, Journal of American Podiatric Medical Association, 79 (6), 263–76.

Davis, R H, Leitner, M G, Russo, J M (1988), 'Aloe vera. A natural approach for treating wounds, edema and pain in diabetes', Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 78 (2), 60–68.

Davis, R H, Maro, N P (1989),'Aloe vera and gibberellin. Anti-inflammatory activity in diabetes', Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, January, 79 (1), 24–26.

Davis, R H, Rosenthal, KY, Cesario, L R, Omu, G A (1989), 'Processed aloe vera administered topically inhibits inflammation', Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 79 (8), 395–97.

Davis, R H, Parker, W L, Murdoch, D P (1991), Aloe vera as a biologically active vehicle for hydrocortisone acetate', Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 81 (1), 1–9, A3.

Davis, R H (1991), 'Influence of aloe on inflammation and wound healing', International Congress of Phytotherapy, October, Seoul, Korea, 29.

Davis, R H, Stewart, G J, Bregman, P J (1992), 'Aloe vera and the inflamed synovial pouch model', Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, March, 82 (3), 140–48.

Davis, R H, Didonato, J J, Hartman, G M, Haas, R С (1994), 'Anti-inflammatory and wound healing activity of a growth substance in aloe vera', Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, February, 84 (2), 77–81.

Davis, R H, Didonato, J J, Johnson, R W, Stewart, С В (1994), 'Aloe vera, hydrocortisone and sterol influence on wound tensile strength and anti-inflammation', Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, December, 84 (12), 614–21.

El Zawahry, M, Hegarty, M R, and Helal, M (1973), 'Use of aloe vera in treating leg ulcers and dermatoses', International Journal of Dermatology, 12, 68–73.

Филатов В.П. (1945), «Терапия тканей при кожном лейшманиозе», American Review of Soviet Medicine, August.

Fine, A F, Brown, S (1938), 'Cultivation and clinical application of aloe vera leaf, Radiology, 31, 735–36.

Fulton, J E (1990), 'The stimulation of post-dermabrasion wound healing with stabilised aloe vera gel-polyethylene oxide dressing', Journal of Dermatological Surgical Oncology, 16, 5, 460–67.

Garnick, J, Hanes, P J, Hardim, J, Thompson, W (1994), 'Changes in root sensitivity with toothpastes containing aloe vera and allantoin', Archives of Oral Biology, 39 (suppl), 132S.

Gates, G (1975), 'Aloe vera – my favourite plant', American Horticulturalist, 54, 37.

Green, P (1996), 'Aloe vera extracts in equine clinical practice', Veterinary Times, 26, 9.

Grindlay, D, Reynolds, T (1986), 'The aloe vera phenomenon: A review of the properties and modern uses of the leaf parenchyma gel', Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 16, 117–51.

Gunther, R T (1934), The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides, Oxford University Press.

Hedendal, В E, Whole Leaf Aloe Vera, Beyond Nutrition Press, 17.

Heggers, J P, Winters, W (1993),'Aloe and other topical anti-bacterial agents in wound healing', Aloe Today/Aloecorp, 8–11, A4.

Heggers, J P, Pelley, R P, Robson, M С (1993), 'Beneficial effects of aloe in wound healing', Phytotherapy Research, 7, 48–52.

Heggers, J P, Kucukcelebi, Ahmet, Listengarten, Dimitri, Stabenau, Catherine, J, Ко, Francis, Broemeling, Lyle, D, Winters, Wendell, Bouthet, Catherine and Robson, Martin, С (1992), 'Wound healing potential of aloe and other chemotherapeutic agents', presented at the sixth International Congress on Traditional and Folk Medicine, December, Kingsville, Texas.

Heinerman, J (1982), 'Aloe vera, the divine healer', in Aloe Vera, Jojoba and Yucca, Keats Publishing.

Hennessee, О M and Cook, В R (1989), 'Aloe: myth-magic', Medicine.

Holford, P (1992), Optimum Nutrition, ION Press.

Holford, P (1996), Living Food, ION Press.

Holford, P (1997), The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Piatkus.

Holford, P (1999), Say No To Cancer, Piatkus.

Jeong, H Y, Kim, J H, Hwang, S J, Rhee, D К (1994), 'Anti-cancer effects of aloe on sarcoma 180 in mice and on human cancer cell lines'.

Kahlon, J B, Kemp, M C, Carpenter, R H, McAnalley, В H, McDaniel, H R, Shannen, W M (1991), 'Inhibition of AIDS virus replication by acemannan in vitro', Mol, Biother, 3, 127–35.

Koo, M W L (1994), 'Aloe vera: anti-ulcer and anti-diabetic effects', Phytotherapy Research, 8 (8), 461–64.

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Mahmoud, Hazem, El-Sibaie, El-Borollosy, El-Kady (1986), 'Microbiological studies on the phyllospere of the desert plant aloe vera, extraction of anthraquinone glycosides and anthraquinone-aglycone from plant leaves tested as anti-microbial substances against six pathogenic and six non-pathogenic micro-organisms', Egyptian Journal of Microbiology, 21 (2), 229–38.

McDaniel, H R, McAnalley, В H (1987), 'Evaluation of polymannoacetate (carrisyn) in the treatment of AIDS', Clinical Research, 35, 483A.

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Northway, R B (1975), 'Experimental use of aloe vera extract in clinical practice’, Veterinary Medicine/Small Animal Clinician, 70, 89.

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Приложение 4. Словарь и термины

АЛОИН – Вещество, содержащееся непосредственно под кожицей листа алоэ вера и обладающее слабительным действием.

АНАЛЬГЕТИК - Способный снимать боль путем воздействия на центральную нервную систему.

АНТИБИОТИК - Способный замедлять или останавливать развитие патогенных микробов.

ПРОТИВОВОСПАЛИТЕЛЬНЫЙ - Способный противостоять воспалительному процессу в тканях, вызванному физическими, химическими или биологическими причинами.

ВЯЖУЩИЙ – Способствующий очищению, слабое слабительное

БАКТЕРИЦИДНЫЙ - Способный уничтожать бактерии.

КОЛЛАГЕН - Белок соединительной ткани, вырабатываемый фибробластами, основной компонент межклеточного вещества, определяющий структурный какркас.

ДЕРМА - Один из слоев кожи человека и позвоночных животных, представляющий собой соединительную ткань, располагается под эпидермисом.

ЭЛИКСИР – Крепкий настой на спиртовой основе, содержащий ароматические растительные и др. вещества.

СМЯГЧАЮЩИЙ - Способный смягчать что-нибудь, например кожу.

ФЕРМЕНТЫ - Белки, облегчающие протекание биохимических реакций

ЭПИТЕЛИЙ – Вид ткани, образующий клеточный слой слизистых оболочек внутренних органов и верхний слой клеток кожи.

ФИБРОБЛАСТЫ - Клетки соединительной ткани, которые отвечают за выработку коллагеновых волокон, формирующих ткань кожи и мышц.

ФУНГИЦИДНЫЙ - Способный уничтожать патогенные грибки, вызывающие микоз кожи.

ГЕМОСТАТИК – Кровоостонавливающий, коагулирующий и суживающий кровеносные сосуды, в результате чего происходит остановка кровотечения.

СЛАБИТЕЛЬНОЕ - Вещество, облегчающее перистальтику кишечника и предотвращающее запор либо избавляющее от него.

МЕТАБОЛИЗМ - Биологические и химические процессы в клетках организма, в результате которых пища перерабатывается в энергию.

ВИРУЦИДНЫЙ – Антивирусный, способный уничтожать вирус.

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Все подробности здесь:

Alasdair Barcroft

Aloe Vera Centre

P.O. Box 19766


SW15 2WZ


Тел.: +44(0)208-875-9915

E-mail: alasdairaloevera@aol.com