Содержание # 1 (44) 2009 вопросы теории

Вид материалаЗакон
Historical characters
Military histord
Opinion Mysin N.V.
Reviews of scientific editions
Assessing the monograph, the reviewer marks its plentiful little-known actual material.
The reviewer highly estimates the collective work, emphasizing the fact that the authors have introduced hundreds new archival d
Содержание # 4 (47) 2009
Вопросы теории
Всеобщая история
Прошлое регионов россии
Подобный материал:
1   ...   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15

Historical characters

Ponomarev I.A. (St.-Petersburg). The Tuchkov brothers: their ancestors and descendants 103

In this article it is told about the Tuchkov family which has given a number of the well-known people who made significant contribution to the development not only Petersburg, but also Russia in general.

Glinnikova S.V. (Moscow). Decembrist A.N. Muraviev – the follower of Swedish philosopher E. Svedenborg (based on Moscow archives) 113

On the basis of numerous archival documents and historiography, the activity of A.N. Muraviev, the initiator of Rescue Union creation and the active participant of the Union of Prosperity (the governor of Irkutsk and the general-governor of Nizhniy Novgorod later on), is traced within the 1820s–1860s.


Drozdova E.E. (Tula). Armory Museums of the Russian Military department in the system of artillery education and training. The XVIIIth – the early XXth centuries 126

Armories, collecting weapons, first of all, looked to keeping the objects illustrating the history of these enterprises. However, in due course, the factory museums created on the basis of these collections got the value of the educational establishments used for distributing data about the last achievements in the field of weapon industry.

Gurinov S.L. (Voronezh). Creation of Naval forces of the Far East 131

Having investigated documents of the Russian State Archive of the Navy, as well as of memoirs and historiography, the author estimates the process of creation of the Naval forces of the Far East.

Rubtsov Yu.V. (Moscow). RKKA penal within Great Domestic war 134

In this article the history of RKKA penal divisions within the Great Patriotic war is studied in the historical literature for the first time to such full extent. Such problems as the process of formation and acquisition of penal battalions and divisions, their actual fighting activity, a legal status of military men at war, the order of rehabilitation of penalized soldiers; and some other questions are considered. The article is based on the documents of the Central archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation first introduced by the author for scientific use, as well as the materials of his correspondence with the participants of war in structure of penal divisions.


Mysin N.V. (Saint-Petersburg). «The War along the rupture» – sources and reasons of the Livon war
(ending) 143

The approaches to the explanation of genesis and reasons of the Livon war (1558–1583) accepted in the Russian historic science are analyzed. From the point of view of civil approach, the author considers this war as a system conflict between the Islamic, Western and East-European civilizations, the result of this war determinind the development of World System and fundamental principles of its structure («ecological» or «golographic» model).


Ershova E.B. (Moscow). History of Moscow, the first capital city, and Russia through centuries and events: female sight of the well-known Russian poetess and writer 153

In E.B. Ershova’s article, the content of the television project by the well-known Russian writer L.N. Vasileva «Moscow, the first capital city», shown on «TVCenter» channel in the late 2008 – the early 2009 is analyzed.

Rebrova I.V. (Krasnodar). «Silent majority» of Altay village. The review of the T.K. Scheglova’s monograph «Village and peasantry of Altay region in the XXth century. Oral history: the monograph» 156

The review is devoted to the analysis of the monograph written by T.K. Shcheglova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of Barnaul State Pedagogical University «Village and peasantry of Altay territory in the the XXth century. Oral history». (Barnaul, 2008). T.K. Shcheglova carried out the thematic analysis of the collected oral memoirs, her reconstructive method assuming specification of the facts, rather than subjectivity of a story-teller.

Nikolaev D.А. (Nizhni Novgorod). The review of A.V. Morohin's book «Pitirim, archbishop of Nizhniy Novgorod and Alatur. The church figure of an epoch of changes» 158

Assessing the monograph, the reviewer marks its plentiful little-known actual material.

Scherba A.N. (St.-Petersburg). The review of N.I. Baryshnikov's book «Five myths in military history of Finland of 1940–1944» 159

In the review scientific novelty and the author's innovation are marked, allowing to dispel argumentatively some myths of the Finnish military history of the Second World War.

Losik A.V. (St.-Petersburg). Domestic and foreign scientists about Great Patriotic war: questions of the theory and history, source studies and historiography, exposure of myths and falsifications 162

The author analyzes in detail the materials of the conference, marking its solid documentary basis, allowing to intoduce into scientific use the unknown data allowing to make a number of qualitatively new conclusions.

Poltorak S.N. (St.-Petersburg). High-class scientific publication on the history of St.-Petersburg
(The review of the book «Old Petersburg. Researches, quests, discoveries») 165

The reviewer highly estimates the collective work, emphasizing the fact that the authors have introduced hundreds new archival documents into scientific use.

Scientific conferences have taken place 167


The 85th anniversary of professor Andrey Vasilevich Sedov 168

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ # 4 (47) 2009

гости номера

Интервью с научным сотрудником германского военно-исторического исследовательского института (Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt), профессором Рольфом-Дитером Мюллером.
Беседовал А.С. Гогун 3


Полоскова Г.Ж.И. (Красноперекопск, Украина). Семейная хроника 5

Видре К.И. (Санкт-Петербург). Революция и культура 15

Вопросы теории

Малинов А.В. (Санкт-Петербург). Теория исторического познания Р.Ю. Виппера (окончание) 17


Овчарова Е.Э. (Санкт-Петербург). Франсуа Бернье как an opinion leader XVII в. 25

Михеева Г.В. (Санкт-Петербург). Библиография педагогики и народного образования в России 1917–1921 гг. 28


Кривицкий В.В. (Санкт-Петербург). О геральдических композициях в искусстве древнего Северного Кавказа (в эпоху бронзы и раннего железа) 39


Костюк Р.В. (Санкт-Петербург). Французские левые и Пятая республика 43


Рогушина Л.Г. (Санкт-Петербург). Особенности общественной жизни в царствование Александра I 52

Маренков А.С. (Москва). Антикризисные предложения Л.А. Тихомирова накануне Первой русской революции 58

Корнева Н.М. (Санкт-Петербург). Российский Сенат между Февралем и Октябрем 1917 г. 63

На основе обширного архивного материала автор анализирует деятельность российского Сената на завершающем этапе его существования.

Кувшинов В.А. (Москва). Попытка создания центристской группы кадетской партии в эмиграции 67

Зотова А.В. (Санкт-Петербург). Исторический опыт нэпа как инструмента борьбы с кризисными явлениями в экономике 73


Островский О.Б. (Санкт-Петербург). Изменение культурно-исторической роли Москвы в 1812–1825 гг. 77

Каиль М.В. (Смоленск). Епархиальная история эпохи революций и гражданской войны: характеристика источников и археографическая практика (на примере Смоленской епархии) 85

Гуменюк А.А. (Саратов). Развитие народного образования в СССР в 1953–1985 гг. (по материалам Саратовской области) 91

Власова Е.Ю. (Саров). Комплектование кадров Конструкторского бюро 11 (КБ-11) с 1946 по 1953 г. 98