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Dynamic Research Environments.pdf
The politics of regulatory impact analysis in the oecd countries: best practice and lesson-drawing
Measuring leverage RD.pdf
Technology diffusion programmes and the challenge for evaluation
Modeling economy-wide vs sectoral climate policies using combined aggregate-sectoral models.
Research, technological development and innovation
Evaluation and Knowledge Production.pdf
Explaining changes and continuity in EU.pdf
Evaluating Regulatory Impact Analyses.pdf
Regulatory impact statement
Evaluation of University Research in Europe..pdf
Распределение рефератов по уч. дисциплине «Оценивание программ, отраслевых (секторальных) политик и регулирующего воздействия»
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Распределение тем рефератов по уч. дисциплине

«Оценивание программ, отраслевых (секторальных) политик и регулирующего воздействия»

2-й курс магистратуры ГиМУ


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Randomization and Social Program Evaluation: The Case of Progresa

randomization and social program evaluation.pdf

In this article, the authors analyze the development of Progresa, a Mexican antipoverty program that conditions monetary transfers to human capital investment of its beneficiary families. The program is the principal antipoverty strategy of the Mexican government and has served as a model for similar programs in a number of countries in Latin America / с. 20

21 ноября

Малышева Е.С.

Dynamic Research Environments - A Development Model

Dynamic Research Environments.pdf

The article outlines a model for the development of dynamic and innovative research environments in national innovation systems. The development model is based on an in-depth study and analysis of 15 research environments selected by the Danish Council for Research Policy as examples of dynamic and innovative public research environments. According to the model, research environments follow some stages with respect to epistemological, organisational, and socio-cultural development that either enable them to advance from one stage to the next in the model or impede this advancement. The consequence of the latter is either a static state or dissolution. In the long run only dynamic and innovative research environments survive. The analysis of the studied cases identifies several preconditions that have to be present in such research environments in order for them to emerge, develop, and finally reach excellence. The results presented here may well be a valid tool for policymakers, particularly in in Europe where the framework conditions for public R&D are comparable to the Danish. / с. 17

10 октября

Волков Д.А.

Policy Evaluation in the United Kingdom


The United Kingdom Government uses a wide range of evaluation methods to ensure that policies, programmes and public services are planned and delivered as effectively and efficiently as possible. A major driving force for high quality policy evaluation in the U.K. is the Government’s commitment to evidence-based policy making. This requires policy makers, and those who implement policies, to utilise the best available evidence from national statistics, academic research, economic theory, pilots, evaluations of past policies, commissioned research and systematic consultation with delivery agents. The Government’s strategy for public spending and taxation also provides the context within which policy evaluation takes place in the U.K.

The paper reviews the types of evaluation that are used by the UK Government, including impact evaluation, implementation evaluation, economic evaluation, and the use of descriptive and inductive statistics for evaluation purposes. The use of Performance Management for the allocation and accountability of resources by the UK Government is described, as is the machinery that has been developed in the UK to deliver better public services. / с. 20

21 ноября

Масева М.А.

The abolition of payment of Working Tax Credit via employers

abolition of payment of WTC.pdf

Заключение по оценке регулирующего влияния / с. 24

28 ноября

Кербенёв А.В.

Analysis Methodology and Summary Results


Costs and benefits for the proposed standards are estimated using EPA’s available air quality, cost and benefits tools. Unless we note otherwise, this analysis follows the same analytical methodology for estimating monetized human health benefits as the CAIR Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). This chapter summarizes the important differences and advances in the air quality modeling, cost analysis and benefits methodologies from earlier analysis; the technical detail associated with these analyses to technical support documents. This chapter concludes with an illustrative summary of the quantitative estimates of benefits and costs for attaining the current and proposed revised standards for PM / c. 26

21 ноября

Зыкова Л.В.



This paper deals with the politics of regulatory impact analysis (RIA) in nine countries and the European Union (EU). It arises out of research conducted under the aegis of a pilot project of the Italian government on RIA. The latter is a policy instrument aimed at the systematic measurement of the potential impact of regulatory policies. It includes a range of methods (from cost-benefit analysis to simpler methodologies) which can be used flexibly to measure the impact of proposed regulations on social welfare or selected target populations, such as small business, companies, charities and non-profit organizations, and even public administration. The aim of RIA is to enhance the empirical basis of political decisions. The idea is not to substitute political decisions with technocracy but to inform the decision-making process with empirical knowledge. RIA cannot be reduced to a document – the usually concise paper containing the data on costs and benefits and the choice of a policy option. Quite the opposite, RIA consists of a series of steps which guide the regulatory process, raise issues and questions, and can make institutions think (see OECD 1997a for more details on RIA as process). / c. 24

28 ноября

Никифоров С.А.

Measuring leverage effects from public R&D funding

Measuring leverage RD.pdf

Исследование основывается на микроэкономических моделях / с. 19

10 октября

Гурат Р.В.

Aiming High – an assessment of Barselona targets


Обзор политики Евросоюза по R&D / стр. 17

26 сентября

Ковалева А.Ю.


technology diffusion programmes and the challenge.pdf

The growing focus on technology diffusion, learning and absorptive capacity in Research and Technological Development (RTD) policy1 poses important challenges to both those who use and those who do evaluations. The type of evaluation that should be done in any given situation depends not on some general principle but on the policy makers’ practical needs for learning and accountability. Evaluations using a single approach are rarely useful. Rather, the evaluator must be “agile” enough to apply the right tools at the right time. While, at present, there is renewed enthusiasm for cost-benefit approaches, especially in the context of technology diffusion programmes, these also have limitations. Good evaluations use multiple approaches to answer relevant policy questions. / с. 21

17 октября

Иванова А.Н.

Evaluation lokaler Verwaltungspolitik: Umsetzung und Wirksamkeit des Neuen Steuerungsmodells in den deutschen Kommunen


Der Beitrag hat zum Ziel, die betriebswirtschaftlich-manageriale Reformbewegung, die sich unter dem Leitbild des „Neuen Steuerungsmodells“ in den deutschen Kommunen seit Beginn der 90er Jahre geradezu „wie ein Buschfeuer“ verbreitet hat, unter der evaluativen Fragestellung zu analysieren, welche Ergebnisse und Wirkungen nunmehr nach 10 Jahren Reformpraxis zu verzeichnen sind. Es wird der Versuch unternommen, eine auffällige Forschungs- und Evaluationslücke in der lokalen Politik- und Verwaltungsforschung zu schließen. Denn diese blieb überwiegend auf die institutionellen und instrumentellen Veränderungen fokussiert, so dass bislang erstaunlich wenig über die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse und Wirkungen der Verwaltungsmodernisierung bekannt ist. Dabei sollen auch Perspektiven für zukünftige institutionenorientiertere Evaluationen aufgezeigt werden. . / стр. 26

14 ноября

Морозова А.А.

Evaluation of research and innovation policies:

a discussion of trends with examples from Germany


Recent changes in the field of evaluation refer to new demands by politics, economies and society to extend the subject of evaluation processes to cross-sectoral research promotion programs and research institutions, and new developments within the research of evaluation itself. The paper presents an overview of these trends and consequences for the function and methods of evaluation of research and innovation policies against the background of recent German experiences. / стр. 14

19 сентября

Корелин А.Н.

Modeling economy-wide vs sectoral climate policies using combined aggregate-sectoral models.

Modeling economy-wide.doc

Economic analyses of climate change policies frequently focus on reductions of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions via market-based, economy-wide policies. The current course of environment and energy policy debate in the United States, however, suggests an alternative outcome: sector-based and/or inefficiently designed policies. This paper uses a collection of specialized, sector-based models in conjunction with a computable general equilibrium model of the economy to examine and compare these policies at an aggregate level. We examine the relative cost of different policies designed to achieve the same quantity of emission reductions. We find that excluding a limited number of sectors from an economy-wide policy does not significantly raise costs. Focusing policy solely on the electricity and transportation sectors doubles costs, however, and using non-market policies can raise cost by a factor of ten. These results are driven in part by, and are sensitive to, our modeling of pre-existing tax distortions. / c. 27

14 ноября

Горшков А.Е.



Support for research, technological development and innovation (RTD&I) activities takes many forms and is provided by public sector bodies at many levels: regional, national and supranational. It can be channelled into infrastructure development via finance for university buildings, research laboratories and science parks linking the academic and industrial sectors. It can reinforce knowledge capabilities by providing finance for basic scientific research and strengthen industrial competitiveness via support for more commercially oriented RTD&I in industry. It can also be motivated by a desire to achieve broader sets of socio-economic goals such as increased employment, improved quality of life, preservation of the environment, regional development etc. Typically it has been justified by market failure arguments that stress that support is only justified when the market fails to stimulate work that is in the general public interest. More recently, intervention has been increasingly condoned on the basis of broader considerations of system failure, where the systems in question are concerned with innovation, i.e. complex interactions between social actors that generate and diffuse new knowledge and innovative processes, products and services throughout socio-economic systems. / с. 17

19 сентября

Лебедь-Ластухина А.И.

Embedded foresight in RTD programs

foresight in RTD.pdf

In recent years, several countries have carried out large-scale technology foresight exercises. While these have been extensively discussed in the literature, less attention has been given to how foresight objectives are served through consultative processes which are not necessarily designated as ‘foresight’ but nevertheless seek to provide direction to publicly supported research and technology development (RTD) efforts. Here, we address this question by examining Finnish RTD programs in electronics and telecommunications where foresight processes have been enacted to build up capabilities for strategic flexibility and, more specifically, for the ability to change the direction of RTD efforts during the program. We also argue that these processes may be crucial in conditions of rapid technological change. / с. 23

17 октября

Ситников А.П.

Evaluation and Knowledge Production

Evaluation and Knowledge Production.pdf

This paper discusses the new dimensions in contemporary knowledge production and the implications this has for evaluation. So far, existing accounts of the RTD process are highly partial, mostly focussing on immediate technological or economic outputs. While such partial accounts may have some practicality for a traditional evaluation perspective, they are of increasingly limited benefit to policy-makers who want to evaluate the outcome of long-term policy strategies through the results and impacts of particular innovation performances. / c. 28

14 ноября

Маслова К.А.

Explaining changes and continuity in EU technology policy: The politics of ideas

Explaining changes and continuity in EU.pdf

By looking at the role of ideas in EU policy-making, this article partly contests other explanations on the evolution of EU RTD policy. Our claim is that the cognitive dimension of policy framing should also be considered in the explanation, alongside the roles of institutional dynamics and of material conditions. Bringing ideas back in, we provide a new account of the historical evolution of EU RTD policy, which has been moving from a frame of science policy to technology policy, and lately to innovation policy. Special emphasis will be placed on explaining this latest move, as the current ‘innovation turn’ brings about a reinterpretation of the boundaries between RTD policy and other policies. The conclusion will sum up the arguments, focusing especially on the current transformations of this EU policy

/ с. 16

26 сентября

Кармишин И.С.

Evaluating Regulatory Impact Analyses

Evaluating Regulatory Impact Analyses.pdf

Federal agencies in the United States are required to prepare regulatory impact analyses (RIAs) for every major regulatory action they undertake. Increasingly, other OECD countries are imposing similar requirements. However, there has been little examination of the quality of these documents or of the uses to which they have been put in the regulatory process or elsewhere. In this paper we survey previous efforts to evaluate RIAs and find a fair amount of evaluation of RIAs as stand-alone documents, but much less evaluation of their contribution to producing better regulations. / c. 23

28 ноября

Ситдикова К.Р.


electricity safety (electric line clearance).pdf

Electricity Commission Act 1958 and the Electricity Industry Act 1993, along with certain other Acts. In general terms, the Act forms a collective of provisions relating to the establishment of the Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector (OCEI), and provisions relating to the safety of electricity supply and use, and efficiency of electrical equipment, which were previously contained within the aforementioned repealed or amended Acts. More specifically, the proposed Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations, will in effect be an equivalent set of regulations to replace the Code of Practice for Powerline Clearance Regulations (Vegetation) 1996 which is revoked as a result of the amendments (provided for under the new Electricity Safety Act 1998) to the State Electricity Commission Act 1958 as referred to above. Similar regulations (and codes) have been operational since 1984, and the revoked regulations and associated code of practice have been in place only since October 1996. As such, these proposed Regulations are covering an area which has been previously regulated, and the need to make them has come about purely as a result of the rearrangement of material in the various Acts upon the enactment of the Electricity Safety Act 1998. The proposed Regulations will also extend their application to Transmission lines. / c. 25

28 ноября

Малахова О.М.

Evaluation of University Research in Europe

Evaluation of University Research in Europe..pdf

The paper concentrates on the evaluation of university research (academic basic research) in Europe, focusing on four countries: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria. Several quality dimensions of university research are discussed. A distinction between “first-level” and “second-level” quality dimensions is proposed. Criteria for the first level are: quality, efficiency, relevance, and viability. Criteria for the second level are: effectiveness, organizational improvement, evolutionary quality increase, and co-evolution of research and research evaluation. Furthermore, the functions of the evaluation of university research can be different: (1) either creating an environment with feedback or consequences for (public basic) funding and/or (2) encouraging and supporting self-organizational learning processes. Finally, the question is being stated and suggested: Derived from the European experience, what could be learned for policy-making at the sub-national state level in the U.S.? / с. 28

14 ноября

Синятуллина Л.Х.

Modelling the factors associated with deadweight and displacement

Modelling the factors associated with deadweight and displacement.doc

Evaluating industrial policy interventions is a growing theme for academics and policymakers. Evaluation should explore the ‘counter-factual’, this involves examining the related phenomena of deadweight and displacement. Research to date has almost exclusively concerned itself with deriving headline estimates of these phenomena (particularly deadweight in the Irish context) and discussing their consequences. The main argument in this paper is that it is no longer sufficient to merely derive estimates of deadweight and displacement and to discuss their consequences; the focus of attention should now turn to establishing specific firm factors (e.g. size of firm; type of firm ownership; type of assistance received) that influence these estimates. It is only then that real policy improvements and learning can occur. To this end, the explicit focus of this paper is to ascertain whether certain firm characteristics are likely to influence the likelihood of deadweight and/or displacement effects. The methodological approach developed has broad-based applicability beyond the Irish context, given that the econometric techniques adopted are adaptable to the evaluation of various types of policy interventions in a variety of contexts. / с. 29

21 ноября

Проскура Д.Г.

Распределение рефератов по уч. дисциплине «Оценивание программ, отраслевых (секторальных) политик и регулирующего воздействия»

2-курс магистратуры ГиМУ



Автор, наименование статьи

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Дата выступления


Волков Д.А.

Горшков А.Е.

Гурат Р.В.

Зыкова Л.В.

Иванова А.Н.

Кармишин И.С.

Кербенёв А.В.

Корелин А.Н.

Ковалева А.Ю.

Лебедь-Ластухина А.И.

Малахова О.М.

Малышева Е.С.

Масева М.А.

Маслова К.А.

Морозова А.А.

Никифоров С.А.

Проскура Д.Г.

Синятуллина Л.Х.

Ситдикова К.Р.

Ситников А.П.

Шутилин В.А.