Сми о Казахстане (3-17 ноября 2008 гг.) Оглавление

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The Agrimarket Consulting (Украина), November 12, 2008, KAZAKHSTAN TO PRODUCE NEARLY 160.000 TONNES OF VEGETABLE OILS
The Agrimarket Consulting (Украина), November 12, 2008, KAZAKHSTAN INCREASED GRAIN EXPORTS
Информационный сайт SteelGuru (Индия), November 10, 2008, CHINA AND KAZAKHSTAN TO JOINTLY MINE AND PROCESS URANIUM
Информационный сайт «Virgilio Notizie» (Италия) (03/11/2008), «KASHAGAN – PRODUCTION WILL START ON 31 DECEMBER 2013»
Информационный сайт «L’Union Sarda» (Италия) (31/10/2008), «ENI: AGREEMENT SIGNED BETWEEN KAZAKHSTAN AND THE AGIP KSO CONSORTIUM
РАЗНОЕ Газета «Московская правда» (Москва), № 246, 14.11.2008, Кирилл РАЗЛОГОВ, ИДЕЯ И ФОРМА
Информационный сайт «SOITU.ES» (Испания) (11/06/2008), Пабло ФРАНЧЕСКУТТИ, «THE ARAL SEA CONTINUES TO COME BACK»
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The Agrimarket Consulting (Украина), November 12, 2008, KAZAKHSTAN TO PRODUCE NEARLY 160.000 TONNES OF VEGETABLE OILS

This year oilseeds harvest in Kazakhstan with the present export ban for oilseeds will be enough for production of nearly 160.000 tonnes of vegetable oils, or 80% of the domestic consumption of the country, declared Akylbek Kurishbaev, the Minister of Agriculture, on November 10.

Also, Kazakhstan harvested 130.000 tonnes of food rice, which totally covers domestic consumption, according to the Minister.

The Agrimarket Consulting (Украина), November 12, 2008, KAZAKHSTAN INCREASED GRAIN EXPORTS

During 10 months of 2008, the National railway company "Kazakhstan temir jolu" shipped 198.8 mln tonnes of cargos, declared Ermek Kisatov, the vice-president of development of the company, on November 11.

The company increased shipment volumes compared to 2007 due to rise of grain and derived products shipment. During 10 months of 2008, the company shipped 6.7 mln tonnes of grain, up 3.1% compared to the same period of the previous year. At the same time, Kazakh consumers received over 2.26 mln tonnes (up 4.4%), foreign consumers – 4.43 mln tonnes (up 2.5%).

Информационный сайт SteelGuru (Индия), November 10, 2008, CHINA AND KAZAKHSTAN TO JOINTLY MINE AND PROCESS URANIUM

According to state uranium company Kazatomprom, Kazakhstan and China have agreed to mine uranium and process it into nuclear fuel together in the Central Asian country.

Mr Mukhtar Dzhakishev head of Kazatomprom, said that his company, China Guandong Nuclear Power Company and China National Nuclear Corporation will operate three mines in Kazakhstan as part of the project. He said that that production already had begun at the Irkol mine, which can produce up to 750 tonnes per year of uranium, and operations at Semizbai, which can produce 500 tonnes per year, would start next year. He said that Zhalpak, which can produce 700 tonnes to 750 tonnes, would be the last to open, but did not give details.

He added that the companies plan to start processing uranium to make nuclear fuel for atomic power plants by 2113.Kazatomprom expects to produce 8,800 tonnes of uranium this year, rising to 11,000 tonnes in 2009 and by 2010 it forecasts 15,000 tonnes. By 2015 to 2016, it expects to produce 27,000 tonnes to fill the shortfall in the market.Demand for uranium is booming as China, India and Russia build new reactors and the West seeks to diversify its energy sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


The Kazakhstan Food Drink Report provides independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on Kazakhstan's food and drink industry.

The organised food retail sector is still in the very early stages of development in Kazakhstan, but is starting to attract some international attention, as discussed in BMI's recently published Kazakhstan Food & Drink Report for Q408. In September 2008 German retailer Metro Group announced that it had signed an agreement with the Kazakhstani government to open its Metro Cash & Carry chain in the country. The company, which plans to open its first outlet next summer, said that it sees potential for 10 to 15 wholesale stores in the country. Although Metro did not say how much it was planning on investing in the country, it would say that on average each one of their Cash & Carry outlets represents an investment of around EUR15-20mn (US21.7-28.9mn), making this a significant investment. This investment will make Metro the first major European mass grocery retail (MGR) operator to enter the market.

Consumer demand is growing significantly in Kazakhstan, which is fuelling the growth of the MGR sector. External investments, such as those made by Metro as well as other Russian and Turkish retailers will be crucial in driving growth in the consumer sector. As more consumers convert from shopping at independents and in bazaars to modern retail formats, this will drive growth, as will the increasing demand for convenience and longer opening hours, as most bazaars are closed one day a week. This convenience factor particularly appeals to working women. Discount stores have started to appear in larger cities, helping to draw in more low-income consumers, while some local stores have started to introduce private label products, although only to a very limited extent. The Cash & Carry format has proved to be very popular with consumers throughout the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region, and will likely enjoy similar popularity in Kazakhstan.

With a population of over 15mn, Kazakhstan represents a major potential consumer base. Currently most organised retail is focused on Almaty and Astana due to their concentration of wealth, expats and infrastructure. Presently, there is little in the way of modern organised retail, with traditional markets and small family-run shops still dominating food retail, although this is slowly changing. Nevertheless, per capita incomes in the country are still low, particularly in rural areas, thereby accounting for the limited presence of modern retail in the market.

However, as the economy expands and disposable incomes continue to rise, this will slowly but surely change. Due to a commendable post-independence reform effort, coupled with sound fiscal and monetary policies, Kazakhstan is considered to have one of the best-performing economies in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Developments in the hydrocarbons sector and sustained high commodity prices will continue to drive overall growth, which in turn will drive consumer confidence and spending.

Информационный сайт «Virgilio Notizie» (Италия) (03/11/2008), «KASHAGAN – PRODUCTION WILL START ON 31 DECEMBER 2013»

It should have started no later than 31October 2013.

New terms - and new delay - for the start of production at Kashagan oil field. "The first production (experimental phase) will start on time on 1 December 2012, the last term has been fixed to 31 December 2013", said KazMunayGaz Vice President, Maksat Idenov. At the end of June, the Kazakh government and Agip KCO had agreed that Kashagan production would start no later than October 2013. They had said that "if the consortium goes to beyond the date, Kazakhstan might not compensate them".

The national Kazakh oil company KazMunaiGas and the other members of Agip Kco (led by Eni) signed on Friday in Astana the final agreement on the development of this oil field, the most important one discovered over the last 40 years. The final agreement should put an end to the long negotiations between Agip Kco and Kazakhstan that led, amongst other things, to an increase in Kazmunaigaz’s share previously of 8.33%.

Based on the memorandum signed last January with the objective of reorganizing the development of Kashagan oil field, this agreement plans the creation of a joint venture between all the members of the consortium that will operate Kashagan, following the 'first oil' (i.e. the completion of the first phase of development), fixed to 370,000 barrels per day.

The Italian Eni has led the consortium since 1997 and agreed in January to give up being the sole operator after the first oil. Eni partners, besides Total, include Exxonmobil and Shell. And also the Kazakh company KazMunaiGaz, which with the last agreement got a greater role. KazMunayGaz sees its share in the consortium increase from 8% to 16.81%, with Eni, Shell, Total and ExxonMobil giving up 1.89% of their share.

Информационный сайт «L’Union Sarda» (Италия) (31/10/2008), «ENI: AGREEMENT SIGNED BETWEEN KAZAKHSTAN AND THE AGIP KSO CONSORTIUM»

Kazakhstan and the consortium Agip Kso, led by Eni, has signed today in Astana final documents on the development of Kashagn oil field. The agreement includes the increase in Kazmunaygas’ share in the consortium.


The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has announced the creation of a fund of USD 5,000 million (Euros 3,859 million) for the four main banks, according to the “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” newspaper.

In particular, the Kazakh Government has offered a recapitalization of USD 5,000 million through the Samruk-Kazyna national welfare fund to Alliance Bank, BTA Bank, Halyk Bank and Kazcommertsbank.

This capitalization will take place by the emission of ordinary and preferred stocks.

The shareholders will have the possibility to repurchase the new titles. If they are not being able to do so, the state will become shareholder of the banks, in a 25% stake limit. The Kazakh Government indicated that its participation in these organizations is not planned to be long term and that the state will sell its titles in line with the market’s principles.


Газета «Московская правда» (Москва), № 246, 14.11.2008, Кирилл РАЗЛОГОВ, ИДЕЯ И ФОРМА

Пока мы ищем "национальную идею", аналогичными поисками занимаются и другие государства на территории бывшего Советского Союза. Наиболее показателен в этом плане опыт Казахстана.

В этом году отмечается десятилетие Астаны - Столицы (поскольку Астана по-казахски и значит столица). Древняя Акмола, имперский, а потом советский Акмолинск, хрущевский Целиноград, вновь Акмола и, наконец, Астана в центре Акмолинской области. Новая Астана на левом берегу Есиля выстраивается заново по проекту японского архитектора Кисе Курокавы. Особое внимание уделяется и двум знаковым зданиям культового британца Нормана Фостера - пирамиде Дворца мира и согласия и еще не законченному шатру универсального жилого и рекреационного центра.

Хотя проекты нескольких сооружений пронизаны национальной символикой (с характерной присказкой: по идее первого президента Казахстана Нурсултана Назарбаева), общее впечатление ближе к транснациональному космополитизму, о чем свидетельствует и выбор архитекторов. Эта новая часть города производит впечатление кукольного макета, лишенного (пока) реальной жизни. Однако стоит перебраться в старый город, на территорию Целинограда-Акмолы, как ощущение искусственности исчезает - вокруг настоящая повседневная жизнь: люди, автомобили, магазины и очереди:

В столице прошел юбилейный пятый кинофестиваль "Евразия", некогда порожденный геополитической ситуацией распада Советского Союза, а ныне нашедший свою идентичность (то есть самобытность) как фестиваль фильмов Центральной Азии - Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Узбекистана, Таджикистана и Туркменистана.

Национальная идея в программе выделена специально - премьерой фильма "Мустафа Шокай" (или Чокай на казахский манер). Фойе самого большого кинотеатра в городе "Самрук" переполнено. У входа давка. Зарубежные гости вспоминают премьеру фильма Копполы "Апокалипсис сегодня" на Каннском кинофестивале, где для стимулирования ажиотажа открыли всего одну дверь и в результате чуть не задавили беременную женщину. В зале яблоку негде упасть. Все лестницы забиты. Выступления официальных лиц то и дело прерываются аплодисментами то ли восторга, то ли вежливости, то ли возмущения (чтобы поменьше говорили). Зато по окончании фильма вполне искренняя волна оваций - биография не так давно реабилитированного идеолога туркестанского национализма, ненавидевшего большевиков и сотрудничавшего с фашистами ради спасения соотечественников, была очевидно воспринята как актуальное послание независимо от собственно художественных качеств картины. Зарубежные гости фестиваля были скорее озадачены такой реакцией на фильм, снятый в лучших традициях советского историко-революционного кино 30-х годов с той лишь разницей, что большевики из героев и мудрых политиков превратились в кровавых злодеев.

Схематичность центральных персонажей - самого Шокая и его русской жены - ограничивала возможности сопереживания, а их жизнь как бедных политэмигрантов в Париже не вызывала особого сочувствия на фоне кровавых событий революции, Гражданской и Второй мировой войн. Национальная идея, в отличие от центра Астаны, в этой форме оказалась лишенной транскультурных смыслов, а заодно и непосредственной эмоциональности.

В совершенно ином ракурсе национальная специфика была представлена в фильме "Тюльпан", который демонстрировался на открытии кинофестиваля и был выдвинут от Казахстана на соискание премии "Оскар". Быт простых чабанов, с исключительной достоверностью показанный выходцем из Чимкента, известным документалистом Сергеем Дворцевым, столь удачно дебютировавшим в игровом кино, дополнялся сверхактуальной идеей возвращения молодого героя из армии не в город, а в родные степи - родину кочевников. Кульминацией фильма стал эпизод, где неумелый вчерашний матрос удачно принимал роды у овцы. Вот и она, гуманная идея из Казахстана, эмоционально убедительная в мировом масштабе.

Информационный сайт «SOITU.ES» (Испания) (11/06/2008), Пабло ФРАНЧЕСКУТТИ, «THE ARAL SEA CONTINUES TO COME BACK»

Who has not seen the spectacular images of boats in the middle of the steppe? How to forget such an eloquent testimony of desertification and drought? During years, the dying Aral Sea has been the symbol of a man-made environmental disaster. Now the situation is changing: the great lake of Central Asia has stopped shrinking and experienced a modest although remarkable recovery; a good example of how, if there is will, the environmental damages can be repaired.

But the fourth largest inland sea in the world represents an unquestionable accusation towards some policies taken without consideration for the environment.

Its river basin was drained during the Soviet era, in order to irrigate extensive cotton cultures (almost seven million hectares). The regional climate paid the consequences: without the moderator effect of the sea, the summers have become hotter and winters longer and colder. And it gives us a painful lesson.

Luckily, the damage has reached bottom; better still, it has begun to revert itself. A forceful data: the old coastal city of Aralsk, that three years ago was 100 kilometres away from the sea, is now only 30 km away, according to “Le Figaro” correspondent to Kazakhstan, country that shares the waters with Uzbekistan.

How did the miracle take place? Simply, because of the Kok-aral dam. Constructed by the Kazakh government with the aid of the World Bank, the 13 km infrastructure contains waters of the Syr Daria River, enabling the basin to fill up. In only three years, the surface of the Aral has increased from 2,550 to 3,300 square kilometres. In parallel, the toxic level of salinity has been reduced, enabling the return of the fish and the resurrection of the fishing industry.

Thanks to this, its disappearance, anticipated for year 2020, will not take place. For the Kazakh government, saving the life of the Aral Sea was a question of national honour and a symbolic repair of the disasters undergone by the country under the Soviet regime. The World Bank, that has financed quite a few projects, has a reason today to congratulate itself. “The return of the North Aral Sea proves that man-made disasters can be reverted at least partially and that the food production depends on an appropriate management of hydraulic and environmental resources”, said its president, Robert B. Zoellick.

But the salvation will not be total. The recovery concerns the North Aral Sea, divided from the rest of the Sea. The southern section continues to decrease. There are some technical and political difficulties. According to the Kazakh and Uzbek governments the southern part requires further hydraulic problems. There are also economic difficulties: Uzbekistan wants to continue cotton cultures - its main product of export, and it will continue harvesting the South Aral Sea river.

But the waters of the North Aral Sea will continue to increase, helped by a new dam currently in construction; and in 2011, the boats will return to the port of Aralsk. But nobody thinks that things completely return to their initial state. The environmental miracle will not completely erase all the sequels of the environmental catastrophe.