З використанням ікт на тему: “my impressions of the book I have read recently” (7 Form)

Вид материалаУрок


4)виховувати в учнів любов до читання та
Present, Past, Future Indefinite Tenses and
Give his/her name.
A.-I also like reading. I like to read
Present, Past, Future Indefinite Tenses and
HO2): My impressions of the book I have read recently
A:-And what kind of reading do you prefer?
HO2 Oral practice My impressions of the book I have read recently
Подобный материал:




ВЧИТЕЛЬ: Латій Ольга Олександрівна

Веселинівська ЗОШ І – ІІІ ступенів

Миколаївська область

Мета уроку: 1)підготувати учнів до самостійного

висловлювання на основі змісту прочитаної

книги з опорою;

2)активізація вживання вивченої лексики теми

в мові;

3)вдосконалювати граматичні навики з

застосуванням комп’ютера;

4)виховувати в учнів любов до читання та

бережне ставлення до книги;

Обладнання: підручник

навчальний комп’ютерний комплекс”Let’s start-3”

опорна схема”The book I have recently read”

діалограми”Reading preferences”

План уроку

I.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Aim Мета 1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

We are going to discuss your impressions

of books you have read recently. By the

end of the lesson you should be able:

1) to participate in common conversation

about books;

2) to speak about books you have read


3) to operate the grammar material about the

Present, Past, Future Indefinite Tenses and

the Present Continuous Tense using them in

your speech

Warm –up 2.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

Практикування учнів в вживанні нової лексики


I am fond of

Novels of every day

Adventures stories

Love stories

Historical novels

Travel books

Detective stories



Conversation Бесіда з учнями про роль читання в їхньому


1. Do you like reading?

2. Do you spend much time reading?

3. How much books do you read out of school?

One book a week?

One book a month?

One book a year?

4. What kind of books do you prefer?

5. Have you got your favourite writer?

Give his/her name.

Group work Робота в групах

(HO1): A.-Do you like reading?

B.-I enjoy reading.

(I am fond of reading.)

(I cannot live without books.)

A.-And what kind of reading do you prefer?

B.-Oh, I am fond of historical novels.

A.-I also like reading. I like to read

adventure stories and detective books.

B.-What about fantasy?

A.-I don’t like fantasy.

B. - You are strange. As for me fantasy is

exciting reading.

II.Основна частина уроку

1. Grammar Граматичне повторення


Before speaking about books have you read

recently we must recollect some grammar


Let’s operate our computers and practice the

Present, Past, Future Indefinite Tenses and

the Present Continuous Tense.

Do Activity 6, 7, 8 from Unit 1 Chapter 6.

O.k., now let’s play the grammar game. The

game has 3 rounds: the 1st round- Activity 6

the 2nd round- Activity 7

the 3rd round- Activity 8.

Every round has its winner a boy or a girl

who will do the exercise the first will be

the winner of this round.

At the end we shall get to know who is the

best grammar girls and boys in our form.

Raise your hands.

2) Oral Практикування в мовленні


a)Pairwork. Відповіді на запитання впр.3

(стор.142) підручника.

You have just read the book “The adventures

Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. Open your books.

Let’s answer the following questions.

b) Practice. Робота з таблицею.

T: Finish the table.

(HO2): My impressions of the book I have read recently

  1. As you know my name is ….
  2. I am a pupil of the ….
  3. I (enjoy, like) reading.
  4. I spend much time reading.
  5. I am fond of (novels of every day life, adventures stories, love stories, historical novels, travel books, detective books, fantasy and fiction books).
  6. My favourite writer is ….
  7. He (She) is a famous American (English, Ukrainian, Russian) ….
  8. Now I want to tell you about the book I have read ….
  9. It is “…” by ….
  10. The author of the book depicts the life … and the …of ….
  11. The name of the main hero is ….
  12. He (She) is (kind, clever, brave, funny, lazy, naughty, obedient) ….
  13. He (She) has many … and he (she) likes to … with them.
  14. I like this book ….
  15. I think the book is worth reading.

c) Speaking. Створення розповіді згідно

таблиці та відтворення її(2-3 учня)

III.Заключна частина уроку

Homework 1.Домашнє завдання

T:Write and speak about your impressions of

the book you have read recently

Summarizing 2.Підбиття підсумків уроку

T:Which activities have we done today?

Was a difficult for you to speak about

your favourite books?

Could you cope with all grammar exercises?

Group work

Reading preferences

A:-Do you like reading?

B:-I enjoy reading.

(I am fond of reading.)

(I cannot live without books.)

A:-And what kind of reading do you prefer?

B:-Oh, I am fond of historical novels.

A:-I also like reading.

I like to read adventures stories and detective books.

B:-What about fantasy?

A:-I don’t like fantasy.

B: - You are strange. As for me fantasy is exciting reading.


Oral practice

My impressions of the book I have read recently

  1. As you know my name is ….

  2. I am a pupil of the ….
  3. I (enjoy, like) reading.
  4. I spend much time reading.
  5. I am fond of (novels of every day life, adventures stories, love stories, historical novels, travel books, detective books, fantasy and fiction books).
  6. My favourite writer is ….
  7. He (She) is famous American (English, Ukrainian, Russian) ….
  8. Now I want to tell you about the book I have read ….
  9. It is “…” by ….
  10. The author of the book depicts the life … and the …of ….
  11. The name of the main hero is ….
  12. He (She) is (kind, clever, brave, funny, lazy, naughty, obedient) ….
  13. He (She) has many … and he (she) likes to … with them.
  14. I like this book ….
  15. I think this book is worth reading.