A. A. Sankin a course in modern english lexicology second edition revised and Enlarged Допущено Министерством высшего и среднего специального образования СССР в качестве учебник
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- Г. Г. Почепцов Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка Допущено Министерством, 6142.76kb.
- В. Г. Атаманюк л. Г. Ширшев н. И. Акимов гражданская оборона под ред. Д. И. Михаилика, 5139.16kb.
- Автоматизация, 5864.91kb.
- А. М. Дымков расчет и конструирование трансформаторов допущено Министерством высшего, 3708.79kb.
- Н. Ф. Колесницкого Допущено Министерством просвещения СССР в качестве учебник, 9117.6kb.
- В. В. Виноградов Очерки по истории русского литературного языка XVII-XIX веков издание, 11316.28kb.
- А. Б. Долгопольский пособие по устному переводу с испанского языка для институтов, 1733.75kb.
- В. К. Чернышева, Э. Я. Левина, Г. Г. Джанполадян,, 563.03kb.
- В. И. Королева Москва Магистр 2007 Допущено Министерством образования Российской Федерации, 4142.55kb.
- Ю. А. Бабаева Допущено Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебник, 7583.21kb.
Meaning of Word-Groups
§ 4. Lexical Meaning 68
§ 5. Structural Meaning 69
§ 6. Interrelation of Lexical and Structural Meaning in Word-Groups 69
Interdependence of Structure and Meaning in Word-Groups
§ 7. Syntactic Structure (Formula) and Pattern of Word-Groups ... 70
§ 8. Polysemantic and Monosemantic Patterns 71
§ 9. Motivation in Word-Groups 71
§ 10, Summary and Conclusions 72
Phraseological Units
§ 11. Free Word-Groups, Versus Set-Phrases. Phraseological Units, Idioms,
Word-Equivalents 74
§ 12. Criteria of Stability and Lack of Motivation (Idiomaticity) ... 74
§ 13. Classification 75
§ 14. Some Debatable Points 76
§ 15. Criterion of Function 79
§ 16. Phraseological Units and Idioms Proper 80
§ 17. Some Debatable Points 81
§ 18. Criterion of Context 82
§ 19. Some Debatable Points 83
§ 20. Phraseology as a Subsystem of Language 84
§ 21. Some Problems of the Diachronic Approach 86
§ 22. Summary and Conclusions 88
§ 1. Segmentation of Words into Morphemes 89
§ 2. Principles of Morphemic Analysis. Types of Word Segmentability 89
§ 3. Classification of Morphemes 92
§ 4. Procedure of Morphemic Analysis 94
§ 5. Morphemic Types of Words 95
§ 6. Derivative Structure . 95
§ 7. Derivative Relations 96
§ 8. Derivational Bases . . 97
§ 9. Derivational Affixes 100
§ 10. Semi-Affixes 102
§ 11. Derivational Patterns , 103
§ 12. Derivational Types of Words 104
§ 13. Historical Changeability of Word-Structure 105
§ 14. Summary and Conclusions 106
Various Ways of Forming Words
§ 1. Various Types and Ways of Forming Words 108
§ 2. Word-Formation. Definition» Basic Peculiarities 109
§ 3. Word-Formation as the Subject of Study . . 111
§ 4. Productivity of Word-Formation Means 112
§ 5. Summary and Conclusions 114
§ 6. Definition. Degree of Derivation. Prefixal and Suffixal Derivatives 114
§ 7. Prefixation. Some Debatable Problems 115
§ 8. Classification of Prefixes ..... 117
§ 9. Suffixation. Peculiarities of Some Suffixes 119
§ 10. Main Principles of Classification 120
§ 11. Polysemy and Homonymy 121
§ 12. Synonymy 122
§ 13. Productivity 123
§ 14. Origin of derivational affixes 125
§ 15. Summary and Conclusions . 126
§ 16. Definition 127
§ 17. Synchronic Approach 130
§ 18. Typical Semantic Relations 131
§ 19. Basic Criteria of Semantic Derivation 133
§ 20. Diachronic Approach of Conversion. Origin 136
§ 21. Productivity. Traditional and Occasional Conversion. ...... 138
§ 22. Conversion and Sound-(Stress-) Interchange 139
§ 23. Summary and Conclusions . . . 140
§ 24. Compounding 140
§ 25. Structure 141
§ 26. Meaning 143
§ 27. Structural Meaning of the Pattern 144
§ 28. The Meaning of Compounds. Motivation 145
§ 29. Classification 146
§ 30. Relations between the ICs of Compounds 146
§ 31. Different Parts of Speech 147
§ 32. Means of Composition 148
§ 33. Types of Bases 149
§ 34. Correlation between Compounds and Free Phrases . 151
§ 35. Correlation Types of Compounds 154
§ 36. Sources of Compounds 158
§ 37. Summary and Conclusions 158
§ 1. Some Basic Assumptions 160
Words of Native Origin
§ 2. Semantic Characteristics and Collocability 162
§ 3. Derivational Potential 162
§ 4. Summary and Conclusions 164
§ 5. Causes and Ways of Borrowing 164
§ 6. Criteria of Borrowings . ■ 165
§ 7. Assimilation of Borrowings 166
§ 8. Phonetic, Grammatical and Lexical Assimilation of Borrowings 167
§ 9. Degree of Assimilation and Factors Determining It 170
§ 10. Summary and Conclusions 170
Interrelation between Native and Borrowed Elements
§ 11. The Role of Native and Borrowed Elements 171
§ 12. Influence of Borrowings 172
§ 13. Summary and Conclusions 175
Interdependence of Various Aspects of the Word
§ 1. Notional and Form Words 176
§ 2. Frequency, Polysemy and Structure 177
§ 3. Frequency and Stylistic Reference 178
§ 4. Frequency, Polysemy and Etymology 179
§ 5. Frequency and Semantic Structure 180
Replenishment of Modern English Vocabulary
§ 6. Development of Vocabulary 180
§ 7. Structural and Semantic Peculiarities of New Vocabulary Units 183
Ways and Means of Enriching the Vocabulary
§ 8. Productive Word-Formation . 184
§ 9. Various Ways of Word-Creation 187
§ 10. Borrowing 191
§ 11. Semantic Extension 193
Number of Vocabulary Units in Modern English
§ 12. Some Debatable Problems of Lexicology 195
§ 13. Intrinsic Heterogeneity of Modern English 196
§ 14. Number of Vocabulary Items in Actual Use and Number of Vocabulary Units in Modern English 197
§ 15. Summary and Conclusions » 198
The Main Variants of the English Language
§ 1. General Characteristics of the English Language in Different Parts of
the English-Speaking World 200
§ 2. Lexical Differences of Territorial Variants 202
§ 3. Some Points of History of the Territorial Variants and Lexical Interchange Between Them 205
Local Varieties in the British Isles and the USA
§ 4. Local Dialects in the British Isles 206
§ 5. The Relationship Between the English National Language and
British Local Dialects 207
§ 6. Local Dialects in the USA 208
§ 7. Summary and Conclusions 209
Main Types of English Dictionaries
§ 1. Encyclopaedic and Linguistic Dictionaries 210
§ 2. Classification of Linguistic Dictionaries 211
§ 3. Explanatory Dictionaries 213
§ 4. Translation Dictionaries 213
§ 5. Specialised Dictionaries 214
Some Basic Problems of Dictionary-Compiling
§ 6. The Selection of Lexical Units for Inclusion 216
§ 7. Arrangement of Entries . 218
§ 8. Selection and Arrangement of Meanings 219
§ 9. Definition of Meanings . 220
§ 10. Illustrative Examples 221
§ 11. Choice of Adequate Equivalents 222
§ 12. Setting of the Entry , 222
§ 13. Structure of the Dictionary 225
Learner’s Dictionaries and Some Problems of Their Compilation
§ 14. Main Characteristic Features of Learner’s Dictionaries 226
§ 15. Classification of Learner’s Dictionaries 227
§ 16. Selection of Entry Words 229
§ 17. Presentation of Meanings 230
§ 18. Setting of the Entry 232
§ 19. Summary and Conclusions 233
§ 1. Contrastive Analysis , . 234
§ 2. Statistical Analysis ... 242
§ 3. Immediate Constituents Analysis 245
§ 4. Distributional Analysis and Co-occurrence 246
§ 5. Transformational Analysis ' 251
§ 6. Componental Analysis 254
§ 7. Method of Semantic Differential 259
§ 8. Summary and Conclusions 261
Material for Reference , . . . 262
Гинзбург Розалия Залмоновна,
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Первая Образцовая типография имени А А Жданова Союзполиграф-
прома при Государственном комитете СССР по делам издательств,
полиграфии и книжной торговли. Москва М-54, Валовая 28.