Афанасьева О. В., Морозова Н. Н. А72 Лексикология английского языка: Учеб пособие для студентов. 3-е изд., стереотип

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List of authors quoted
Лексикология английского языка
Phenomenon, philosophy, method, music
Weeny, Weedy, Weaky
U-turn ['ju:t3:n] — R. поворот "кругом". 2 M-day
We'll put you up front. —
A. Gandelsman.
Подобный материал:
1   ...   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18


1. Амосова Н. Н. Английская контекстология. Л., 1968.

2. Амосова Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии. Л., 1963.

3. Аракин В. Д. Очерки по истории английского языка. М., 1955.

4. Арнольд И. В. Семантическая структура слова в современном английском языке и методика ее исследования. Л.,1966.

5. Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка. М., 1959.

6. Ахманова О. С. и др. Основы компонентного анализа. М.,1969.

7. Ахманова О. С. Очерки по общей и русской лексикологии. М.,1957.

8. Белявская E. Г. Когнитивные основания изучения семантики слова.//Структуры представления знаний в языке... . М., 1994.

9. Виноградов В. В. Об основных типах фразеологических единиц в русском языке. Л., 1947.

10. Князев Б. А. Стилистические особенности употребления лексико-фразеологических средств современной английской разговорной речи. Дис. канд. филол. наук. Л., 1964.

11. Кубрякова E. С. Части речи с когнитивной точки зрения. М.,1977.

12. Бунин А. В. Английская фразеология. М., 1970.

13. Кунин А. В. Фразеология современного английского языка. М., 1972.

14. Орилмор Ч. Основные проблемы лексической семантики.//Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. — Вып. XII. М., 1983, с.с. 74—122.

15. Смирницкий А. И. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1956.

16. Степанов Ю. С. Имена, предикаты, предложения: Семиологическая грамматика. М., 1981.

17. Степанов Ю. С. Семиотика. М., 1971.

18. Темия В. Н. Коннотативный аспект семантики номинативных единиц. М., 1981.

19. Уфимцева А. А. Слово в лексико-семантической системе языка. М., 1969.

20. Харитончик 3. А. Лексикология английского языка. Минск, Высшая школа, 1992.

21. Шанский Н. М. Лексикология современного русского языка. М., 1982.

22.Akhman.ova О. S. (ed.) Lexicology: Theory and Method. M.,1972.

23. Arnold I. V. The English Word. M„ 1973.

24. Bloomfield L. Language. N. Y., 1933.

25. Bradley H. The Making of English. Ldn., 1937.

26. Collins V. H. A Book of English Idioms With Explanations. Ldn., 1958.

27. Fowler H. W. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. The Clarendon Press, 1966.

28. Ginzburg R. S., Khidekel S. S„ Knyazeva G. Y.. Sankin A. A. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M.,1966.

29. Jespersen O. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1945.

30. Koonin A. English Lexicology. M., 1940.

31. Krapp G. P. A Comprehensive Guide to Good English. Rand McNally & Company.

32. Lyons J. (ed.) New Horizons in Linguistics. Ldn., 1970.

33. McKnight G. H. English Words and Their Background. N.Y.—Ldn., 1931.

34. McKnight G. H. Modern English in the Making. The Appleton Century сотр.

35. Ogden С. K„ Richards L. E. The Meaning of Meaning. Ldn., 1946.

36. Partridge E. Slang To-day and Yesterday. Ldn., 1979.

37. Partridge E. The World of Words. Ldn., 1948.

38. Partridge E. Usage and Abusage. Ldn., 1973.

39. Pel M. The Study of Language. Ldn., 1956.

40. Rayevskaya N. M. English Lexicology. Kiev, 1957.

41. Smith L. P. English Idioms. Ldn., 1922.

42. Turner G. W. Stylistics. Ldn., 1973.


43. Апресян Ю. Д., Ботякова В. В., Латышева Т. Э. и др. Англо-русский синонимический словарь. М., 1998.

44. Аракин В. Д. и др. Англо-русский словарь. М., 1997.

45. Ахманова О. С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. М.,1966.

46. Гальперин И. Р. Большой англо-русский словарь. М., 1972.

47. Комиссаров В. Н. Словарь антонимов современного английского языка. М., 1964.

48. Кунин А. В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. М.,1998.

49. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. М., 1998.

50. Смирницкий А. И. Русско-английский словарь. М., 1998.

51. Devlin J. A Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. N.Y., 1961.

52. Gandelsman A. English Synonyms. M., 1963.

53. Hornby A. S.. Gatenby E. V., Wakefield H. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Ldn., 1967.

54. Random House Dictionary of the English Language. College Edition. N. Y., 1968.


Aldington R. Death of a Hero. M., 1958.

Aldridge J. One Last Glimpse. Penguin Books, 1977.

Anderson Wood P. A Five-Colour Buick. Bantam Books, 1975.

Arundel H. Emma's Island. Pan Books, 1976.

Carroll L. Alice in Wonderland. M., 1979.

Christie A. The Man in the Brown Suit. Triad/Panther Books, 1978.

Coleridge S. T. Poems. Ldn., 1936.

Copeland F., Copeland L. 10,000 Jokes, Toasts and Stories. N.Y., 1940.

Crofts F. W. Inspector French and the Cheyne Mystery. Penguin Books, 1960. Dahl R. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Pussin Books, 1964.

Dahl R. Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. Pussin Books, 1973.

Dickens M. One Pair of Feet. Penguin Books, 1977.

Dickens M. Thursday Afternoon. Penguin Books, 1977.

Eckersley С. Е. Essential English for Foreign Students. Book I. Sofia, 1967.

Fitzgerald F. S. Bernice Bobs her Hair and Other Stories. Penguin Books, 1978.

Fitzgerald F. S. The Great Gatsby. Kiev, 1973.

Fowles J. The Ebony Tower. Eliduc. The Enigma. M., 1980.

Fowles J. The French Lieutenant's Woman. Triad/Panther Books, 1979.

Galsworthy J. The Forsyte Saga. M., 1964.

Hailey A. Airport. M., 1977.

Hailey A. The Moneychangers. Bantam Books, 1975.

Hailey A. Wheels. Bantam Books, 1979.

Hailey A.. Castle J. Runway Zero-Eight. Bantam Books, 1960.

Holt V. The Shivering Sands. Fontana Books, 1965.

Huxley A. Brief Candles. Triad/Panther Books, 1977.

Kaufman B. Up the Down Staircase. Avon Books, 1964.

Keats J. Poetical Works. M., 1966.

Lardner R. Stories. N. Y., 1936.

Lawrence M. The Stone Angel. Toronto, 1968.

London J. The Call of the Wild and White Fang. Prague, 1967.

Lowndes B. Some Men and Women. Tauchnitz, Vol. 4681. Making It All Right. Modern English Short Stories. M., 1978.

Malmstrom J., Lee J. Teaching English Linguistically. N.Y.,1971.

Marckwardt A. H. Linguistics and the Teaching of English. Bloomington — London, 1966.

Marckwardt A. H„ Quirk R. A Common Language. British and American. Ldn., 1966.

Mathews M. M. American Words. N. Y., 1959.

Maugham W. S. Liza of Lambeth. Penguin Books, 1978.

Maugham W. S. The Kite. In: Stories by Modern English Authors. M., 1961.

Maugham W. S. The Moon and Sixpence. M., 1969.

Maugham W. S. Rain and Other Short Stories. M., 1977.

Du Maurier D. Rebecca. Pan Books, 1975.

Mikes G. How to Scrape Skies. Ldn., 1969.

Mitchell M. Gone with the Wind. Pan Books, 1980.

Murdoch I. The Sacred and Profane Love Machine. Penguin Books, 1976.

Murdoch I. The Time of the Angels. Triad/Panther Books, 1978.

Murdoch I. Under the Net. Penguin Books, 1960.

O'Henry. Little Speck in Garnered Fruit. In: The Voice of the City.N.Y., 1908.

Priestley J. B. Dangerous Corner. In: Seven Time Plays. Ldn., 1936.

Priestley J. B. The Good Companions. Ldn., 1929.

Rattigan T. Harlequinade. In: The Deep Blue Sea with three other plays. Pan Books, 1955.

Saroyan W. Selected Short Stories. M., 1975.

Shakespeare W. Othello, the Moor of Venice. The Merchant of Venice. M., 1938.

Shakespeare W. Romeo and Juliet. Ldn., 1898.

Shakespeare W. Sonnets. Ldn., 1935.

Shakespeare W. Twelfth Night. New Penguin Shakespeare,

Shaw G. B. Pygmalion. M., 1959.

Shaw I. God Was Here but he Left Early. Pan Books, 1978.

Thackeray W. M. Vanity Fair. Pocket Library, 1958.

Walker L. Joyday for Jodi. Fontana Books, 1977.

Waugh E. Mr. Loveday's Little Outing. In: Another Book for Reading and Discussion. M., 1979.

Webster J. Daddy-Long-Legs. M., 1968.

Weekley E. The Romance of Words. Ldn., 1961.

Wentworth P. Poison in the Pen. Pyramid Books, 1969.

Wilde 0. The Importance of Being Earnest. M., 1947.

Wodehouse P. G. Carry on, Jeeves. Penguin Books, 1976.

Wodehouse P. G. Piccadilly Jim. Penguin Books, 1976.

Wodehouse P. G. Right-Ho, Jeeves. Penguin Books, 1978.

Wodehouse P. G. Young Men in Spats. Tauchnitz, 1937.

Vol. 5271.

Учебное издание

Антрушина Галина Борисовна

Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна

Морозова Наталья Николаевна


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1 By the vocabulary of a language is understood the total sum of its words. Another term for the same is the stock of words

1 Bruddersford, the scene of the extract, is easily recognizable as Bradford, Priestley's birthplace.

2 United — the name of a football team.

1 Eliza means the money that Higgins gave her on their previous meeting.

1 tall stories — stories that are hard to believe.

1 Usually in modern correspondence you will find the form re [ri:] without the in.

1 measure (here) — dance.

1 By etymology of words is understood their origin.

2 By a borrowing or loan-word we mean a word which came into the vocabulary of one language from another and was assimilated by the new language. (For more about the assimilation of borrowings see Ch. 4.)

1 Phenomenon, philosophy, method, music, etc. were borrowed into English from Latin and had earlier come into Latin from Greek.

1 By the native element we mean words which were not borrowed from other languages but represent the original stock of this particular language.

1 The classification and examples are taken from Аракин В. Д. Очерки по истории английского языка, с. 251.

1 Autumn is a French borrowing.

2 Cognates — words of the same etymological root, of common origin.

1 Skeat W. A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Oxford, 1961; Weckley E. An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. V. I—II. No 4, 19.

1 caster (chester) < Lat. "military-camp"

2 wick, thorpe, by < Sc. "place"

1 Also see Supplementary Material, p.p. 276. 71

1 Veni, Vidi, Vici (Lat.) — I came, I saw, I conquered (famous words ascribed to Julius Caesar)

2 Weeny, Weedy, Weaky means "tiny", "frail", "weak".

1 By word-building are understood processes of producing new words from the resources of this particular language. Together with borrowing, word-building provides for enlarging and enriching the vocabulary of the language.

2 Stem is part of the word consisting of root and affix. In English words stern and root often coincide.

1 The table gives examples of especially frequent native affixes.

1 International suffixes.

1 Some of the listed adjectives have several meanings, but only one is given so as to keep the list manageable.

2 The italicized words roughly convey the meanings of the suffixes in each adjective.

1 The extract is taken from the book "Daddy-Long-Legs" by an American writer Jean Webster. The novel is written in the form of letters. The author of these letters, a young girl, Judy by name, writes them to her guardian, a rich man whom she has never seen.

Judy was brought up in the John Grier Home orphan asylum where her life was hard. She was a very bright girl and when she finished school, her guardian sent her to college. The girl knows almost nothing about him. She knows only that he is a very tall man. That is why she jokingly calls him Daddy-Long-Legs.

1 See footnote on p. 97.

1 R. "цвета гремучей змеи". The father of the family is absolutely against the idea of buying the car, and the choice of this word reflects his mood of resentment.

1 Knids — fantastic monsters supposed to inhabit the Cosmos and invented by the author of this book for children.

1 [Pnqmxtq`pIq]. This type of word-formation is now also called echoism (the term was introduced by O. Jespersen).

1 bob — a shilling (pl. bob).

2 a free-for-all — a fight without rules in which any number of people join or become involved.

1 U-turn ['ju:t3:n] — R. поворот "кругом".

2 M-day – the first day of mobilization.

1 mammal — one of the class of animals which feed their young with milk from the breast (e. g. human beings, dogs, whales).

2 tidbit — very important news.

3 The Afro-American — the name of a newspaper.

4 A. A. fire — anti-aircraft fire (R. зенитный огонь).

5 stowaway — one who hides himself on a ship to make a journey without paying.

1 bluecoat — policeman.

2 roughhouse — play that has got out of hand and turned into brawling (R. скандал, драка).

3 booby trap — a trap laid for the unawary as a practical joke, often humiliating (R. ловушка)

4 black shirt — a fascist (black shirts were part of uniform of the Italian Fascist party).

5 We'll put you up front. — R. 1. Мы пошлем вас на передовую. 2. Мы посадим вас в первый ряд (игра слов).

6 pro — (here) professional actor (sl.)

7 GI — Government issue. WWII servicemen.

1 O. D. — officer of the day, officer on duty.

2 to hob-nob — to be on familiar terms.

3 whipper-snapper— young, esp. undersized boy who behaves with more self-importance than is proper.

4 ha-ha — fence, hedge or wall hidden in a ditch or trench so as not to interrupt a landscape.

5 SALT — strategic armament limitation talks.

6 greenhorn — a raw, simple, inexperienced person, easily fooled.

7 dress coat — a black, long-tailed coat worn by men for formal evening occasions.

8 D-region — the lowest region of the ionosphere extending from 60 to 80 km.

9 See footnote on p. 63.

1 We give only a fragment of the semantic structure of bar so as to illustrate the point.

1 kick, n. — 1. thrill, pleasurable excitement (inform.); 2. a blow with the foot.

1 It is of some interest to note that the Russian language found a different way of filling the same gap: in Russian, all the parts of the theatre are named by borrowed words: партер, ложа, амфитеатр, бельэтаж

1 Most scholars distinguish between the terms development of meaning (when a new meaning and the one on the basis of which it is formed coexist in the semantic structure of the word, as in mill, carriage, etc.) and change of meaning (when the old meaning is completely replaced by the new one, as in the noun meat which in Old English had the general meaning of "food" but in Modern English is no longer used in that sense and has instead developed the meaning "flesh of animals used as a food product").

1 Also: see Supplementary Material, p. 186.

1 Groups of synonyms here and further on in the text are given selectively.

1 A. Gandelsman. English Synonyms Explained and Illustrated. M., 1963; G. Crabb. English Synonyms. H. Y. Grosset and Dunlap, 1945; N. Webster. Webster's Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms. N. Y., 1962; Ю. Д. Апресян, В. В. Ботякова, Т. Э. Латышева и др. Англо-русский синонимический словарь.M., 1979.

1 The explanations are taken from A. Gandelsman's English Synonyms Explained and Illustrated. M., 1963.

1 Ю. Д. Апресян, В. В. Ботякова, Т. Э. Латышева и др. Англо-русский синонимический словарь. М., 1979.

1 naughty — wicked, evil (obs.)

2 For information on Hyponymy see Supplementary Material, p. 187.

1 The text is borrowed from Look, Laugh and Learn to Speak by I. B. Vasilyeva, I. A. Kitenko, D. V. Menyajlo. L., 1970.

1 O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;

It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock

The meat it feeds on ...

(Iago's words from Act III, Sc. 3)

1 The origin of the phrase is in a passage in Othello where Iago says:

...'tis not long after

But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve

For daws to peck at.

(Act I, Sc. 1)

1 The allusion is to a fable of Aesop.

1 It should be pointed out that most Russian scholars do not regard these as phraseological units; so this is a controversial point.

1 Bear in mind that some of the examples explained in the text do not represent phraseology, but simply words with transferred meanings. So be careful in your choice.

1 In this book two prominent scholars, an American and an Englishman, discuss the differences between the American and British varieties of English.

1 bird dog — person who helps to sell cars.

1 VIP — very important person.