Программа первая международная студенческая Интернет-конференция «Разнообразие культур в полиэтничном регионе», 24 Марта 2009 Организационный комитет конференции

Вид материалаПрограмма


Бобрик Дарья
Consumer society
2. « The Collapse of systems » - "collision" of systems « society of performance » and "consumer societies", the interpersonal l
Non-system person”
The list of the used literature
Астраханский инженерно-строительный институт
АркаТипы арок
Напр., Арки появились в архитектуре Месопотамии до Р.Х.
Напр., Верхняя часть Мавританской или подковообразной арки имеет круглую форму, и при переходе к нижней части слега изгибается
Напр., Готическая или стрельчатая арка стала популярна в средневековой Европе
Напр., Каменная арка используется на протяжении многих столетий
Коробовая арка
Types of arches
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The Collapse of Systems

Бобрик Дарья

Астраханский государственный университет

Many theories have been created for all history of political science, which were trying to illuminate problems of the further development of society. But theories of futurologists are short-lived. «The end of a history» F. Fukujama, «Collision of civilizations» S. Hantington and other similar theories start to lose the urgency in the beginning of XXI century, they demand modernization or become completely obsolete, after having achieved the forecast, which was given by them.

We can observe development of a new opposition of two world outlooks, which mirror displaying our society at the present stage. Aggravated conflict of two systems - than "consumer society" and «society of performance» becomes more actual at the end of XX - the beginning of XXI centuries. This is antagonism of two opposite and at the same time connected systems of outlook. This confrontation can be shown as the generalized concept - «the collapse of systems».

«Society of performance» and "consumer society" in globalization context

1. Interrelation of theories of “society of performance” and "consumer society" globalization’s context

At the present stage of development of society we can observe development of a new collision of two social systems which can be conditionally named as «the collapse of systems».

«Collision of civilizations» of S. Huntington has been limited to frameworks of the East and the West, as well as at F.Fukujama. At the present, it is not useful to divide the world only by religious attribute, because process of globalization’s washing out of world borders brings an attention to the question from other perspective.

I think, that «the collapse of systems» should be traced not only at the global/ system level, but also at the interpersonal level – there is the opposition between “hero”, “rambling corpse” and “non-system person”.

"Performance" certainly, is key concept of "The Society of performance» of Debord Guy. He thought that the society of performance influences on all spheres of the life - politics, economy, culture, religion. In «society of performance» all operates due to mechanisms of functioning of "performance" - disinformation, lie, falseness. Performance alienates people not only from the goods made by them, but also from each other, the society turns to community «isolated individuals» which make «atomic crowd». Thus the system indulges to police government, not given to police government information about objects, which "protects" by the police government.

« Plurality of definitions of performance can be reduced to the following uniform definition expressing the most typical features of concept: performance is a sort of activity, which consists in speaking on behalf of others; the more the person beholds an event around, the less he lives an own life, understands sense of own existence less and realizes own desires. Living in the society of performance, the individual does not make itself, and creates original independent force or power. Thus he has no access to a product of own his work which "is alienated" in Marx’s understanding of this term. So the life of the individual (…) is gradually alienated.

Consumer society - set of the social relations, which organized on the basis of the principle of individual consumption. It is characterized by mass consumption of material benefits and formation of corresponding system of values and installations. The consumer society is one of features of a modern society.

The consumer society results from development of the capitalism accompanied with rough economic both technical development and such social changes, as the growth of incomes essentially changing structure of consumption; reduction in duration of the working day and growth a free time; washing out of class structure; an individualization of consumption.

It is necessary to note, that, opposing "Consumer society" to " a society of performance », we started with one main distinction between two these « public formations » - object of consumption. «The society of performance» and "consumer society" built on the basic factor - consumption. Object of consumption is the image, performance for «the society of performance »; Object of consumption is material benefits for "consumer society". "Bread" opposed to "shows" at a modern historical stage and the victory of one of them will predetermine the vector of the further development of society.

2. « The Collapse of systems » - "collision" of systems « society of performance » and "consumer societies", the interpersonal level

«The collapse of systems» at the present stage includes not only an opposition between systems «the society of performance » and "consumer society", the opposition passes at different levels, first of all it is possible to allocate system and interpersonal levels.

The modern society becomes more and more atomic; therefore we give the big attention to the individual, his behavior in developed historical conditions and reaction to calls of the environment.

Characterizing «the society of performance » and "consumer society" it is possible to allocate a special role of the person in the designated opposition.

Debord considered, that "star" (hero, passionariy) - a special social role which is taken up by the person, which accepts as conscious, he participates in this performance because he does not want to struggle against it.

"Hero" is the person who has received opportunities to overcome restriction imposed by system and to take in it other position that includes vertical and horizontal social mobility. But the hero cannot leave system; he is connected to it by "vital bonds". All heroes are victims of the system, it generates and destroys them.

Non-system person” is the person who is not answering to calls of system and limiting its influence by that, at the same time “non-system person” and "fugitive" is different concepts. "Fugitive" runs from the reality, “non-system person” meaningly tries to protect itself from any intervention in private life.

“Hikikomori” is the term for "fugitives" in Japan. Hikikomori is person who is confident that all world confront with him and wants to destruct this person. Such people become reserved and try to leave from the reality. This phenomenon of psychological protection, it is caused by globalization’s processes and washing out of cultural borders.

The analysis of the given concepts has allowed the author to enter new concept - «rambling corpse». I think, that this phenomenon is peculiar to a modern consumer society and it is contrast with “Hero”, i.e. «rambling corpse» is such person who does not answer on passionar’s pushes and calls of system, he simply exists in the frameworks designated by laws of system.

The modern reality is those, that we can observe the contradiction which we have conditionally named «the collapse of systems». It is represented to us, that if in this opposition will win "consumer society" then development will be stopped, and the mankind will continue mass consumption of material benefits and formation of corresponding system of values and installations.

Heroes will not be necessary for mankind any more, and the system cannot to develope, and all functions of a society will be reduced to banal consumption of culture of the last generations.

If «the society of performance» will win then system will deliver those heroes and we will have the certain potential for the further development.

«The Collapse of Systems » is observed first of all at a local level at the given historical stage.

At this level it is possible to trace degradation of separate societies, and also occurrence of various kinds of activity, with the help which the person closes itself from a reality, trying to be exempted from pressure of system and duties, which person should take as a payment for peace existence and consumption in this system.

At the given stage, I think «the Collapse of Systems» cannot take place at a global level only for one reason, which is different social and economic and technical development of the West and the East. If the West has already stepped into an even path of a consumer society the East still is under influence of heroes. The East never can catch up the West on a level of development and the attitude to the private property and consumer values. There are different vectors of development at the East and the West, therefore the East are historically designated will decrease difficultly to win race against the West. So, full transition to system of consumption is impossible, but also it does not give the society the guarantee from occurrence of stand-alone (destructive) elements.

The analysis of the given problem has brought us to possible plots of overcoming of "consumer society". We can offer only constant intersystem dialogue which provides the multi-vector communications, instead of the unidirectional informing the public. The system of "call - answer" adequately reacting on all calls on the part of an environment, can help with becoming democracy, secure the society from ochlocracy. If we will open access to the information, then we can create free society of «non-system persons», which will capable not only to consume performances and/ or gadgets, the goods but also to create completely new works of art and other products of communicative interaction.

As the conclusion it would be desirable to express hope that when the mankind will recollect value of the past and will rethink the passion to the senseless wars caused by passion of a profit, when it can rise on one step above, to become little bit closer to «non-system person», to rise up to the level of the superman using a term of F. V. Nietzsche.

The list of the used literature

  1. Ашкеров А. Политика и судьба. К генеалогии политического прогнозирования. [Электронный ресурс].
  2. Бакунин М.А. «Бог и государство». [Электронный ресурс] / ссылка скрыта
  3. Вебер М. Харизматическое господство // Социс. - №5. - 1988.
  4. Ги Дебор. Общество спектакля / Пер. с франц. С. Офертаса, М. Якубович. М.: Логос-Радек, 2000. [Электронный ресурс]
  5. Ги Дебор. Комментарии к «Обществу спектакля». / пер. Неман Б. [Электронный ресурс] / ссылка скрыта
  6. Гоббс Т. Левиафан, или Материя, форма и власть государства церковного и гражданского. [Электронный ресурс].
  7. Джеймисон Ф. Постмодернизм и общество потребления. ссылка скрыта
  8. Дугин А. Ги Дебор мёртв. Спектакль продолжается. Русская вещь. 2001. [Электронный ресурс]. / ссылка скрыта
  9. Ильин В.И. Общество потребления: теоретическая модель и российская реальность. [Электронный ресурс]. / ссылка скрыта
  10. Леденцов Н. Общество потребления. [Электронный ресурс].
  11. Малахин М. Клондайк потребления // Российская Бизнес-Газета. — 15.03.2005.
  12. Мещерякова Л.Ю., Мельшина Е.В. «Общество спектакля» Ги-Эрнеста Дебора: основные положения и теоретические предпосылки концепции // Вестник РУДН. 2005. № 6-7.
  13. Михельс Р. Социология политической партии в условиях демократии. [Электронный ресурс].
  14. Ницше Ф.В. Так говорил Заратустра. М.: Эксмо. – 2006.
  15. Ницше Ф.В. Песни Заратсустры. [Электронный ресурс]. / ссылка скрыта
  16. Ницше Ф.В. Человеческое, слишком человеческое / Пер. C.Л. Франка. Сочинения в 2-х томах. Том 1. М.: Изд-во «Мысль». 1990.
  17. Яшин Н. Процентное кредитование - мировая война? // Вторжение. М. 2000. № 3. [Электронный ресурс]. / ссылка скрыта
  18. Россия как общество потребления // РОЛ Бизнес. — 03.03.2006.
  19. ссылка скрыта
  20. ссылка скрыта
  21. ссылка скрыта
  22. ссылка скрыта
  23. ссылка скрыта
  24. ссылка скрыта
  25. ссылка скрыта
  26. ссылка скрыта
  27. ссылка скрыта
  28. ссылка скрыта

System thought forming during foreign language’s teaching of higher technical school’s students

Борисова Татьяна Васильевна, к.пед.н, доцент, Минасян Мадлена Карленовна

Астраханский инженерно-строительный институт

Due to modern demands to professional teaching and training in the higher education the main stress should be done to development of special thought as the general point in professional growing’s process. Special thought means creative solution of problems in the definite academic subject’s area. Accordingly it influences the special demand to general intellectual development of a specialist, to level of his professional training. First of all special thought’s forming should be in the system approach to every academic subject during studying in a higher school. Russian science stresses to forming of system thought that is ability to watch any academic subject from different position and solve problems connecting with its learning in creative independent manner understanding the whole complex of connections and relations.

Academic subjects’ teaching should follow three aims:
  1. any academic subject should be like a brief copy of the definite science;
  2. any academic subject is not the science as itself, it has other aims and problems, that is why it must be specially constructed;
  3. content of any academic subject and method of its learning must form the necessary level of personal abilities and values.

Process of foreign language’s learning in a higher technical school deals with development of cognitive abilities. It is necessary to note that any person possesses inherent speech ability which assists learning a number of languages and deals with thought ability. Foreign psychology applies a term “aptitude” for marking natural ability of getting knowledge and skills so as natural predisposition to linguistic skills and abilities’ mastering. That is why foreign language’s ability closely connected with general intellectual development.

Furthermore foreign language’s learning forms students’ realization of professional participation, extends their outlook, words’ reserve so as being trained to special vocabulary in foreign language during work over texts and term word-combinations of future profession students master not only foreign but native language’s knowledge.

As a rule representatives of any profession may be defined due to special terms or professional vocabulary’s presence in their speech. Speech always defines person’s role everywhere. That is why literate speech’s training in connection with the certain academic subject’s mastering is one of the points of forming of students’ system thought.

During academic training including foreign special vocabulary’s mastering students follow certain steps:
  1. perception of new academic material (a word, a phrase, a sentence, a text)
  2. comprehension (translation or imagination)
  3. memorizing (learning, revising during writing and verbal kinds of academic activity)
  4. active usage and recording (dialogues, monologues, reports for scientific conference, exams, diplomas).

A foreign language’s lecturer defines the level of foreign language’s knowledge due to presence or absence of understanding. Usage of language is extremely complicated cognitive process so as a person reading or listening to any phrase should connect its linguistic context with the certain knowledge in order to understand the speech.

Language learning, different forms of language work form the base of any education, its system and levels in spite of their usage, specialization etc. Academic subjects connecting with language as itself should be extremely various in order to make language as real base of education. Language knowledge is the single possibility to realize the whole number of all academic subjects. Language for higher professional education should become the system-forming unit especially for students of higher technical schools so as it is well known fact that the would-be engineers are not interested and justified in learning languages and social sciences at all.

Foreign language’s teaching should connect with communicative competence’s forming that is language literacy and cultural knowledge. Any graduate from a higher technical school possessing communicative knowledge and skills has obtained developed system thought which helps him to connect conceptual complex of all academic subjects with peculiarities of his profession in practices.

The main problem of any higher school is training of the literate specialists having ability of confidently producing of technical solutions that is impossible without developed system thought. For positive effect of this main problem it is necessary to attract students to scientific work done by their lecturers. This effect may be enlarged having trained students to such kind of creative work beforehand from their being pupils. It may be only using creative work like the single possibility of producing academic works and researches. Length, stability and generality of creative works necessary for development of organizing creative medium are produced during system fulfillment (a number of classes, tutorials) of researches under the lecturer’s leading and the further participation of students in scientific conferences.

Students’ scientific-practical conference as the unique form of scientific, research, practical and academic work’s connection for students’ realizing of participation in future professional area is the best method of system thought’s forming. One of the innovative educational technologies used in modern higher schools and allowed to cumulate all problems for forming of students’ system thought is so-called through course and diploma projecting. It was developed and successfully used in Astrakhan Civil Engineer Institute by a professor A. Sapozhnikov on the base of some Goethe’s theories.

Professional values’ aims special for the would-be engineers and values of interpersonal and interethnic communication are at the base of foreign language’s learning in a higher technical school. Peculiarity of foreign language’s teaching according technology of through course and diploma projecting is the following.

At the first course while being taught an academic subject Introduction into Specialty students get primary knowledge of their future profession. Furthermore during foreign language’s classes they work over special terms and professional vocabulary doing translation into foreign language, reading and translating a number of texts about future profession, fulfilling a lot of problems and creative tasks connecting with mastering their knowledge about future profession (translation of annotations to the course and diploma projects, giving talks with their research and scientific works at students’ conferences etc).

In the beginning of the first course at foreign languages’ classes while learning Introduction students review vocabulary, grammar studied before at school. This work is also aimed at development of four learning skills: reading, writing, speech (talk) and listening comprehension. So students on this step read or listen to texts, discuss them in groups, improve their skills in translating, interpreting. Furthermore they get primary knowledge of their future profession and learn first special terms. The work over a special term is as follows.

Elaboration of a special term starts in native language. A student learns to use a special term and term word-combinations in oral speech and in writing properly, applying them in various contexts. With the help of lecturers using different kinds of dictionaries a student selects more complete and precise definition of a special term. On the next step he translates it into foreign language and then he gives a definition of a term in foreign language as well as sets an example for a term and term word combinations in sentences.

It may be represented in form of a table as shown below:


Типы арок:

1) Римская А.- (круглая сверху);

2) Мавританская А.- (подковообразная);

3) Килевидная А.- (формы опрокинутой лодки);

4) Готическая А


5) Триумфальная А;

6) Каменная А;

7) ползучая А;

8)Плоская, сжатая А;

9) Коробовая А;

10) Многолопастная А;

(от лат. arcus – дуга, изгиб), архитект., криволинейное перекрытие проема в стене или пространства между двумя опорами

Напр., Арки появились в архитектуре Месопотамии до Р.Х.

1) Напр., Римская ярка представляет собой полукруг, строится из нечетного числа т.н. клинчатых кирпичей

2) Напр., Верхняя часть Мавританской или подковообразной арки имеет круглую форму, и при переходе к нижней части слега изгибается

3) Напр., Килевидная арка имеет форму буквы S

4) Напр., Готическая или стрельчатая арка стала популярна в средневековой Европе

5) Напр., Римляне использовали Триумфальную арку в качестве монумента воинской славы

6) Напр., Каменная арка используется на протяжении многих столетий

7) Напр., Ползучие арки строятся ассиметрично, для поддержки лестниц

8) Напр., Высота плоской арки составляет менее половины ее ширины

9) Напр., Коробовая арка встречается в стилях ренессанса, барокко, рококо

10) Напр., Многолопастная арка – это тип арки, который можно обнаружить в архитектуре Испании

Arc, arch, archway

Types of arches:

1) Roman arch


2) ссылка скрыта (ссылка скрыта);

3) Keel arch

(ogee arch);

4) ссылка скрыта


5) Triumphal arch;

6) A masonry arch;

7) ссылка скрыта;

8) Diminished arch;

9) ссылка скрыта, ссылка скрыта;

10) ссылка скрыта ссылка скрыта;

In architecture and civil engineering, a curved structural element that is used to span an opening and to support loads from above

e.g. Arches appeared in ссылка скрыта architecture B.C

1) e.g. The Roman arch is semicircular, and built from an odd number of arch bricks (called ссылка скрыта)

2) e.g. The top of the ссылка скрыта, or horseshoe ссылка скрыта is ссылка скрытаed and then curves in slightly before descending

3) e.g. Keel arch has ссылка скрыта ссылка скрыта-ссылка скрыта

4) e.g. Gothic arch or ogive became popular in Middle Age Europe

5) e.g. The Romans introduced the ссылка скрыта as a military monument

6) e.g. Masonry arch has been used for hundreds of years

7) e.g. Ramping arches are made asymmetrically to follow the ramp of a staircase

8) e.g. The height of a diminished arch is less than half its width

9) e.g. A basket arch is represented in Renascence, Baroque, Rococo

10) e.g. Multifoil arch is a type of arch that can be found in Spanish architecture