Программа первая международная студенческая Интернет-конференция «Разнообразие культур в полиэтничном регионе», 24 Марта 2009 Организационный комитет конференции

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We and the Other World

Пан Сюэ Фен, КНР, провинция Хайнань, г.Хайкоу

Хайнаньский государственный Университет, ФИЯ

We and the other world, China and the other world, is it or is it not our world? China with its ancient civilization is a part of the global world and it can add its own potential to the development of the other world. This is to my mind the nature of the relations between China and the global world – the world is not somebody else’s, it’s the world of all of us.

China is an ancient civilization that has the longest history of five thousand years. Our ancestors were clever and industrious, and they used their wisdom and their talents to create a brilliant culture, the one we should eternally be proud of. And though the Chinese people met in the past several centuries the challenge of facing other cultures, and the degree of self respect and self-confidence of Chinese people was sometimes attacked in the process, nevertheless the quintessence of Chinese culture, it’s most important part, still unceasingly develops and gets stronger, and the existence of other cultures can’t replace its ancient beauty.

Among these most important issues, the first thing I am going to discuss is Chinese hieroglyphs and Chinese poetry. History is like a tide, it has its moments of bringing things together and its moments of tearing things apart, but the historical processes unceasingly move forward in their development. And hieroglyphs -Chinese characters – played the role, and had the function in these processes which is difficult to overestimate. Innumerable times falling apart can be followed by joining together, so is with Chinese culture, its continuation and development; and Chinese characters played a very active part in it and were most closely connected with it. With all their awkwardness, Chinese characters mildly continue to run in our blood.

For the ceremony of opening of the Olympic games in Beijing we selected characters to be placed on the welcoming ads. These characters had a special meaning and were connected with the peculiarities of the Chinese culture. Though in their proper sense words “han shi” denote poems in the Han language, they comprise not only ancient verses. The beauty of the ancient verses is universally recognized, but they are quite difficult to translate into other languages. That’s why we may consider them the most unique cultural heritage of our nation. Chinese poems are reserved and solemn, delicate and appealing. They are the brightest example of the Chinese speech, the most precious stone of our language.

There is a proverb: “Food is like Heaven for the common people”. Surely the culture of cooking and eating is closely connected with the national well-being. Chinese culture of food is deeply rooted in the general culture of China. The vastness of Chinese territory and the greatness of its population resulted in the original culture of food which is a pearl of the global culture. The Chinese distinguish the so called “8 great dishes” or ways of food-proceeding: boiled, fried, roasted, smoked, fresh, etc. A well-made Chinese dish has specific taste, color, form, smell, all of which are impossible to achieve without proper training. And the art of producing tea and wine rises Chinese culture of food to the level of perfection. Everything has special ways of cooking and a secret meaning in it.

Now I’d like to comment on the basis of Chinese culture and thousands-year old worldview, its value system resting on the ideas of Confucius and Laozi. Laozi brought forward the concept of Dao, he believed that thousand of things take their laws from the Dao. The existence of Dao can’t be explained by material phenomena, it surpasses time and space. To comprehend the essence of Dao Laozi suggested the idea of the Great Hollow. He thought over the categories of phenomenon and movement, gist and appearance. As long ago as two thousand years Laozi used dialectic thinking to solve the ontological and gnoseological problems. His teaching was like a burst of thunderstorm.

Confucius founded his own school of thought which emphasizes humanity and respect. Out of this school all the ideology of ancient China takes its start. Confucians valued virtue. They thought virtue and moral were the basis of social and private life. This school is still actual and will be passed from generation to generation, because it is a real gift of China to itself and the rest of the world, so great is its contribution to the treasury of the world philosophy.

Though in Modern History when coming into contact with the outer world, China often faced hardships, and it still does, I have always believed that hard-working people of all the world can walk along a common way and avoid wars. The Chinese people continue their way to socialism which the elder generation has chosen. They sustain their originality, hospitality, love for peace and readiness to help others. And if the process of development is not to be stopped, we need the Other World and the Other World needs China.

1 Pluralism – a great number of opinions about smth.

2 Here we speak about sexual, ethnical, national and other minorities.

3 Chauvinism – extreme form of nationalism, which says to be more cruel to people of other nationalities.

4 Xenophobia – intolerance to smth. alien, unfamiliar and foreign.

5 Intergroup – smth caused between several social groups.

6 Interrace – different process, interrelations etc. between several races.

7 Assimilation – a process of becoming similar with something.

8 Discrimination – unequal attitude to smth.

9 Homosexuals, lesbians, etc.

10 www.referats.ru

11 www.referats.ru

12 nalism.org/vvv/skinheads.php – Виктория Ванюшкина «Бритоголовые»

13 ta.ru/vtorayamolodost/4/

18 (http://www.unu.edu)