Программа первая международная студенческая Интернет-конференция «Разнообразие культур в полиэтничном регионе», 24 Марта 2009 Организационный комитет конференции
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- Организационный комитет международная научно-практическая конференция, 122.29kb.
- Организационный комитет международная научно-практическая конференция, 162.39kb.
- Международная студенческая научно-практическая Интернет-конференция «Актуальные проблемы, 172.34kb.
- Программа конференции, список приглашенных докладчиков по мере формирования будут отображаться, 99.25kb.
- Ii международная конференция Актуальные проблемы биохимии и бионанотехнологий, 11.13kb.
- Программа ιΙ Международной научно-практической конференции Минск, 19-20 мая 2009 года, 361.36kb.
- 5-я Международная научно-практическая конференция «Геопространственные технологии, 119.45kb.
- Конференция состоится 22-25 марта 2011 года в фгоу впо ижевская гсха по адресу:, 19.96kb.
- Программа первой международной конференции/выставки «megatech-2009», 93.49kb.
- Международная научно-практическая конференция «Межкультурная коммуникация: вопросы, 64.79kb.
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Multiculturalism as a historical form of ethnic’s co-existence and as modern consequences globalism.
Дахин Сергей, студент
Астраханский государственный университет
Multiculturalism, that is life of different ethnic groups on a common social area, exists quite a long time and has its historical roots. This traditional multiculturalism can be called more correctly poly-civility. An example of such social area is Astrakhan where ethnic groups with different religious orientations have been living in peace for several centuries.
Astrakhan was always an outpost of Russia on The South-East. From the very beginning it was multicultural and poly-confessional. Three world religions such as Islam, Buddhism and Christianity have been making the matrixes of peaceful co-existence, without which survival in the region was impossible.
The data of statistical provincial committee shows that in the end of XIX century there were 66 per cent of Christians (including Orthodox, Protestant and Orthodox members of sects), 25 per cent of Buddhists and 8 per cent of Moslems. It was not parity but in such a deal the stability in the region was a guarantee. Accordingly the tolerance was provided. For a long time Astrakhan was considered to be a standard of tolerance on the South of Russia. It was obtained firstly with the help of economical levels distribution between different nationalities.
Until 90’s of the XX century the main ethnic groups were Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Ukrainians and Kalmyks. According to census of 1989 there were 72 per cent of Russians, 13 per cent of Kazakhs, 7.2 per cent of Tatars, 1.9 per cent of Ukrainians, 0.8 per cent of Kalmyks and 0.8 per cent of Chechens. Dew to the history of settlement of these territories no ethnic group living in Astrakhan region can declare its native-born priority. They all considered themselves to be native people and had their economic and territorial niche. As the process of the main ethnic groups forming in Astrakhan there wasn’t a so-called encapsulation (M. Savva’s term) of ethnic groups. Ethnic groups didn’t make closed Diasporas. Russian was a native language as the number of Russians predominated (about 70 per cent).
All these factors became basis for peaceful co-existence of more than 170 ethnic groups on the same territory for a long time, which helped to form and maintain the fundamental tolerance of the citizens.
However, migration processes of the last decades step by step turn poly-civil situation into multicultural one. Poly-civility is a historical and static phenomenon. Large ethnic groups and nations, living close for a long time, were, on the one hand, strictly structured social community with its intellectual elite, which was open for communication dew to the historical and economical reasons. Each ethnos occupied its own economical niche, that’s why all labour-markets were fixed since historical times. Russian was the international language. There were some areas where compactly lived a separate nation, as, for instance, Tatars. But they were not pronounced closed communities. In order to survive, all ethnic groups accepted rules of play which declared any other nation equal.
Multiculturalism is later phenomenon. It doesn’t have historical roots. It’s connected with modern economical processes and migration waves from Asia to Europe in search for work or escape from local wars. This process firstly was called an official declared tolerance of a taking part (as, for example, in France), Yet, coming ethnic groups, accumulating in critical amount, were becoming more encapsulated and refused to accept rules and traditions of taking part.
The problems of modern multiculturalism excite foreign researches. The fundamental investigations in the sphere of multiculturalism are following: Zubrzycki J. Public Policy in a Multicultural Australia (1987), канадского Kymlicka, W.: Multicultural Citizenship (1995), Isseman A.M. Lost in space? On the History, Status, and Future of Regional Science (1993), Ceaser J. Multiculturalism and American Liberal Democracy (1998). Here the problems of multiculturalism functioning as an official policy of the USA, Australia and Canada are analyzed. The experience of Australian multiculturalism is given in detail in the book Foster, Lois E.; Stockley, David Australian Multiculturalism: A Documentary History and Critique.
Not everything is smoothly on the West in the sphere of multicultural integration in the European society. McGhee D. in the book The end of Multiculturalism: terrorism, integration and human rights discusses about this question raising the problem of terrorism and human rights.
Russian researchers are also interested in this problem. A. Kuropyatnik gives in his work theoretical ground of the concept “multiculturalism”, in the works by S. Malakhov all pro and cons of practical multiculturalism are shown in concrete examples and it’s proved that there is no any need to state multiculturalism ion Russia because of specific development of Russian society. A. Borisov in his work “Multiculturalism” investigates the embodiment of the multicultural model in American and Canadian society.
However the problems of multiculturalism begin to touch Russia and Astrakhan far the last several years.
New migrants, especially from Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Northern Caucasia, who live on the territories of the South of Russia (under 1 per cent of citizens in one ethnic group), including Astrakhan region, increasing in number without accepting of living stereotypes, tern into closed Diasporas and oppose themselves to other ethnic groups. Intellectual potential of the migrants is not very high, as the majority of the intellectual elite stays in the homeland or, as Chechens, comes back home when an opportunity occurs. As tolerance depends in many ways on personal education and culture, multiculturalism is fraught with intolerance. Since the process of multiculturalism can’t be interrupted, increase of the migrants’ intellectual level is one of possible ways to save tolerance.
Секция: Проблема межэтнических отношений в поликультурном регионе.
To be or not to be… British?
Стебкова Анна, Шапиро Екатерина
Астраханский государственный университет
“A seven-year-old boy has been attacked in Edinburgh for wearing an England football shirt, the latest in a string of cases to highlight the acrimony between England and Scotland…”
(20 April 2008, “Daily Telegraph”)
Is anti-English – or anti-Scottish – behavior akin to racism? Should there be more emphasis on being British, as opposed to English or Scottish?
The beginning of May 2007 was marked as the 300 anniversary of the Anglo-Scottish Union. Having celebrated (celebrating) this jubilee, the Scottish made a step in the direction of independence . At the election to the Scottish Parliament (Holy Rood), the biggest fraction became Scottish National Party ,which policy target was independent Scottish government. The head of SNP Alex Salmond declared that he would put to the referendum a question of independence of Scotland by 2010.
The interest of Scotts in the issue of independence has risen increasingly in the course of time. Still after World War II, only 10 % of the population of Scotland preferred to call themselves the Scots, not Englishmen. Now the number of people, who support this view, has reached 80%.
The tendency of the Scots to separation seemed to be an amusing incident for Britain, and has always been commented on with a puzzling intonation. Famous British Oscar-nominated movie “Trainsprotting” based on the novel of Irvine Welsch shows scornful relationship of Scottish youth to Britain quite comically. Even now, in the modern world, Mass Media and the most up-to-date filmmaking broach the problem of Anglo-Scottish relations. Obviously, today this question is being discussed a lot more serious…
Let’s make a little review and try to see it in a proper perspective.
In 1603, ссылка скрыта inherited the throne of the ссылка скрыта, and became King James I of England, and left ссылка скрыта for ссылка скрыта. With the exception of a short period under ссылка скрыта, Scotland remained a separate ссылка скрыта, but there was a considerable conflict between the crown and the ссылка скрыта over the form of ссылка скрыта. After the ссылка скрыта, the abolition of ссылка скрыта and the overthrow of the ссылка скрыта ссылка скрыта by ссылка скрыта, Scotland briefly threatened to select a different ссылка скрыта monarch from England. On 22 July 1706 the ссылка скрыта was agreed between representatives of the ссылка скрыта and the ссылка скрыта and the following year twin ссылка скрыта were passed by both parliaments to create the united ссылка скрыта with effect from 1 May 1707.
One shouldn’t leave out of account, ethnical and civil traditions of Scottish society were never repressed. Scotland has always been keeping independent judicial, scholastic and ecclesiastical organization- Church of Scotland or Kirk.
To tell the truth, their historical language was practically forgotten, but it happened because of their active participation in all spheres of British life. And while talking about notorious Scottish independence no one even touches upon language revival.
The cultivation of national Scottish symbols came into collision with the lack of resources. Notably, it turned out to be that there was not any remarkable Scottish antiquity. And the symbols were ought to be reinvented. Indeed, the famous Scottish kilt was cut out in the XIX century, the celebration of New Year (in the Russian manner) achieved the status of national tradition in the XX century e.t.c….
Meanwhile the national Scottish pride has been cultivated through the latest years. Besides the heroic past (3/4 of which was invented), Scottish are especially proud of the fact that their schools are better than British ones and consider themselves to be more civilized, and, if you wish, more intelligent than Englishmen. It throws back to the Age of the Enlightenment when Edinburgh was one of the main European cultural centers. Adam Smith himself, the godfather of English capitalism, lived and worked in Edinburgh.
The Scots also like to recollect that a lot of their representatives moved to America and Australia and that they made a major contribution to the American civilization. Political observers consider that this ethnical narcissism harms their creative and enterprising potential.
Probably, understanding the lack of peculiar cultural identity and capacity of historical greatness, make them tell that they are dissatisfied with London paternalistic relations.
In all probability… ethnical jealousy, like in Ireland? It is possible to argue.
Indeed, Anglo-Scottish relations much differ from Anglo-Irish. Ireland was conquered by force. In the middle of XIX century it suffered from hunger and still reminds that this event was a conscious subversive act of London. English landocracy was imposed on Ireland. Scottish landocracy remained intact and easily inserted in the mechanism of British political governance. The Irish remained to be strong Catholics, while the Scots were persistent puritans.
Economic arguments towards the independence are not convincing as well. Formerly, the union with England was economically sound for Scotland. The removal of customs tariffs opened enormous market for Scotland, at first English, then the whole imperial one.
It’s not fortuitous that a great amount of Scots could move to England in search of job, which could be easily found. Today’s English population mainly consists of Scottish gene pool.
It’s interesting to note that after the traditional English industry had declined, Scotland couldn’t rebuilt its economy properly. Its economic lag from England is increasing . However the main question is, if Scotland could develop more successfully, when it becomes independent?
To tell the truth, Scottish inferiority complex still seems to be farfetched and doesn’t look convincing. What’s the matter? Maybe it’s enough for the autonomy?
Astrakhan region – southern outpost of Russia. A reality or just illusion?
Федосенко Роман, студент
Астраханский государственный университет
Not long ago our region enjoyed its 450 anniversary celebrating. This event was not only a cultural sensation, but also an important economic and political break through the South of Russian Federation. The government worked out a number of projects on strengthening economic positions of Astrakhan in the Caspian region. The jubilee of the city was an original presentation of results of the actions done. How much positive were the results of heavy capital investments?
Over the years Astrakhan region has been an important political and economic area. The city of Astrakhan is located on the border of Europe and Asia and it is a link between the West and the East. Astrakhan is located on eleven islands and it is divided into 4 administrative districts. The occupied area is 500 sq. km. The population of the city has recently grown to more than 500 thousand people. More than 100 nationalities live in Astrakhan. The Astrakhan region is the southern outpost of Russia. The main waterway of Russia – the Volga River – passes through the territory of the region, and through it the waterways from the By-Caspian states pass in the Black, Mediterranean, Baltic, Northern seas. Astrakhan is the natural center of transit trade and a large transport unit at the junction of Asia and Europe. This is an obvious advantage both for regional economy, and for national economy as a whole. Besides in Astrakhan there is a well developed powerful ship-building and ship-repairing industry; significant reserves of the hydrocarbon raw material and abounding bioresources are available; in Astrakhan we have also a unique tourist - recreational zone of the Volga delta. The points of growth at present are such industries as oil and gas production (equivalent fuel prognostic resources are 4,5bn ton); processing hydrocarbons; international transport corridors (“North-South”, E-40 «West-East»); shipbuilding and ship-repair; home construction activity and the production of building materials; tourism (ecological, recreational, sports, etc.) The development of the given branches creates a favorable investment climate. According to the experts investments into a fixed capital in 2008 will make 47 971 million rubles, that in having given with superfluous time surpasses the level of the given indicator in 2007, which was 20 742.3 million rubles on that period of time. We should mention, that the given indicator was twice less than in 2007, and was equal to 12 715 million rubles. The turn of retail trade also tends to growth. Thus, for example, in 2006 it was 28 034.8 million rubles, in 2007 it came to 41 280.1 million rubles, and under forecasts of economists will make 53 600 million rubles in 2008. It’s also impossible to disregard the progressive growth of the per capital income. In 2008 it will increase to 16 010 rubles in accordance with 11 607 rubles in 2007 and 9 705 rubles in 2006.
Certainly the figures promise the worthy future to our region. Financial investments form the basis of the future development of Astrakhan region. And still it is a far way to achieve ultimate goals. First of all it is necessary to build up a good educational basis, keep and promote the developing of the human resources. Bring to nothing corruption and swindle. Create a number of programs attracting tourists. Form an institutional basis of using tax proceeds. It is necessary to use federal financing in a proper way, so that, after its termination, the created financial and industrial institutes could provide a continuous stream of monetary resources. And, at last, create the authority tracking and controlling the realization of investment programs. Only the precise control and direct assistance of the region’s government will yield positive results in short terms. Taking into account all the above-listed criteria we will make a powerful monetary independent region in the south of our country, which at political and economic points of view will carry the proud name “Southern outpost of Russia”!
An insufficient level of interethnic tolerance as the factor of instability in a polyethnic regionhe example of the Ukraine.
Григорьев Александр Владимирович, студент
Астраханский государственный университет
The processes of globalization and increase in mobility have led to the fact that there are no more monoethnic states in the world. Joint residing of ethnoses in one territory assumes coexistence of cultures, and a certain tolerance degree of these ethnoses under the attitude to each other. The problem of tolerance in a polyethnic region is one of the most important and widely discussed global problems of the present. Absence of the necessary interethnic tolerance level is one of the factors of instability and interethnic conflicts in a region.
In this article we will report about interethnic tolerance in the Ukraine on the basis of the article by N.Panina "National tolerance and identity in the Ukraine: experience of social distance scale application in a monitoring sociological research”. In her work the author allocates 5 social distance degrees as preconditions of formation of a certain national tolerance level:
- National identity. That means that a person identifies himself with a considered nation
- Openness. This social distance degree means that a person regards to a nation with tolerance and is ready for direct contacts with representatives of this ethnos
- National seclusion. Here we assume national isolation presence. A person supposes coexistence in one territory with representatives of any ethnos, but tries to avoid direct contacts with them.
- National isolation. We can consider this social distance degree as a latent form of xenophobia. A person tries to avoid any contacts with representatives of this nation. He or she can regard to them as a temporarily staying people on the territory of his or her country, but not as its citizens.
- Xenophobia. It assumes presence of the open nationalist moods in relation to people of considered nationality, utter unwillingness to suppose them in the country.
The data of the research is unfavorable: in the country direct xenophobic moods in relation to some nationalities are presented; about half of the Ukrainians show isolation sights; about 75 % of respondents completely tolerantly concern only to representatives of East-Slavic ethnoses. The ethnic tolerance level has been decreasing during last 5 years. This index is higher in the East regions, among old people and people with high education. Especially guards that fact, that the level of interethnic tolerance is low enough among modern Ukrainian youth. It allows us to assume, that the situation in the given area will worsen in future.
The data received as a result of described research are supported with the actual material. The third report on the Ukraine of The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, which was published on the 29 February 2008, was informed on the increase in number of interethnic conflicts, acts of anti-Semitism and also about imperfection of the language legislation. The authority of the Ukraine does not give enough attention to improvement of the situation in this area, but also, on the contrary, promotes a deepening of contradictions between the ethnoses living in the territory of the considered country, spending a number of actions on making nationalist, profascist groups of the Ukrainian army heighten their power. We can come to the conclusion that insufficient level of interethnic tolerance in the modern Ukraine, absence of national unity is one of the factors causes long political crisis in the analyzed country. The further aggravation of conditions in studied region can lead to the worst consequences of the considered phenomena.
The given example shows importance of establishment of a sufficient national tolerance level for a polyethnic region. The newest history dazzles with reports about interethnic conflicts in various regions of the planet that result in set of human victims. Only the harmonious actions of the world community on strengthening national tolerance, prevention of the actions provoking national discord can improve the situation in the given area.
The Letts and the Russians: friends or foes?