Вежливость в сознании и коммуникации: межкультурный аспект // Международный сборник научных трудов "Актуальные проблемы коммуникации и культуры 2". – Пятигорск, 2005. Ларина Т. В

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2 Leech, g.n.
14 Foster, d.a.
A Communicative Grammar of English.
Cross-cultural Pragmatics: The Semantics of Human Interaction.
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5. Summary

The asymmetry of social relationships and differences in cultural values gives an indication of how to understand differences in the politeness systems as they are clearly reflected in the way people use the language in their interaction.

In intercultural communication it is necessary to proceed from the assumption that being direct does not always mean being impolite.

The preference for conventional indirectness and elaboration in negative strategies, which is characteristic not only for formal occasions, but prevails in everyday encounters, reflects the importance of individual autonomy in English culture. To this end English communicators use negative politeness strategies more often than Russians, for whom treating their Hearer in a direct way is conventionally acceptable.

For Russian communication because of the relatively traditional short distance between individuals, negative strategies are less typical. Direct style prevails.

The English seem to place a higher value on privacy, cultural norms demand a more distant system of behaviour. In Russian culture people are more available to each other, which implies less social distance and a smaller personal preserve.

Another reason is Power distance which is higher in Russian communication and in asymmetrical situations (parents – children, teachers – pupils etc.) allows those who have more rights to be more direct. In English communication those who are higher treat the subordinate as their equal emphasizing the cultural value of equality.

Communicative strategies dictate the choice of language means. Imperative utterances which are broadly used in Russian communication do not indicate to impoliteness of speakers. Polite usage in Russian permits many more direct imperatives than English does.

Culturally-specific politeness strategies form culturally distinct interactional communicative styles. In interpersonal communication English style is indirect in comparison with Russian one, it can be called Hearer-oriented. The main emphasis is put on the form of the utterance and on softening the imposition. Russian interlocutors are more concerned about the meaning rather than the form. They express their intention in a more direct way. Russian style of interpersonal communication is direct can be called message - oriented.

The success of intercultural communication greatly depends on the understanding and appropriate use of politeness strategies. Although individuals may have their own personal styles of communication, personal values reflect group values to a great extent. The comparative analysis of English and Russian politeness systems demonstrates the fact that, despite stereotypes in the popular consciousness, it is not legitimate to classify one linguistic group as more or less polite than the other; each is equally polite in their own way. Differences in politeness systems reflect differences in social relationships and are determined by culture-specific values.

 Следует отметить, что разная субъектно-объектная ориентированность является одним из основных различий английской и русской вежливости [см. Ларина 2002а].

1 See SIFIANOU, Maria. Politeness Phenomena in England and Greece. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992; JANNEY, Richard. W. and Horst ARNDT. Universality and relativity in cross-cultural politeness research: a historical perspective. Multilingua 12. 1993, pp. 13-50; AGAR, Michael. Language shock: Understanding the Culture of Conversation. New York.: William Morrow and company, 1994.

2 LEECH, G.N. Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman, 1983, p. 97.

3 THOMAS, Jenny. Cross-cultural pragmatic failure. In Applied Linguistics, 4, 1983, p. 97.

4 TANAKA, Shigenori and Saiki KAWADE. Politeness strategies and second language acquisition. In Studies in second language Acquisition, 5, 1982, pp. 18-33.

5 WIERZBICKA, Anna. Different Cultures, different languages, different speech acts . In Journal of Pragmatics, 9, 1985, p. 145.

6 HOFSTEDE, Geert H. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Beverly Hills CA: Sage Publications, 1984.; HOFSTEDE, Geert H.. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the mind. London: McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited, 1991.

7 HOFSTEDE, Geert H., Cultures and Organizations: Software of the mind. London: McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited, 1991, p.51.

8 TRIANDIS, Harry. Individualism and Collectivism. Boulder, Co: Westview, 1995.

9 FOLEY, William A. Anthropological Linguistics: an introduction (Language in Society; 24). - Oxford: Blackwell, 1997, p. 265.

10 HOFSTEDE, 7, p.53.

11 FOLEY, 9, p. 265.

12 HOFSTEDE , 7, p. 28.

13 ADLER, Ronald B. and George RODMAN. Understanding Human Communication. Harcourt Brace College, 1997, p. 306.

14 FOSTER, D.A. Bargaining across borders. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992, p. 265.

15 WIERZBICKA, 5, p. 156.

16 PAXMAN, Jeremy. The English: A Portrait of a People. Penguin Group, 1999, pp. 117-118.

17 TRIANDIS, Harry. Culture and Social Behavior. McGraw-Hill series in social psychology. McGraw-Hill, 1994, p.6.

18 Oxford Popular English Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 641.

19 SAMOVAR, Larry A., Richard PORTER and Lisa A. STEFANI. Communication between Cultures. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998, p.39.

20 BLUM-KULKA, Shoshana. The metapragmatics of politeness in Israeli society. In Richard J. WATS, Sachiko IDE and Konrad EHLIH (eds.) Politeness in language. Studies in history, theory and practice. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991, p. 270.

21 BROWN, Penelope and Stephen D. LEVINSON. Politeness: Some universals in language usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 129.

22 FASOLD, Ralph. The Sociolinguistics of Language. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990, p. 58.

23 TSUI, Amy B.M. English Conversation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, p.93.

24 SIFIANOU, Maria. Politeness Phenomena in England and Greece. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992; LEECH, Geoffry and Jan SVARTVIK. A Communicative Grammar of English. Second edition. London and New York: Longman, 1994; AIJMER, Karin. Conversational Routines in English: Convention and Creativity. – London & New York: Longman, 1996; TSUI, 23, and others.

25WIERZBICKA, Anna. Cross-cultural Pragmatics: The Semantics of Human Interaction. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991, p.30.

26 In Russian communication invitation can hardly be considered as imposition rather as a positive act.

27 RINTELL, Ellen. Sociolinguistic variation and pragmatic ability: a look at learners. In Journal of the Sociology of Language. 27. The Hague, 1981, pp.11 -33.

28 BLUM-KULKA, Shosana, Juliane HOUSE, and KASPER, Gabriel. Cross-cultural pragmatics: Requests and apologies. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1989.

29 Summarized data of Egorova. М. EGOROVA, Maria. Kontrastivmo-pragmaticheskiy analiz sposobov realizaciyi pros’by: soposnavleniye britanskoy, amerikanskoy y russkoy tradiciyi. PhD thesis. Voronezh, 1995.

30 THOMAS, Jenny. Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics. London and New York: Longman, 1995, p. 48.

31 THOMAS, 3, p. 101.

32 TSUI, 23, p. 109.

33 THOMAS, 3, p. 102.

34 This example was taken from SCOLLON, Ron and Suzanne SCOLLON. Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach. Second Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2001, p.50.

35 For detailed analysis see LARINA, Tatiana. Kategoriya vezhlivosti v angliyskoy y russkoy kommunikativnyh kul’turah. Moskva: RUDN, 2003.

i Гумбольдт В. фон. Язык и философия культуры. – М.: Прогресс, 1985. – C. 349, с. 80.

ii Уфимцева Н.В. Языковое сознание и образ мира славян // Языковое сознание и образ мира: Сборник статей / Отв. ред. Н.В.Уфимцева. – М., 2000. – С.260.

iii Стернин И.А. Русское коммуникативное сознание // Русское и финское коммуникативное поведение. Вып. 3. – Воронеж: изд-во «Истоки», 2002. – С.5.

iv Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge University Press, 1987. – P.11.

v Sifianou, Maria. Politeness Phenomena in England and Greece. - Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 1992. – P.13.

vi Peabody D. National characteristics. - Cambride-Paris 1985. Цит. по Крысько В.Г. Этнопсихология и межнациональные отношения. – М.: Изд-во «Экзамен», 2002. – C. 278.

vii Leech, Geoffrey N. Principles of pragmatics. – London and New York: Longman, 1983.- P.84.

viii Thomas, Jenny. Cross-cultural pragmatic failure // Applied Linguistics, 4. - 1983. – P. 97; Cross-Cultural Discourse as ‘Unequal Encounter’: Towards a Pragmatic Analysis // Applied Linguistics 5 (3). – 1984. – P. 227

ix Кобозева И.М. Немец, англичанин, француз и русский: выявление стереотипов национальных характеров через анализ коннотаций этнонимов // Вестник МГУ, серия 9, филология. - 1995, №3. – С.102-116.

x Карасик В.И., Слышкин Г.Г. Лингвокультурный концепт как элемент языкового сознания // Методология современной психолингвистики: Сборник статей. – Москва, Барнаул: Изд-во Алт. ун-ва, 2003. – С.50.

xi См. Pavlidou, Theodossia. Contrasting German-Greek politeness and the consequences // Journal of Pragmatics 21. - 1994. - Pp. 487-511; Ambady N., Koo, J., Lee, F. and Rosenthal, R. More than words: linguistic and nonlinguistic politeness in two cultures // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70. – 1996. – Pp. 996 – 1011.

xii Часто назывался не один, а несколько критериев, поэтому общая сумма ответов не составляет 100%.

xiii Ridout, Ronald & Clifford Witting. English Proverbs Explained. London and Sydney: Pan Books Ltd., 1981. – P.117.

xiv Романова И.А. Концепт «вежливость» и его объективация в русском языке // Культура общения и ее формирование. Вып.8. - 2001. – С. 95.

xv Ожегов С.И. Словарь русского языка / Под. Ред. Н.Ю.Шведовой. – 13 изд., испр. – М.: Рус. яз., 1981.- С. 65; Collins English Dictionary 2000. – P.424.

xvi Honkanen M. and Mikluha A. Successful Management in Russia. - Finland, 1998.- P.15. Цит. по Лехтонен М., Поталуй В. Коммуникативное поведение русских в представлениях финнов и американцев (на материале справочников по коммуникативному поведению) // Русское и финское коммуникативное поведение. Вып. 3. – Воронеж: «Истоки», 2002. – С. 94.

xvii Подробнее см. Ларина Т.В. Категория вежливости в английской и русской коммуникативных культурах: Монография. – М.: Изд-во РУДН, 2003. - 315 с.; Категория вежливости в аспекте межкультурной коммуникации (на материале английской и русской коммуникативных культур): Диссертация … докт. филол. наук.– М.: 2003. – 494 с.