Расколотая цивилизация. Наличествующие предпосылки и возможные последствия постэкономической революции
Вид материала | Документы |
- Глобальные последствия загрязнений окружающей среды, 141.96kb.
- Описание «Последняя Большая Игра», 127.38kb.
- Глобальные последствия загрязнения окружающей среды, 130.02kb.
- 48. Буржуазные революции в странах зе. Причины, характерные особенности и последствия, 103.08kb.
- Мировой экономический кризис: предпосылки, проявление, пути выхода и последствия, 74.79kb.
- «Политический и экономический кризисы в Украине: причины возникновения, возможные последствия, 157.88kb.
- План Введение I буржуазная революция в Испании 1820-1823 годов а предпосылки революции, 335.68kb.
- План Введение I буржуазная революция в Испании 1820-1823 годов а предпосылки революции, 339.33kb.
- Предпосылки и экономические последствия второй мировой войны предпосылки, 136.67kb.
- Задачи революции 7 Начало революции 8 Весенне-летний подъём революции, 326.28kb.
139 - См.: Bronfenbrenner U., McClelland P., Wethington E., Moen Ph., Ceci SJ., et al. The State of Americans. P. 176-177, 176.
140 - См.: Mishel L., Bernstein J., Schmitt J. The State of Working America 1998-99. P. 387.
141 - См.: Jencks Ch. Is the American Underclass Growing? // Jencks Ch., Peterson P. (Eds.) The Urban Underclass. Wash., 1991. P. 53.
142 - См.: Rodrik D. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Wash., 1997. P. 23.
143 - Цитата Т.Стоуньера приводится по: Lyon D. The Information Society. P. 56.
144 - Galbraith J. К. The Good Society. The Humane Agenda. Boston-N.Y., 1996. P. 59,60.
145 - См.: Marshall Т. Sociology at the Crossroads. L., 1963. P. 72-73.
146 - Krugman P. The Accidental Theorist and Other Dispatches from the Dismal Science. N.Y.-L., 1998. P. 193.
147 - См.: Pierson Ch. Beyond the Welfare State? P. 112.
148 - См.: Gordon D.M. Chickens Home to Roost: From Prosperity to Stagnation in the Postwar US Economy // Bernstein M.A., Adier D.E. (Eds.) Understanding American Economic Decline. P. 38-39, 43.
149 - См.: Figgie H.E., Swanson G.J. Bankruptcy 1995. The Coming Collapse of America and How To Stop It. Boston-N.Y., 1993. P. 39.
150 - Wallerstein I. After Liberalism. N.Y„ 1995. P. 35.
151 - См.: Katz M.B. In the Shadow of the Poorhouse. P. 266-267.
152 - См.: Pierson Ch. Beyond the Welfare State? P. 128.
153 - См.: Luttwak E. Turbo-Capitalism. P. 88.
154 - См.: Kuttner R. The Economic Illusion. P. 189.
155 - См.: Fischer C.S., Hout M., Jankowski M.S., Lucas S.R., Swidler A., Voss K. Inequality by Design. P. 109-110.
156 - См.: Ayres R. U. Turning Point. P. 116.
157 - См.: Danziger S., Gottschalk P. America Unequal. P. 43.
158 - См.: Galbraith James К. Created Unequal. P. 83.
159 - См.: Bronfenbrenner U., McClelland P., Wethington E., Moen Ph., Ceci S.J., et al. The State of Americans. P. 56.
160 - См.: Schor J.B. The Overworked American. The Unexpected Decline of Leisure. N.Y., 1992. P.79.
161 - См.: Piven F.F., Cloward R.A. Regulating the Poor. The Functions of Public Welfare. Updated Edition. N.Y., 1993. P. 347; Danyger S.H., Sandefur G.D., Weinberg D.H. Introduction. P. 1,7.
162 - См.: Bronfenbrenner U., McClelland P., Wethington E., Moen Ph., Ceci S.J., et al. The State of Americans. P. 56.
163 - Danyger S.H., Weinberg D.H. The Historical Record: Trends in Family Income, Inequality and Poverty // Danziger S.H., Sandefur G.D., Weinberg D.H. (Eds.) Confronting Poverty: Prescription for Change. P. 21.
164 - См.: Davis В., Wessel D. Prosperity. N.Y., 1998.
165 - См.: Krugman P. The Accidental Theorist and Other Dispatches from the Dismal Science. P. 58.
166 - См.: Samuelson R.J. The Good Life and Its Discontents. The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement 1945-1995. N.Y., 1997. P. 71.
167 - См.: Krugman P. The Age of Diminishing Expectations. US Economic Policy in the 90s. 3rd ed. Cambridge (Ma.)-L., 1998. 1998
168 - Ibid. P. 2.
169 - Thurow L. Creating Wealth. P. 41.
170 - См.: Krugman P. Pop Internationalism. Cambridge (Ma.)-L., 1998. Р. 192.
171 - См.: Danyger S., Gottschalk P. America Unequal. P. 49-50.
172 - См. Tilly Ch. Durable Inequality. Berkeley (Ca.)-L., 1998. P. 232.
173 - См. Linstone H.A., Mitroff I.I. The Challenge of the 21st Century. P. 8; Galbraith J.K. The Culture of Contentment. P. 13-14.
174 - См. Alsop R.J. (Ed.) The Wall Street Journal Almanac 1999. P. 137.
175 - См. Mishel L., Bernstein J., Schmitt J. The State of Working America 1998-99. P. 262-263.
176 - См. Schor J.B. The Overspent American. Upscaling, Downshifting and the New Consumer. N.Y, 1998. P. 12.
177 - См. Thurow L. Creating Wealth. P. 199-200.
178 - Подробнее см.: Pierson Ch. Beyond the Welfare State? P. 47-48.
179 - См.: Reich R.B. Tales of a New America. The Anxioos Liberal's Guide to the Future. N.Y., 1987. P. 208.
180 - См.: Danziger S., Gottschalk P. America Unequal. P. 24.
181 - См.: Lind M. The Next American Nation. P. 189.
182 - См.: Danuger S., Gottschalk P. America Unequal. P. 24.
183 - Greenstein R., Barancik S. Drifting Apart: New Findings of Growing Income Disparities Between the Rich and the Poor, and the Middle Class. Wash., 1990. P. 6.
184 - См.: Kuttner R. The Economic Illusion. P. 58.
185 - См.: Heilbroner R., Milberg W. The Making of Economic Society. P. 141.
186 - См.: Dahrendorf R. The Modern Social Conflict. An Essay on the Principles of Liberty. Berkeley-L.A. 1990. P. 149.
187 - См.: Galbraith J.K. The Culture of Contentment. P. 105.
188 - См.: Galbraith James K., Du Pin Calmon P. Industries, Trade, and Wages // Bernstein M.A., AdIerD.E. (Eds.) Understanding American Economic Decline. P. 172-173.
189 - См.: Philips K. Boiling Point Democrats, Republicans and the Decline of Middle-Class Prosperity. N.Y., 1994. P. 28.
190 - Heilbroner R., Milberg W. The Making of Economic Society. P. 144.
191 - Brockway G.P. Economists Can Be Bad for Your Health. Second Thoughts on the Dismal Science. N.Y.-L., 1995. P. 62.
192 - См.: Cohen D. The Wealth of the World and the Poverty of Nations. P. 47.
193 - Kuttner R. Everything for Sale. The Virtues and Limits of Markets. N.Y., 1997. P. 86.
194 - См.: Piven F.F., Cloward R.A. Regulating the Poor. P. 353-354.
195 - См.: Lasch Ch. The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy. P. 32.
196 - См.: Cohen D. The Wealth of the World and the Poverty of Nations. P. 48.
197 - См.: Reich R.B. Tales of a New America. P. 188.
198 - См.: Giddens A. The Third Way. The Renewal of Social Democracy. Oxford, 1998. P. 105.
199 - См.: Handy Ch. The Hungry Spirit. Beyond Capitalism — A Quest for Purpose in the Modem World. L., 1997. P. 39-41.
200 - См.: Gephardt R., with Wessel M. An Even Better Place. America in the 21st Century. N.Y„ 1999. P. 33.
201 - См.: Santis H., de. Beyond Progress. An Interpretive Odyssey to the Future. Chicago-L, 1996. P.192-193.
202 - См.: Drucker P.F. Managing in a Time of Great Change. Oxford, 1997. P. 269.
203 - См.: Mishel L., Bernstein J., Schmitt J. The State of Working America 1998-99. P. 377.
204 - См. Frank R.H., Cook P.J. The Winner-Take-All Society. P. 88.
205 - См. Korten D.C. When Corporations Rule the World. L„ 1995. P. 108.
206 - См. Frank R.H., Cook P.J. The Winner-Take-All Society. P. 88.
207 - См. Ibid.
208 - См. Korten D.C. When Corporations Rule the World. P. 109; Krugman P. Peddling Prosperity. Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminishing Expectations. N.Y.-L, 1994. P. 135.
209 - См.: Nelson J.I. Post-Industrial Capitalism. Exploring Economic Inequality in America. Thousand Oaks-L., 1995. P. 8-9.
210 - См.: Koch R. The 80/20 Principle.The Secret of Achieving More with Less.N.Y., 1998. P.9.
211 - См.: Korten D.C. When Corporations Rule the World. P. 109.
212 - См.: Cohen D. The Wealth of the World and the Poverty of Nations. P. 47.
213 - См.: Heilbroner R., Milberg W. The Making of Economic Society. P. 144.
214 - См.: Ayres R. U. Turning Point. P. 116.
215 - См.: Rifkin J. The End of Work. N.Y., 1996. P. 174.
216 - См.: Brockway G.P. The End of Economic Man. N.Y.-L., 1995. P. 88-89.
217 - См.: Kiplinger К. World Boom Ahead. Why Business and Consumers Will Prosper. Wash., 1998. P. 154.
218 - См.: Brockway G.P. The End of Economic Man. P. 163.
219 - См.: Korten D.C. When Corporations Rule the World. P. 65.
220 - См.: Galbraith J.K. The Culture of Contentment. P. 92.
221 - Подробнее о ситуации в Великобритании см.: Coyle D. The Weightless World. Strategies for Managing the Digital Economy. Cambridge (Ma.), 1998. P. 11.
222 - Elliott L., Atkinson D. The Age of Insecurity. P. 235.
223 - См.: The Economist. 1994. November 5. P. 19.
224 - См.: Danyger S., Gottschalk P. America Unequal. P. 118-119.
225 - См.: Tilly Ch., Tilly Ch. Work Under Capitalism. N.Y., 1998. P. 213-214.
226 - См.: Mandel M. Cracking this Crazy Economy // Business Week. European edition. 1999. January 25. P. 39-40.
227 - См.: Сох M., Aim R. These Are the Good Old Days: A Report on American Living Standards. Dallas (Tx.), 1994. P. 4.
228 - См.: The Economist. 1997. September 6. Р. 48.
229 - См.: Kat T. M.B. In the Shadow of the Poorhouse. P. 272.
230 - Lappe P.M., Collins J., Rosset P., Esparza L. The World Hunger: 12 Myths, 2nd ed. N.Y„ 1998. P. 166.
231 - См.: Wolfe B.L. Reform of Health Care for the Nonelderiy Poor // Danziger S.H., Sandefur G.D., Weinberg D.H.(Eds.) Confronting Poverty: Prescription for Change. Cambridge (Ma.), 1994. P. 254.
232 - См.: Fischer C.S., Flout M., Jankowski M.S., Lucas S.R., SwidlerA., Voss K. Inequality by Design. P. 141.
233 - См. Gray J. False Dawn. The Delusions of Global Capitalism. L., 1998. P. 115.
234 - См. Korten B.C. When Corporations Rule the World. P. 108.
235 - См. Elliott L., Atkinson D. The Age of Insecurity. P. 223.
236 - См. Celenie G. Trends 2000. How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of :he 21st Century. N.Y., 1997. P. 37.
237 - См. Zepezauer M., Naiman A. Get the Rich off Welfare. Tucson (FL), 1996. P. 7.
238 - См. Kiplinger K. World Boom Ahead. P. 153.
239 - Подробнее см.: Thurow L. Creating Wealth. P. 201.
240 - См.: McAlister J.F.0. Prosperity for Now//Time. 1999. February 15. P. 58.
241 - См.: Kelly K. New Rules for the New Economy. N.Y., 1998. P. 157.
242 - См.: Korten D.C. The Post-Corporate World. Life After Capitalism. P. 62.
243 - См.: Mishel L., Bernstein J., Schmitt J. The State of Working America 1998-99. P. 271.
244 - См.: Korten D.C. The Post-Corporate World. P. 171-172.
245 - См.: Chomsky N. World Orders, Old and New. L., 1997. P. 142.
246 - См.: Kiplinger К. World Boom Ahead. P. 154.
247 - См.: The Economist. 1997. September 6. P. 48.
248 - См.: Kiplinger K. World Boom Ahead. P. 154.
249 - См.: Bootle R. The Death of Inflation. Surviving and Thriving in the Zero Era L 1996. P.33-34.
250 - См.: Taylor K.B. The Quest for Universal Capitalism in the United States // Halal W.E., Taylor K.B. (Eds.) Twenty-First Century Economics. P. 357.
251 - The Guardian. 1997. February 3.
252 - Koch R. The 80/20 Principle. Р. 242-243.
253 - См.: Bootle R. The Death of Inflation. P. 34.
254 - См.: The Economist. 1999. January 16. P. 98.
255 - См.: Morion C. Beyond World Class. Houndmills-L., 1998. P. 250.
256 - См.: Luttwak E. Turbo-Capitalism. P. 218.
257 - См.: Mandel M. Cracking this Crazy Economy. P. 39-40.
258 - См.: Koch R. The Third Revolution. P. 242.
259 - См.: Gray J. False Dawn. P. 112.
260 - Godden J., Koch R. Managing Without Management. L., 1996. P. 210.
261 - См.: Bootle R. The Death of Inflation. P. 35.
262 - См.: Morton С. Beyond World Class. P. 250; более подробный анализ данных тенденции на протяжении XX века содержится в: Tilly Ch., Tilly Ch. Work Under Capitalism. P. 146.
263 - См.: Chomsky N. World Orders, Old and New. P. 143.
264 - См.: Kanter R.M. World Class. Thriving Locally in the Global Economy. N.Y., 1995. P. 151-152.
265 - См.: Moody К. Workers in a Lean World. L.-N.Y., 1997. P. 98-99.
266 - См.: Pierson Ch. Beyond the Welfare State? P. 78.
267 - См.: Tilly Ch. Durable Unequality. P. 242-243.
268 - Myrdal G. Challenge to Affluence. N.Y., 1963. P. 10.
269 - Auletta К. The Underclass. N.Y., 1982. Р. XVI. Подробнее о возникновении, развитии и современных трактовках понятия underclass в американской социологической литературе см.: Cans H.J. The War Against the Poor. The Underclass and Anti poverty Policy. N.Y., 1995.P.2, 16, 28, 31-33.
270 - Цитируется по: Frankel В. The Post-Industrial Utopians. P. 210-211.
271 - См.: Katг. М.В. In the Shadow of the Poorhouse. P. 286.
272 - См.: Lind M. The Next American Nation. P. 111.
273 - См.: Burtiess G. Public Spending on the Poor: Historical Trends and Economic Limits // Danziger S.H., Sandefur G.D., Weinberg D.H. (Eds.) Confronting Poverty: Prescription for Change. P. 57, 63-64.
274 - См.: Tobin J. Poverty in Relation to Macroeconomic Trends, Cycles, and Policies // Danziger S.H., Sandefur G.D., Weinberg D.H. (Eds.) Confronting Poverty: Prescription for Change. P. 164-165.
275 - См.: Jencks Ch. Is the American Underclass Growing? P. 34; Madrick J. The End of Affluence. P.152.
276 - См.: Katz M.B. In the Shadow of the Poorhouse. P. 298.
277 - См.: Mincy R.B. The Underclass: Concept, Controversy, and Evidence // Danziger S.H., Sandefur G.D., Weinberg D.H.(Eds.) Confronting Poverty: Prescription for Change.
278 - См.: Mishel L., Bernstein J., Schmitt J. The State of Working America 1998-99. P. 22-24.
279 - См.: Korten B.C. When Corporations Rule the World. P. 246.
280 - См.: Katz M.B. In the Shadow of the Poorhouse. P. 298.
281 - См.: Chomsky N. World Orders, Old and New. P. 143.
282 - Fischer C.S., Hout M., Jankowski M.S., Lucas S.R.,SwidlerA., Voss K. Inequality by Design. P. 97.
283 - См.: Moody К. Workers in a Lean World. P. 189.
284 - См.: Kelly K. New Rules for the New Economy. P. 153.
285 - См.: Ayres R. U. Turning Point. P. 123.
286 - См.: Burtless G. Public Spending on the Poor. P. 64.
287 - См.: Fischer C.S., Hout M., Jankowski M.S.,Lucas S.R.,SwidlerA., Voss К. Inequality by Design. P. 96.
288 - См.: Lappe F.M., CollinsJ., RossetP., Espaiг.а L. The World Hunger. P. 153.
289 - См.: Herrnstein R.J., Murray Ch. The Bell Curve. P. 131, 132.
290 - См.: Themslrom S., Themstrom A. America in Black and White. P. 355, 197.
291 - См.: Mishel L., Bernstein J., Schmitt J. The State of Working America 1998-99. P. 22-24.
292 - См.: Thurow L. Creating Wealth. P. XIV.
293 - См.: Fischer C.S.,Hout M., Jankowski M.S.,Lucas S.R.,SwidlerA., Voss K. Inequality by Design. P. 132.
294 - См.: Reich R.B. Tales of a New America. P. 158.
295 - См.: Luttviak E. Turbo-Capitalism. P. 86-87.
296 - См.: Pipes R. Property and Freedom. N.Y., 1999. P. 257.
297 - См.: Mishe lL., Bernstein J.,Schmitt J. The State of Working America 1998-99. P. 63.
298 - См.: Pipes R. Property and Freedom. P. 257.
299 - См.: Fischer C.S., HoutM., Jankovski M.S., Lucas S.R., SwidierA., Voss K. Inequality by Design. P. 131-132.
300 - См.: Galbraith James K. Created Unequal. P. 14.
301 - См.: Pipes R. Property and Freedom. P. 280-281.
302 - Подробнее см.: Danvger S., Gottschalk P. America Unequal. P. 156.
303 - См.: Galbraith James К. Created Unequal. P. 261.
304 - См.: Hermstein R.J., Murray Ch. The Bell Curve. P. 520-521.
305 - См.: Una M. The Next American Nation. P. 159.
306 - Lasch Ch. The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy. P. 27.
307 - См. Wright Mills С. The Power Elite. P. 12-13.
308 - См. Heilbroner R. 21st Century Capitalism. N.Y.-L., 1993. P. 55.
309 - См. Ayres R. U. Turning Point. P. 119.
310 - См. Weizaecker E., von, Lovins A.B., Lovins L.H. Factor Four. P. 279.
311 - Heilbroner R. L. Behind the Veil of Economics. Essays in the Worldly Philosophy. N.Y.-L.,1988.P.87.
312 - Dahrendorf R. Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. P. 201, 268.
313 - См.: Ellul J. The Technological Society. N.Y., 1964. P. 400.
314 - Inglehart R. Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. P. 285, 286-288.
315 - См.: Touraine A. Critique de la modemite. P., 1992. P. 308-309.
316 - Цитируется по: Pakulski J., Waters M. The Death of Class. P. 65.
317 - Ibid. P. 147.
318 - См.: Touraine A. La retour de 1'acteur. P., 1988. P. 133.
319 - См.: Marcuse H. One-Dimensional Man. P. 53.
320 - Toffler A., Toffler H. Creating a New Civilization. Atlanta, 1995. P. 25.
321 - См.: Drucker P.F. Managing in a Time of Great Change. Oxford, 1995. P. 205-206.
322 - См.: Berger P.L. The Capitalist Revolution. Aldershot, 1987. P. 67-69.
323 - Inglehart R. Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. P. 161.
324 - См.: Inglehart R. Modernization and Postmodernization. Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies. Princeton, 1997. P. 327.
325 - См.: Giddens A. The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge, 1995. P. 156.
326 - См.: Lyotard J.-F. The Postmodern Explained. P. 79.
327 - См.: Gordon E.E., Morgan R.R., Ponticell J.A. Futurework. The Revolution Reshaping American Business. Westport (Ct.)-L., 1994. P. 205.
328 - Drucker P.F. The New Realities. P. 183, 184.
329 - См.: Bell D. The World and the United States in 2013. P. 27; Galbraith J.K. The Culture of Contentment. L.-N.Y., 1992. P. 31; Handy Ch. Beyond Certainty. L., 1996. P. 3.
330 - См.: Dahrendorf R. The Modern Social Conflict. An Essay on the Principles of Liberty. Berkeley-LA., 1990. P. 160-162.
331 - См.: Habermas J. Toward a Rational Society. Boston, 1971. P. 109.
332 - См.: Baudrillard J. In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities, or The End of the Social and Other Essays. N.Y., 1983. P. 18-19, 22.
333 - Наиболее подробно этот вопрос рассмотрен в кн.: Callinicos A. Against Postmodernism. Cambridge, 1994. Р. 162.
334 - См.: Dahrendorf R. The Modem Social ConHict. P. 164.
335 - Fukuyama F. The End of History and the Last Man. L.-N.Y., 1992. P. 116.
336 - Bell D. Sociological Journeys. Essays 1960-1980. L., 1980. P. 157.
337 - См.: Beck U. Risk Society. L.-Thousand Oaks, 1992. P. 53
338 - Galbraith J.K. The Affluent Society. L.-N.Y., 1991. P. 263.
339 - См.: Drucker P.P. Managing the Non-Profit Organization. Practices and Principles. Oxford, 1994. P. 131.
340 - Koch R. The Third Revolution. P. 145.
341 - См.: NeefD., Siesfeld G.A., Cefola J. (Eds.) The Economic Impact of Knowledge. Boston-Oxford, 1998. P. 9.
342 - См.: Dent Ch.M. The European Economy. P. 153.
343 - См.: Spaeth A. Big Kid on the Block // Time. 1997. September 29. P. 35.
344 - См.: The Economist. 1997. April 12. P. 119.
345 - До 1993 года КНР оставалась нетто-экспортером нефти; в 1996 году ее импорт превышал 600 тыс. баррелей в день и, как ожидают, достигнет 2,7 млн. баррелей в день к 2010 году (Garten J. The Big Теп. Р. 72).
346 - См.: Brahm L.J. China as No 1. The New Superpower Takes Central Stage. Singapore, 1996. P. 100.
347 - См.: Bernstein R., Mwro R.H. The Coming Conflict with China. N.Y., 1997. P. 131, 132.
348 - См.: Ayres R.U. Turning Point. P. 58.
349 - См.: Brahm L.J. China as No 1. Р. 63-64.
350 - См.: Wolf Ch., Jr. China: An Emerging "Economic Superpower"? // Dom J.A. (Ed.) China in the New Millennium: Market Reforms and Social Development. P. 22.
351 - См.: Weidenbaum M., Hughes S. The Bamboo Network. P. 145.
352 - См.: Harrison S.S., Prestowitz C. V., Jr. Overview: New Priorities for U.S. Asia Policy // Harrison S.S., Prestowitz C.V., Jr. (Eds.) Asia After the 'Miracle': Redefining U.S. Economic and Security Priorities. P. 11.
353 - См.: Yun-wing Sung. Hong Kong and the Economic Integration of the China Circle // Naughton B. (Ed.) The China Circle. P. 70.
354 - См.: Naughton В. The Emergence of the China Circle. P. 17.
355 - Подробнее см.: Lardy N.R. Accomodating China as an Economic Giant // Harri-son S.S., Prestowitz C.V., Jr. (Eds.) Asia After the 'Miracle': Redefining U.S. Economic and Security Priorities. P. 186-188.
356 - См.: Krugman P. The Accidental Theorist And Other Dispatches from the Dismal Science. N.Y.-L., 1998. P. 88-89.
357 - См.: Henderson С. China on the Brink. The Myths and Realities of the World's Largest Market. N.Y., 1999. P. 12-13.
358 - См.: Dent Ch.M. The European Economy. P. 152.
359 - Подробнее см.: Smil V. China's Environmental Crisis. An Inquiry into the Limits of National Development. Armonk (N.Y.)-L., 1993. P. 71.
360 - См.: Ibid. P. 71-73.
361 - См.: Ohmae K. The End of the Nation State. P. 82.
362 - Brwnski Zb. The Grand Chessboard. P. 163.
363 - См.: Yip G.S. Asian Advantage. P. 8 5.
364 - См.: Brockway G.P. Economists Сап Be Bad for Your Health. Second Thoughts on the Dismal Science. N.Y.-L., 1995. P. 104.
365 - Greider W. One World, Ready or Not. The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. P. 32.
366 - См.: Spaeth A. Big Kid on the Block. P. 35.
367 - Henderson С. Asia Falling. P. 268.
368 - См.: Marber P. From Third World to the World Class. P. 99.
369 - См.: GrayJ. False Dawn. The Delusions of Global Capitalism. P. 188; Ohmae K. The End of the Nation State. P. 82.
370 - См. Lin J. Y. The Current State of China's Economic Reforms // Dorn J.A. (Ed.) China in the New Millennium: Market Reforms and Social Development. P. 66.
371 - См. McGeary J. The Next China // Time. 1997. March 3. P. 24.
372 - См. Godement F. The Downsizing of Asia. P. 33.
373 - См. Serril M.S. Can This Man Fix China? // Time. 1998. March 16. P. 29.
374 - См. Gray J. False Dawn. P. 188-189.
375 - См. Henderson C. Asia Falling. P. 257.
376 - См. McGearyJ. The Next China. P. 23.
377 - См. Henderson C. China on the Brink. P. 52.
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