Educational and method literature
Вид материала | Документы |
- Curacy of numerical solutions received by Finite Difference Time Domain (fdtd) method, 50.04kb.
- Нанотехнологии – на службу обществу1, 155.05kb.
- The structure of the informational package for selected educational direction, 5352.43kb.
- Тской models to model of mutual responsibility in an education sphere, to strengthening, 945.89kb.
- П. Фейерабенд “Против методологического принуждения”, 407.1kb.
- Конкурс литературного творчества «Что в имени тебе моем?», 27.41kb.
- Mass media exists in educational area for a long time, 578.92kb.
- The article examines the mechanism of a research and educational center functioning,, 106.7kb.
- Вступление Глава I, 238.59kb.
- Macmillan Literature Guide for Russia Автор: Ларионова И. В., заведующая кабинетом, 1637.32kb.
22 | |||||||
Fundamentals of research Studies | Komarov M.S. | Lviv: Vyshcha Shkola., 1982. | 24 | ||||
3.02 | Methods of Designing and Protection Databases | Databases and Databanks. Textbook for HEE | Chetverikov V.N., Revunkov G.I. | Moscow.: Vysshaya Shkola 1987 | 5 | ||
Introduction in Databases Systems | Date K. | Moscow.: Nauka, 1980 | 16 | ||||
Designing Databases. Textbook | Digo S.M. | Moscow.: Financy i Statistika, 1988 | 10 | ||||
Designing Relational Database for Using Microcomputers/ Translated From English | Jackson G. | Moscow.: Mir, 1991 | 15 | ||||
3.03 | Administrative and Economical Law | Foreign Trade Bargain | Grinko I.S. | Summy: Reol, 1994. | | ||
Foreign-economic Operations: Law and Practice | Zykin I.S. | Moscow.: Mezhdunarodnyye Otnosheniya, 1994. | 57 | ||||
Economic Law | Vinnyk O.M. | Kyiv.: Yurinkomintern, 2001 | 28 | ||||
Economic Law of Ukraine. Handbook | Shcherbina V.S. | Kyiv.: Atika, 1999. | 10 | ||||
Civil and Trade Law of Capitalistic Countries | Resp Editor E.A. Vasilyev | Moscow.: Mezhdunarodnyye Otnosheniya, 1993. | 6 | ||||
International Economic Law | Oprishko V.F. | Kyiv.: Lybid, 1995. | 21 | ||||
Fundamentals of Economic Law in Ukraine. Handbook | Pilipenko A.Ya., Shcherbina V.S. | Kyiv.: MAUP, 1995. | 14 | ||||
Ukrainian Law. Handbook | Demidenko V.V., Shemyakin O.M. | Kyiv.: ISDO, 1994. | 12 | ||||
Practice of Using Economic Law (questions and answers). Enterprising, Property Relations Rent, Contracts. | V.V. Vitryanskiy, S.A. Gerasimenko, V.V. Timofeev | Moscow.: Economica i Pravo, 1991. | 12 | ||||
Practicum on Economic Law | Mikhalev V.N. | St. Petersburg: LFZI, 1991. | 10 | ||||
4. Cycle of Subjects for Student’s Free Choice | |||||||
4.01 | Methods and Means for Creating Web-pages | PHP 4.0. | W. Gilmore | St. Petersburg: Piter 2004 г. | 7 | ||
DHTML and CSS | G. K. Tige | DMK Press, 2004 | 16 | ||||
Web-design | Thomas A. Pauel | BHV-Peterburg, 2004 | 23 | ||||
User’s Library, PhotoShop 5.5 for Windows | | Williams Publishing House, 2000 | 18 | ||||
Educational Plan for Master Degree | |||||||
I. Normative Subjects | |||||||
1. Cycle of Professionally Orientated Humanitarian, Social and Economical Training | |||||||
1.01 | Labour Protection in Working Field | Environment Protection | Livchak I.F., Voronov Yu. V. | Moscow.: Stroizdat, 1988 | 14 | ||
Collection of Methods for Calculations of Emissions of Productions into the Atmosphere | | St. Petersburg.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1986 | 26 | ||||
Social Aspects of Labour Protection at the Coal Mines | Zayzev S.P. and other | Moscow.: Nedra, 1991 | 20 | ||||
Labour Safety Management at Colliery | Bobokin I.A. | Moscow.: Nedra, 1989 | 12 | ||||
Ecology of Mining. Textbook for HEE | Mirzoev G.G. and other | Moscow.: Nedra, 1991 | 28 | ||||
1.02 | Civil Defence | Civil Defence. Textbook for HEE | Atamanyuk V.G. | Moscow.: Vysshaya shkola, 1987.- 207 p. | 6 | ||
People Protection in Emergency Cases. Handbook | Kasyanov M.A. | Luhansk ENU, 2003.- 182p | 58 | ||||
Weapons of Mass Destruction Protection for Establishments. Manual | G.P. Demidenko, E.P. Kuzmenko, P.P. Orlov | Kyiv.: Vyshcha Shkola, 1989.- 287p. | 5 | ||||
Civil Defence. Handbook | Deputat O.P. | Lviv: Afisha, 2000.- 336p. | 10 | ||||
1.03 | Physical training | Body Rhythms. Man’s Health and His Biological Clock. | Lini Lemberg | Moscow.: Veche AST,1998, 416 p. | 50 | ||
Valueology | Griban V.D. | Kyiv.: Osvita, 2005, 396 p. | 15 | ||||
2. Cycle of Natural, Scientific, Professional and Practical Training | |||||||
2.01 | Methodology and Organization of Scientific Researches | Introduction in Operations Researches. In wo Volumes. Vol 2. Translated from English | Takha H.. | Moscow.: Mir. 1985. | 9 | ||
Fundamentals of research Studies | Nskhanov G.V. | Kyiv: Vyshcha Shkola., 1985. | 22 | ||||
Fundamentals of research Studies | Komarov M.S. | Lviv: Vyshcha Shkola., 1982. | 24 | ||||
Fundamentals of Management. | Meskon M.H., Alberg Yu.P. | Moscow.: Delo, 1992. | 30 | ||||
Planning of Industrial Experiments | Gorskiy V.G., Adler Yu.P. | Moscow.: Metallurgiya. 1974. | 8 | ||||
Elementary Grading of Metering Errors. | Zaydel A.N. | Moscow.: Vyshcha Shkola 1980. | 10 | ||||
2.02 | Pedagogic and Psychology of High School | Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogic. Handbook | Loznica V.S. | Kyiv.: KNEU, 2001 | 15 | ||
Pedagogic: Textbook for HEE | Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. | St. Petersburg.: Piter,2001 | 20 | ||||
Social Psychology and Ethics of Business Communication. Hand book for HEE | | Moscow, 1995 | 5 | ||||
Social Psychology. Handbook for Humanitarian Schools | Divnenko O.V. | Moscow.: 1995. | 4 | ||||
2.03 | Higher Education and Bologna Process | Activation of Technical creativity of the Students. Handbook. | Vdovenko V.G. | Krasnoyarsk University, 1991.- 160p. | 5 | ||
Introduction in General Didactics | Okon V. | Moscow.: Vysshaya shkolaола, 1990.- 382p.- (Transl.) | 1 | ||||
Rebirth of Didactics is Fundament of High School Development | Atanov G.A. | Donetzk: DOU, 2003.- 180p. | 1 | ||||
Fundamentals of Pedagogic and Psychology of High School | Avanesov V.S., Verbizkiy A.A., Itelson L.B. and other. Under editing of A.V.Petrovskiy | Moscow.: Moscow University, 1986.- 303p.- (Transl.). | 3 | ||||
Лекции по теории обучения в высшей школе. | Архангельский С.И. | Moscow.: Vysshaya shkolaола, 1974.- 384с.- (В пер.). | 17 | ||||
2.04 | Methods of Teaching in High School | Naturalistic Perception: changes of Method and Logical Orientations | | Kyiv., 1993 | 25 | ||
Methodology of Research Programmes | Lakatos I. | Voprosy Philosophii.-1994-№4 | 9 | ||||
Philosophy for Technical HEE | Golubincev V.O.. | Rostov –on-Don: Fenix, 2001. | 13 | ||||
Philosophy of Informational Civilization | Avdeev R.F. | Moscow., 1994 | 10 | ||||
2.05 | Designing Computer and Integrated Technologies | Technology of Flexible Automated Industry | Pukhovskiy E.S. | Kyiv.: Tehnika, 1989.-207 p. | 22 | ||
Technology of Machine Building. Textbook | Kovshov A.N. | Moscow.: Mashynostroeniye, 1987.-320 p. | 32 | ||||
Exploitation of Automatic Lines | Cherpakov B.I. | Moscow.: Mashynostroeniye, 1990.-304 p. | 12 | ||||
Automation of Designing and Management in Flexible Production | Yampolskiy L.S., Banashak Z. | Kyiv.: Tehnika, 1989.-214 p. | 14 | ||||
Machine Language C | B. Kernigan, D. Richi | Moscow.: Financy i Statistika, 1992.-272 p. | 10 | ||||
Borland C++ in Examples | Pots. S., Monk T. | Минск: Popuri, 1996.-752 p. | 14 | ||||
How to Program using С++ | Dale H., Dale P. | Moscow.: Binom, 1999 | 8 | ||||
Technology of Manufacturing Details at Programmable Machine with Flexible System | Deryabin A.L., Esterzon M.A. | Moscow.: Mashynostroeniye, 1989 | 10 | ||||
2.06 | Application System of 3D Design | 3DS Teach-yourself Book | Chumachenko I.N. | DMK 2005г. 852 p. | 26 | ||
Inner World of 3D Studio MAX in three Volumes. | S. Eliot, F. Miller | Diasoft., Kyiv 2003., 876 p. | 19 | ||||
Effective Work with 3D Studio MAX. | Peterson M. | St. Petersburg: Piter 2004 . | 8 | ||||
II. Free Choice Subjects | |||||||
3. Cycle of Subject for Educational Establishment Free Choice | |||||||
3.01 | Intellectual Property | Patent Branch. Textbook for HEE | E.I. Artemyev, M.M. Boguslavskiy | Moscow.: Mashynostroeniye, 1994 | 20 | ||
Fundamentals of research Studies | Nskhanov G.V. | Kyiv: Vyshcha Shkola., 1985. | 22 | ||||
Fundamentals of research Studies | Komarov M.S. | Lviv: Vyshcha Shkola., 1982. | 24 | ||||
3.02 | Software for Scientific Visualization | Production Function, theory, Methods, Usage. | Kleiner G.B. | Moscow.: Financy i Statistika, 1986 | 15 | ||
Economical and mathematical Modelling of Compound Manufacturing SystemsЭкономико-математическое моделирование сложных производственных систем. | Bogomolov L.M., Krivenchuk I.G.. | Saratov: Saratov universoty, 1989 | 30 | ||||
Mathcad 2001. Study Course | | St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkiv, Minsk. 2001. | 12 | ||||
3.03 | Methods and Means for Creating Web-pages | PHP 4.0. | W. Gilmore | St. Petersburg: Piter 2004 г. | 7 | ||
DHTML and CSS | G. K. Tige | DMK Press, 2004 | 16 | ||||
Web-design | Thomas A. Pauel | BHV-Peterburg, 2004 | 23 | ||||
User’s Library, PhotoShop 5.5 for Windows | | Williams Publishing House, 2000 | 18 | ||||
3.04 | Administrative and Economical Law | Foreign Trade Bargain | Grinko I.S. | Summy: Reol, 1994. | | ||
Foreign-economic Operations: Law and Practice | Zykin I.S. | Moscow.: Mezhdunarodnyye Otnosheniya, 1994. | 57 | ||||
Economic Law | Vinnyk O.M. | Kyiv.: Yurinkomintern, 2001 | 28 | ||||
Economic Law of Ukraine. Handbook | Shcherbina V.S. | Kyiv.: Atika, 1999. | 10 | ||||
Civil and Trade Law of Capitalistic Countries | Resp Editor E.A. Vasilyev | Moscow.: Mezhdunarodnyye Otnosheniya, 1993. | 6 | ||||
International Economic Law | Oprishko V.F. | Kyiv.: Lybid, 1995. | 21 | ||||
Fundamentals of Economic Law in Ukraine. Handbook | Pilipenko A.Ya., Shcherbina V.S. | Kyiv.: MAUP, 1995. | 14 | ||||
Ukrainian Law. Handbook | Demidenko V.V., Shemyakin O.M. | Kyiv.: ISDO, 1994. | 12 | ||||
Practice of Using Economic Law (questions and answers). Enterprising, Property Relations Rent, Contracts. | V.V. Vitryanskiy, S.A. Gerasimenko, V.V. Timofeev | Moscow.: Economica i Pravo, 1991. | 12 | ||||
Practicum on Economic Law | Mikhalev V.N. | St. Petersburg: LFZI, 1991. | 10 | ||||
4. Cycle of Subjects for Student’s Free Choice | |||||||
4.01 | Methods of Designing and Protection Databases | Databases and Databanks. Textbook for HEE | Chetverikov V.N., Revunkov G.I. | Moscow.: Vysshaya Shkola 1987 | 5 | ||
Introduction in Databases Systems | Date K. | Moscow.: Nauka, 1980 | 16 | ||||
Designing Databases. Textbook | Digo S.M. | Moscow.: Financy i Statistika, 1988 | 10 | ||||
Designing Relational Database for Using Microcomputers/ Translated From English | Jackson G. | Moscow.: Mir, 1991 | 15 |