Урок английского языка в 8-м классе на тему "Russian Winter Festivals" (Зимние праздники в России)
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СодержаниеОснащение урока План проведения урока. II. Сообщения обучающихся о зимних праздниках. Проверка домашнего задания. III. Беседа о русских традициях. (Задача- обмен мнениями). |
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Урок английского языка в 8-м классе на тему "Russian Winter Festivals" (Зимние праздники в России)
Ермакова Татьяна Анатольевна, учитель английского языка

Культуроведческий фон развития речевых умений:
- культурные традиции России;
- основные зимние праздники народов России;
- место России в мировой культуре.
Основные учебные задачи:
- развитие умений использовать английский язык как средство познания при извлечении информации об основных зимних праздниках в России;
- развитие речевого умения по изученной теме “ Праздники и традиции”;
- привитие навыков самостоятельной работы по дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой;
- развитие умений подготовленной и неподготовленной речи на английском языке;
Задачи познавательного, развивающего, воспитательного компонентов:
- приобретение знаний о культурных традициях народов России;
- удовлетворение личных познавательных интересов обучающихся;
- развитие речевых способностей ( фонематический слух, догадка, антиципация, трансформация ,моделирование);
- развитие психических функций (восприятие, творческое воображение);
- развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой;
- привитие уважения к культурному и историческому наследию своего народа посредством английского языка;
Урок обобщает и систематизирует изученный материал по теме “Праздники и традиции”
Оснащение урока: Учебник В.П.Кузовлева “Английский язык” для VIII класса,
набор иллюстраций с указом Петра I о новом летоисчислении и праздновании Нового года.
План проведения урока.
I. Презентация темы.
II. Сообщения обучающихся о зимних праздниках в России.
III. Беседа о русских традициях.
IV. Чтение и перевод стихотворения.
V. Заключение.
VI. Домашнее задание
VII. Подведение итогов.
Ход урока
I. Презентация темы.
Hello, my friends! Today we are talking about Winter Festivals in Russia. Winter is rich in holidays in our country. It is time to celebrate though it is cold, frosty and snowy.
II. Сообщения обучающихся о зимних праздниках. Проверка домашнего задания.
(Oбучающиеся должны были подготовить сообщения о любимых зимних праздниках в России).
Task (Задача - коммуникативно-ориентированная).
Your homework was to make reports about Russian Winter Festivals. Please, tell us about them.
Pupil 1(P 1): First of all I would like to tell you about the favourite holiday of Russian people. On the 31st of December we always celebrate the New Year’s Eve. And the 1st of January is the New Year’s Day.
The New Year holiday is very popular in our country, especially with children. In every house there is a fir-tree. The presents are supposed to be sent by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. People usually see the New Year is sitting round a festive table. They are addressing New Year’s greetings and good wishes to one another. They are raising their wine glasses filled with sparkling champagne.
This tradition goes back to an ancient time. In 1700 Peter the Great opening the window on the West ignored the old tradition and introduced the Julianian calendar that started with the approximate date of the birth of Jesus Christ. Peter ordered to celebrate the New Year on the 1st of January. And since time we always celebrate this holiday on the 1st of January.
What other winter festivals would you like to tell us?
P 2: As for me I like Christmas. And I tell you about this holiday. The Russian Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January. The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Holy Bible.
On that day, about 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem .
When Jesus was born, wise men from the East came to worship him. They gave the Child presents-gold, frankincense and myrrh. That’s why people nowadays try to please their friends and relatives giving them Christmas presents.
P 3:To my mind Christmas-tide is a very interesting period. It is from January the 7th (Christmas) till January the 19th (Epiphany). It was established by the Church in honour of the birth and baptism of Jesus Christ. At the period people used to walk wearing fances costumes and singing songs, they went from house to house giving and receiving gifts and treats.
P 4: And I want to tell you about Russian Shrovetide. It is the last Sunday before the Lent that proceeds Easter. It is celebrated as the Farewell-to-Winter Festival. On the day people have fun. They ride a troika, climb a pole for a gift.
Eating pancakes on that day is a pagan tradition. It is connected with glorifying the sun: pancakes are oval as the sun. Father Frost and Spring the Beauty are the main characters of the festival. In some regions people burn the figure of the Winter. On this day people say goodbye to
winter and welcome spring.
III. Беседа о русских традициях. (Задача- обмен мнениями).
T: Singing songs is an old tradition. Songs about winter are very popular, they are numerous. I want you to name them.(Обучающиеся называют песни ,прославляющие русскую зиму.)
And what is the most popular song about Russian Winter? (Учащиеся называют “В лесу родилась ёлочка” сл. Кудашевой, муз. Беркманса. Звучит мелодия данной песни).
And now I want you to give the main idea of this song very shortly.
P: This song tells us about a fir-tree. It was born in a deep wood. And in the wood grew tall. Than the fir to the party has come and brought joy to everyone.
T: And who remembers fairy-tales where Winter, Father Frost or Snow Maiden are main characters? Name them. Does anyone want to tell one of them in short?
“Twelve Months”
“Snow Maiden” etc.
Well done! (Обучающиеся называют сказки и кратко передают их содержание).
IV. T: Read the poem(ex.4 p.104). This is the way the Russian winter is described.
Neath lucid skies of cleanest asure
The winter’s rich and duzzling
Her gorgeous rugs of snow
are spread.
The wood is etched against them
The firs, rime-starred, are green
and sparkling,
In shiny mail the stream is clad.
Do the tasks.
1) What epithets are used to describe winter?
2) Remember the original poem. Who is the author?
(Многие учащиеся узнают этот отрывок из стихотворения А.С.Пушкина “Зимнее утро”).
Под голубыми небесами
Великолепными коврами,
Блестя на солнце, снег лежит;
Прозрачный лес один чернеет,
И ель сквозь иней зеленеет,
И речка подо льдом блестит.
T: And who knows brainstorm sayings and proverbs connected with Russian winter?
- Мороз не велик, да стоять не велит.
- Зима красна снегом, а осень хлебом.
- Сердита матка, да прикрыла деток до красного дня пуховым одеяльцем.
- Скатерть бела весь мир одела.
- Была белая да седая, пришла зелёная, молодая и т. д.
Well done! (Побеждает тот , кто за отведенное время назвал больше всех).
V. Teacher: Now I want to tell you some words in conclusion. Though different traditions and holidays people all over the world know some of them. They are Christmas, New Year, Easter. But we have also known to celebrate Shrovetide is a Russian tradition. Life is constantly changing in Russia. Some holidays have become history. New holidays have appeared. In spite of some of them are constantly.
VI. Teacher: Your homework is to write a mini-composition “A link between Russian and British traditions and celebrations”.
VII. Teacher: Please, tell me your opinions about our lesson.
- Was it interesting for you?
- Were you active?
- Who was the best? Name them.