Lesson one text: a glimpse of London. Grammar

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3. Background information
Speech and composition
Сегодня в меню аллигатор-фри
Morning Star
At the Institute
In the Reading Room
At the Institute Cafeteria
In the Evening
Lesson three
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   32


(a) Quickly look through the list and mark the lettered phrase nearest in meaning to the word or phrase tested.

1. Opinion: (i) a belief not based on facts; (ii) the advice of an ex­pert; (iii) that which a person thinks about something.

2. Editorial: (i) an article on current events; (ii) an article expressing the opinions of the paper's editor or publisher; (iii) a sort of crossword puzzle.

3. Background information: (i) information about the reporter; (ii) facts about a problem or event; (iii) information needed to understand a problem or event.

4. Gossip: (i) a friendly talk; (ii) informal writing in magazines and newspapers about the lives of well-known persons and different social happenings (amusements, parties, receptions, etc); (iii) frivolous talk about other people's business, especially of a personal or sensational character.

(b) Say why the words 'quality', 'mass-circulation', and 'popular' are in inverted commas. .

(c) Explain the difference between: (i) news and gossip; (ii) fact and opinion.

(d) State briefly the main function of a newspaper.

(e) Describe a newspaper, the types of material that go to make up each of its sec­tions. State the purpose of the editorial.

(f) Explain how a 'quality' newspaper differs from a 'mass-curculation' newspaper.

(g) Explain why it is important for a newspaper reader to know the difference be­tween FACT and OPINION.

(h) Explain in what ways the "Morning Star" differs from both the 'quality' and 'popular' newspapers.

(i) Mention two reasons why people read newspapers.

(j) Explain the literal and figurative meanings of 'Fleet Street',

(k) Make up questions covering the contents of the text.

(l) Give a brief talk on the newspaper you read, explaining why you prefer it to other papers.


Ex 50 Answer the following questions, using the vocabulary of the lesson. Sum up your answers (orally or in writing).


1. What are the meals of the day? 2. How many meals do you have during the day? 3. What time do you usually have breakfast (lunch, etc)? 4. What is the time for lunch and dinner in Britain? 5. What is your favourite breakfast? 6. What is the difference between an Eng­lish and a "continental" breakfast? 7. What do you usually take for breakfast (lunch, etc)? 8. What are your favourite dishes? 9. What na­tional dishes do you know? 10. What is the Russian (Ukrainian, etc.) national dish? 11. Which are the best restaurants (cafés) in your town? What are they like? 12. Where do you usually take your meals?


1. When do you have free time? 2. What do you usually do when you are free? 3. Do you help about the house in your free time? What household or family duties do you have? 4. How often do you go to the theatre (cinema, local, club, etc)? 5. What sport are you fond of particu­larly, and why? 6. How often do you watch TV (listen in)? Which is your favourite programme? 7. What is your hobby? 8. What do you usually do on Sundays? When on vacation?

Ex 51 Read the following. Answer the questions. Retell (or write up) the passage in English.


На одной из тихих улочек Монпарнаса в Париже есть небольшой ресторан. Ресторан славится на весь Париж своей кухней. Лишь в меню этого ресторана есть такие блюда, как суп из морских змей (sea snakes), паштет из носорога (rhinoceros paté) и аллигатор-фри.

Многие парижане любят эти экзотические блюда, и в любой день недели в ресторане полно посетителей.

Однажды в ресторан пришел корреспондент газеты. Просмотрев меню, он спросил шеф-повара: «Где вы достаете столько аллигато­ров и носорогов, что на всех посетителей всегда всего хватает?»

Шеф ответил: «Когда кончаются аллигаторы, я просто открываю банки с тушеной говядиной. И, знаете, клиенты довольны».


1. What is there in a quiet street in Montparnasse? 2. What is the restaurant famous for? 3. What dishes do they have on the menu? 4. Why is the restaurant full of customers every day of the week? 5. Who came to the restaurant one day? 6. What question did he ask the head cook after he looked through the menu? 7. What does the head cook do when there are no more alligators? 8. Do the customers know the dif­ference between fried alligators and canned beef?

Ex 52 Take a daily (weekly) newspaper (Pravda, Literaturnaya Gaseta, Moscow News, Morning Star, etc), read the heading and sum up the information contained in it.* After this, talk to your friends about the papers you read, using the questions given below as guides.

1. Why is it important to read the papers regularly? 2. What news­papers do you read? 3. When do you usually read your papers? 4. What section of the newspaper do you read first? 5. Who else in the family reads your paper? etc

Ex 53 Act as interpreter. Sum up the dialogue.

Q: Which newspaper is the most popular in the USSR?

А: Газета «Правда» — самая популярная газета из 8000 газет, ко­торые издаются в нашей стране. «Правда» является органом ЦК Коммунистической партии Советского Союза.

Q: When was it founded? When did its first issue come out?

А: Она была основана В. И. Лениным в 1912 году. Ее первый номер вышел 5 мая 1912 года.

Q: What is its daily circulation?

А: Ее ежедневный тираж составляет более 10 000 000 экземпляров. Она выходит на 6—8 страницах.

Q: Does it cover only the events of home life?

А: Она освещает все важные события как внутри страны, так и за рубежом.

Q: What other newspapers are there in the Soviet Union?

А: В Советском Союзе 8000 газет. Среди них можно назвать газету «Известия» («Известия Советов народных депутатов СССР»), ко­торая издается Президиумом Верховного Совета СССР, газету «Труд» — орган профсоюзов СССР и другие.

Q: In what language are the newspapers in your country published?

А: Газеты печатаются почти на всех языках народов и народностей, которые живут в Советском Союзе.

Q: Какая газета является органом Коммунистической партии Великобритании?

A: It’s, the Morning Star, formerly the Daily Worker, which came out in January 1930. It's the working-class newspaper.

Ex 54 Speak on the following topics, using the words and phrases given below.

  1. In the Morning

every day except Sunday; the day begins; get up at six (seven, etc; late, early); do one's morning exercises; take a bath (shower); wash one's hands and face; clean one's teeth; shave; comb one's hair; dress; put on one's shirt (tie, shoes, etc); sit down to breakfast; eat; drink; look through the newspapers (headlines); leave home; go to one's work (office, the Institute, etc); go by bus (the underground, etc); take a bus; take a morning walk.

2. At the Institute

classes begin at ...; come to the Institute; have lessons (lectures, etc); study many different subjects, such as English, etc; be present at the lesson; be absent from the lesson; except; during the lesson; ask (answer) questions; write a dictation (exercises, etc); read a text (article, etc); discuss an interesting problem (book, film, the current situation, etc); describe; give a description; have a meeting; the meeting is over at ...

3. In the Reading Room

after classes; go to the Reading Room; do one's homework; sit down to work; work at one's English (a report, etc); take a book from the shelf; learn the new words (expressions); translate an article from English into Russian; look through the newspapers (magazines); begin (finish) one's work; be ready to leave at five (six, etc).

4. At the Institute Cafeteria

lunch break; have (take) lunch; self-service; sit down at a table; look through the menu card; take potato (vegetable, etc) soup for the first course; take meat (fish) for the second course; like the cooking; have no time for lunch; have a snack; have sandwich with a glass of milk. .

5. In the Evening

stay at home; visit a friends-go to the cinema (theatre, etc); watch TV; watch one's favourite programme (a football match, etc); listen to the radio (music, a concert); discuss the weather (the current situation, a new film, etc); be fond of music (books, reading, etc); do some reading; play a game of chess (billiards, etc) with a friend; go to bed early (late; at ... o'clock).

Ex 55 Discuss the following, giving your arguments for or against.

1. Your friend says that men make houses and women make homes. You believe that nowadays both men and women make houses and the role of the men in making a home is as important as that of a woman.

2. You think that many illnesses result from overeating, and that three meals a day is quite enough for a person. Your friend says that a young, growing person must eat four or five times a day.

3. Your friend says that all great men kept diaries. He believes, in fact, that all people should keep diaries. Diaries are important writ­ten documents for future historians. You say you have nothing to write in a diary. He disagrees with you.

4. Your friend says that it is not at all necessary to read newspapers, it is quite enough to watch tv. The news programme, he believes, has all the news you may want in it.

Ex 56 Subjects for oral and written composition.

  1. Describe a day in the life of an Englishman.
  2. Say what newspaper this particular Englishman is likely to read. Give your reasons.
  3. Say whether you think this particular Englishman works at an office or at a factory. Give your reasons.
  4. Describe your working day.
  5. Speak oh things you like doing, and why.
  6. Speak on your hobby.
  7. Describe what you usually do in the evening on a week-day, on a Saturday or Sunday.
  8. Explain the proverb: "Home is where the heart is."


Text: More about the English.

Grammar: The Continuous Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future).

Reported Speech. Sequence of Tenses (contd).

Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs.