Минералогия минералы и парагенезисы минералов
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СодержаниеCholesterol as an organic component of biomineralsat cholelithiasis |
- Лекции по генетической минералогии проф. Э. М. Спиридонов генетическая минералогия., 1254.63kb.
- Урок географии в 6 классе по теме «Минералы и горные породы», 63.09kb.
- 2. Состав Земной коры. Минералы и горные породы, 96.51kb.
- Реферат Отчет 16 с., 1 ч., 8 рис., 0 табл, 76.77kb.
- Ионная имплантация минералов и их синтетических аналогов 25. 00. 05 минералогия, кристаллография, 422.2kb.
- Тема: Горные породы и минералы, 70.14kb.
- Учебной дисциплине «Минералогия и петрография» для специальностей 130103 Геофизические, 10.49kb.
- Технологическая карта изучения курса "Геология и охрана недр", Iсеместр 1999-2000, 122.92kb.
- Тема: Минералы и горные породы, 19.13kb.
- Краткое содержание лекций по курсу «Минералогия и геохимия», 491.68kb.
1Yudina L.N., 2Golovanova O.A., 2Borbat V.F., 2Nizovsky A.I.
1Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russia; 2Omsk State University
Omsk, Russia, pakach@orgchem.univer.omsk.su
Studying biominerals and biogenic mineral formation in live organisms a very important trend in biomineralogical research. It is urgent while solving the problems connected the pathological biomineral new formations growth leading to various diseases, including cholelithiasis.
Normal, functionally full biominerals are formed as usual in physico-chemical systems with stable characteristics only (ion strength, mineral-forming ion activity, pH and buffer capacity) while pathological biominerals are formed as a result of a “break” of defending physico-chemical systems of the organism. According to modern views, the basic gall-stone forming process is a result of destabilization of physico-chemical condition of gall, gall-stones formation goes alongside with precipitation of such gall components as cholesterol, bilirubin, inorganic and organic calcium salts, etc. [1]/ the variety of these components is shown in chemical composition of gall-stones, which are divided into cholesterol, pigment and mixed, the first being most common. The majority of gall-stones are polymineral, including up to 20 macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminum, iron, copper, manganese and others), which proportions are different for different regions.
Cholesterol lithogenesis at the first stage of development is breaking of colloidal gall stability, and depends on cholesterol excess or lack of gall acids and lecitine [2]. The gall lithogene index (LI) research method includes defining cholesterol, gall acids sum, phospholipids and comparing the data obtained while building schemes. The possibility of using the ratio of cholesterol to lecitine as an informative LI is studied [3].
Revealing regulatory processes which lead to or prevent formation of gall-stones, establishing correlation of various factors which determine lithogenesis with peculiarities of concrements composition and structure is of certain interest while solving the problems put in front of mineralogists, chemists and doctors.
We studied a series of 93 gall-stones taken from patients of surgery departments in Omsk hospitals. The roentgen-phase analysis of the samples which have crystal structure showed the presence of anhydrous and monohydrous forms of cholesterol. In part of the concrements calcite and more seldom faterite were identified. The stones with amorphous structure were analyzed by IR-spectroscopy and IR-Furie spectroscopy. While studying native samples spectra corresponding to almost pure cholesterol were obtained (> 95%). After the extraction with ethanol, chloroform or their mixture calcite, aragonite, faterite were found. At IR-spectroscopy of 7 gall-stones bilirubin, calcite, sodium salt of cholic acid, vermiculite were observed.
Predominance of cholesterol component of gall-stones shows the peculiarities of amino-acid composition of gall-stones. It goes alongside with the participation of glicine, connected with cholic acid in crystal formation according to the scheme [4]:
Glicine acetyl CoA isoprenoids cholesterol
Molecular nature of gall-stones organic and mineral components collaboration is not known yet. It is established that organic matrix rules the qualities of biominerals in general through the surface energy of crystallites [5]. In pathological formation that process is likely to be broken which leads to non-controlled growth of organomineral formations, at cholelithiasis as well. Defining the composition and structure of gall-stones and also studying the dissemination of organic and biomineral components in them will enable to evaluate parameters of stone-forming environment and its evolution in pathogenic mineral formation process.
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Авторский указатель:
Babushkina M.S. 77
Borbat V.F. 78
Golovanova O.A. 78
Huizing T.E. 78
Nikitina L.P. 77
Ovchinnikov N.O. 77
Pitanova P.A. 78
Saltikova A.K. 77
Алферова М.С. 11
Анисимов И.С. 2
Анисимова Г.С. 4
Антонов А.А. 68
Аполлонов В.Н. 28
Артеменко В.М 5, 6
Артеменко О.В. 5, 6
Аюпова Н.Р. 7
Бакшеев И.А 25
Бакшеев И.А. 25
Белогуб Е.В. 42
Борняк У.И. 10
Боровикова Е.Ю. 11
Бритвин С.Н. 12
Булах А.Г. 16
Вализер П.М. 39, 40
Викентьев И.В. 28
Галиева А.Р. 15
Гойло Э.А. 21
Грекова Г.С. 43
Дякив В.О. 10
Иванов А.Н. 19
Иванов П.Н 19
Исаенко С.И. 19, 20
Истомина И.М. 21
Кобяшев Ю.С. 39
Колмогоров Ю.П. 43
Кононкова Н.Н. 14
Котляров В.А. 42
Кринов Д.И. 28
Кудрявцева О.Е. 25
Кузнецова О.Ю 28
Куражковская В.С 11
Ловская Е.В. 46
Лысенко В.И. 6
Лютоев В.П. 20
Масленникова Ю.В 31
Мейксина Ю.Л. 31
Моисеева О.А. 35
Мохов А.В. 28
Муфтахов В.А. 37
Никандров С.Н. 39
Новоселов К.А. 42
Пальчик Н.А. 43
Пеков И.В. 46
Петров С.Ф. 47
Полеховский Ю.С. 12, 72
Потапов С.С. 52
Рахманова Н.В. 54
Роев С.П. 65
Савельев Д.Е. 57
Семкова Т.А. 58
Смолянский П.Л. 61
Сокол-Кутыловский И.О. 62
Соколов С.В. 53
Спиридонов Э.М. 17, 67
Столповская В.Н. 43
Сутягина Е.Н. 57
Сухаржевская Е.С 64
Трунилина В.А. 65
Турчкова А.Г 46
Ферузи К.Н. 31
Филимонов С.В. 66
Хлестунова А.Г. 68
Черницына О.М. 71
Шульгин Е.А. 72
Ященко Н.Я. 76