Западно-Казахстанский государственный университет имени М

Вид материалаАвтореферат


The Basic Postulates of the Thesis
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5
The Scientific Novelty of the Research is as follows:

In the research work it is for the first time generalized the results, identified the main tendencies, totals, significance and perspectives of studying the Islamic problems as applied to Kazakhstan by scientific mind.

It’s introduced in the dissertation that due to the process of islamization of the Kazakhs>
The dissertation represents itself the first in the Kazakhstany historiography attempt of integral examination of Russian government confessional policy in Kazakh steppe through prism of development of legislation. .

The results of the research permit to form a complex representation of not only main trends of governmental-confessional policy in XVII-the beginning of XX centuries but of those global cultural traditions that till present time proceed to function in Kazakhstan public life; to comprehend some longtime activating tendencies and regularities of evolution of Kazakhs religious notions.

The research work reveals the objective interrelationship between the extend of population islamization and the fundamental trends of social-political activity of the society. At the same time the author considers rightful the accent of specialists to speak about domestic, folk Islam but not proper Islamic traditions.

For the first time in Kazakhstan historical science it is made an attempt to reveal and analyze strategies and forms of non-forcible resistance to Russian Empire government confessional policy with regard to the Kazakhs.

In this meaning many conclusions of the dissertation research contain the answers for urgent issues of modern period. The analysis of practical and theoretical mistakes of power authorities in implementation of confessional policy in the past can assist to optimizing the means of its further development.

The big body of archive papers is introduced in this research work. Archive complexes kept in the archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as in Russia central (Moscow and S-Petersburg) and regional (Kazan, Orenburg) archives had been analyzed by the author.

Moreover, we point to the fact that on Islamic subject-matter materials with regard to Kazakhstan the serious problems of methodology and conceptual approaches were not investigated yet and that it can also prove the scientific novelty of the given dissertation.

The Basic Postulates of the Thesis:

  1. It’s rightful to talk about the existence of particular Kazakh cultural invariant. Examining the role of geo-cultural factors is very important in understanding its formation problem. The globality, i.e. preservation of value-meaning content, of Kazakh culture in the process cross-cultural communications proved its stability. The development of geo-cultural values of Kazakh people during its membership in the Russian empire had been passing in two directions unity: preserving inner sources of ethno-religious traditionalism of the very culture and governmental socio-cultural protectionism with regard to Islamic religion. In the process of Kazakh society socio-cultural development dynamic changes of its mentality had taken place.
  2. During the whole period under consideration Kazakh religiousness was distinguished by its vivid syncretism whereby is meant the combination of traditional creeds and the Moslem faith. It is inferred that in the given period traditional creeds were exposed to a substantial Islamizing that was expressed in a certain transformation of rites and rituals.
  3. The government confessional policy with regard to Kazakhs had undergone a certain evolution. In XVIII – first half of XIX century the Islam in its "Volga region" variant was considered as an important way of performing «civilizing mission » of Russia in the steppe and turned to its policy tool. Since 70th years of XIX century in cultural-religious sphere the non-interference principle (most clearly it had been marked in the Turkestani general governorship) began to dominate as the imperial authorities supposed that with the development of "modernist" tendencies on the Russian sample in a society there will be a withdrawal of local population from Islam because of its inadequacy to progress and development problems.

4. The Russian government Confessional policy objectively assisted to dissemination of Islam in Kazakhstan. The hands-off policy had not brought to lowering the role of Islam in Kazakh society life but to gradual growth of its influence. The more close interrelationship with settled population in the frame of unique state was in considerable extension conducive to that.

  1. The historical circumstances had placed the Kazakh society in conditions to choose cultural-symbolic means of its social existence. Right in that period when the Kazakh society was a part of Russian imperial system, the context in which it drew its own image had gradually changed. The accessory to followers of "the Mohammedan law» in a finding of Kazakhs as a part of the Russian empire became an important (but not as major as for their many neighbors) condition for illustrating its national identity, the symbol of its ethno-cultural distinction
  2. In the second half of the XIXth – the beginning of the XXth centuries Kazakh people national awakening had been more and more intensified. An active search of its geo-cultural identity in local and global scale has begun by the national intelligency might. However the reformatory process been very influential at a certain stage of development of Russia Muslim peoples public consciousness could not become prevailing in the Kazakh society and cause common change in spiritual life.
  3. There were no large-scale demonstrations of opposition on religious ground as reactions to imperial ruling (such as the revolts, the armed excitements) in the Kazakh steppe.
  4. The Confessional policy of the Russian government carried out in Kazakh steppes, encountered resistance of the Kazakh community at separate moments of history. This protestation did not incur wide scope character and, as a rule, accepted forms of “non-forcible resistance”, being expressed in submission of complaints, petitions, sending deputation to S-Petersburg, spreading rumours and “half-understanding” of governmental directives.

The Structure of the Thesis consists of the introduction, five parts, conclusion and list of literature.

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Отпечатано в Издательском центре

Западно-Казахстанского государственного университета

г. Уральск, ул. Сарайшик, 34