Использования аутентичных материалов в преподавании английского языка как иностранного
Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки
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Тема: "Использования аутентичных материалов в преподавании английского языка как иностранного".
Дипломный проект посвящен всестороннему рассмотрению концепции аутентичных материалов в рамках российской действительности.
Основная цель данной работы - дать практические рекомендации по применению аутентичных материалов.
Гипотеза данной работы: аутентичные материалы содействуют лучшему усвоению английского языка как иностранного.
В первой главе рассматриваются методологические обоснования использования аутентичных материалов, их преимущества и недостатки, а так же особенности применения на практике.
Во второй главе приводятся практические рекомендации по использованию данных материалов, в частности, учебников, фотографий, видео роликов, художественных фильмов, материальных предметов, учебных проектов, аудио книг и подкастов, художественной литературы и газет. Там же рассматривается использование аутентичных материалов в преподавании культуры.
.1 The definition of authentic materials
.2 Advantages of using authentic materials
.3 Disadvantages of using authentic materials
.4 Using authentic materials with the students of lower levels
.5 Degrees of authenticity
.1 Textbooks
.2 Prompts
.2.1 Pictures
.2.2 Visual clips
.2.3 Realia
.3 Movies
.4 Teaching projects
.5 Audio materials
.5.1 Audio books
.5.2 Podcasts
.6 Fiction
.6.1 Different models of teaching literature in class
.6.2 A sample of literature lesson plan
.7 Newspapers
.7.1 Newspaper lesson structure
.8 The teaching of culture
whole idea of authentic materials came along with the one of the principals for communicative language teaching (CLT). Communicative approach emphasizes interaction as the ultimate goal of learning a language. So, the idea was that teachers should use authentic materials as much as possible instead of materials that have been developed specifically for language learners, because then they will be giving the students texts that they would actually need to use in the real world. In this case authenticity opposes artificiality. Authentic materials could be almost anything, for example, it could be a new newspaper article, or something found in a journal or a magazine, or forms that the patient has to fill out in a doctors office, or a menu from a restaurant. In other words, it could be any kind of naturally occurring artifact in a language. There are also a lot of oral and visual sources of authentic materials, such as movies, TV news, and podcasts.recent years a gradual growth of interest of many English teachers toward the use of authentic materials has been observed. The main argument is that it is more beneficial for learners to use materials that have been taken from the real life of native speakers than artificial texts and dialogues that have been conceived in the minds of textbooks developers. This kind of English occurs in daily communication among people for the majority of whom it is mother-tongue language., there are textbooks that include anthropologically correct samples of English language. It means that they reflect to some extent the real language. Thus, we arrive to a question whether it is worth for us, as teachers, to spend time and strength to prepare raw authentic materials for our students when we can use well-thought and structured texts and tasks found in textbooks. To answer this question we will consider advantages and disadvantages of authentic materials in theoretical part of this work.most of the teachers agree that authentic materials should be implicated in teaching process, the question of when and how it should be applied in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms still remains. In addition, there is some criticism of the concept of authenticity itself. It is not a simple black and white dichotomous picture - authentic or non-authentic; there are other colors in between. We will briefly observe classifications of degrees of authenticity suggested by different researchers since it can be useful for teachers., some scholars proposed three facets of authenticity: authenticity of language, authenticity of task, authenticity of situation. We believe it is important to be aware of their differences. Usually most of the teachers understand by authentic materials only the first facet - authenticity of language. However, authenticity of task and situations are not less significant. We will discuss why it is important and how to achieve it., since we talk about teaching English in EFL setting (in our case in Russia) we have to consider some possible limitations of using authentic materials. The majority of English teachers in our country are non-native speakers, so there are some obstacle waylay on our way of using authentic sources. What these restrictions are and what can be done to overcome them - is one of the issues we will discuss., the thesis statement of this work is that EFL students can benefit from using authentic materials if they are properly exposed to them.conclusion, I would like to share why I chose this topic for my diploma paper. When I was in high school, English was not my favorite subject. It was very boring for me to do all these units 1, 2, 3, 4, and forever. An infinite number of exercises that our nice colorful textbooks had were making me sick. I knew they were good for my brain but it turned out to be very bad for my mood. Then, I entered Russian-American Institute and found out that teachers there used the same units and exercises. Probably I would have given up unless we had something real. For example, we read "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis and listened to Matt Miller who taught the Old and New Testament in English. It was difficult but at the same time it was a challenge. Having gone through this experience, I understood one thing - we, as teachers, do not have to be afraid of difficulty but of boredom. Authentic materials can have a tremendous influence on students motivation. The practical steps, strategies, and techniques that are designed to take advantages of authentic materials will be observed in the practical part of this work.
the first chapter of this theoretical part we will discuss definitions and philosophy of authentic materials. Then, its advantages and disadvantages will be observed. We will also investigate the appropriateness of the use of this kind of materials with students of lower levels. Finally, different degrees of authenticity will be introduced.
1.1 The definition of authentic materials
definitions of authentic texts vary from one researcher to another but the essence is mainly the same. Harmer (1991) defines authentic materials as materials which are designed for native speakers; they are real texts; designed not for language students, but for the speakers of the language (p. 146). Jordan (1997) refers to authentic texts as "texts that are not written for language teaching purposes" (p. 113). Peacock (1997) describes authentic materials as materials that have been produced to fulfill some social purpose in the language community. The main idea that is common to all these definitions is summed up by the words of Widdowson (1990) who sated that it is exposure to real language and its use in its own community. We assume that students can benefit from being exposed to a language that is naturally occurring in social communication. In other words, the use of authentic materials, including both the written and oral sources, helps to bridge the gap between classroom knowledge and "a students capacity to participate in real world events" (Wilkins, 1976, p. 79).is important to understand a difference between language (texts) and the uses to which they are put. Nevertheless, many writers use the term "authenticity" to refer to the texts only. Taylor (1994) proposed a three-facet dimension of classroom authenticity. He subdivided it in three categories: authenticity of language, authenticity of task, and authenticity of situation. Breen (1985) in his turn distinguished authenticity of language in two parts: authenticity of text used as input data for learners and authenticity of the learners own interpretation of such texts. Authenticity of task refers to contribution of the tasks to learning, and authenticity of situation is restricted to authenticity of the actual social situation of the language classroom (see Figure 1).
1. Facets of authenticity according to Taylor (1994) and Breen (1985)
1. Authenticity of languageAuthenticity of text used as input data for learnersAuthenticity of the learners own interpretation of such texts 2. Authenticity of taskAuthenticity of