Использования аутентичных материалов в преподавании английского языка как иностранного
Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки
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just as they learn to read a book. Visual literacy is as essential as language literacy. We live in an age of images. They need to become intelligent viewers of images, etc. That is, tell them that they are training their minds and eyes as well as their ears.
.Give them some knowledge of the art of film-making. Introduce vocabulary (as needed for particular films) such as genre, chase scene, shoot out, documentary, nonfiction feature film, flashback, fade, camera angle, etc. Ask questions such as, what clues did you get in the first 5 minutes that this film is a comedy?
.Encourage students to make connections: I organize film viewing around themes. For second year students I am showing films on the theme of identity, because at their age it is a relevant issue. For 3rd year students I am doing a course in genres. I select two or three films in one genre and help them compare. I am also teaching a course in "American culture through film" for another university. I choose films that show changes in American society from the 50s to the present.
.Stay active and keep the students active. Plan the lesson with the same attention to purpose and student participation as you would any other class.
According to Brown and Menasches degrees of authenticity movies are considered as genuine input authenticity. We do not change them in any way, rather, we look for suitable tasks. Often it is easier to adapt the materials themselves than tasks. But easier does not always mean better in the long run. The ultimate purpose of English teaching is to prepare learner for communicating in an English-speaking environment. We arrive to a conclusion that in the view of all advantages of using movies as the source of authentic materials video lessons should be a part of curricular in Russian schools.
2.4 Teaching projects
general, Project Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities (the information retrieved from the PBL-Online website). It means that teachers provide authentic tasks for students and encourage them to work with raw data - unaltered for the purpose of teaching materials. This kind of activities engages student interest and motivation. They are designed to answer a question or solve a problem and generally reflect the types of work people do in the everyday life outside the classroom. In other words, the outside world becomes a classroom where students practice their language.Based Learning is generally done by groups of students working together toward a common goal. Cooperative work stimulates development of communicative skills. This notion fits well in communicative language teaching approach that is considered now as main stream in a teaching practice. Although project is carried mainly by groups, it allows students to reflect upon their own personal ideas and opinions and make decisions that affect project outcomes and the learning process in general.Based Learning has always been productive. Unfortunately in Russian state schools this approach remains in the shadows, at least in my own experience I do not remember any classroom projects we were offered. The majority of English teachers in Russia hold to chalk and talk teaching practices when students creativity and autonomy are neglected. The problem might lay in the underestimation of the learners potential. Teachers attitude and opinion about his or her students form their self-image. If students are treated as lazy incapable learners, it becomes much easier for them to give up and lose faith in their own strength. PBL is a good way to empower students to advance in their learning.are some examples of projects that use advantages of authentic materials (Zehni):Survey projects are always a favorite because it means the students can leave the class to go out and find their data. There are infinite topics for surveys and questionnaires so put the class into groups and let them decide what they would like to survey. Give them some examples such as restaurants, entertainment, local people, and foreigners perception of the country.that your students have discussed and written out their questions (usually at least 10) relevant to their survey. Once they have been corrected send them out for an hour to research their topic or to ask people.they are happy with the material they have collected, they can then decide how to present their information, as graphs, paragraphs, pamphlet or poster. At the end of the activity, all groups will have to present their findings to the class and discussions can be started according to the topics.is useful to keep the best examples of previous students work to show other groups of students. It gives them an idea of what level of work is expected from them and gives them something to try and improve on. These projects have worked well as a finale for a departing class or as a breather when there was just no time to prepare a lesson.Magazine To lead up to this activity, ask students to brainstorm types of magazines and what sections they would find within them. Explain that you will be creating a class magazine over the next couple of days and ask students to pick two topics from the board in pairs (fashion, agony aunt, technology, food and drink, news, editorial etc.) Get the students to appoint an editor who will oversee the article writing and delegate work to the pairs. Have several different types of magazines at hand for the students to look at. Initially, ask them to brainstorm with their partners and get ideas about what theyd like to write about. When they feel ready, they can attempt a first draft which the teacher will correct. For the final copy they can cut out pictures from the magazines available and personalize their pages. The editor will then be in charge of collating the articles and as a group they can choose a title for their magazine. Students are often quite proud of their magazines so we pass them round the different classes. This activity, although very fun and relaxed, is very beneficial as it requires students to discuss with their partners in English and write an article. This type of project can also work with a class newspaper, although the format and reporting styles would be different. A newspaper often works better with adult and business students as they can write about a topic relevant to their interests or careers.is a great variety of different projects. They majority of them are designed for classrooms. However, there are projects that take place in the natural environment. They offer more freedom for creativity. These projects (the information retrieved from the English Country Schools website):
1.provide authentic English practice: students are able to see the relevance to the real world of what they are learning;
2.provide variety for students and teachers - they get out of the classroom and into the environment;
.integrate the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in a natural way;
.promote learner autonomy and co-operation;
.provide practice across the curriculum - eg. art, history, geography, biology, etc.;
.provide a sensory rich learning experience. Learning is enhanced when students see as well as listen (audiovisual) - they remember even more when they can also use their senses of touch, smell and taste;
.provide practice in academic skills such as note making, labeling, classifying, referencing, etc.;
8.take place in a natural and enjoyable setting. This helps to lower emotional barriers which sometimes get in the way of effective learning;
9.develop in the students an appreciation of and sensitivity towards the natural world.the course curriculum allows doing natural environment projects or if you are willing to spend extracurricular time with your students, you might go outside the classroom to open air. Projects in the natural environment do not have to be complicated and can be used to practice almost any item of language. Here are some examples for activities during green season:location. Make a plan of the school grounds and write about it. eg. "The school is approached by a long avenue lined with trees."continuous / going to future. Record daily rainfall / temperature / wind speed & direction, etc. Write a daily school weather forecast. eg. "Its raining / the winds blowing from the West / Its going to be bright and sunny this afternoon / itll be bright later.". Create a nature trail. Plan and go on a country walk. eg. "Go through the woods and turn left down the grass track.". used to. Contrast past maps and photos with the present scene. eg. "There used to be green fields here but now there is a road."are only a few examples of teaching projects; there are lots of ideas in teaching books and on the Internet.
2.5 Audio materials
it is not necessary to discuss the benefits of supplementary audio materials for textbooks and audio lessons. They are definitely useful for language teaching. The pronunciation on these audio CD is authenticity by definition, since they are recorded by native speakers. Their lexical and grammatical content are already chosen in accordance with students level and lesson theme. However, in our days authentic audio materials offer much more opportunities for teaching than simple facilitating role for course textbooks. With the rapid growth of the Internet community over the past decades and digital technologies the old teaching paradigm should be reviewed. We have to keep up with the times. Here we will briefly observe some supplementary audio materials such as audio books and podcasts.
.5.1 Audio books
An audiobook or audio book is a re