Использования аутентичных материалов в преподавании английского языка как иностранного

Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки

Другие дипломы по предмету Иностранные языки

overload!). Explain in what way this piece of literature is well-known (maybe it is often quoted in modern films or by politicians). This sort of warmer fits more into the cultural model of teaching literature (see Literature in the Classroom 1)two: before readingstage could be optional, or it may be a part of the warmer. Preparing to read activities include:

Pre-teaching very difficult words (note: pre-teaching vocabulary should be approached with caution. Often teachers "kill" a text by spending too much time on the pre-teaching stage. Limit the amount of words you cover in this stage. If you have to teach more than seven or eight there is a good chance the text will be too difficult.)

Predicting. Give students some words from the extract and ask them to predict what happens next. If it is a play, give them a couple of lines of dialogue and ask them to make predictions about the play.

Giving students a "taste". Read the first bit of the extract (with their books closed, or papers turned over) at normal speed, even quickly. Ask students to compare what they have understood in pairs. Then ask them to report back to you. Repeat the first bit again. Then ask them to open the book (or turn over the page) and read it for themselves.three: understanding the text, general comprehensionwith extracts or poems, I like to read the whole thing to my students so that they can get more of a "feel" for the text. With very evocative pieces of literature or poetry this can be quite powerful. Then I let students read it to themselves. It is important to let students approach a piece of literature the first time without giving them any specific task other than to simply read it. One of the aims of teaching literature is to evoke interest and pleasure from the language. If students have to do a task at every stage of a literature lesson, the pleasure can be lost.students have read it once, you can set comprehension questions or ask them to explain the significance of certain key words of the text. Another way of checking comprehension is to ask students to explain to each other (in pairs) what they have understood. This could be followed up by more subjective questions (e.g.. Why do you think X said this? How do you think the woman feels? What made him do this?)four: understanding the languagethis stage get to grips with the more difficult words in the text. See how many of the unfamiliar words students can get from context. Give them clues.could also look at certain elements of style that the author has used. Remember that there is some use in looking at non-standard forms of language to understand the standard.appropriate to the text, look at the connotation of words which the author has chosen. For example, if the text says "She had long skinny arms," what does that say about the authors impression of the woman? Would it be different if the author had written "She had long slender arms"?five: follow up activitiesyou have read and worked with your piece of literature it might naturally lead on to one or more follow up activities. Here are some ideas:poems

Have students read each other the poem aloud at the same time, checking for each others pronunciation and rhythm. Do a whole class choral reading at the end.

Ask students to rewrite the poem, changing the meaning but not the structure.

Ask students to write or discuss the possible story behind the poem. Who was it for? What led to the writing of this poem?

Have a discussion on issues the poem raised and how they relate to the students lives.extracts from stories or short stories

Ask students to write what they think will happen next, or what they think happened just before.

Ask students to write a background character description of one of the characters which explains why they are the way they are.

Ask students to imagine they are working for a big Hollywood studio who wants to make a movie from the book. They must decide the location and casting of the movie.

Ask students to personalize the text by talking about if anything similar has happened to them.

Ask students to improvise a role play between two characters in the book.extracts from playsof the ideas from stories (above) could be applied here, but obviously, this medium gives plenty of opportunity for students to do some drama in the classroom. Here are some possibilities:

Ask students to act out a part of the scene in groups.

Ask students to make a radio play recording of the scene. They must record this onto cassette. Listen to the different recordings in the last five minutes of future classes. Whos was the best?

Ask students to read out the dialogue but to give the characters special accents (very "foreign" or very "American" or "British"). This works on different aspects of pronunciation (individual sounds and sentence rhythm).

Ask students to write stage directions, including how to deliver lines (e.g. angrily, breathlessly etc.) next to each characters line of dialogue. Then they read it out loud.

Ask students to re-write the scene. They could either modernize it (this has been often done with Shakespeare), or imagine that it is set in a completely different location (in space for example). Then they read out the new version.

2.7 Newspapers

articles are a good authentic resource for intermediate and advance students. They are real, relevant, current, and interesting. Like all lessons, news lessons should be structured and have a clear goal. Articles can be used to work on speaking, listening, reading, writing, and vocabulary. Generally, its a good idea to focus more on one of these skills, but of course, all skills will still be practiced.first place to start when teaching an effective news lesson is with the article itself. Teachers should consider the following when selecting an article:

1.Appropriateness: Is the topic appropriate? Is it suitable for the class level and age group? Could it be upsetting to some students?

2.Interest: Will the students be interested in this topic?

.Length: Is it too long? Articles that are particularly long should be avoided. Reading news articles is demanding and if they are too long, students will be discouraged. It will also take time to process reducing talk time. Long articles should be edited (200-300 words is a good length. As a rule-of-thumb, a one page double-spaced essay equals about 250 words).

.Language: Does the article contain a useful lexical set (e.g., crime, medicine, etc) or useful grammar components? Is there too much unknown vocabulary?

.Generative Potential: Is the article generative? That is, can you think of an effective activity to follow the article? Articles that lend themselves to discussions, debates, or role play are desirable. You want the students to be able to further practice the language after the reading and listening.

.7.1 Newspaper lesson structure

As mentioned above, news lessons should be structured. According to Farmer (2008) a well-structured news lesson comprises the following six stages: warm up, pre-reading/listening activities, reading/listening to the article, application/follow-up, feedback and correction, and homework.one: warm upwarm-up should raise awareness of the topic and activate pre-existing knowledge and language. As in regular lessons, Teachers should avoid correcting students here. This allows students to relax, get into English-mode, and to build confidence. Some suggested activities are:

Warm-up questions: These should be related to the topic. The teacher can write the questions on the blackboard or dictate them.

Quizzes: Quizzes are a good way to test their knowledge of the topic and people in the article.

Describing/discussing pictures related to the article: In pairs or groups, students speculate about the picture. At this point, they shouldnt know what the article is about.

Brainstorming: Have the students brainstorm vocabulary related to the articles topic.

Do you agree/disagree?: Prepare a list of four to five statements related to the article. Students pair up and ask each other if they agree or disagree citing reasons.

Ranking: Students rank a list that the teacher has prepared. For example, if the article were about dieting, the instructor could prepare a list of common dieting fads. The students have to rank them from most effective to least.two: Pre-reading/listeninglesson proper should always begin with pre-reading/listening activities. Unlike the warm-up activities, these activities are directly related to the text and serve to get students interested in the topic, build confidence, and prepare them for the task ahead. Its common for instructors in news lessons to carefully preteach the vocabulary. If the focus of the lesson is vocabulary building, this is fine. However, the teacher should ensure that the vocabulary will be recycled in the application. If not, it is not a good use of time. Why are the students spending 10 minutes learning vocabulary they wont use again? However, the focus of the lesson doesnt have to be vocabulary-building. If the article has been well-selected, written, or edited, it is possible for students to focus on other skills such as reading or listening. If they come across an unknown word, it is a good opportunity for them to develop strategies such as asking others, guessing from context, and building their ambiguity filter.are some suggested activities:

Synonym matching: Students match words taken from the article and mat