Использования аутентичных материалов в преподавании английского языка как иностранного
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re exposure to the target culture is limited. However, many students say that they do not want to learn about the culture. This might be because of common stereotypes, or even racist tendencies, so the teacher should be ready to face discontent of his or her students with target culture. Probably most of the students who are reluctant to explore a foreign culture have some negative experience associated with it. The teacher is expected to show and explain differences between source and target cultures.of the main advantages of the use of authentic cultural content in classroom is that it will fosters learner motivation (McKay, 2000, p. 7). She, like many other experts, believes that there should be a variety of culture in the materials and not only an overload of western culture in ELT classrooms. Eventually English is a international language. Besides, learning about a culture does not mean accepting that culture. In addition, we should keep in mind that overuse of cultural materials in the language classrooms can constitute problems not only for students but also for the teachers and decrease the motivation.exposure to culturally authentic text or movie students own culture should be discussed together with target culture. In other words, home and target culture should be integrated. Robinson (as cited in Stuart and Nocon, 1996, p. 435) refers to this integration as Color Purple. According to Stuart and Nocon, this synthesis is created when one becomes aware of ones own cultural lens (e.g. blue) through the recognition that a person from another culture has a different lens (e.g. red). Neither person can escape his or her own cultural lens, but each can choose to overlap lenses (e.g. purple) in order to understand better the others perspectives and arrive at shared meaning.key point in successful implementation of culture in EFL settings is that the teacher should create a relaxing environment where students can discuss their own culture together with the target culture in meaningful and communicative tasks and activities.information should be presented in a nonjudgmental fashion, in a way that does not place value or judgment on distinctions between the students native culture and the culture explored in the classroom. Kramsch (1993) describes the "third culture" of the language classroom-a neutral space that learners can create and use to explore and reflect on their own and the target culture and language.
viewed the concept of authenticity from various perspectives, we arrive to the conclusion that the notion is not merely to be incorporated in teaching. Materials should be both genuine and authentic as well as relevant and potentially communicative. Learners must feel positive toward tasks and activities, otherwise, they will not benefit from using them. Also authentic materials should be interpreted by students as it was pedagogically intended. In other words, students need be properly exposed to authentic materials.the practical part of this work we showed how different types of authentic materials can be used in teaching process. In particular, we analyzed textbooks, three types of prompts, movies, teaching projects, audio materials, fiction, and newspapers in order to give practical recommendations of the concept of authenticity. Then, we also discussed the teaching of culture in the light of the concept. It is not a complete list of possible types of authentic materials, for instance, we did not observe the use of songs. The purpose of this work is, rather, to show the direction where EFL teachers may go to experience advantages of the authentic approach.materials proved to be more effective in many ways than artificial teaching materials since they have more motivating potential. They also have other advantages, for instance, the use of authentic materials leads to a more creative approach to teacher. Students are more likely to read fiction books for pleasure than textbooks. Books, articles, newspapers, and so on contain a wide variety of text types, language styles not easily found in conventional teaching materials. In addition, real discourse is presented, as in video interviews with famous people where intermediate students can listen for gist. They provide exposure to real language.course, there might be some pitfalls we can encounter while using these materials, in particular authentic materials may be too culturally biased. They can be unnecessarily difficult to be understood outside the language community. Also the vocabulary might not be relevant to the students immediate needs. Often too many structures are mixed so lower levels have a hard time decoding the texts. In addition, special preparation is necessary which can be time consuming., the main question is whether an EFL teacher will be able to decrease disadvantages of the use of authentic materials at the expense of its advantages. I believe that teacher professionalism plays a pivotal role in domination of positive or negative effects of the use of authentic materials. I would like to conclude by quoting Tatsuki (2006) "...it would make imminent sense to spend at least as much on teacher training and professional development as is currently spent on textbook development" (p.11).
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