The peculiarities in texts of business documents

Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки

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им службовцем, якого було допущено до закритих нарад з питань державного управлiння i навiть до засiдань кабiнету.

  • if + noun + be + infinitive can be translated as для того щоб.
  • e.g. In any event, members of the association should be prepared to put aside partisan interests if consensus on the abovementioned principles is to be achieved.
  • У будь-якому випадку, щоб дiйти згоди щодо зазначених принципiв, члени асоцiацiСЧ повиннi облишити своСЧ партiйнi iнтереси.
  • 3.The Complex Object with the Infinitive is translated as an object subordinate clause,
  • e.g. Both experiments revealed the rated dimensions to be highly interrelated.
  • Обидва експерименти показали, що розрахунковi параметри дуже тiсно пов'язанi мiж собою.
  • 4.The Complex Subject with passive forms of the verbs think, expect, show, see, find, argue, know, mean, consider, regard, report, believe, hold, suppose, note, claim, admit, interpret, etc. is translated as a complex sentence with an object subordinate clause.
  • e.g. Still they can hardly be said to have come to the agreement.
  • РЖ все ж навряд чи можна стверджувати, що вони дiйшли згоди.
  • 5.The Complex Subject with active forms of the verbs happen, appear, see, prove, turn out, be likely, be certain, etc. is translated in two possible ways:
  • - the English finite form is transformed into a Ukrainian parenthesis and the English Infinitive into a Ukrainian predicate.
  • e.g. So, there appear to be two choices. Отже, виявляСФться, вибiр iснуСФ;
  • - the English finite form transformed into Ukrainian main clause (малоймовiрно, менi здаСФться, etc.) and the English Infinitive into Ukrainian predicate in an object subordinate clause.
  • e.g. Neither proposal is likely to work.
  • Малоймовiрно, щоб якась з цих пропозицiй виявилась слушною. If the English predicate has an object by somebody such predicate-object clusters are translated as a parenthesis на думку за даними.
  • Depending on the function of the Gerund in the sentence it can be translated as:
  • - A noun.
  • e.g. Banking on a loss of nerve within the board of trustees may turn out to be misguided.
  • Розрахунок на те, що члени ради опiкунiв втратять витримку, може виявитися невiрним.
  • - An infinitive.
  • e.g. Under the pressure of national campaign, he showed a positive gift for saying the wrong things in the wrong words at the wrong time.
  • В умовах напруженоСЧ кампанiСЧ, що проводиться в краСЧнi, вiн виявляв безумовний дар говорити не те, що треба, не так, як треба, i не тодi, коли треба.
  • - A participle.
  • e.g. In Washington there is quite satisfaction that the French by joining the float have indirectly acknowledged that the U.S. was right all along.
  • У Вашингтонi висловлюють задоволення з приводу того, що Францiя, приСФднавшись до краСЧн з плаваючим курсом валюти, хоча i непрямо, але ж визнала, що США були повнiстю правi.
  • The Perfect Gerund denotes an action which is prior to the action expressed by finite form of the verb.
  • e.g. After having been colonies for a long time, many Asian and African countries have now become independent states.
  • Багато краСЧн АзiСЧ та Африки, що протягом тривалого часу були колонiями, перетворилися па незалежнi.
  • Very often constructions with participles are used in official documents. Participle I can be translated as:
  • an attributive clause;
  • an adverbial clause;
  • a separate sentence.
  • The Nominative Absolute construction with Participle I and II can be translated in different ways depending on the form of the Participle and on the position of the construction in the sentence:Nominative Absolute construction with Participle I is in postposition and plays the function of an adverbial modifier of attending circumstances..g. The Prime Minister and the African National Council promptly lapsed into mutual recrimination, each seeking to blame the other for deadlock.

    Прем'СФр-мiнiстр i Африканська нацiональна рада негайно перейшли до взаСФмних обвинувачень, до того ж кожна сторона намагалась перекласти на iншу провину за те, що вони потрапили у безвихiдь.

    The Nominative Absolute construction with Participle I and II is in preposition and plays the function of an adverbial modifier of cause or time..g. It being too late for further discussion, the session was adjourned.

    Засiдання було вiдкладено, оскiльки було занадто пiзно, щоб продовжувати дискусiю.

    The second element of the Nominative Absolute construction can be expressed by a noun or an adverb..g. The first conference a failure, another meeting at a ministerial level was decided upon.

    У зв'язку з невдачею першоСЧ конференцiСЧ було прийнято рiшення про проведення ще однiСФСЧ зустрiчi на рiвнi мiнiстрiв.

    The second element of the Nominative Absolute construction can be also expressed by an infinitive. It can be related to the future action..g. With the Congress still to be elected, the Republican leadership is already moving to team up with the Southern Democrats, as it did in the palmy days of the New Deal.

    Хоча вибори до Конгресу ще попереду, керiвництво РеспублiканськоСЧ партiСЧ вже вживаСФ заходiв щодо об'СФднання з демократами з Пiвдня, як це було пiд час розквiту Нового курсу.

    The order of words with the subject after the predicate is called inverted order or inversion. While translating the target sentence retains the word order of the source sentence in many cases:.g. Of special interest should be the first article in Chapter 1.

    Особливий iнтерес маСФ становити перша стаття у главi 1.

    e.g. Also treated are such matters as theory construction and methodology.

    Розглядаються також такi питання, як побудова теорiСЧ i методика дослiдження.

    Subordinate clauses of concession with an inverted predicate often serve emphatic purposes and can be translated with the help of Ukrainian combinations хоч; хоч який би.

    e.g. Such a principle, strange as it may seem, is championed in one form or another by certain scholars.

    Такий принцип, хоч вiн i може видатися досить дивним, вiдстоюють деякi вченi.

    Our main task was to describe and analyze the special difficulties one could face while translating official documents. We have also risen very important aspect of business translation - cross - cultural theory, paying attention to it translator might avoid some mistakes. Every business document is first of all mean of communication, especially business letters - the beginning of business relationships. That is why one should be very aware while writing or translating business correspondence. As for the translation of contract it requires not only knowledge of economic aspects but also the peculiarities of grammar constructions and lexics. 'I he translation of official business papers is characterized by the solving of certain tasks; first of all is search of adequate grammar and syntactic structures. Sometimes it is necessary to use word-for-word translation to make target text authentic to source text. Having analyzed the distinctive features of Ukrainian and English business correspondence we have come to the conclusion that even such bookish and conservative texts like documents have national specific character which should be regarded in translation. So that in this paper we tried to analyze not only linguistic but also national side of business translation. Contract also belongs to legal documents because it maintains juridical power. Thus, translating contract into foreign language it is necessary to know legal peculiarities of the country into language of which you are going to translate the contract because the differences in legal system of two contracting parties could be sufficient. From the linguistic point of view it reflects in various termins which in different countries have different meaning and inadequate translation of which leads to misunderstanding and other serious problems.

    4. Practical part

    4.1 Analysis of linguistic peculiarities in texts