Recruitment and selection
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ration of the involved parties, it cannot be just a result of the individual job of the HRM of the recruitment process needs a lot preparation before the designing and drawing the recruitment process. The HR Recruiter has to make several steps to be sure to design the process, which will fit the organization.HRM Function should focus on the following areas to make a deeper research:for managersfor recruitment agenciesquestionnaire for the managers can help to give the basic idea of the expectations of the organization. The managers are a real users of the recruitment process and they should be fully involved in the design of the recruitment process in the organization. They can provide useful information about the speed, cost and quality of the recruitment process.recruitment agencies are usually interested in the cooperation with the client as a good design of the recruitment process can help to increase their income, which is always good for them. The recruitment agencies can provide the design of the recruitment process with a very useful information - the best practices collected at the clients. They provide these best practices for free as they want to help.measurement is the most important part of the design of the recruitment process. The measurement shows the performance of the current recruitment process and help to identify the weak points in the current set up. The measurement can identify real quick wins, which can help to improve the performance quickly and without any major effort.Recruitment Process: Recruitment Measuresmeasurement of the recruitment process can to design the better recruitment process. The measurement of the recruitment process helps to identify gaps in the process and document them on the basis of numbers. The design of the recruitment process must be done on the basis of the numbers as the managers will try to make a benefit of the new design in their favor and the numbers are the only argument to make them sure about the benefits for the whole organization.HRM Function has to identify the correct measures to measure the recruitment process end-to-end as the design of the new recruitment process covers all the identified gaps.measures should include:
-number of candidates
positions open
sources of the recruitment
quality.time helps to set the realistic expectations from the new recruitment process. The HRM Function can promise a significant improvement in the time to fill the position, but it has to know the time of the recruitment process right now.of candidates, measured per position and in total helps to find out the potential issues in the area of insufficient number of candidates, which can identify the issue in the recruitment sources or bad cooperation with the recruitment agencies.number of open positions at one time can indicate many issues in the organization and help the HRM Function to move more responsibilities to the line management to make the recruitment process more smooth.sources of the recruitment are very important as the sources with the highest number of candidates and with the highest success rate should be the favorite source of candidates in the future and the newly designed recruitment process should be built around.costs of the recruitment are very important. It is easy to use executive search for all the positions, but the cost per hire is enormous then and the HRM Function has to find the optimum way to hire the new hires at affordable cost to the organization.quality of the recruitment is also very important. Nothing can beat the Internet job posting in number of job resumes received, but when the quality has to be proven, the Internet based recruitment can be easily the least efficient source of candidates.Recruitment Process Stepsaim of the HRM Function is keeping the recruitment process design as simple as possible. The HR Recruiters should not forget about this main goal during the design phase of the recruitment process development.recruitment process is simple on the high level, but it contains a lot of interaction among different participants in the recruitment process. The HRM Function, the line manager and candidates need to receive and share a lot of information and their interaction is usually the main issue during the recruitment process.main steps of the recruitment process are:
1.Job Design
2.Opening Job Position
.Collecting Job Resumes
.Preselection of Job Resumes
.Job Interviews
.Job Offerjob design is the most important part of the recruitment process. The job design is a phase about design of the job profile and a clear agreement between the line manager and the HRM Function. The Job Design is about the the agreement about the profile of the ideal job candidate and the agreement about the skills and competencies, which are essential. The information gathered can be used during other steps of the recruitment process to speed it up.
Chapter 2. Evaluation of methods of recruitment and selection on example of Procter and Gamble LLC
and Gamble Company Recruitment and Selection Processes
drugsanddisposablenappies.&Gambleconsistsofover138,000employeesworkinginover80countriesworldwide.Procter&Gamblegoodsaresoldtoconsumersinover180countriesworldwide.P&Gisaglobalcompanywiththeannualturnoverof$68blninfiscalyear2005/2006andwith1.6mlnshareholdersaroundtheglobe.P&Goperatesinmorethan160countriesandemploysaround135,000(includingtheGillettebusiness).inKazakhstansince1991,P&GRussiaisnowoneofthefastestdevelopingsubsidiariesoftheProcter&GambleCompany.IthasinKazakhstanasolidportfolioofover70P&Gbrands,thekeyofthemareAriel,Tide,Fairy,Blend-a-med,Pampers,Always,Pantene,Head&Shoulders,Wella,Gilletteandpossessesleadingmarketsharesin3/4ofthecategorieswhereitoperates,esp.detergents,shampoosanddiapers.SincethestartofitsactivitiesinRussia,P&Gcontributedmorethan$1.2billionUSdollarsintaxesanddutiestofederal,localandregionalbudgets.&Gcontinuallyaimtoattract,recruit,reward,andadvancethefinestpeopleintheworld.P&Gpeoplegetinvolved-withtheirworkplace,theircommunity,theirplanet,peopleinneed,andeachother.Soifyourelookingforacompanywhoseactionsreflectitsprinciplesandvaluesandwhosepeoplecontinuallyexpect,contribute,anddomore,P&Gisaveryexcitingchoice.beginningyourcareeratP&G,youllenjoy:">Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a large multinational manufacturer of various product ranges sold in supermarkets all around the world. Procter & Gamble produce goods including personal care products, household cleaning products, laundry detergents, prescription drugs and disposable nappies.& Gamble consists of over 138,000 employees working in over 80 countries worldwide. Procter & Gamble goods are sold to consumers in over 180 countries worldwide. P&G is a global company with the annual turnover of $68 bln in fiscal year 2005/2006 and with 1.6 mln shareholders around the globe. P&G operates in more than 160 countries and employs around 135,000 (including the Gillette business).in Kazakhstan since 1991, P&G Russia is now one of the fastest developing subsidiaries of the Procter & Gamble Company. It has in Kazakhstan a solid portfolio of over 70 P&G brands, the key of them are Ariel, Tide, Fairy, Blend-a-med, Pampers, Always, Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Wella, Gillette and possesses leading market shares in 3/4 of the categories where it operates, esp. detergents, shampoos and diapers. Since the start of its activities in Russia, P&G contributed more than $1.2 billion US dollars in taxes and duties to federal, local and regional budgets.&G continually aim to attract, recruit, reward, and advance the finest people in the world. P&G people get involved - with their workplace, their community, their planet, people in need, and each other. So if youre looking for a company whose actions reflect its principles and values and whose people continually expect, contribute, and do more, P&G is a very exciting choice.beginning your career at P&G, youll enjoy:
Leadership & Responsibility from Day 1
Challenging & Innovative Work Every Day
The Best Training & Career Development
Opportunities to Customize Your Career
Global Leadership with a Social Consciencea "build from within" organization, we see 95% of our people start at an entry level and then progress and prosper throughout the organization. This not only creates many wonderful opportunities to grow and advance, it creates a special camaraderie among fellow P&Gers, many of whom came up through the ranks together., we want you to get your career off to a fast start. Thats why we dont have any rotational development programs or gradual ramping-up periods. From day one, youll help develop or support exciting brands you know while working on projects that have a direct impact on our global, $76.7 billion business.s more, you wont get lost in the shuffle of a big, huge organization (even though we are one)