Recruitment and selection

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nsiblefortheefficiencyofthewholerecruitmentandselectionprocessandhe/sheisresponsibleforthefitofthecandidateswiththeorganizationandthefinaldepartment.TheHRRecruiterusesthebrieffromtheHRBusinessPartnertomatchtheage,sexandthebehaviorofthecandidatetofitinthedepartment,buttheHRRecruiterisneverbriefedonthecorporateculture.HRMFunctiondoesnottesttheskillsneededforthejobtasks,theHRRecruiterfocusesonthesoftskillspartofthecandidate.TheHRRecruiterasksthose">In case, the Internal Recruitment Process of the organization.HR Recruiter has to know all the details about the corporate culture and the HR Recruiter is the person to test the fit between the candidate and the conditions inside the organization. The HR Recruiter has to be skilled and trained to recognize the values and drivers of the candidate to have a quick opinion about the fit of the candidate and the corporate culture.HR Recruiter has two different roles in the recruitment and selection process. The HR Recruiter is responsible for the efficiency of the whole recruitment and selection process and he/she is responsible for the fit of the candidates with the organization and the final department. The HR Recruiter uses the brief from the HR Business Partner to match the age, sex and the behavior of the candidate to fit in the department, but the HR Recruiter is never briefed on the corporate culture.HRM Function does not test the skills needed for the job tasks, the HR Recruiter focuses on the soft skills part of the candidate. The HR Recruiter asks those stupid HR questions to find out more about the candidate. The most skilled HR Recruiters do not ask the questions, they use the technique of the behavioral job interview, where the candidate is put to the different situations during the job interview. The HR Recruiter just observes the reactions and answers provided by the candidate. There are no right and bad answers, but the behavior can indicate the fit with the corporate culture and the team dynamics.working role of the HRM Function in the recruitment and selection process needs a clear split of responsibilities between the HRM Function and the line manager. The HRM Function has to have the right to say NO to the candidate, which is really skilled, but his profile does not match with the organization and its corporate culture.managers tend to favor the hard skills as they see as the benefit for the beginning of the candidate in the new job position. But the role of the HRM Function in the recruitment and selection process is to provide the manager with the honest feedback during the process to make clear agreement about the fit with the corporate culture. The hard skills can be learned, but the fit with the corporate culture does not have to make an immediate impact, but it can generate huge conflicts later. The role of the HRM Function in the recruitment process is to protect the organization from such conflicts and to help building the common corporate culture.RecruitmentExternal Recruitment is the source of the fresh blood for the organization. As a very critical HR Process, the external recruitment process has to be set up very carefully. The external recruitment is a process, which is very sensitive to changes on the external market and the managers are very sensitive about that as well.external recruitment process is mainly about:

-How to be successful with the External Recruitment

-The Job Market Analysis

Sources for the External Recruitment






What kind of the sources to be used? Decision process



Job offer

Process monitoring

External Recruitment Success Factorsexternal recruitment is the HR Process, which is not fully manageable by the HRM Function. The external recruitment involves other external parties and they have to cooperate closely to bring a common success for the organization. The external recruitment is a difficult HR Process when it has to be done properly and meeting stretching requirements and goals of the top management.HRM Function has to take initiatives in four important areas to make the external recruitment efficient, quick and bringing the right quality of candidates:

-Organization Brand Name

-Correct Positioning of Job Posting

Channels Used to promote the job vacancy

Speed of the Recruitment Processbrand name is very important for the external recruitment. The potential job candidates will not apply for the position with the organization, which has no name. The trust of the candidates is the essential for the successful external recruitment. The only way how to hide no name organization is the use of the recruitment agency, which can work without announcing the name of the client.Positioning of the job vacancies is a role of the HRM Function. The HR Recruiter has to recognize the correct media and approach to the advertisement of the job vacancy. The job posting is the same as the commercial advertisement. The target group has to have a chance to be approached by the job advertisement to know about it.channels used to advertise the job vacancy. The common answer of the HR Recruiters is - use the Internet, you cannot lose anything. But the candidates for the position do not have to browse the Internet every day to look for the vacancies. The HR Recruiter has to know the habits and emotions of the target group to select the best channel, which mix the quality of the candidates and the price per one candidate.speed of the external recruitment process is crucial condition for the success. The candidates have to catch and followed very quickly not to lose them in favor of a different organization. When the candidate decides to look for a new career opportunity, then he or she expects to find a solution pretty quickly. The candidate will not wait for a long time to be invited for the job interview and then for the final decision of the organization. The HRM Function has to arrange everything before the external recruitment starts.Recruitment ChannelsExternal Recruitment Channels are the channels used to communicate job vacancies to the public audience and the correct usage of the external recruitment channels brings the right candidates for the positions., the HRM Function is responsible for monitoring the job market and react appropriately to the changes on the job market with the right mix of the channels used to bring the expected level and number of candidates at the affordable costs. The external recruitment is a very costly HR Process and it is under the pressure for the cost savings all the time.HR Recruiter has always to make a complex decision based on the following criteria:





Job Position Requirements

Job Openings Plan and Forecast

Available external recruitment budgetfirst, the external recruitment channels are restricted by the available funds in the allocated budget and the overall job openings plan and forecast. The HRM Function has to prepare the recruitment plan in the beginning of the year as it can allocate funds per channel. Some channels are paid on case-by-case basis, but other channels (mainly the Internet ones) can run on the flat fee basis. The HRM Function has to make the analysis of the cost per hire and to take the right decisions on the level of the whole organization.individual channels used by the HR Recruiter depend on the needs by the position an