Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian
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h does not include animalism, but not lost with their emotional: A burnt child dreads the fire.
5.Наче пава. It is used for image rights, especially women, in bright, colorful and rich costumes. The British called these women a dolly bird. Also, this expression can denote a person with overly identified dignity that haughty, arrogant, patronizing kept to the other. Synonyms to the Ukrainian phrase are ходити павичем, ходити півнем and яка пава.
Animalism, revealing analogy and wordsity of objects of the animal world and the world, feelings and emotions, identifies system caused by ethnic associations and evaluations. It appears as a certain lens, which in each language in different ways reflecting the views of ethnicity in the animal kingdom. So we found that despite the different history, culture and customs, the concept BIRD like in English and in Ukrainian languages ??is equal and to a greater extent has a positive value.
culture of the people verbalizes in the language and the language is an accumulating key concept of culture. Established language picture of the world is a subjective image of the objective world and it has the features of human perception of the world, i.e. anthropocentrism, which permeates the whole language.the concepts are like clumps of national and cultural meanings, link culture. Their study helps to identify a particular worldview of the people and present a conceptual and a national picture of the world.on the sphereof its functioning we can divide concepts into art, everyday and scientific concepts. The architectonics of the concepts as components of the national scientific picture form the conceptual and evaluative components, in art and everyday conceptsalso shaped semantic component is present.concept BIRD which verbalized by means of the English language shall be determined in an undergraduate thesis as a mental unit of an abstract nature that reproduces in the linguistic consciousness the experience of centuries as universal and etnospecific ideas about this animal.comparing the linguistic forms that are inherent in the British and Ukrainian culture, these factors do not get much relief, for example, if you compare the American and Japanese culture. The leitmotif of philosophy of the life of the average American or British is a human activity in the construction of their own destiny. Initiative, hard work closely connected with such traits as individualism, focus on your own I.English sentences prevailing definition, specific and active, and Ukrainian are largely impersonal and passive (Не так сталося, як гадалося / Man proposes, God disposes).feature of the British mentality is the tendency to a positive assessment and they usually avoid the negative particle "not" (as opposed to Ukrainian phraseology):
What can you expect from a hog but a grunt? - З хаманезробишпана.
It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. - Дурнатаптиця, якійсвоєгніздонемиле.
Let the cock crow or not, the day will come. - Віднаснічогонезалежить.
As we have mentioned, one of the main features of the British and Americans are hardworking. Therefore, we believe, in the minds of speakers of English a bird has the following features as diligence and also it appears as a sender of different kind of information. The bird is one of the favorite British creature.
So drawing the conclusions, it should be noted that the concept of a lessknown notion of lexicology has not received a specific definition and it can sometimes take synonymous to close meanings of value terms. It is somehow difficult to study because these terms are slightly differ in meaning.concept is a global mental unit, which is encoded in the human consciousness by units of universal subject code. At the core themes of the concept may lie both some individual and universal sensual images.the investigation we have examined what qualities endowed this or that animal in the phraseology of the compared languages ??(such as cock, goose, crow, etc..) and we have found that in general these values ??are words, but slightly have different shades of meanings.bird can be rightfullyconsidered as a favorite animal of Ukrainians as the majority of phraseology with animalistic elements contains the concept BIRD. This applies only Ukrainian phraseological units.has been also found that the phrase in which the existing name of a certain animal (or bird, or a certain type of a bird), is more emotionally intense than its equivalent in another language, which does not contain this name:
Золота клітка соловя не тішить
No man loves his fetters, be they made of goldmost cases, structurallyphraseologismsdo not differ. Only values are differ, which take "animals" in a different phraseology.the research we have realized that the equivalent phraseological may contain the same concept as the phrase itself may contain the name of another animal. In the second case hue value instantly changes. Maybe so, that does not contain the equivalent of animalistic concept at all. We also came to this conclusion that the concept "bird" in English phraseology finds no equivalent to the same concept in the Ukrainian phraseology in more than 50% of cases.phraseological units which contain the concept BIRD, on the contrary, almost in most cases have full correspondencewith the English equivalent.particular the use of certain phraseology affectslingo-cultural factors. The peculiarity of world-view of British and Ukrainian influences on language organization and what features of human nature inherent in the form of any animal.
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