Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian
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.1 The use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English idioms
English the concept BIRD is marked by a lexeme BIRD. Such examples of birds names in English as: owl, cock, hen, swallow, pigeon, cuckoo, goose, duck, swan, etc. enable us to visualize the image of birds in general. The image of each of these statements is conceptual features as: wish, height, happiness, beauty and intelligence. These signs of consolidation are fasten in such sustained, symbols and associations: the Blue bird (the blue bird of happiness), the Arabian bird (Phoenix), the bird of piece (the dove of peace); to do something like a bird; to sing like a bird (to sing like a lark); nightingales will nor sing in a cage, of lexical-semantic meaning of the concept BIRD in English is based on the collection and idioms with a lexemebird.
.In the minds of speakers of English a state or feeling of freedom is associated with the bird: to get the bird or as free as a bird. In the Ukrainian language a man simply called an independent.There is no differences in the structure, too - He is as free as a bird and Він вільний птах.
2.In English the phrase to do something like a bird means do something willingly. There is no a relevant phraseological in the Ukrainian language. In this sense the concept BIRD takes only positive meaning.
.An interesting example of two phraseological units but with completely opposite meanings: a bird in the bush (something unreal) and a bird in the hand (something real). These expressions can be seen in the English proverb: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and it is an equivalent to Ukrainian proverb: краще синиця в жмені, ніж журавель в небі.
.To make a bird (of) means to hit the target. The Ukrainian version is more neutral. Lost animalistic element.
.An old bird is not caught with chaff. This example of folk wisdom says that a person is experienced in a given case or matter, or seen much in his life. Ukrainian is spoken: старий сич or стріляний/обстріляний птах.
.Another example of animalism in which this concept has an exclusively negative connotation: a little bird told me - сорока на хвості принесла or як сорока на хвості розносить. When animalistic element BIRD changes to the item СОРОКА an emotion and intensity of expression is not lost. When the concept BIRD is lost in Ukrainian version the expression has more vivid meaning.
.To indicate a person who eats a very small amount of food we use suchanimalism in the English language: to eat like a bird. Ukrainians compare it with the sparrow за горобця, з горобину душу that is a very small amount.
.When it is understood that two people have identical views, opinions, or his behavior we say birds of a feather flock together, it means одного гніздечка птиці or одного поля ягода. This estimation of Ukrainian and British coincides and has the same negative value.
.To indicate a hardworking person and a person who does not avoid work and rises early to do everything in time the English says: it is the early bird that catches the worm or an early bird. In the Ukrainian language there are also animalisms which are very words to English: ранній птах, з півнями.
.To kill two birds with one stone. This proverb tells us that people want to have and do everything in time but often left with nothing. The Ukrainian equivalent is убити одним пострілом двох зайців. This wisdom clearly and successfully used the famous Ukrainian writer M. Staritsky in his play Chasing Two Hares.
.The expression on the bird shows that a material is approved for displaying on TV.
In addition to a lexeme BIRD in English idioms different species of birds animalisms are used. For example COCK always symbolizes aggressiveness, fight character, leadership, but at the same time impudence and conceit.
.It is no secret that cock is a harbinger of a new day so with the expression "to sit till the second cock" - сидіти до ранку the British image and emphasize its importance. In this animalism COCK is positive.
2.That cock wont fight means this trick will not work. This phrase is used to show that to repeat the same cause in most cases - a bad one will fail. There is no equivalent in the Ukrainian language.
.To live like a fighting cock means to thrive. In the minds of British people it is good to life as a fighting cock, i.e.бойовим півнем. According to the Ukrainian language there was formed stable expression жити, як у Бога за пазухою.
GOOSE is always portrayed as irrational, but in reality it symbolizes wisdom and practicality, happiness and inspiration, courage and loyalty, commitment and communication, teamwork and confidence. A vivid example of the use of this image in English folklore is Mother Goose (Матінка Гусиня).
.In situations where a person destroys or gets rid of what it was useful English says to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Instead, the concept of Ukrainian GOOSE changed to HEN.
2.Ones goose is cooked means to get into trouble. Perhaps this statement can be considered as a continuation of the previous one. That is, getting rid of something or revealing all the plans, the person finds himself in a desperate situation.
.All ones geese are swans. The Difference between the English proverb and Ukrainian phrase робити з мухи слона is that the Ukrainian is more emotional, as far as a fly is in several hundred times larger than an elephant and shows the absurdity of the situation.
.The goose hangs high. Used to show that everything is going well. Ukrainian say everything goes like clockwork. The Lack of animalism in Ukrainian counterparts does not reduce its expression and brightness.
.Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. This combination in a single expression shows that what is well for one as well for another. The Ukrainians on this issue say: як у лісі гукнеш, так і відгукнеться or який стук, такий грюк.
.To set a fox to keep ones geese. This example of folk wisdom says that man alone creates the problems. It should be noted that the Ukrainian equivalent of this saying is пустити цапа в капусту. Despite the complete change of animalism these expressions do not lose their coloring.
.To say that everything is easy and the situation is under control the British uses the concept DUCK: easy as duck soup or as a duck takes to water.
.Lord love a duck. This expression is very emotional loading. We are not very well imagine what emotions speakers put in this exclamation and what is a duck, so the appropriate phrase in the Ukrainian language devoid animalistic elements (Їй-бо).
.To take to something like a duck to water. When the British wants to show that he is comfortable and he feels good in this situation he uses animalism DUCK, while the Ukrainian compares all this with the concept of FISH. The Ukrainian equivalent isпочуватися як риба у воді.
.The phrase Like water off a ducks back shows that someone does not respond to something or does not influence on anyone. This expression both in English and in Ukrainian has almost an identical content: як з гуски вода.
PIGEON is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Also it is a symbol of true love, peace and tenderness. For mankind pigeon is a mundane love bird, the bird of peace.
.When the British wants to say that people cope with labor, in spite of its external parameters, they use the proverb: Little pigeons can carry great messages. The Ukrainian equivalent does not contain animalistic elements in its structure, but no less interesting: Мале тілом, та велике духом.
2.The expression to put / set a cat among the pigeons shows that someone said or did something wrong, thus offended interlocutors. The Ukrainian equivalent has not been found.
.There are such idioms in English: thats my pigeon, which translates this is my business (це моя справа). This animalism exists only in English and bears the load which is not clear enough for a man of the Ukrainian mentality.
.It is well known that a pigeon symbolizes love and tenderness, family happiness and prosperity. It is not surprising that a responsible and honest man in England associated with this bird: to be somebodys pigeon (нести відповідальнісь).
The concept STORK also can serve as an interesting example of phraseological a symbol of love to a father, mother, and so it is a symbol of family welfare. According to the legend only those yard can live in happiness where storks nest, because he is the sacred bird and to ruin his nest will punished by fire. And stork brings babies into the house. Therefore, expressions using this concept can carry only a single value, which is connected with children.example, the idiom to keep the stork flying means to have many children, and visit from the stork means to a synthesis of mind, courage, youth and strength. Hawk is a mediator between the worlds, because it has the clearest eyes and the fastest wings and this al