Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки

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3; Public concept. Individual concept. Psychologically simple Psychologically complex. Do not add feelings, desires or something irrational. Its complex feelings, desires, irrational. Applies to multiple subject, real or ideal. Do not always concerns multiple of subject. Uncategorized opportunities which are subordinated to laws of logic or requirement pursuant to reality. Existing communication elements, aiming at the pragmatics of art associativity. Aiming at the specific idea that is of part of its logic "tribal" volume. Strive to potential patterns and aiming at them. Free from the scope of logical definition. Performed nominative or definitive feature. Its the characters that have internal organic connection with their values.

In cognitive studies concepts represent relation of the phenomenon of the word of knowledge structures and their reflection in consciousness. Thus, A. Vezhbytska considers the concept as an object with a perfect world that has a name and reflects the cultural and conditioned understanding of human reality [4, 10].. Vezhbytska distinguishes the concept of minimum, maximum and concept-encyclopedic addition (appendix). The concept- minimum is incomplete knowledge of the word (speakers known reality, but not all, as it is concerned, in practice it is vital for it is not important or it is never encountered). The concept covers a maximum depth (full) knowledge of speaker meaning (reality he knows in all aspects), including encyclopedic information, professional knowledge of reality [4, 16]. Thus, if for the inhabitants of Ukraine APPLE concept is concept-maximum, the concept KIWI FRUIT is minimum (speakers do not know how such fruits grow: on the trees or bushes, how to take care about plants, how they bloom when fruits mature etc.).

Each concept has an idealized cognitive model, which refers to all of our understanding of the object at once, in general, an undifferentiated image, which leads to a linguistic sign behavior (role structure). Yes, English joggingбіг підтюпцем and runningбіг have different idealized cognitive model. Jogging is associated with a healthy lifestyle, physical form of middle class people who succeed in societies of developed countries. The concept of the word excludes competition, target situation, and incompatible with the children, the elderly, animals and other concepts common to the running (do not say jog to catch the busбігти підтюпцем, щоб устигнути на автобус or jog after someoneбігти підтюпцем за кимсь but to run to catch the busбігти, щоб устигнути на автобус and run after someoneбігти за кимсь).we can distinguish tree basic approaches in modern linguistics which help us to understand the concept and which based on general states: the concept is a thing which names the concept, synonymous with the meaning.first approach, the representative of which is Yu.S. Stepanov, while considering the concept, pays more attention to the cultural aspect, when the whole culture is understood as a set of concepts and relations between them. The concept is the basic unit of culture in the mental world of man. They occupy a nuclear position in the collective consciousness of language, and therefore their study is extremely urgent.second approach sees the engaging in cognitive linguistics semantics of the linguistic sign is the only means of forming the content of the concept. The representatives of the second approach are N.D. Arutyunova, T.V. Bulygina, A.D. Shmelev and others.representatives of the third approach are D.S. Likhachov and E.S. Kubryakova and they consider that the concept does not directly arise from the meaning of the word, as a result of clashes with the personal meaning of the word and the peoples experience of man, that is, concept is a mediator between words and reality.theory of the concept is proposed by Yu.D. Apresyan, it is based on the following assumptions:

every natural language reflects a certain way of perceiving and organizing the world and expressed values in it which is added in some uniform system of beliefs, a kind of collective philosophy that all language imposed by the carrier;

peculiar way of conceptualizing the language of the world is partly universal and partly nationally specific;

the view of the world (a way of conceptualizing) is nave in the sense that it differs from the scientific world, but it is not primitive notions[1,39].

It should be noted that the above definition of the concept are not mutually exclusive, but emphasize different ways of forming concepts. In our opinion, the most productive is an integrative approach to understand the concept. Concept is a term used to explain mental and psychological resources of the human mind and of the information structures that reflect knowledge and human experience, operational and semantic unit of memory, mental lexicon, conceptual system and language of the brain (lingua mentalist), all world view that is reflected in the human psyche [9, 90].understand the concept not necessarily to know the meaning of the word registered in the dictionary and which serves as a symbol of the concept, just to be able to deal with content components to [3, 16].of conceptual representations of objects and concepts transfixed by ethno - psychological features of human behavior mostly notably in comparison. This is well illustrated by the examples of speech etiquette. For example, for the Slavs an American answer Fine! (Дуже добре!) for a common question How are you? or How are you doing?(Як справи?) doesnt sound honestly. We answer these questions more neutrally and calmly: добре, нормально, нічого, потихеньку. But such answers as погано, так собі or vice versa - чудово, відмінно, краще не буває etc. require interlocutor to be informed or explanation. In the American surroundings we are a little bit disturbed and seems familiar a greeting Hello!, which they very often used, even with strangers. Recently the trend has spread on spoken Hi! (Привіт!). The teacher can say hello to his students just Hi! or Hi, folks! (Привіт, хлопці та дівчата!). The use of such greetings addressing to a stranger does not tell us that Americans are not breeding. This is a method of identifying friendly attitude, intention and to make friends with a man.specific conceptual world with features of customs and traditions and stereotypes of behavior does not accurately reflected in the language of the people, and is born, grows and lives in language, making it indivisibly ethnic, psychological, linguistic, cultural field [10, 27]., all definitions of the concept show the language connections with the culture. Objects of the world are cultural objects of only when information about them is etnospeeched thinking as quantum knowledge of concepts [11, 45]. By this time the term is not precise, although it is listed in linguistics and the study engaged in N.D. Arutyunov, A..P Babushkin, A. Vezhbytska, E.S. Kubryakova, S. Nikitin, V.N. Telia, R.M. Frumkina etc. .notion of a concept is derived from philosophy and logic, but in the last 15 years it undergoes updating and rethinking. Different definitions enable us to identify the following features of the concept:

It is the minimum unit of human experience in its ideal conception, which verbalizes words and structures;

It is the basic unit of processing, storage and transfer of knowledge;

Concept has a precise function;

It is a social concept, its associative field determines the pragmatics of concept;

It is a basic culture center [9, 94].

Lack of general definitions of the concept are connected with the fact that the concept is complex, multidimensional structure, which includes in addition to conceptual framework that not only overthinking by native speaker, but also experienced it, association, emotion, evaluation, national images and connotations that are inherent a particular culture. It should be noted that the concepts are the result of two trends: the desire to display dialectical world, that reflect the world as it is, and the desire to constructive the world in order to subordinate his will and desire of man, that is to introduce the world easier, more rigid and deterministic to the extent that necessary and sufficient for a person to solve practical problems.the components of the methods of describing the concept S. Stepanov identified [12, 383]:

) verbal sense or internal form;

) passive, historical layer concept;

) the latest, the active layer concept.


.2 The problem of the definition between the concept and the significance

course, concept learning in cognitive linguistics is important. But when you try to accurate more and broader study of this issue raises a number of related concepts and terms. First, this is concepts, notions and significances.problem of differentiation is a major in linguistics. Yu.S.Stepanov equates the terms notion and concept: The notion (concept) is the phenomenon of the same order as the meaning of the word, which is seen in another system connections; the value is in the system of language, understanding system logical relations and forms that are studied both in linguistics and in logic[12, 384]. V.Z.Demyankov in his work The notion and the concept in the literature and in scientific language comes to the conclusion that the concept could be the basis for the notion: ... it is not always possible to agree to terms: sometime