Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian
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lows him to carry the soul of the deceased into the Other World.
.Everybody knows that the hawk has an excellent eyesight, so no wonder why the British compare it with the hawks eyes: To have eyes like a hawk. The Ukrainian express it simply: мати гострий зір. In this case, the English version is more emotional.
2.To watch someone like a hawk is a phrase which is used when a person closely watching something, not taking his eyes. There is no a Ukrainian equivalent to this phrase.
SWAN is a symbol of the divine, white swan is a symbol of the Sun and Good, Beauty and true Love. The High expression of loyalty is loyalty to a swan, and the last and the most significant life step is a swan swan is a symbol of evil forces, loneliness and death.a holy bird, he is endowed with an unusually pure and majestic beauty, which combines strength and tenderness, passion and spirituality, loyalty and sacrifice.
.Swan song. Swan is a symbol of endless love and enduring faithfulness. And this is what swans, the grace of God, have and only they are available to know secret - the secret of eternal love, which has been given to their loyalty and sacrifice and has been returned spiritual immortality. How to achieve this know only swans with their loyalty and they just sing about it in their swan song. However, a man can understand this song clearly if he learn a swan fidelity.
2.A striking example of respect to this bird British have showed calling the great English playwright William Shakespeare Swan of Avon. He was born and buried in Stratford-on-Avon.
It should be noted that the analyzed English concept has mostly positive connotations, which are expressed in culture. A bird is a widespread symbol of the spirit and soul in the ancient world that still has a value in Christian symbolism (and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove). The vigilance of a bird (hawk eyes) is another example of a positive perception. Crows and owls in mythology and literature necessarily associated with wisdom (solemn as an owl). For the representatives of English culture the bird in various versions was a symbol of great strength of their country and this idea is proved by popular use of birds in heraldry of the official arms of counties and districts of Great Britain: Maine, Abingdon, Cornwall, West Sussex, Cumberland, Poway, Bedfordshire, in the coats of arms of Australia (kiwi) and of the United States of America (American eagle - bald eagle), each of them has their own bird logo.comparison with a bird was natural for everything what in the mind of man could conquer the elements: as the sky so the sea. No wonder the comparison with the bird is created vessels of ancient Celts and Germans, whose rostrums were decorated with goose neck.centuries the image of birds in English culture contacted with the dream of heaven and with the mans wish to fly, so the last century, he has found himself at the forefront of discoveries and operated in aircraft: it is a form of bird supply aircraft designers all models of aircraft, and the lexeme is used in bird colloquially to describe any flying machine (airplane, rocket, artificial satellite) and in the names of some models, such as aircraft Hy-Bird, Little Bird, Sky bird, T-Bird, Bird of Prey, Lockheed, Black bird, satellites Hot Bird, Eurobird, etc.
.2 The use of animalism to the concept BIRD in Ukrainian phraseological units
conceptПТАХ takes some other value in the minds of Ukrainians and sometimes have very unexpected correspondences in English.
1.Битися наче птах у клітці (to make both ends meet, to earn ones keep). This expression describes Ukrainian difficult financial situation, poverty. Here, the Ukrainian version seems more emotionally full.
2.Тільки пташиного молока нема.It is shown completely opposite meaning to the first example. It speaks of prosperous life, that is you have completely everything for a good life.
3. Не нашого пера пташка or птах не нашого польоту is a person who does not belong to a circle, something different from it. The British also say: a cuckoo in the nest. Changing of the concept пташка in English on cuckoomade ??the Ukrainian version more neutral, although the structurally variants are the same.
.A man who occupies a high position in society and has the power, weight, greatly influenced the Ukrainians compare with the bird: важливий птах, велика птиця, птах високого польоту, велика цяця. The English also say: he thinks himself a swell. The equivalents in comparable languages ??have slightly different structures because of the lack of animalistic elements in English. Antonym of expression in the Ukrainian language is the expressionптах низького польоту.
5.Перелітний птах.One can easily understand why someone who does not stay long in one place is compared with the bird. We find Ukrainian equivalent with the same structure in English: bird of passage.
6.Синій птах.It is a symbol of happiness, the ideal in Ukraine that represents for someone most cherished dreams, aspirations. It is difficult to understand what kind of a bird it is and why it is of this particular color, and what qualities has this animal in this sustainable terms. In English, this phrase has no equivalent.
.The question що за птиця? can have two meanings. The first is to ask who that person is. And the second one is used to express contempt and humiliation. We find an equivalent which is very words to a Ukrainian: What kind of bird is he / she?.
8.Воля краща пташці від золотої клітки.An English equivalent: Nightingales will not sing in a cage. Also English phrase is No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold which translates like bands are always the burden, whether they made of gold and the Ukrainian language has the following equivalents: Золота клітка соловя не тішить та Воля пташці краща від золотої клітки.Indeed, what could be worse for a bird that is born to fly under the arch of heaven than captivity in a small, even gold, gate.
КУРКА is a symbol of motherhood, kindness and care. However, a hen can impersonate distrust and imprudence which is generated in insecurity.
1.Курям на сміх, кури засміютьor кури сміються is used when a person makes an unfavorable impression of oneself, puts oneself in a ridiculous way. Here HEN is a symbol of weakness and feebleness, weakness in relation to oneself and to others. If they laugh at, then there is helpless to oneself and to others. Such helpless that even henslaugh. The English equivalent is losing animalistic elements: to become a laughing-stock.
2.Як курка лапою. By this phraseology Ukrainian call bad handwriting, ugly, awkward, messy written letters. Also used курячі лапи and як сорока по тину. The English term is more neutral: to write a bad hand.
3.І кури не клюють.Is used to indicate the person who has a lot of money. The English equivalent was not found.
.These phraseological units as і курки ніде випустити, ніде курці клюнути/ступити/голови простромити denote small area or a situation where it is very closely. Englishmen also can say to be a tight squeeze / fit. Ukrainian version is more emotional.
5.Носитися як курка з яйцем. To show excessive care, pay too much attention to something insignificant. Hereкурка acts as overly careful person who can often exaggerate their duties. The English equivalent has the same structure:Fussy as a hen with one chick.
An interesting example is the concept of unit animalistic ВОРОНА. It is an ominous bird, which is connected to the world of the dead. However, due to the fact that crows live long, even up to three hundred, he, with considerable experience, has a very important ability - to penetrate into the secret world, provides a variety of events, particularly sad, give advice in difficult situations in particular to soldiers in battle, brings news, however, always tragic (the people say:Ворон кряче на нещастя!).
1.Не каркай, як та ворона.Get on in the conversation as a warning against something undesirable. This sample of folk wisdom has an equivalent in English which lost animalistic elements: to prophesy ill.
2.Ворон лічити. Here, "ворон" shows laziness, not to want to work, that is to idle. This phrase has the appropriate phrase in English: to stand gaping about. There is also a synonymous in the Ukrainian language with the term ловити гав.
3.Біла ворона. It is a symbol of something rare, unusual, which in principle should not be, but from some amazing and no understandable reasons it exists. Also it can be a person who stands out among other unusual, not like the others. The English equivalent of the phraseological retained its Latin origin: raraavis.
4.Лякана ворона куща боїться.This sample of folk wisdom is an equivalent to English, whic