Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian
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s more productive to reconstruct the usual meanings or concepts, and on the basis of perceptions, old concepts, not destroying them, to try to construct a new concept [6, 45].for the opposition concept vs. notion occasionally note that last unit provides information on sample knowledge and concept except this can provide the sphere of its use. Therefore, the concept in factual terms is broader than notion, as it displays any sign of the object, while the notion is always associated only with the presentation of a set of necessary and sufficient logical evidence for its identification. Concept is not just a notion but also is the most complex, most important of them, without which it is difficult to imagine a culture (the Germans order and the Ukrainians hospitality).comparison with the concept the notion has a simpler structure: it prevails consistency and there are not all the components as shown in the structure of a concept [11, 38]. For example, in the 60s years it was believed that intellectual is the one who reads poetry. In addition, the number of lexical items that are concepts are limited because not all signs of certain phenomena are concepts. Concepts are only signs that relevant and valuable to this culture, serve as subjects for proverbs and sayings, poems and prose works. They represent certain characters, logos, text indicating the situation, knowledge that created them.the term concept refers to the content of the concept, considering it (concept) as synonymous with the term understanding. Synonym to concept is the term significance. That is the significance of a word is the subject or those subjects to which the word is used correctly, in accordance with the norms of this or that language, and the concept is an understanding of the speech.linguists believe that the concept is a broader term than lexical meaning (V.I.Karasyk, S.A.Askoldov). Other researchers believe that the concept corresponds with the word in one of its values ??(D.S.Lihachov, V.P.Moskvin) [11, 40]. So we came to the conclusion that the concept and the significance are different terms. The concept is a relatively stable cognitive bar with the object of reality, as it is connected with the world more directly than the significance. While the word in its meaning is only part of its concept. But to gain access to the concept is best through language, word, sentence and discourse.
Any attempt to grasp the essence of the concept leads to the realization of the existence of a number of related concepts and terms.It is known that terms such as concept, notion and significance in the real word are often used as synonyms and often function by replacing each other in order to avoid monotonous repetition.In this regard, most linguists point to the need for dilution of terms such as concept,notion andsignificance.relationship between the concept and the meaning of the word that is the significance is part of the relationship between linguistic and nonlinguistic knowledge, conceptual and lexical-semantic information.phenomena - the concept and the significance - are of cognitive nature, both are the result of reflection and understanding the reality of the human mind. However, the significance and the concept are the products of different kinds of consciousness i.e. the conceptual and linguistic.researchers noted that just like the notion, the concept is not equal to the significance: the concept is a unit concept sphere and the significanceis a unit of semantic space of language.For an explication of the concept it is usually required multiple lexical units, which means that we need many values. The significance and the concept are correlated as communicatively relevant part and the entiremental.and psychologists of the functional orientation believe that a child acquires and adds concept system during its life on the basis of language and its own interaction with the environment through the senses. Conceptualization is the process of socialization of the which the individual is immerse as theprocesses of conceptualization is creating the network of material and spiritual levels and determining assessments, norms, values, human livelihoods in a particular cultural and social environment. Language and cultural identity in the process of conceptualization are determined essential and mutuall. The concept is a major cultural center in the mental world of man through which the person penetrates into the culture and impacts on it.
PART II. Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian
display of nature, including its wildlife, in phraseological images associated with more traditional pre-Christian times, when people felt themselves as a part of nature and the very nature personified, endowed representatives of flora and fauna qualities inherent for a man. So over the years in the minds of the different cultures have formed various stereotypes, different ideas about the flora and fauna that we can see from the examples of folk art: fairy tales, proverbs, sayings etc.. It also appeared in phraseological units, which include the names of flora and fauna, with their inherent human qualities either it is diligence or fidelity, laziness, cunning. These phraseological units have received the name of animalism or zoon.Geographic and cultural distance of language regions contributes to the uniqueness of many imaginative and emotive understanding of animals. The nature and content-oriented emotive associations often determined not by the properties of animals and its lifebut in the national folklore and mythological and literary contexts.s consider some representation which receives some animals. For example, the value associated with a fox in compared languages ??shows the same direction - this animal is associated with cunning and deceit (in Ukrainian - старий лис, хитрий лис; in English -sly as a fox; to play the fox). The wolf symbolizes cruelty, ruthlessness (злий, як вовк, вовком дивиться; to throw someone to the wolves). In English, the image of the wolf becomes humorous connotations of ladies man (only in the American version): Wolf-Whistle is mens favorable whistle with the advent of an attractive woman. However, in the minds of Ukrainians wolf has respectful connotations in the case of their use in a figurative sense - людина, що багато пережила, загартована життям - in English - the old wolf, fired wolf, sea wolf.Bear in both languages ??is important both in positive and in negative connotation. The Bear is called strong man: to be a bear punishment (бути витривалим), великий, як ведмідь, дужий, як ведмідь. It can also be clumsy person (як ведмідь у танці), or crude and tasteless (the one who plays the bear).Lion in the British outlook was extremely positive association, because for centuries it is the national emblem and symbol of Great Britain what is reflected in the political metaphor to twist the Lions tail, affect the interests of England. It is associated with strength and courage lion-heanted - courageous, steadfast.animalism monkey in both languages ??takes the meaning of a poser and grimacer: мавпувати, to ape, to play the ape, to monkey. In the Ukrainian consciousness monkeys association is followed by comparing the appearance of animals and humans, hence people often call an ugly person - monkey (in terms of appearance).turtle in both languages ??is associated with weakness, slowness; the donkey is associated with embodiment of stupidity; the ox is associated with a hard work., we see that some of the features given to animals in the English and Ukrainian languages ??are words and yet there are differences. They are dictated by the national stereotype of a particular animal.Animalism to the concept BIRD also differently represented in comparable languages.concept BIRD, which is a part of human consciousness is not just a living being, having the ability to fly, but also through specific ideological character it objectified the abstract ideological values ??and ideals. The study of practical material of our work is the theoretical position that the substantive aspects of the concepts are only partially objectification in language, in other words, verbalization are the elements that make up the concepts. Concept is considered as a conceptual picture of the world map which acts as the corresponding fragment of a language picture of the world.particular, the Ukrainian folk the birds symbolism is the creatures that are linked to other worlds, i.e. to worlds of higher supernatural forces. People believed that the souls of the dead were returning in the form of birds to the earth in the spring.a different picture of the bird is in the English symbolism. Birds in English are often the messenger and even cause of death.concept BIRD in European culture is linked with the ideas of freedom and dream which are always trying to achieve their goals and development. In most cases the value of the animalism with the concept BIRD matches in comparable languages. Especially to our opinion there is an interesting animalism вільний птах which is presented in both languages ??(as free as a bird). This image is used to describe a person who is independent in its actions and behavior.find out what kind of set values ??of the concept are inherent in phraseology only in the Ukrainian language or in the English language it should be more practical to work with the study of values ??and with the structure of the phraseology of the concept BIRD that appears in the compared languages