Business the plan as strategic object of the company
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but its solution can significantly enhance the role of the financial system in the future.
the scientific and methodical literature presented enough options to define strategic management, which focuses on various aspects of this complex administrative process.current pace of change and increase the volume of knowledge is so great that planning is the only way to predict the real future challenges and opportunity. Planning also provides a basis for making effective management decisions. When we know what the organization wants to achieve, it is easier to find the most appropriate action. Planning helps reduce risks when making decisions. Taking informed planning decisions, management reduces the risk of errors caused by incorrect or misleading information about the possibilities of the enterprise or the external situation. Planning is to formulate and achieve key objectives within the organization.plan of an organization - is a document that clearly demonstrates the success of the business and its profitability, appealing to those who could potentially support it, a document which sets forth concise, accurate and clear description of its goals, objectives, conducted market research and business opportunities, justified development trends are formed and vendors and buyers are analyzed, quality of products assessed, assessed all risks and proposed mitigation measures, produced estimates of cash flows are calculated forward-looking statements financial statements, financial ratios are calculated, determined and calculated indicators of business would be wrong to consider the business plan as a once and forever defined business strategy. When using the strictly fixed parameters, the relevance of a particular development can be easily lost. Business planning can think through new ways of conduct business on the basis of the analyzed scenarios. Therefore, there are no universal guidelines and cannot be. Business plan, perhaps, the only official document allowing such a large variability in its formulation and implementation. For any business plan it is required, according to most authors, only a marketing plan, production plan, financial and organizational plans, the latter should saturate all of these sections. In all other cases, each business plan depends on a huge number of factors, primary among them - himself an entrepreneur, with his goals, professionalism and focus on success. It is important to remember that planning is not in itself guarantee success, but it can provide many important and beneficial factors for achieving it.
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Factors influencing the choice of strategy
[1] UNIDO (The United Nations Industrial Development Organization) - is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mandate is to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition, and work towards improving living conditions in the world's poorest countries by drawing on its combined global resources and expertise.
[2] COMFAR (Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting) - UNIDO has been working with governments, business associations, development banks and individual companies to solve industrial problems - and equip them to help themselves. One of the tools developed to serve this purpose is the COMFAR. This is licensed software currently used in a financial institutions for financial analysis and evaluation of economic efficiency of investment projects aimed primarily at attracting foreign investments.
[3] PROPSPIN (Project Profile Screening and Pre-appraisal Information system) - is an information system pre-project evaluation. It was developed by UNIDO to develop, research and analysis of industrial investment projects. As COMFAR, PROPSPIN is a licensed and internationally recognized software product. PROPSPIN designed to:
formulating an investment project;
study the effects of changes of selected parameters;
prepare possible scenarios based on different assumptions about the future of the project.