Business the plan as strategic object of the company
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nd depositors;)the ability of the credit institution for long-term survival as a profitable credit institutions;)management adequacy of the credit institution.
2.2 Banks business plan structure
Here is the typical structure of the business plan of the bank:
. General information about the credit institution
1.1. Name of the credit institution;
.2. Information about establishment of a credit institution;
.3. Location of the credit institution;
.4. The authorized capital of credit organization;
.5. Information about the audit organization (auditor);
.6. Persons with whom the cooperation in the process of reviewing the business plan is held;
. Business prospects of the credit institution
.1. Goals, objectives and market-oriented policies of the credit institution;
.2. Influence of economic and legal conditions in the country and regions attend on the activities of credit organization;
.3. The main parameters of active and passive operations, expected financial results;
.4. Risk management of the credit organization;
.5. Assessment of compliance with obligatory standards and obligatory reserve requirements;
.6. Status, possibilities and limitations of the customer base;
.7. Capabilities and limitations of branches network, representative offices, separate departments and exchange offices;
.8. Participation in the banking groups and bank holding companies;
. Management system of the credit institution
.1. Scheme and the development of the credit institution;
.2. Internal control system;
.3. Internal documents regulating the conduct banking operations;
. Founders (participants) of credit institution
.1. Information about founders (participants) of credit institution;
.2. Nature of relations between the founders (participants);
.3. Financial position and business activities of founders (participants);
. Features of the credit institution
.1.Material and technical support;
.2. Personnel policy;
. Other significant factors that, in the opinion of the credit institution are required to reveal the main objectives of the business plan.attachments business plan should also include:
balance of payments with a breakdown of some of its articles;
plan of income, expenses and profit with a breakdown of some of its articles;
the forecast performance of certain obligatory standards;
assumptions admitted ??in the business plan.information contained in the business plan must necessarily reveal the contents of the following aspects of the credit institution.of these aspects should include the results of the SWOT-analysis, which allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a credit institution, as well as potential opportunities and threats.
. Goals, objectives and market-oriented policies of the credit institution. In determining the goals and objectives of the credit institution there should be reflected the long-term vision the role and place in the banking market, the specific features of its positioning in the market environment, as well as the most important principles of commercial activity.of commercial activity:
in relation to the commercial activities (the target orientation on market segments of banking and financial services, the definition of market specialization of credit institution, the regional aspect of the business of credit institutions);
in relation to the client (the target orientation related to the customer base, short and clear description of what needs which customers do have and how is going to provide a credit institution);
in relation to managers and employees (the target orientation with respect to the business culture of the credit institution);
in relation to the founders (participants) (description of the interests of the founders (participants), arising from the goals and objectives set by them before a credit institution, and how is going to meet the credit institution);
in relation to banking technologies (task orientation on the use and improvement of banking technologies).oriented policy of the organization should include a description of the spectrum of its banking operations and transactions (planned change in the spectrum compared with the actual state - for operating credit organizations created as a result of conversion, the planned range of - for credit institutions, created as a result of other forms of restructuring, as well as newly created credit institutions).of economic and legal conditions in the country and regions on the activities of credit institutions. A credit institution should present its assessment of the impact dynamics of economic indicators and indicators of financial markets, the main areas of business, taking into consideration, including, product orientation, and prospects for business activity in the regional context, including:
results of marketing research (types of services that are highly demanded, key customers and their preferences, potential competitors, the benefits of the credit institution, the activities of capturing the market niche of banking services, ongoing activities, opportunities and limitation to expand the niche and scope of banking operations - for credit institutions, capabilities and limitations in capturing a niche - for newly established credit institutions);
the actual distribution of the business volume of the credit institution, by regions (the possibilities and limitations of existing branches, representative offices, internal departments and exchange offices);
. Description of the main parameters of active and passive operations, expected financial results should include:
analysis of active operations (performed from the position of operations like liquidation, profitability, risk, timing of placement);
analysis of passive operations (performed by type of transaction, terms of borrowing, cost of funds, contractors);
analysis of the status and dynamics of the capital;
analysis of volume and structure of incomes, expenses and profit, the rationale for indicators.
. Risk management in the credit institution (credit risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, market risk, operational and other risks). A credit institution shall reveal intra-bank principles of risk management, measures for the prevention of financial difficulties.
. Assessment of compliance with obligatory standards and obligatory reserve requirements:
calculation of prudential norms that have a quantitative assessment, substantiation and evaluation of conformity of the planned indicators established criteria;
calculation of allocations to legal reserves (as at the beginning of each year of operation) based on indicators of "Explanation of individual articles account balance", "The structure of assets and liabilities of credit organizations".
. Status, possibilities and limitations of the customer base, including the actual state of the customer base and planned changes in comparison with the actual state.
. Capabilities and limitations of a branches network, representative offices, separate divisions and exchange offices in the regions for which the credit institution intends to extend its influence.
. Participation in the banking groups and bank holding companies.
. Information about management system, which includes a description of the following elements:
scheme of the credit institution, the principles of the distribution of administrative functions between the management of the credit organization and power between leaders of this organization, including the subordination of the functions and departments, committees (with their names and planned staff departments);
development of the credit institution, including organizational structure, improvement of banking technologies, the development of internal control, accounting management system, the transition to accounting in accordance with international standards of accounting and financial reporting;
internal control system - a description of the system of internal control in credit institutions, including quantitative and personal composition of the internal control, a description of intra-bank system about counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime;
documents that regulate banking operations, procedures for their approval;
. The list of founders (participants).
. Information about securing the credit institution, including:
.1. Material-technical base of the credit institution - a description of security of the credit institution:
Building, where is (will be) a credit institution located, indicating the proper use of it or it is carried out (will be) on the basis of the lease (sublease), indicating the duration;
office equipment and banking facilities;
vehicles, including special technical devices for the formation of the security staff and banking activities (including software tools to protect information against unauthorized access), as well as fire safety systems;
.2. Personnel policy.
internal documents relating to the corporate culture of a credit institution, the prospects of developing corporate culture credit institution;
number and qualifications of personnel, changes in these parameters in the planning period, the basic qualification requirements for managers of medium and low-level qualifications for staff;
incentive system of labor motivation inside the organization.
.3 The processs essence of the banks business plan realization
put into practice a business plan